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Battle for Souls 3.2b Eng

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Reactions: Goolygot
AoS style-map with many items and heroes. You can launch unlimited computer bots with -b and -c commands in single-player mode.
Each hero has many abilities to learn, one passive Class ability (icon will not show), and also may have an Innate abilities and special features (for example, Eternal Slave can build towers; Villain can not see by eyes of his allies, etc).
But you can win by using not only hero. You can hire creeps in buildings on your base to win; you can collect Titan from jewels; also, you can use Courier of your side to win by collect damaging items...
Whenever a Hero kills a Hero, killer gains Soul Stone and can use it to get gold or more strong items. Also, -nic mode (No Item Conditions) offs conditions for items.
Many heroes are very specific. For Example, Guardian of Tranquility are very difficult to kill, but have no damaging abilities and slow. Smith can create items. Ankaria can transfer mana to Soul Stones, and Soul Stones to her spells. Funny Raccoon... Are very funny raccoon!
Usually your team win, whenever great building of opposite side are destroyed. But you can use several modes to add/remove victory conditions (Look at Map Info. You can test all of them in Single Player/Team mode: activated automatically).
Like DotA? Maybe... But MORE heroes and items, MORE features, MORE difference at icons, modes and spells. And quest elements. Balance? I improve him with each version, also with YOUR help )
Best set of heroes than in any other AoS!


The bloody fight of Darkness and Light does not stop never. She goes always - even in your own souls. Choose, on which side are you?
You are true adept of Light? You know, what is angry also of gloom should be always punished? You know, what higher of all are friendship, trust, love and kindness? You understand, what any meanness early or late will reveal? What secret always becomes obvious and there is nothing the more dearly present friends and liked, against which always it is possible to lean? What the most important treasures - kind heart and pure conscience?
Or you are warrior of Darkness? You agree that Light adepts are stupids and fools? What for trust always pay in a deceit? What the present friends no, and all is done only for the sake of personal benefit? What there is no love, and there are only corporal instincts multiplied by vanity and complacency? What main are personal self-perfection? What strong is always right? What for one million gold coins any in a convenient situation throws the knife in a back to the one whom yesterday named by the friend?
You have made this choice? Now you should battle for YOUR SIDE!
All warriors of the opposite party must DIE! Choose YOUR way to victory.

Map contains:

-Wonderful gameplay;
-Quest elements (Thief Hall, Jewels, etc.,)
-You can exchange by using commands and modes practically any aspect of the game;
-Many original ideas, for example: hero Smith (item creator and duplicator), hero Chimaera (creates and transforms creeps on lines) and many others...

Latest Changelog:

Reminder: Type -b and -c to spawn unlimited AI bots. For host player only and only in first three minutes of the game. In single player mode you always are host.

-Very big part of code changed from GUI to JASS for optimal working without Wait actions (big change - i needed very many hours for that)
-First Blood reworked. Only non-AI players now can take First Blood. Also First Blood now works correctly with specific conditions of killing (like Goblin Sapper's mines)
-Mode with No Cooldown reworked for working more correctly
-Nighthunter: ability Nightmare are changed to new ability Feast
-Guardian of Tranquility: third ability are changed to new ability Grow in Ground
-Guardian of Tranquility: changed some hotkeys
-Fire Lord: ability Fiery Pain now also deals part of damage to two enemies near the main target
-Spirit of Vengeance: base armor decreased on 1
-Spirit of Vengeance: manacost of Uncontrollable ability changed from 77 to 40/80/120/160/200
-Passed Troll: third ability now can take 25% less maximum damage at all levels
-Anarchist: new fun name FlameSword
-Meat Wagon: Decomposition ability now deals only 40/80/120/160/200 damage per corpse instead of 50/100/150/200/250
-Meat Wagon: Hook ability now changes health to 10% from maximum instead of 1%
-Undead King: removed recoloring
-Sorceress: removed recoloring and changed size
-Wyvern: damage from ultimate now has more correctly indicator
-Cleric: increased size of visual effect from first ability
-Sun Dragon: new icon for Euphoria ability
-Sun Dragon: fixed casting range of "Love" ability
-Sun Dragon: hotkey for learning "Love" ability now works correctly
-Dinosaur: fixed tooltip of Threefold Boom ability on 3-5 levels
-Polar Bear: new icon for "Passion" ability
-Polar Bear: fixed problem with tooltip of "Passion" ability
-Polar Bear: new icon for "Ice Braves" ability
-Confectioner Grandmother: new icon for "Cake" ability
-Forest Princess: now Spirits of the Forest ends flying more correctly with ends of healing
-Absorber: fixed the same hotkey for learning ultimate spell and third ability
-New item Boots of the Coward (other, not like old removed item with the same name)
-Shield of Honor item: recipe cost increased from 1600 to 2000
-Shield of Honor item: now decreases damage minimum to 12 instead of 10
-Emerald Dragon Ring item: recipe cost decreased from 2000 to 1800
-Emerald Dragon Ring item: movement speed bonus decreased from 100 to 90
-Scepter of Terror item: Finger of Death range decreased from 1200 to 700
-Refresh Sphere item: changed icon
-Improved movement of creeps on middle lane
-Many other minor fixes and changes






