// Arcing Text Tag v1.0.0.3 by Maker
library FloatingTextArc
private constant real SIZE_MIN = 0.018 // Minimum size of text
private constant real SIZE_BONUS = 0.012 // Text size increase
private constant real TIME_LIFE = 1.0 // How long the text lasts
private constant real TIME_FADE = 0.8 // When does the text start to fade
private constant real Z_OFFSET = 50 // Height above unit
private constant real Z_OFFSET_BON = 50 // How much extra height the text gains
private constant real VELOCITY = 2 // How fast the text move in x/y plane
private constant real ANGLE = bj_PI/2 // Movement angle of the text. Does not apply if
// ANGLE_RND is true
private constant boolean ANGLE_RND = true // Is the angle random or fixed
private timer TMR = CreateTimer()
struct ArcingTextTag extends array
private texttag tt
private real as // angle, sin component
private real ac // angle, cos component
private real ah // arc height
private real t // time
private real x // origin x
private real y // origin y
private string s // text
private static integer array next
private static integer array prev
private static integer array rn
private static integer ic = 0 // Instance count
private static method update takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this=next[0]
local real p
set p = Sin(bj_PI*.t)
set .t = .t - 0.03125
set .x = .x + .ac
set .y = .y + .as
call SetTextTagPos(.tt, .x, .y, Z_OFFSET + Z_OFFSET_BON * p)
call SetTextTagText(.tt, .s, SIZE_MIN + SIZE_BONUS * p)
if .t <= 0 then
set .tt = null
set next[prev[this]] = next[this]
set prev[next[this]] = prev[this]
set rn[this] = rn[0]
set rn[0] = this
if next[0]==0 then
call PauseTimer(TMR)
set this = next[this]
exitwhen this == 0
public static method create takes string s, unit u returns thistype
local thistype this = rn[0]
static if ANGLE_RND then
local real a = GetRandomReal(0, 2*bj_PI)
local real a = ANGLE
if this == 0 then
set ic = ic + 1
set this = ic
set rn[0] = rn[this]
set next[this] = 0
set prev[this] = prev[0]
set next[prev[0]] = this
set prev[0] = this
set .s = s
set .x = GetUnitX(u)
set .y = GetUnitY(u)
set .t = TIME_LIFE
set .as = Sin(a)*VELOCITY
set .ac = Cos(a)*VELOCITY
set .ah = 0.
if IsUnitVisible(u, GetLocalPlayer()) then
set .tt = CreateTextTag()
call SetTextTagPermanent(.tt, false)
call SetTextTagLifespan(.tt, TIME_LIFE)
call SetTextTagFadepoint(.tt, TIME_FADE)
call SetTextTagText(.tt, s, SIZE_MIN)
call SetTextTagPos(.tt, .x, .y, Z_OFFSET)
if prev[this] == 0 then
call TimerStart(TMR, 0.03125, true, function thistype.update)
return this