I have a challenge to those who are interested.
Design a boss creature for my map, Warpath.
A Mythic Boss, or Mythic Creature, is basically an exceptionally strong mob that you may encounter during the game. There are three random boss spawns per map. Once a boss is defeated (read: whichever faction did the most damage to it before it hit 15% hp,) it will defend that faction's base.
Defending the base includes spawning an additional creep per lane every wave, and physically defending the base themselves.
What I need from you are the following.
Boss' name.
Model to be used.
Storyline (How does it tie to Warpath, which characters does it tie into if any, and why are they not already sided with one of the other factions.)
Spells or special events during the fight.
Creeps spawned.
Special items. (Each boss owns three items. They drop one randomly upon defeat, and all 3 items are available to be "built" in the replica shop afterwards.)
Here's an example of a Mythic Boss already in place.
Nhakxra, the Broodmother.
-Forest Spider model.
-Nhakxra is known throughout the lands as a feared adversary due to the insatiable hunger that both she and her children bear. She is known to have wreaked havoc amongst both living and undead alike during the Darkener's War. She is a deciever and is not easily swayed by others, unless she can gain something monumental from the ordeal.
-She has some basic shadow strike and webbing abilities, as well as summoning smaller spiderlings in swarms that will enrage if not killed after a certain duration. She uses a ranged attack that slows opponents and deals damage over time.
-While guarding a faction, she spawns two spiderlings per lane that have a venomous ranged attack.
Nhekxra's Husk: Grants armor, intelligence, damage, and there is a chance when struck that the larvae inhabiting the Husk will latch on to an opponent, dealing damage over time. If the target dies while the larva are feeding on them, 3 spiderlings will spawn from its corpse.
Yadda yadda yadda.
The storyline is still working itself out, so a lot can be improvised and changed. If you have a hero idea that you've been dying to let out, that would tie to the boss, by all means, throw em both out there.
The best of the bunch will be put in the map, along with credits for the concept.
Design a boss creature for my map, Warpath.
A Mythic Boss, or Mythic Creature, is basically an exceptionally strong mob that you may encounter during the game. There are three random boss spawns per map. Once a boss is defeated (read: whichever faction did the most damage to it before it hit 15% hp,) it will defend that faction's base.
Defending the base includes spawning an additional creep per lane every wave, and physically defending the base themselves.
What I need from you are the following.
Boss' name.
Model to be used.
Storyline (How does it tie to Warpath, which characters does it tie into if any, and why are they not already sided with one of the other factions.)
Spells or special events during the fight.
Creeps spawned.
Special items. (Each boss owns three items. They drop one randomly upon defeat, and all 3 items are available to be "built" in the replica shop afterwards.)
Here's an example of a Mythic Boss already in place.
Nhakxra, the Broodmother.
-Forest Spider model.
-Nhakxra is known throughout the lands as a feared adversary due to the insatiable hunger that both she and her children bear. She is known to have wreaked havoc amongst both living and undead alike during the Darkener's War. She is a deciever and is not easily swayed by others, unless she can gain something monumental from the ordeal.
-She has some basic shadow strike and webbing abilities, as well as summoning smaller spiderlings in swarms that will enrage if not killed after a certain duration. She uses a ranged attack that slows opponents and deals damage over time.
-While guarding a faction, she spawns two spiderlings per lane that have a venomous ranged attack.
Nhekxra's Husk: Grants armor, intelligence, damage, and there is a chance when struck that the larvae inhabiting the Husk will latch on to an opponent, dealing damage over time. If the target dies while the larva are feeding on them, 3 spiderlings will spawn from its corpse.
Yadda yadda yadda.
The storyline is still working itself out, so a lot can be improvised and changed. If you have a hero idea that you've been dying to let out, that would tie to the boss, by all means, throw em both out there.
The best of the bunch will be put in the map, along with credits for the concept.