That map has more items, heroes and variety than DotA. Have fun.

Visit as at our site: http://www.myfantasies.ucoz.ru

AoS, DotA-Killer, many heroes

Battle for Souls 3.2b Eng (Map)

18:39, 15th Mar 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 4
Jan 19, 2010
Hehe you have copied some abilities ffrom league of legends for cardmaster.

Twisted Fate(League of Legends)
Wild Cards - Twisted Fate throws three cards, dealing damage to each enemy unit they pass through.
Cardmaster throws 3 cards which deal damage.

Finally, they both share the same ultimate:
Destiny - Twisted Fate predicts the fortunes of his foes, revealing all enemy champions and enabling the use of Gate(teleport you anywhere on map).
Even shares the same name as Cardmasters ultimate.

Also Card master has an ability that gives allies bonus gold upon creep kill similar to
twisted fates :
Second Sight - Twisted Fate and his allies receive an additional 2 gold per kill.
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
but dc part spoils the game

dc part?

Hehe you have copied some abilities ffrom league of legends for cardmaster.

Yes =) not only from him, Mantas (Akalistic) like Akali, for example =) In future, maybe, you can see Twitch, Kassadin... Also, Earthman - like Gauntlet from Heroes of Newerth ;) I want to create AoS with most number of ideas from others, but it contains original heroes and abilities, too :)

MUGEN - best 2D fighting for me (after work for balance for character group), because he contains characters from all others =))) I want to create MUGEN of AoS-style maps ))) But MUGEN is not very stable... and old versions of my map has problem with it, too... I work under that ) But in single-player mode (with unlimited AI bots for fun!) you can play without problems even now )))
Level 2
Sep 29, 2010
dc part?

yea 3 vs 3 will make 4 players disconnected , if i play 2 vs 2 1 of the players will
disconnected basicly 3 players max can be playing for this game all this games i played more than 3 always the first 1 to 10 mins you will dc which really spoils that game
if 6 vs 6 , 9 players will disconnect..... thats why i said disconnection spoil your map no one like playing in the first 3 mins you dc (disconnected )
Level 2
Sep 29, 2010
sorry to say that it is better than dota , try to make less ppl dc at least you make is for 3 vs 3 6 players to play
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Testing about disconnects now... I remove some triggers, some others are collapse after performance now...
Also now not so many creeps on lines. If that can not help, i don't know what to do =( only finish with map... Also, anyone knows about bot-hoster from Blizzard, which prevents disconnection?

-New hero: Switch, Gnoll
-New item: Heart of the Forest

-Optimization again! testing now... we must win disconnection even on not very good computers... =) If desync now too, i can't win it and must finish that map...
-On some items, which requires items from shop in the forest, now added: "type -shop"
-Now you can transfer items from circle without goldcost, also that ability now has no cooldown
-Now spawns only two creeps with melee attack and one with ranged

