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Background Story

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
It was the year 2010 and a great war broke out, involving only some of the countries of the world. The United States, Great Britain, and France had allied against the terrorists and China who had forged a powerful and immense army. The three allies called themselves like always the Allies, the Chinese and their terrorist cohorts referred to themselves as the Black Hand, but many called them the Fourth Reich. The War dragged on encompassing more and more of the world. North Korea, Germany, and small factions in Africa joined the Forth Reich. While others like Spain and South Korea joined the Allies.

The War was going badly for the Fourth Reich because most of the countries had no real standing army besides China, the rest were small factions that fought to survive. As a last chance effort Terrorist scientists came up with a deadly secret weapon. The weapon was a biological weapon that targeted human white blood cells utterly destroying them all in a few seconds, thereby shutting down the human’s immune system. Seeing that the terrorists had come up with the weapon and were not worried about the consequences, they did not develop an antidote for it to protect their own troops.

Unleashing this weapon for the first time on a surprise attack on Japan sending in a couple insurgents to set up time-released aerosol bombs which unleashed the biological weapon all around that country at the same time. They snuck it in multiple shipments of two liter gallon Coke imports and distributed it to their operatives all around the county. Upon release of this hemical the population of Japan got sick and slowly died, but the poison did not disperse, instead it fed off the pollution of the Japanese industries creating a deadly gas cloud over the country.

The allies were shocked and outraged by this attempt decided a full frontal assault on China would be the quickest end to the war. After eight long months of fighting, the Allies retreated licking their wounds, but leaving the Fourth Reich in no position to launch a major counter attack. Taking advantage of this weakness, the United States without approval from the United Nations or their fellow Allies launched their nuclear warheads at China and Iran. To counter this attack China launched its Nuclear Weapons at the United States and Great Britain. Iran loaded long range missiles on with this deadly gas and put the missiles on submarines and were selected four major cities of the United States to hit; Los Angels, Washington D.C., Chicago and New York City. China targeting Washington D.C., Cape Canaveral, and major military bases spread throughout the United States. France deciding they would be better off holding back on the nuclear warfare, withdrew from the war and built up its own borders, and looked toward homeland security. This all happened on December 15, 2012. The citizens of the United States went into panic mode, so the President declared martial law despatching military units to all major cities.

They tried to evacuate everyone from the cities targeted by the Chinese, still unaware of the biological missiles approaching from the sea. The nuclear warheads fell, leveling cities and killing thousands. A radiation cloud hovered in the air covering most of North America, Central America, Canada, and most of Asia. A radiation cloud covered all of England, but left Ireland unscathed. France caught some of the fallout, but had means to protect the population already set up. The United States government was in chaos, all communications were down, short wave radios only work so far, and the relay system had holes in it. The President was in lock down at Camp David.

No one was prepared for the Iranian missile attack. On December 20 the unforseen missiles struck, sending out massive amounts of this new biological weapon. The United States was crippled and out of the war, China was not as bad off but still in no way to continue fighting, the terrorist groups survived for the most parts while the people of their countries suffered greatly. All the while, China was recooperating from the damage caused and waited for the radiation to subside to continue their take-over. The biological weapon mixed with the nuclear radiation to form a new type of radiation that no one could defend themselves against.

It targeted all life, converting their natural state into mutated frenzied beings that had no rational thought and craved blood. This new type of radiation started feeding off the high levels of Carbon Dioxide in the air producing more and more of this radiation. This created a chain reaction that made the new radiation spread out at an alarming rate covering all of North America by December 22, 2012. It continued spreading and reached Japan where the cloud of the biological weapon had been sitting feeding of the carbon levels there. This reaction of the old biological gas and the new radiation created an even more rapidly expanding radiation that covered Asia and Europe by December 23, 2012. The radiation then consumed the whole world in a matter of days days later, slowing down over the arctic where the radiation molecules got cold and lost the energy needed to spread. Some people (for reasons still unknown) are immune to this radiation. Other not so fortunate people were consumed and transformed into these beings set out to destroy.

The United States government had fallen to ruin by this time. The Radiation messing up any radio transitions more than a couple of miles away, the President mutated and the military branches following into discord, Many of your fellow officers and subordinates have deserted, deciding to fend for themselves. You are one of the military soldiers of the United States unaffected by this corruption. Your duty is to protect the survivors until contact can be made to evacuated them. Beware, the mutated humans are able to adapt and grow stronger. They far out number you, but you still have your brain - use it to the best of your ability. Also be on the look out for deserters from your own army. They will try to steal your supplies and probably kill you to get them. You are here to make sure the rest of this city survives so that the United States can at least carry on in one place and slowly rebuild. Remember today, December 23, 2012, as the day the human race has fallen from its glory. As the day the human race has to fight for survival against all odds. Remember today for it could be the last for the human race's existance on the entire planet. . . .

This story may be edited in the future...
Story was created by PrinceKeldarh and edited by Craka_J.

~Craka_J; Leader of the Apocalypse Development Team.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
nice but I'd assume Russia should've played part in this and its somewhat strange for me that Germany would fight another war..

And that China could still launch nukes after its been hit hard by one, but anyway the story is pretty good..

oh and are these "mutated ones" contagious? or is this just airborne?
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
I don't like those alliances you made. I think they are made poorly. They are almost just like in world war 2.

And rest of the story I have already heard from other forums. It's always the same: US is good and China and Iran are evil. That's just stupid. What a propaganda.

I suggest you to create something new. For example, different alliances or something.
Level 6
Mar 10, 2008
It's an interessting story, and it's main purpose is to get you to the situation where you have to fight zombies so it works i guess.

