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Being funny - You're doing it wrong

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Hello guys.

Annoyed by guys that do the same stuff over and over again, like this:
Posting screenshots of post that have x replies, have been viewed x times, downloaded x times or stuff like that, while x is 1337, 666 or 42.

That is not special. Who said that this is funny or anybody does care at all?
This is fun in the first times, but after seeing everyones album spammed with 666 and 1337 views/dls/rep pictures I really got annoyed by it.

Another thing is, trolling is not funny, its ridiculous and stupid. Whoever needs to troll should seriously troll the mirror. It just does not belong to the internet at all, even if some people don't get the reason why not.

Also, spamming and flaming people is sh*t. Giving constructive critism is the way to go.

Also if you write in English, please use proper English and try to use symbols like fullstops. They really help other people.

When presenting a map, nobody actually cares about a wall of text.
Quoting other guys to do fun with it isn't funny at all either.

What really is fun (but still shouldn't be done):
- Funny comments in the rep section. Like Pyrities 0rep but I want to say something comments.

What all people will enjoy:
- Normal jokes. And with that I mean all kind of jokes.
- Telling funny things, like mistakes that you've recently made.

Just my 2 cents.
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Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
I'm more of the opinion that content within a post should relate entirely to the topic of the thread. Anything off-topic is best done in a chatroom or private/visitor message. Posts of another kind only result in chaos, making the thread more difficult to understand. This also means that abhorrent posts: any post unrelated to the topic, should be entirely ignored and possibly reported to encourage discretion in the offender.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
When presenting a map, nobody actually cares about a wall of texts.

Fail grammar is fail, hahaaha.

Posting screenshots of a post / posts that have x replies, have been viewed x times, downloaded x times or stuff like that, while x is 1337, 666 or 42.

Hahahaha, more fail grammar.
(I added the red stuff to show what you were missing)
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
Also if you write in English, please use proper English and try to use symbols like fullstops. They really help other people.

What I find to be much more annoying though are debates that end up as discussions about grammatical errors instead of the actual topic (although I have seen more of those on other sites, but that might partially be due to my inactivity on the forum).
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Hello guys.
Another thing is, trolling is not funny, its ridiculous and stupid. Whoever needs to troll should seriously troll the mirror. It just does not belong to the internet at all, even if some people don't get the reason why not.

Don't feed the troll(s).

What all people will enjoy:
- Normal jokes. And with that I mean all kind of jokes.
- Telling funny things, like mistakes that you've recently made.

Just my 2 cents.

Opinion on jokes is subjective, so why should you determine what jokes we should and should not tell?
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
The_Reborn_Devil, if you are not able to say anything topic related, please don't post.
I know that I make grammar mistakes, but at least I try to write proper English.

But in this case grammar is a topic (proper English actually, but I'd say grammar is an aspect of that).

Opinion on jokes is subjective, so why should you determine what jokes we should and should not tell?

Agreed with Fussiler. If Chuck Norris jokes (for example) are considered normal I got to say I don't find them to be funny (or enjoyable). :p

That example is from a user's album, I don't see the harm in that really.

Neither do I. I'm sure not many people would care about 1337/over 9000 comments, but that goes for a lot of other things as well. I'd say people are free to put stuff in their albums (as long as it follows the rules) and others are free to look at it/ignore it.
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But in this case grammar is a topic (proper English actually, but I'd say grammar is an aspect of that).
Yes, but correcting mistakes leads to offtopic discussions like this. [/end]

Agreed with Fussiler. If Chuck Norris jokes (for example) are considered normal I got to say I don't find them to be funny (or enjoyable). :p
I didn't say anything about which jokes are funny?

Neither do I. I'm sure not many people wouldn't care about 1337/over 9000 comments, but that goes for a lot of other things as well. I'd say people are free to put stuff in their albums (as long as it follows the rules) and others are free to look at it/ignore it.
What did I say against this? Basically all I was doing is to say that I can't see why people act this way.
Ok, you said normal jokes. Define "normal". :p
Normal jokes are jokes that people actually see as jokes, mainly means not ironically.

From the thread title I'd say you were trying to say it was wrong to post images like the given example.
I said that I do not know why everyone is doing that.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Hello guys.
Another thing is, trolling is not funny, its ridiculous and stupid.
So you're calling me ridiculous and stupid? What you think is trolling is actually "faggotry and failtrolling". Get your definitions right. Trolling is art so delicate that you can actually mess up everything by making one little mistake.
Your arrogance is aggravating. It's like saying "Mozart sucks" when you don't know the first thing about music.

Whoever needs to troll should seriously troll the mirror. It just does not belong to the internet at all, even if some people don't get the reason why not.
Who the fuck are you to say who can use the internet and who can't? Your arrogance is disgusting me. I think if all people like you were banned from the internet, trolling would be no more.

Also, spamming and flaming people is shit. Giving constructive critism is the way to go.
I fixed that for you.
I'm guessing posting half-ass and arrogant crap is a whole lot better. Congratulations, you made me throw my phone against the wall while raging.
It's broken.