-Living Mountain: added Innate ability Stonesplash
-Cleric: now 4% chance instead of 1% to lose all Sacred Damage with each attack
-Hyppo: "Prick" now also adds 4 second collision to pricked unit
-Master of Sword: damage from first ability decreased on 30 at all levels
-Master of Sword: third ability now can critical strike buildings
-Robber: damage from second ability are increased on 50 at all levels
-Fire Lord: new visual effect for ability "Fiery Pain"
-Fire Lord: first ability now deals +4% damage from max.target's life at all levels
-Prophet: Training now adds only 20% 40% / 60% / 80% / 100% attack speed instead of 25% / 50% / 75% / 100% /125%
-Mantas: minor increasing base damage of "Sense"
-Mantas: range of "Fly Down" are increased from 800/900 to 1100/1200
-Bloodcaster: new third ability Bleeding
-Bloodcaster: cooldown of second ability are decreased from 60/58/56/54/52 to 60/50/40/30/20
-Autobot: "Spark" now deals 80/120/160/200/240 damage, but doesn't lock camera
-Gryphon Rider: Strength gain per level are decreased from 4.00 to 3.00
-Robber: ability "Bandit Rage" are changed
-Death Knight: cooldown of ultimate spell are 1.5 seconds now instead of two
-Living Mountain, Centaur Warchief, Scarab: decreased visual size
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Thx for testing, anyway =)
What about configuration of your computer and Internet connection? If not best, the improvement will help. Unless... see my previous message...
Probably, i shall change land in English version on the smaller size, maybe it can help too.
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Sorry for double-posting, moderators can fix it if needed =)
Also, 091846, you can download Russian version here (rar archive, also contains changelog and info file. Other land):
and test her, only for testing dc part.
If you have dc even in Russian version in each game, i think that problem with your hosting, because i play games with eight and more peoples, and dc if a be, is very rare... Not in EACH game...
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
-Fully new landshaft!!! for English version, testing now. If that can't prevent desynchronization in English version... i really don't know about the reason...
-New hero Nightmare Baron
-New commands: -porton / -portoff. Activates/deactivates Cowardice. Can be used only by host
-In Goblin Laboratory now Items Recommended-for-All
-Staff of Confusion: now adds 25 damage instead of 15, but Confusion ability removed
-Source of Restoration: no attack now
-Shiny Titan: now has 300 hp/sec. regen instead of 100
-Asmodei: now teleports back every 60 seconds
-Mummy: minor functional (no description change) remake of first ability (stun instead of pause)
-Ethereal Lord: cooldown of Totem are decreased to 20/19/18/17/16
-Ethereal Lord: manacost of ability "Mana Stop" are decreased from 10 to -50
-Far Seer: first ability now damages only heroes
-Villain: limit of Evil are 200 now
-Naga Guardian: C/D of "Water Concussion" are decreased from 20/25/30/35/40 to 20/20/20/19
-Naga Guardian: base C/D of attack are decreased from 1.9 to 1.39
-Guardian of Tranquility: ultimate now heals only when cast, buff has no heal effect
-Treant Keeper: new usually name Grumbar and fun name Buratino
-InfernoServant: new usually name Loviatar
-InfernoServant: "Groundswing" now has only 0.5 second casting time instead of 1.5
-InfernoServant: new icon for ability "Seal of Doom"
-InfernoServant: base armor are increased from 0 to 4
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
-New hero: Golbat, Wyvern
-Now neutrals spawns not so fast
-More JASS and less GUI now
-Fixed bug with wrong abilities of AI Heroes
-Now two shops on bases like forest shops
-Now limit: only one item with Bash for hero
-Shiny Titan: now some abilities which can instantly kill or remove from the game creep doesn't work on him
-Dinosaur: movement speed are increased from 300 to 320
-Dinosaur: added 5 base damage
-Dinosaur: first ability now has only 40 manacost instead of 100
-Funny Raccoon: movement speed reduced from 310 to 305
-Funny Raccoon: damage of "Danger!" reduced on 50 at all levels
-Funny Raccoon: AoE of "Danger" reduced on 100 at all levels
-Funny Raccoon: fixed rare bug with "On Head" ability
-Funny Raccoon: base attack C/D reduced from 2.0 to 1.9
-Sniper: attack range reduced from 600 to 520
-Ghostknight: damage of Dark Lightning now gains less might with next targets
-Watermorph: base attack C/D reduced from 1.8 to 1.5 sec.
-Gnoll: new fun name Shadovv218 (player)
-Gnoll: minor slow reduction on last level of third skill
-Anarchist: base attack C/D are reduced from 1.8 to 1.7
-Crypt Spirit: "Omg" chance reduced on 10% at all levels
-Mantas: damage from "Fly Down" now two times more
-Polar Bear: "Ice Braves" now deals only 2.5% / 5% of current hp in damage insteas of 3% / 6%
-Felhound: base armor increased to 5
-Earthman: base damage increased from 17 to 21
-Dark Huntress: attack range reduced from 570 to 500
-Nightmare Baron: added 4 base damage
-Nightmare Baron: +5% to third ability
-Nightmare Baron: two new fun names
-Nightmare Baron: fixed bug when Mark heals corpses
-Shadowmask: "Shadow Separate" now creates illusion on 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 sec. instead of 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5
-Shadowmask: added 3 base damage
-Elvish Huntress: ultimate spell cooldown reduced from 200/180 to 100/80
-Lich King: ultimate spell now works on mechanical units
-Cuttingrotch: Bloodlust spell are other spell now
-Cuttingtorch: fixed hotkey of second spell
-Cuttingtorch: base movement speed are 346 now
-Vampire: base attack C/D are decreased to 1.7
-Alchemist: added 3 base Strength
-Villain: base armor reduced on 1
-Autobot: new third ability Laser Microscheme
-Smith: base movement speed increased from 334 to 354
-Obsidian Statue: C/D of "Magic Ball" reduced from 10/9/8/7/6 to 10/8/6/4/3
-Pandaren Brewmaster: fixed minor rare bug
Level 8
Dec 12, 2010
Hey Darkmage you really need to stop double posting! Your gonna look funny with a little read ball under your user name.
And I can't believe this maps got over 3000 DL's and only one person rated it?! I just DL'ed it i'll rate it. Looks like ya put a lot of work into it.

