Become a Mythic Boss in Warpath!

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Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
I have a challenge to those who are interested.
Design a boss creature for my map, Warpath.

A Mythic Boss, or Mythic Creature, is basically an exceptionally strong mob that you may encounter during the game. There are three random boss spawns per map. Once a boss is defeated (read: whichever faction did the most damage to it before it hit 15% hp,) it will defend that faction's base.

Defending the base includes spawning an additional creep per lane every wave, and physically defending the base themselves.

What I need from you are the following.

Boss' name.

Model to be used.

Storyline (How does it tie to Warpath, which characters does it tie into if any, and why are they not already sided with one of the other factions.)

Spells or special events during the fight.

Creeps spawned.

Special items. (Each boss owns three items. They drop one randomly upon defeat, and all 3 items are available to be "built" in the replica shop afterwards.)

Here's an example of a Mythic Boss already in place.

Nhakxra, the Broodmother.

-Forest Spider model.

-Nhakxra is known throughout the lands as a feared adversary due to the insatiable hunger that both she and her children bear. She is known to have wreaked havoc amongst both living and undead alike during the Darkener's War. She is a deciever and is not easily swayed by others, unless she can gain something monumental from the ordeal.

-She has some basic shadow strike and webbing abilities, as well as summoning smaller spiderlings in swarms that will enrage if not killed after a certain duration. She uses a ranged attack that slows opponents and deals damage over time.

-While guarding a faction, she spawns two spiderlings per lane that have a venomous ranged attack.

Nhekxra's Husk: Grants armor, intelligence, damage, and there is a chance when struck that the larvae inhabiting the Husk will latch on to an opponent, dealing damage over time. If the target dies while the larva are feeding on them, 3 spiderlings will spawn from its corpse.

Yadda yadda yadda.

The storyline is still working itself out, so a lot can be improvised and changed. If you have a hero idea that you've been dying to let out, that would tie to the boss, by all means, throw em both out there.

The best of the bunch will be put in the map, along with credits for the concept.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
Honestly, had no idea where to put it.

It doesn't quite fit in the requests, or the idea factory, and I'm not exactly calling someone out as a challenge, for the arena section.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Okay... you just turned on the idea font! Now what to suggest... *mumble mumble*

Name: Krikalus, The Hellstone Golem

Model Used: Infernal

Story: While the wars were raging in [Insert worlds name here] a group of human golemancers begun working on their biggest project: The Hellstone Golem. The golem were supposed to be the secret weapon of the human forces, but it were never employed. During the creation, the golem were possesed by demons and slaughtered the scientists working on it. The humans tried to destroy the beast, but it was impossible. After three days of battle, some mages froze down the golem and left it in the wilderness. There it awaits any challengers, serving only those that are strong enough to beat it.

(more later)
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Hellion Brockus, the master of time

Medivh skin really dark

He will test how smart fast and powerful you are. The final test is to face him (hell, i rather have a root canal) to receive his staff of time. And a stone of power (time).
Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
Okay... you just turned on the idea font! Now what to suggest... *mumble mumble*

Name: Krikalus, The Hellstone Golem

Model Used: Infernal

Story: While the wars were raging in [Insert worlds name here] a group of human golemancers begun working on their biggest project: The Hellstone Golem. The golem were supposed to be the secret weapon of the human forces, but it were never employed. During the creation, the golem were possesed by demons and slaughtered the scientists working on it. The humans tried to destroy the beast, but it was impossible. After three days of battle, some mages froze down the golem and left it in the wilderness. There it awaits any challengers, serving only those that are strong enough to beat it.

(more later)

Cool idea so far, I can dig it.
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009

Spells/Events: after loosing 1/4 of his max health, Krikalus lets out demonic spirits to damage neraby enemies, and bringing their health back to him. (locust swarm with makeover.) after loosing 3/4 of his max health, Krikalus uses a Demonic Energy Wave to stun all opponents for five seconds. When this ability is used, Krikalus goes into a defensive state, in wich he damages less, but has alot more armor and hp reg. If krikalus health reaches half after defensive mode is entered, he goes into attack mode again.

