NUMBER 1 = A BETTER FILTER. I want to filter out all dota games! It's really needed! Or maybe a dota sc in sc2!
You couldn't completly filter it. They could filter the file, but since DotA gets updated, it would pop up again each time a new version is released.
NUMBER 2 = Add an undesignation command! Tired of clans getting locked up because of someone's evil desires.
I think there should be a limit for how much players you can kick from clan per day. The chieftain would probably realize what had happened then, unless it's one of the chieftains who only come online once a week just to keep the clan alive.
NUMBER 3 = Limit the number of members that a shaman can kick! I have seen this problem too often and a lot of clans suffer because of that.
It's truly gay that some shamans abuse power, but that limit wouldn't work well if the channel was flooded by a noob and his friends.
NUMBER 4 = Adding an option where you can't leave a custom game for the first 10 minutes!
Agreed. Those noobs who love to leave games -_- in maps such as Battle for Middle Earth, War of the Third Age, Azeroth Wars Strategy, among others... they're really annoying.
NUMBER 5 = Gain levels less quickly! It was good before. Today, a level 10 means nothing. Oh, and fairer match ups please.
I think heroes were stronger before, one slippers of agility would mean +3 normal damage and +3 bonus damage. Although heroes were slightly imba back then, it was much funnier.
NUMBER 6 = Because the other player didn't show up, you lose too? WTF? Fix that shit!
Yes, the join bugs... it's SO annoying that you sometimes wait 5 minutes only to get that message and have to search for another 5 minutes... what a time-killer. And stat-killer too.
NUMBER 7 = NO TEAM KILLERS! Players should be allowed to kill friendly units but NOT friendly buildings.
Team Killers would still have a lot of fun killing friendly units. There should be a system that only allowed the killing of friendly units that had the Sleep buff or were under 5% or 10% HP.
NUMBER 8 = More privacy! You should have an option where you can choose to appear offline like in MSN messenger. Anyone can /whois you to see in what game you're in. Stalkers are bad.
Amen. There is this noob looser called BlackHawk[974] constantly whispering to me just to flame me. I usually ignore him, and I usually have to ignore messages from non-friends in order to filter this idiot
(squelching him every time I log on would be tiresome and I would most likely forget), and this is bad since some curious guy or another like to whisper me after they've played CotMRP Azeroth ;P