Lookin at all the changes you've made on this map I thought this would be a good map.

Problems with map:

-No description on some items in the shops! (like trusteeship of archangel) Have no idea what it does!
-Tiny shop buildings (my hero was bigger than the building!)
-Towers do enormous damage ie 135-1300 (thats it i'm dead)
-Attribute ability does nothing! Wasted skill points.
-Terrain is really lacking for the amount of time spent on map.
-100's of junk items laying all over the map!
-My heros starting damage was too high (around 40-50) with an item that boost dmg by 34 which you can easily buy at start I'm doing more melee dmg than my spells. Makes the spells useless.

I gave it 2/5 sorry. Its just lacking in a lot of areas.
If you fix these things listed above I'll improve my rating :)
Last edited:
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
I only adds changelog, ok, next time i can edit previous posts even for new changelogs.

Great thanks for review. Some of your mistakes, after reading that, i think, map can be more good for you ;) :

-No description on some items in the shops! (like trusteeship of archangel) Have no idea what it does!

-oops, it's for english version only and only before you buy it. Can be fixed )

-Tiny shop buildings (my hero was bigger than the building!)
Hm, it's a problem? o_O Some heroes in DotA allstars too can be more than shops (for example, Tiny with ultimate...)

-Towers do enormous damage ie 135-1300 (thats it i'm dead)
Host changes Tower Level at start of the game with other conditions, you play with big Tower Level. On Tower Level 0 towers are greatly more weak.

Attribute does nothing!

Look at you WHITE stats before and after learning. Self-Perfection adds 3 to each stat. I upload one old version with bug, in that version Self-Perfection really does nothing. That was old 2.03 version, i change it to normally 2.03 in three days. You have that old version? Reload please =)

-Terrain is really lacking for the amount of time spent on map.
I change land many times, and each time that was not my work (i am not land-creator). But i can improve it again, if anyone creates new. But i really want small size (96x96).

-100's of junk items laying all over the map!
Also, it's about conditions of the game. I think you play with Item Drop. )

-My heros starting damage was too high (around 40-50) with an item that boost dmg by 34 which you can easily buy at start I'm doing more melee dmg than my spells. Makes the spells useless.
It's only one hero. =) Also, spells not only does damage, they have other functions. If it was Living Mountain, for example, you can do unlimited damage with her ultimate for eating the trees.

Also, i am Velociraptor. I don't know, how to change nickname here )

Hm... and users can change estimations? Read that... and... Maybe? )
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Hm... Sorry for double-posting again, but i think it really needed with update... especially with update with so big changes...