Also if you write in English, please use proper English and try to use symbols like fullstops. They really help other people.
The internet is for EVERYONE, not just for the English high society, self-centric brat.

When presenting a map, nobody actually cares about a wall of text.
Quoting other guys to do fun with it isn't funny at all either.
You just made this post ironic because of "please use proper English"

What really is fun (but still shouldn't be done):
- Funny comments in the rep section. Like Pyrities 0rep but I want to say something comments.
You're stupid. What on EARTH is the difference between saying something in the forums and spamming fake repmessages? Really. Due to me trying to not flame you, I'm just going to say this: FACEPALM

What all people will enjoy:
- Normal jokes. And with that I mean all kind of jokes.
- Telling funny things, like mistakes that you've recently made.

Firstly, you're a joke yet nobody enjoys your presence.
Secondly, you started this retarded thread by saying you can't make jokes about postcount etc... Now you're saying any joke is allowed. What's the matter with you? Not everything you say is right, unlike what you think arrogant bastard. Just because you say something is unfunny doesn' t make that true. AT ALL.
Just my 2 cents.

Your 2 cents stink. You can have them back and I hope you never post again.

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Okay devine, just for you I will answer your stuff.

So you're calling me ridiculous and stupid? What you think is trolling is actually "faggotry and failtrolling". Get your definitions right. Trolling is art so delicate that you can actually mess up everything by making one little mistake.
Your arrogance is aggravating. It's like saying "Mozart sucks" when you don't know the first thing about music.
Does this belong to the thread at all?

Who the fuck are you to say who can use the internet and who can't? Your arrogance is disgusting me. I think if all people like you were banned from the internet, trolling would be no more.
And I am just saying people that are in the internet should thread other people the same way as they do in real life. Nothing less, nothing more.

I fixed that for you.
I'm guessing posting half-ass and arrogant crap is a whole lot better. Congratulations, you made me throw my phone against the wall while raging.
It's broken.
And what does that have to do with the thread?

The internet is for EVERYONE, not just for the English high society, self-centric brat.
I didn't say that, but I said if you agree to a ToS that includes English only you should try to speak proper English. That includes the most basic rules that everyone knows, but some do not follow them because they are either to lazy or think its cool to not follow them.

You just made this post ironic because "please use proper English"
Do you think so?

You're stupid. What on EARTH is the difference between saying something in the forums and spamming fake repmessages? Really. Due to me trying to not flame you, I'm just going to say this: FACEPALM
Ah, another troll. Congratulation, but you will not make me angry or something. I will just let this stand here.

Firstly, you're a joke yet nobody enjoys your presence.
Can this be more harassing? Reported.

Secondly, you started this retarded thread by saying you can't make jokes about postcount etc... Now you're saying any joke is allowed. What's the matter with you? Not everything you say is right, unlike what you think arrogant bastard. Just because you say something is unfunny doesn' t make that true. AT ALL.
Where did I say that every joke is allowed? Tell me.

Your 2 cents stink. You can have them back and I hope you never post again.

Stop abusing.

And btw, if you have nothing real constructive to say, just don't post here.
Go out and enjoy the life. Thats much better.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
And ofcourse, devine had to post. Devine, I've read parts of your post and since there is nothing except harassing and making fun of this thread, I will ignore it.

You won't even listen to me.

The post that breaks your thread is ignored and so you will always win. Yes.
I reported this and I hope you get banned for this. Seriously. You've been pulling shit like this for months now and it has come to the point where it has to stop. You're ruining this community.

.. trolololol?
I didn't really do that >.<
I'm just trying to express how hard I raged when I read this bullshitthread. No trolling intended.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Devine, check the last post from me again.
I'm sorry, I didn't see that :3, I'll reply to that right now:

You're wrong all the way and what breaks your thread the most is depicted by you as trolling. You do not know what trolling is so don't talk about it. The very few times I've trolled here on thw, most people didn't even notice and you most certainly weren't able to tell.

To your question "where did I say any jokes were allowed?"


"Normal jokes. And with that I mean all kind of jokes"
"Normal jokes. And with that I mean all kind of jokes"
"Normal jokes. And with that I mean all kind of jokes"
"Normal jokes. And with that I mean all kind of jokes"

Also, yes, what you said about maps wasn't written in English, I'm pretty sure.

Anachron is doing a darn good job of trolling us and no one has noticed it yet.
Trolling != attentionwhoring.
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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
So you're calling me ridiculous and stupid? What you think is trolling is actually "faggotry and failtrolling". Get your definitions right. Trolling is art so delicate that you can actually mess up everything by making one little mistake.
Your arrogance is aggravating. It's like saying "Mozart sucks" when you don't know the first thing about music.

Who the fuck are you to say who can use the internet and who can't? Your arrogance is disgusting me. I think if all people like you were banned from the internet, trolling would be no more.

