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Hellsing Hero Siege

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Level 7
Aug 14, 2006
Map name: Hellsing Hero Siege Beta v1.01
Name of the creator(s): Christers
Current stage of the map (alpha, beta, finished?): Beta
Summary of the map gameplay/objectives: First you need to go south and destroy 6 special buildings, when you've done that you need to go further south of the map and destroy 6 other special buildings(these are uncreachable before you destroy the previous ones). When you've done that you have to kill a very powerfull boss(he is Invulnerable before you destroy the previous buildings mentioned). Also, enemies constantly spawns to attack you(theres a building in your base you have to defend or lose), in start relatively weak units spawn, but when the 6 first buildings are destroyed harder one comes(and weaker stops spawning).

Miscellaneous Info:
Well, recently I've worked on this hero siege maop, its based on the Manga/Anime/OVA Hellsing (mostly OVA and Manga).
The terrain is within a razed city part, where you have to defend the Hellsing Mansion(or headquarters) using a single hero(2 of the heroes can also recruit units). Shattered around the map are many different types of shops, each who sell different items (some of the items Vampires cannot buy, like Oaken Stake or Holy Water).
Gold is mainly gained by killing enemy units, apart from one hero that have as ultimate to gain money passively.
At first the enemies are Ghouls, which is slow moving and relatively weak targets(these upgrades after a time, but there is a max upgrade). These are spawned right south of the Mansion, and you can move down to destroy the "Ghoul Halls"(these are protected by twoers, any ghouls that spawn at the time, and 2 bosses Jan and Luke Valentine), when all of these are destroyed the Ghoul spawn ends, but then a far more dangerous enemy appear farther south. Millennium, the Last Battallion(these are basicly very powerfull versions of the ghouls, just that all of them have a ranged attack instead of a mix, which the Ghouls are). These also upgrades, but only twice(while the Ghouls do it Thrice).
The Millennium base is larger and more powerfull than the Ghoul base, it have more towers, more powerfull towers, more Bosses (including final boss), the bosses are more powerfull and of course the units who spawns are more powerfull.
There you have to destroy all the Millennium Supply Tents, however when you do this the enemy spawn do not end, but instead the final boss becomes vulnerable(he is earlier invincible), and you have to kill him to win the game.

The hero amount is 6:
Alexander Anderson(Tank hero and regenerating hero)
Alucard(All round powerfull hero, but is a vampire so there is certain items he cannot buy, and he takes damage during daylight when outside the hellsing mansion)
Pip Bernadotte(unit train hero, is the only hero that can hire Wild Geese Merceneries, and ultimate is passive money gain)
Integra Hellsing(other unit training hero, is only that can hire Hellsing Soldier, is also good at dishing out individual damage)
Seras Victoria(all round good hero, but is also a vampire so there is certain items she cannot buy, and she takes damage during day when outside Hellsing Mansion, note that she takes less damage during day than Alucard, but also have lower stats than him)
Walter(basicly good killing hero)

Thats more or less what the heroes are for now, since map is themed the amount I can make is rather limited.

There are 5 different merchant types shattered around map, and the Hellsing Mansion also sells some items and units(the units can only be recruited by certain heroes, though).

The hellsing mansion also have a fountain of mana and a fountain of life, they only heal your troops though and not enemies.


PS: If you host this on Northrend server, please whisper me and tell that you are and name, since I cannot host myself and want to test it.
PPS: Map is protected, if you want an Unprotected ver of it then whisper me and I'll send you one, but it wont be able to be hosted on WC.


  • Hellsing Hero Siege v1.01 Beta.w3x
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Last edited:
Level 7
Aug 14, 2006
Updated map, changes are:

-Fixed bug that Vampires didnt receive damage during day and outside base.
-Fixed bug that Vampires could buy forbidden items.
-Fixed bug that constantly came with the messages that all Ghoul Halls and Millennium Supply tents was destroyed(when they werent).
-Nerfed Pip Bernadotte and the Wild Geese Mercenery mines(and increased mana cost for Pip).
-Removed Hellsing Soldiers and Wild Geese Merceneries to be hired by all players(but kept that Pip and Integra can summon them with ability).
-Made Hellsing Soldier slightly stronger.
-Possibly some other bug fixes and changes that I have forgotten.

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