Warning! Many global gameplay changes with that update! (look at "*")
-New hero: Akela, Skinner
-Now less Armor for each point of Agility*
-Now less life for each point of Strength*
-Cowardice ability are changed! Now each hero can teleport at any point of the map!*
-Shops on base are replaced
-All Circles are moved to base*
-True Guard: fixed description
-Added Aura of Death ability to fountains*
-Item Conditions are changed to Weak Towers (with "No Weak Towers" condition all towers can gain 10 hp/sec regen)*
-Added Change Skin ability to Circles. Changes skin of your first hero, if that hero has alternate skins.*
-Asmodei: changed trigger for prevent rare bug
-Daedra: manacost of Go-To-Me! are decreased to 50 on all levels
-Astral Mage: fixed tooltip of second spell
-Cleric: fixed no manacost of ability "Light of Peace" at level 1
-Artful Nerubianess: new fun name Cockroach
-Ice Witch: cooldown of Spiral ability decreased to 50/45 from 100/90
-Master of Flame: renamed to Fakir (Suggestion of Kamazok)
-Fakir: third ability now deals 10 more damage per second at all levels
-Fakir: name of ultimate spell are changed from Phoenix to Fire Way
-Lich King: new ultimate spell Snow Chain
-Forest Daughter: base attack C/D are increased from 1.7 to 2.0
-Goblin Sappers: cooldown of Dirigible ability increased from 100/30 to 160/80

Also, you can download here replay with gameplay demonstration for skin of Fire Lord - Black Freak (looks like DotA's Nevermore):
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
2.3 Released!

-New hero: Mombi, Confectioner Grandmother
-New hero: Samodelkin, Nut Goblin (fun name Rodny Copperbottom)
-New hero, third in that update!!! The War, Apocalypse Rider (fun name The Conflict)
-New Skin for Master of Sword: Io, True Warrior (use Skin ability for Master of Sword in Circle)
-Now you can't change skin with level more than 7
-Ethereal Lord: now speed of attack shell are faster
-Fixed minor bug with attack range of first Elvish Tower
-Fixed minor bug with Connected Keys
-Fixed minor bug with gold destribution from leavers and absent players
-Biuldings on short line moved back
-Reworked classification of buildings, they all are counts as Ancients now to normally aggression of neutral units
-More optimization again
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
2.4 Released. Totally of 119, absolute unique heroes now!

-New hero: Chputin, Lobster (can't carry Amulet of Moving)
-New skin for Magmar, Efreet: Magmorus, Lava Scorpion
-New mode Arena mode! (can be chosen in "Lines" button)
-Fixed rare bugs with creeps movement
-Now you can denie objects with less than 15% health instead of less than 10%
-Now you can't refresh one Refresher Sphere with other
-Wyvern: now has limit of 40 armor from second ability instead of 50
-Wyvern: now starting Armor are 0 instead of 2
-The Pig: first ability now immobilizes only on 2 seconds instead of 3
-Dinosaur: fixed work of third ability
-Tauren Chieftain: minor fixed work of third ability
-Felhound: fixed hotkey of first spell
-Robber: cooldown of Javelin ability are decreased from 30 to 10, and manacost from 120 to 70
-Queen of Pain: changed hotkeys
-Far Seer: new good icon for ability "Light Sight"
-Bloodcaster: Bleeding ability now has less-decreasing health regeneration
-Librarian: now Power of Knowledge can be blocked with "linken's sphere-like" abilities
-Living Mountain: casting range of first and second ability increased to 400
-InfernoServant: new third ability Ignition
-Fixed work with buildings of some abilities
-Fixed work with technical units of some abilities
-Fixed buff tooltip of Guardian of Tranquility's ultimate spell
-Rune Battle Harness now returns only 25% damage
-God's Vendetta and Dark Punishment now kills invulnerable units
-Now soul stones adds even if killer-unit is not a hero
-Minor fixes of item tooltips
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Neytiraccidafus, thanks. =) Now, fortunately, current versions are rather stable for network game (problem of many old versions).
Part of spells are on GUI now, but i need late to transform most triggers into a JASS code - it is ideal variant.
About help... I do not think, that I know more, than all forums of map-creators ) Also you can view good open-source maps for learning triggers (for example, OpenDotA). And read articles.
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
New version is under-construction, but i must be reload this map now, because i has found one critical bug with Jump Boots item.
Have fun with "clean" version now and wait for big update with at least two new heroes - hero with model of Mushroom and hero without mana pool. Thanks. )
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
Update. 2.5 version. If anyone will find critical bugs, i can fix it fast.