Creeps Spawned: 1 minor hellstone golem on each lane, each minor golem having a nasty melee attack, and 2 demonic mages on each lane, having a minor version of the demonic spirits ability (locust swarm).

Items: Hellstone Ring: grants immolation and 2000 health. Demon Spirit Staff: +30 int, and shoots a demonic spirit (500 damage) at a random target every 20 seconds. Bloodmetal Blade: Allows the wearer to use the Demonic Energy Wave (no defensive mode though =P) every 2 minutes. +15 agility.

Oh and... Give krikalus a very dark red color. Will look cool =)
Hope this works!
Level 9
Dec 17, 2008
Name: Dalak'thar, the Necromancer

Model: Dark Kael

Story: Dalak'thar, once a proud High Elf, he was slaughtered by the Scourge and risen to fight for them. After the Scourge's defeat, Dalak'thar traveled around the worlds, untill he found <Insert World Name Here>.

Spells: Some Necromantic spells, like Raise Dead, Death Knight's ultimate (forgot name), maybe Parasite changed to spawn a Skeleton.
Ultimate: something like a giant explosion comes from him and summons a few demons.

Creeps Spawned: Strong skeletons, duh! Maybe even a demon from time to time.

Special Items: Uh oh, I'm not good at making items... Oh well, worth to try.
1) Dalak'thar's Sword; increases the hero's damage by X and has a 10-30% chance (you pick) to spawn a skeleton minion.
2) Ring of Tripple Regenertion; increases the hero's health and mana regenertion. 3 times.
3) Dalak'thar's Cape; it may look like a normal cape, but Dalak'thar's cape has steel into it. Increses the wearer's armor by X.

I know the items are kinda bad, I suck at making descriptions.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Queen Starwither
Queen of the Fair Folk

The true nature of all members of the Fair Folk is to be deceitful and rely on trickery and charm and it is Queen Starwither who epitomizes this. When the dominant forces of the land began to clash in a fierce battle, the Fair Folk felt that the forest realms were in danger. Realizing the distress her people was in, Queen Starwither rose from her realms to safeguard the sacred passageways from any unwanted intruders...

Queen Starwither's form can be the Avatar of Vengeance.

Spirit Form

Queen Starwither's form drifts off into the Realm of Dreams, leaving a small fraction of her former self left in the mortal realm. This small spirit is invulnerable but awakens surrounding trees to fight for it for x seconds.
Illusionary Star

Illusion; Conjuration
Queen Starwither calls down an illusionary comet from the skies which distracts all players, keeping them distracted for x seconds. Players attacked while this is in effect begin gaining focus again.
Grasping Totem

Queen Starwither places a totem at a target area that draws the roots of all surrounding trees to an unallied target and entangles the target for xx seconds dealing xx damage per second.
Starwither Charm

Abjuration; Illusion
Queen Starwither charms an unallied target with promises of herself and all of the lands riches. The target then attacks his/her allies for xx seconds and soon realizes he/she has been charmed and suffers xxx damage.
Queen Starwither, when defeated, will be followed by her a select few of her people. These include the harmonious satyr minstrels who with their flutes can charm their allies into moving quicker.

Flute of the Satyr
The Flute of the Satyr is a small, harmless instrument made from hollow wood or bamboo. But do not underestimate its power as if it is played right, you can charm any foe into doing anything.

Increases the movement speed of the player and surrounding allies as well as the ability to charm a target.
The Feyblade is a treasured weapon among the Fair Folk. Its magical properties are said to tether the mana of whoever is struck by this magnificent blade.

Increases the damage and agility of a hero and gives it a xx% chance per attack to burn xx mana from a target.
The Starwither Quarterstaff
The Starwither Quarterstaff is a long, thin oaken creation carved with ancient druidic runes dating back to the beginning of the Fair Folk. The Quarterstaff is rumoured to turn a tree into a living thing.

Increases the intelligence and mana regeneration of a hero and gives it a xx% chance of turning a tree into a treant.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
Excellent concept.
It's complex enough to be an interesting fight, but not stupidly complex for a would-be AoS.

You have the victor's seat, for now.
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