Bandit Dog
Not sure if i can claim any credit...
(If I say breed that means amount of alternate texture available)
Aware, Bandit started to have dogs to attack people!
Used Tools : Model Editor, Mdlvis, Mouse, Laptop
Ingredient : Bear, Furbolg, Timberwolf,
Breeds : 6
Species : Furbolg Dog
Description : Aggressive dogs that breed by bandit, they are not friendly and very loyal
to the owner
Side Note: They Bite
Animation : Timber Wolf
Recommended Settings
Art - Animation - Blend Time (second) = 0.15
Art - Animation - Cast Backswing = 0.510
Art - Animation - Cast Point = 0.300
Art - Animation - Run Speed = 240
Art - Animation - Walk Speed = 240
Art - Death Time (seconds) = 1.75
Art - Selection Scale = 1.30
Art - Shadow Image (Unit) = Normal
Art - Shadow Image - Center X = 60
Art - Shadow Image - Center Y = 60
Art - Shadow Image - Height = 140
Art - Shadow Image - Width = 140
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Backswing Point = 0.640
Combat - Attack 1 - Animation Damage Point = 0.330
Fluffy Ears are back (See Portrait)
Reduced Tail Size
Fixed Decay Bone
Removed Fluffy Ears
Reduced to 81 kb
more of my model can be found in : Hayate's Resource
dog, wolf, orc, friend, human, warcraft 3, style, Bandit, evil, purple, hound