I fixed that for you.
I'm guessing posting half-ass and arrogant crap is a whole lot better. Congratulations, you made me throw my phone against the wall while raging.
It's broken.

The internet is for EVERYONE, not just for the English high society, self-centric brat.

You just made this post ironic because "please use proper English"

You're stupid. What on EARTH is the difference between saying something in the forums and spamming fake repmessages? Really. Due to me trying to not flame you, I'm just going to say this: FACEPALM

Firstly, you're a joke yet nobody enjoys your presence.
Secondly, you started this retarded thread by saying you can't make jokes about postcount etc... Now you're saying any joke is allowed. What's the matter with you? Not everything you say is right, unlike what you think arrogant bastard. Just because you say something is unfunny doesn' t make that true. AT ALL.

Your 2 cents stink. You can have them back and I hope you never post again.

... Print screen... aaaand... New screensaver.
Thank you very much.
Level 31
Feb 23, 2008
I love how users all hate trolling on a regular basis. But, when someone stands up and makes a thread about how retarded trolling (among other things) is, everyone goes apeshit.

Personally, I think being a troll makes you an insecure attention whore, but thats just me...

As for the rest of the crap, I don't see what the problem is. I mean, ofc its not funny, but apparently some people think it is. And, as long as they don't spam the forum with it I don't see any issue. Both of your examples are in albums. I don't see any reason to give a shit about albums.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Basically what Mr.Bob said.

If you can't make a well-thought reply, don't post it.
Devine and Ramza, stop offtopic.

Seriously guys, think before posting. I am not trolling, I just want you to ask why so many people are actually trolling. And that I want hive to be a more friendly place.

Dan van Ohllus said:
To enjoy the angry reactions from other users.
I am not trolling just because others do. I respect other beings. All should do that.

Rule breaks in this thread only:
Devine: Discrimation, Spam
Ramza: Spam
fladdermasken: Spam

And that in 1 thread only. Good job guys. I bet you feel strong, happy and cool.
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
This thread should be closed already.

But I dont really understand how you came up with an idea to create a thread like this. It works as a lure for trolls and makes them to come out from their caves. Or wait. I got it. YOU are trolling us. Because nobody would come up with a thread like this.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
Lol, making like the 1000th thread about troll-ers won't help us stopping. So please, make this be the last thread 'bout it.

Seriously guys, think before posting. I am not trolling, I just want you to ask why so many people are actually trolling. And that I want hive to be a more friendly place.

I think you should ask yourself what the internet is. The bigger the community gets, the more troll-ers, spammers, whatever-s are created. You and me can't do anything about it. I bet the half users on THW are trollers, and have trolled a lot on random threads. Hell, even Pyritie keeps spamming his posts with those Sometimes annoying Pokemon pics. I personally do not like trolling, but what can I do about it?

Rule breaks in this thread only:
Devine: Discrimation, Spam
Ramza: Spam
fladdermasken: Spam

And that in 1 thread only. Good job guys. I bet you feel strong, happy and cool.

Wow. It's like you used this thread to lure someone troll/spam/whatever just so you could say they're "cool, happy, whatever", which is just said ironically. That's not too "professional" I think. And wouldn't you consider this thread as trolling as well? Isn't this something that should be talked about to THE MAIN MAN, Ralle? Or at least in the Chat.

Type in "Troll" in the search this thread box, and you get this, 7 pages about it, including some random things. And that's only for off-topic. There's a lot of troll-threads in other sub-forums.

Right now, I'm neither spamming, trolling, nor flaming. I'm just saying, and sorry if i offended someone, I'm dead-fucking-serious right now at this point, we do not have anything from these kind of threads. I just lost 10 minutes on writing this message, which I think is really pathetic that I do. Ignore trolls, and for what do we have the admins/moderators? You just report some troll/flaming post, moderators/admins negative rep them. and they'll Hopefully shut-the-fuck-up.
Wow. It's like you used this thread to lure someone troll/spam/whatever just so you could say they're "cool, happy, whatever", which is just said ironically. That's not too "professional" I think. And wouldn't you consider this thread as trolling as well? Isn't this something that should be talked about to THE MAIN MAN, Ralle? Or at least in the Chat.
I don't know where to post, that is why I posted it here.
I was posting this thread in the intension that people will learn and be more friendly, but it seems like people just don't want to be friendly here.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Anachron believes that everyone who disagrees with him and brings up a good point to show him why he's wrong, is trolling. So basicly the only person that's not a troll is anachron's mom. It also doesn't matter that he started a thread involving the topic trolling. I would have bashed him anyway.
Seriously, nobody invited you trolls. You are saying non relevent stuff all the time.
If you really want to know why I think that you are troll, check your last posts.
All of them are offtopic and include harassing and irony or just arrogant "I don't need to listen to anyone because I know everything" stuff.

Seriously, if we don't help each other, we can't help ourself.
And as long as you keep posting such stuff I will not care about your opinion, because its not related to this thread, but to make you happy for your trolling.
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