-Screenshots are updated! :)
-New hero Mushroom. Yes, Mushroom ^^
-New hero Cultist - hero without mana!
-New boss creep instead of Asmodei - Ancient Mother of Blood
-Now multiboard contains hero icons
-Gryphon Rider: base damage decreased from 10 to 5
-Gryphon Rider: base armor decreased from 1 to -1
-Fat Corpse: base armor decreased from 2 to 0
-Roman Legionnaire: base damage increased from 10 to 14
-Roman Legionnaire: base movement speed increased from 290 to 320
-Roman Legionnaire: manacost of second ability now 50 mana on all levels
-Merchant: base attack C/D are increased from 1.44 to 1.64 seconds
-Merchant: now, when attacks enemy hero with Gold Attack, loses gold and enemy gains gold
-Faceless: AoE of Timed Resonance are increased
-Goblin Sappers: now Gunpowder Barrel deals only 33% damage to buildings
-Harpy Queen: fixed bug with work of first ability
-Harpy Queen: fixed hotkey description of learning of second spell
-NecroGhost: now "Soulbreak" deals magic damage instead of pure, but cooldown of that ability on level 2 decreased from 50 to 45 seconds
-Mummy: illusions now can't spawn Runes of Last Word
-Centaur Warchief: damage from second ability are decreased on 20 at all levels
-Sibiliant Spideress: base movement speed are increased from 300 to 330
-Passed Troll: first ability now has no manacost
-Sun Dragon: changed visual effect of Faerie Light
-InfernoServant: Groundswing now damages not only buildings
-Mantas: "My Area" ability now passive and works after casting of each spell or ability
-Dark Treant: power of second passive skill are improved, but he now are Orb Effect
-Snake Queen: cooldown of first ability are decreased from 11 to 7
-Fire Lord: new third ability Pentagram
-Essence Dragon: additional effect to "Magical Seed" ability
-Now, when creep becomes removed from the game, he drops all items from self before that action
-Now active abilities of Leg Equipment and Jump Boots has no manacost
-Fixed characteristics of green neutral creep, which can permanently bash enemy unit
-Now no death time in Arena Mode
-Now hero revives with 100% life and mana
-Now active ability of Leg Equipment lasts only 2.5 seconds instead of 3.5
-Fixed rare bugs with Transformations
-Fixed minor bug in Arena mode
-Fixed some minor bugs with abilities works on buildings
-Added new peoples to Credits
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
-Completely a new land! Check map now ) I can change screenshots later ;)

-New hero Mammoth

-Now visual cooldown of Jump Boots works correctly
-Fixed bug with assembly of Skullcrusher item
-New visual image for heroes on mini-map
-Removed unused icons in multiboard
-Most of creeps on lines now has physical size 0

-Cultist: now Hate Lightning costs 170 + 2% from maximum health instead of 175
-Cultist: Juzam Djinn now can't be created as neutral creep
-Cultist: added tooltip
-Nut Goblin: damage from Breakage decreased on 50 at all levels
-Nut Goblin: now correctly counts as Mechanical unit
-Vampire: Agility gain per level improved from 2.4 to 2.7
-Vampire: new great icon for ultimate spell
-Vampire: ultimate spell now can be learned at level 5
-Absorber: cooldown of Suicude ability decreased from 200/100 to 100/50
-Pig: damage from Pork Bones decreased to 80/150/220/290/360
-Pig: Murderer Fangs now gains only +1/+2 to all stats for each kill instead of +2/+4
-Living Mountain: Stonesplash now deals 45% damage in 550 Aoe (greatly improved)
-Dark Treant: first ability now works on mechanical and flying units
-Naga Guardian: added +2 base armor
-Dark Elf: decreased visual size
-Dark Elf: Berserk ability are improved
-Wolfrider: now jumps only 2/3 times with ultimate instead of 3/5
-Goblin Sappers: fixed damage from Gunpowder Barrel
-Librarian: now AI instantly takes book when creates her
-Energy: fixed bug - additional hit points per death gains now correctly based on level or More Energy ability instead of level of Connect ability
-Gyrocopter: now damage from Machine Guns counts as damage from hero instead of dummy unit
-Added new peoples to Credits
Level 4
Nov 11, 2009
I have a question about items with spells. When you use certain items with spells attached, the cooldown for all of your items resets. I think this happened with the illusion item and some kind of healing item. My question is whether you did this on purpose or is it something that needs to be changed. At least change the tooltip to say that you shouldn't buy both together so people do not get confused please!
However, I must say that I love this map.
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009
2.7 released, look at changelog, many suggestions are used.

