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Level 3
Jun 27, 2007
Hi Community,

after a few porblems, where some of you could help me, I finally release my "Beta" of the AddOn (or Mod.) for the, I think) famous Map: "Ten-Hero-Siege".


I've also uploaded it at Hiveworkshop.com: http://hiveworkshop.com/resources_new/maps/4534/.

Here is the Description:


- Original Map by JouNin.
- "Northrend"-Mod by BritishMafia
- "Bloodfang Arena"-AddOn by Exsanguis Nathrezhim.

I often play Ten-Hero-Siege on LAN-Parties with my friends, but the most were not really perfect and incomplete and often too easy, so I decided to make a lot harder verion and here comes my "AddOn" for this Ten-Hero-Siege-Map, called "Bloodfang Arena".
I removed the overpoweres Heroes and fixed a lot of Bugs, disabled Chatstring-Cheats, and more. Then I added the new Standard-Heroes (Goblin-Alchemist, Firelord, Naga-Seawitsch, Goblin-Tinker, etc.), and, as a Bonus, I made some own Heroes and put some Skins and Models into this Map (press F9 in-game to view the Credits at the Quest-Log).

I think the most importet factor is, that I decided to make a Slot-Spawning of Creeps and I added NPC-Heroes for the [SoD]-Guild, also the Units, the [SoD]-Guild spawns, don't move out of the Base, so now is everything upon your Hands. The number of Creeps has DOUBLED, and the maximum Hero-Level is set at 200, the Food-Limit at 300.

Now I'm coming to my "Slot-Creep spawning-System". From left to right, the Player 1 (red), has tot type -open1-5 to open the 5 Ways for creep spawning, but this Trigger only works for the [SoD]-Guild-spawnings and the FIRST Wave. After you destroyed a Boneyard, the trigger is disabled, so if you destroy for example the Boneyard in Slot 2, but you only have opened Slot 1, creeps from Wave 2 will spawn at Slot 2 and run on, plus the Wave 1-Creeps from Slot 1. (I hope you get it, try it!)

I think that's all.
Have Fun & Good Luck!

That's it. If there are any balacing problems or bugs, or questions, you can present them here. This Map is my first really finished Map (I started to make tousands of maps, but I never finished only one...). I would be very happy if you give me feedback *smile*

greetings, Exsanguis Nathrezhim.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Well AddOns are never smart... ecspecially when you add-on to a popular map like 10 hero siege. And it also sounds alot like 10 hero siege... Can u list the drastic changes you made? (if there are any).
Level 3
Jun 27, 2007
It's really 10-Hero-Siege, the diffrents between regular 10-Hero-Siege-Maps and my Bloodfang Arena are listetd in the first post, maybe you read it.

A very detailed list of everything I chanced takes a long time to make, because I worked over 13 hours on this map... xD

maybe I'll make one
Level 3
Jun 27, 2007
After a long time, and a lot of Unbalanced things, Bugs, etc. I found in my Map, I finally released the (much bigger) non-Beta Verion 1.1!!! :grin:


The Changes?
I think the most changed thing is the very cool new Interface.
I took it out of the "Nature's Call - Return of the Dragons" Campaign from Darky.
Well, at this place: DARKY I LOVE YOU, this Interface is more than very cool!!!
I hope it's okay, that I used it in this Map.
With this interface and a new Hero, and a new Event (I hope it works >_> ) the Filesize has increased.
From the Beta of 1,31mb now to Version 1.1 with 2,1mb...(holy crap!)

Here are the whole changes:

UPDATE: 08/01/2007 @ v1.1
-- Removed the 3 defending Heroes at the Base (Firelord, Naga-Seawitch and Dark Ranger for Player 12, [SoD].Guild).
-- Removed the two Medicin-Man's from the Base.
-- Renamed "[SoD] Guild" to "[SoD].Guild".
-- Removed the two Pitlords, that are next to the Slot-Way-endings.
-- Created a new event, called "Boss Event", it's a key-Event to get through the 5 ways to the Citadel to win the Game. Player 1 (red) has to type "./bossmode" to start this event, but when the heroes ar not level 25 or above, this Level will be very difficult.
-- If you try to get to Hemethus and his minions, and to the Citadel, you will be instantly moved to the center of the Map, because you can't get to him without finishing the Boss Event.
-- Added a new Hero, called "Samurai". Agility-Hero with a lot of passive abilities. He is forced to do a hand-2-hand combat with his Masamune. His special skills are: "Parry", "Searing Blade", "Detect Weakness" and "Spell-Immunity".
-- The "Sword of Unknown Truths" is now unequipable, so you can put it out of your Inventory, but you can't sell it to Shops.
-- Added a completly new Interface-look. I used the cool Spider-like-Interface from Darky27's campaign "Return of the Dragons". I hope he'll accept it, when I use it.
-- All ultimate spells can now be learned at Level 10, not at Level 6.
-- Replaced "Resurrection" from the Paladin with "Tranquility".
-- "Holy Light" of the Paladin can be self-casted now.
-- Increased the damage of "Blizzard" by 250.
-- Reduced the Damage of the Rank 1 Water-Elemental by 50.
-- Increased the chance to "Bash" in Rank 3 by 5%.
-- Increased the Life-Bonus from "Avatar" from 2200 to 5000.
-- Increased the non-dice-damage of the Phoenix by 25 (from 375 to 400).
-- Made the normal color of the Bloodmage darker.
-- The Bloodmage looks now more like a BLOODmage ^-^''
-- The Mirror-Images of the "Mirror Image"-Spell doubled per learned Rank.
-- The multiplication-damage of "Critical Strike" are now 2 (Rank 1), 4 (Rank 2), 6 (Rank 3) and 8 (Rank 4).
-- Increased the Damage of alle summoned Wolves by "Fereal Spirit" about 500.
-- Replaced every "Earthquake" with "Volcano".
-- Increased the Damage from Volcano by 1500.
-- Removed the "Thrustars" from the "Serpent Ward" and balanced its damage.
-- Made the Phoenix in his Egg-Form invincible.
-- The "Avatars of Illusion" from the Spell "Summon Avatar of Illusion" are always only 2, who are summoned.
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