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Balance Advice for Legion themed map

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Level 7
Aug 19, 2010
So I am working on altered melee map, called Legion Invasion of Turtle Rock Island....it's the standard Turtle Rock map, with the standard 4 races, except I've edited 2 existing tavern heroes and made 3 new heroes themed after the Illidari faction.

Changes made: Pit Lord, replaced rain of fire with forked lighting (lighting was made red to fit demon theme)
Naga Sea Witch, replaced Forked Lighting with Monsoon
Heroes added:

Illidari BladeMaster - custom hero, main attribute is Strenght, starting stats are 24 Str, 15 Int, 10 Agi, with 1.40 Agi per level, 1.70 Int per level and 3.20 Strenght per level. This hero also counts as Undead,due to the Demonic blood in his veins (same as Pitlord,which by default is undead in editor). His abilities are Flame Crash (a shockwave which applies a dot), Vengefull Smash (war stomp), Fel Fury (pulverize) and Bladestorm.

Illidari BattleMage - custom hero, main attribute is Strenght with the same stats as the Human Paladin and the following spells: Rain of Fire, Demonic Prison (entangling roots,castable on air), Aura of Spite (trueshot aura but affects melee only) and Finger of Death (for now at least,until I can think of a better ult-right now it deals 450 damage,but can't damage targets under divine shield)

Illidari Ranger - the last custom hero, main attribute is Agility, uses the base stats of Sylvanas Human in RoC campaign (before Arthas choped her to bits), features Hail of Arrows (modified copy of Cluster Rockets,same damage values as the original spell in editor), Battle Cry (it's Roar made a hero skill, lvl 1 gives 15% increase,lvl 2 gives a 20% increase and lvl 3 gives a 25% increase) Phoenix Arrow (it's the "bugged" Incinerate Arrow which only applies the explode on death effect but not the increase in dps,also corected the tooltip to explain that the explosion also hurts friendlies) and Command Aura as ult.

If I could get some advice on how to better balance these heroes with original wc3 races,that would be awesome. Also an ideea for the Illidar BattleMage ult would be a very welcome adition.
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Level 12
Jun 15, 2016
How about taking the demon hunter immolation ability and setting it to overdrive for an ultimate? You can change the range of immolation as well as the damage output, so the ultimate could make all units in a 500-600 radius get burned continuously as long as the hero has enough mana.
Level 16
Mar 24, 2017
How about taking the demon hunter immolation ability and setting it to overdrive for an ultimate? You can change the range of immolation as well as the damage output, so the ultimate could make all units in a 500-600 radius get burned continuously as long as the hero has enough mana.

I think a better idea would be to just have a metamorphosis type conversation where the alternative unit has a very strong immolition, but it only lasts for around ~45 sec
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