-New hero: Gelios, Phoenix
-Cuttingtorch hero remaked! Look at changed skills
-Many visual changes and renames of buildings and creeps
-New command only for host: -port2on (activates second variant of Cowardice)
-New command only for host: -flag (activates Flag at center on the map, can be used only by host).
-New skin for Lady Nothing: Flying Dutch, Forgotten Ship (!)
-Troll-Shaman: Energy Drain now non-Channeling spell
-Confectioner Grandmother: now can't use "Cake" on Shiny Titan
-Crypt Fiend: fixed rare bug when one Burrow can move to another Burrow from tunnel
-Crypt Fiend: new fun name Azhol-Nerub
-Funny Raccoon: base armor decreased on 1
-Nightmare Baron: new main name Jack the Ripper, Diab Fall moved to fun names
-Cultist: new main name Lovecraft, second spell renamed to Call of Cthulhu and minion renamed to Cthulhu. Bredgis moved to fun names
-Cultist: fixed minor bugs with learning and using of Hate Lightning
-Miss Card: greatly increased effect from ability "Cheater"
-King of the Undead: Reincarnation ability now has no manacost, but has increased cooldown
-Watermorph: added 5 base damage
-Watermorph: new visual effect for water wave of "The Ninth Shaft"
-Watermorph: now invulnerable when casts "The Ninth Shaft" until end of the casting
-Skinner: added 50 base health (to all skins)
-Lady Nothing: now doesn't run from attack
-Lady Nothing: added 1 base armor
-Lady Nothing: Strength changed from 16 + 2.0 to 32 + 1.5
-Lady Nothing: Blackhole now deals minor magic damage to enemy units
-Mechanic: "Rocket Shock" now non-Channeling spell
-Decreased maximum level of creeps in forest (for balance)
-Sell Soul Stone now has no cooldown
-Fixed bugs with AI bots of Light which can't leave fountain (English version only)
-Movement of AI units are improved
-Cooldown groups of items are reworked (thanks to Naman from Hive Workshop for suggestion)
-Added new peoples (and sites) to Credits
Level 3
Sep 9, 2009

Reminder: Type -b and -c to spawn unlimited AI bots. For host player only. In single player mode you always are host.

-New hero Scarecrow
-New hero Wisp
(totally of 125 unique heroes now!)
-Ancient Bull: new visual effect for Circled Strike ability
-Ancient Bull: cooldown of Circled Strike are decreased on 10 seconds at all levels
-Efreet: fixed minor bug with Lava Scorpion skin
-Funny Raccoon: new fun name Gyldan4ik (player's name)
-NecroGhost: minor fix of second ability to correctly damaging units with physical size 0
-Mammoth: cooldown of "Ice Age" decreased from 50 to 30 sec, and heal for each damaged enemy increased from 5/10 to 25/50
-Mechanic: damage from Rocket Shock simply decreased
-Miss Card: new good icon for "Three Cards" ability
-Watermorph: new skin Izzy, Waterfire Elemental
-Inquizitor: ability "Wrath of Light" changed to new ability "Judgment of Light"
-Optimization of triggers for change of skins
-Many tooltips and collection changes in items
-Item Skiavona removed
-New item Underwater Stone (mass astral, active)
-Fixed minor bugs with spawn and movement of all creeps
-Fixed rare bug based of combination of abilities which works when units takes damage
-Removed one neutral spawn on Light side for balance
-Area of rune spawn on Darkness side moved down