There's some stuff that ticks me nonetheless 'It was the year 2010 and a great war broke out' Why? You never mention it? Is it because these states just hate each other or what? Also if a war broke out, involving the US don't you think most of the Nato forces would help their US ally? Also the sentence 'the Chinese and their terrorist cohorts' is a very strong condemnation of china. You seem quick to equate china with terrorists... I don't know if that's your goal but it sounds that way.

Then you mention that germany joins China and terrorrists vs US. That seems highly unlikely. What interets does Germany have in opposing the US? Germany has closer ties and shared interests with the US, France, UK and its nato allies than with china or terrorists if war broke out. I believe Germany siding with 'the allies' is more plausible.
'A deadly secret weapon [...] thereby shutting down the human’s immune system' Basically the terrorists release AIDS on the world right?

'France deciding they would be better off holding back on the nuclear warfare, withdrew from the war and built up its own borders, and looked toward homeland security.' Hahaha sounds exactly like something the French would do :)

Finally you never mention the Russians. What are they up to? Don't you consider them at least a a military power with all the nukes thay have? Most likely they would have sided with China given their shared interests.

All in all it remains a good background nonetheless :)
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I'll direct PrinceKeldarh to check this thread out to read your posts and reply to them. I didn't realize how the Russians were left out, which is a big mistake! I'll certainly get him to fix that right away when I see him on.

As for the reason why Germany would want to take sides against the US, my guess would be because after either WW1 or WW2, the US divided Germany and Russia a bit, making it a smaller country.

Level 6
Mar 10, 2008
It don't believe that's accurate. The action takes place some 70 years after 1945, and sincerely doubt that Germans in 2012 still feel resentment of the aftermath of WWII (appart from a minority of neo-nazis). Shortly after 1945, the US transformed its former rivals, Japan and West Germany, into allies and partners, by investing heavily in those countries, giving aid and reforming the military (esp Germany) to fight the new threat of communism.

France and Germany were the bitter rivals of WWI and WWII but after 1945 there was a genuine rapprochement. Germany is now (2008) heavily included in Europe. The EU framework makes it ties incomparably closer to Europe than to China. There is no sign of a widespread opposition to the US that might make it takes sides against the US in a war. Even if (and that's a big if) it were to happen, there are many US bases in Germany, and with the EU monitoring it would be impossible for Germany to sundenly oppose its former allies without foeign powers intervening quickly to halt that devellopment.
Besides, don't you think that the German chief of staff would suggest not going to war surrounded by rival powers (Fr, UK...). This was their main concern in WWI and WWII, and they only went trough with their plans at the time because they could have the element of surprise and take out one side quickly enough. But IMO, now that plan would hardly work and they would know it.

Last thing "the US divided Germany and Russia a bit, making it a smaller country." I'm not sure i understand this sentence. Do you mean the US devided russia a bit after WWII? On the contrary. The US and the USSR both agreed on deviding germany. If the germans would have resentment against one of these powers it would be Russia. They impossed communism on east germany for 45 years, destroying the economy and well being of its people. While The west prospered and develloped the daily life in the east was nowhere near the standards of the west. Why do you think so many Germans tried to flee from the east to the west side?

Nah i'd never see Germany fighting against the US, Fr and the Uk with China and terrorists as allies, that's just too far-fetched.
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Level 6
Mar 10, 2008
Lol you completely ignore all the other arguments i make on why Germany would never be on the 'fourth reich' o_O Yet I fail to find your argument convincing at all. Do you believe that Germany in 2012 will seek to regain its lost territory by a war against the US and the EU ( ie: its formal allies), a war that any military planer can describe as 'suicide'. Your only arguement is based on your idea that because Germany lost territory in 1945 it will hold this grudge against the counties who defeated it forever. You don't seem to realize that there have been radically different devellopments in 60 years...

The US and the USSR agreed on dividing the world into 'spheres of influence' at Yalta and Potsdam conferences. The US did not in any way srink the USSR's size. On the contrary, as victors the USSR formally increased its territory by annexing land from vanquished countries (Eg: bassarabia from romania). After 1945, the soviet unions dominated eastern europe in a way the tzar could only dream of. You give the example of Estonia. Sure, it's a country out of the old russian empire, but in no way was it independant. It was forced to align itself with the USSR and folow its foreign policy decisions and adopt its political and economic systems. The Brehznev doctrine formalized this as ' the right of the USSR to directly intervene in the internal affairs of any warsaw pact members if communism was in danger' Just look what happened to hungary in 1956 and tchekoslovakia in 1968 when they wanted to break out of the warsaw pact...
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
A lot of the storyline that currently makes no sense will be revealed in-game, putting the pieces together which will then explain exactly what happened and why and all that other good stuff. Those who are hungry for stories, Apocalypse will probably be your mod, or so we hope so! But for now, I guess you'll just have to wait for its release to find out exactly why everything happened the way they did by unravelling the mystery in-game by completing tasks and in other ways. :wink:

Level 1
Mar 9, 2008
Alright....I left out Russia...(I was trying to play up China, because Russia vs the U.S. was definitely in the cold war...) my bad...and as for Germany. You are correct...as far as that story goes it doesn't make a whole lot of sense...Thanks for pointing it out....The disease isn't really AIDs, but I thought there might be some trouble there so I'll refine the story some to make it more comprehensible, but that might be reviled in game... As for the Alliances issue that "Aeroblyctos" brought up, with France, U.K., and the U.S. That is a realistic alliance in the fact they are allies today and have been for awhile.. The next big war will probably be with them on the same side. This isn't suppose to be out there in the sense that it wouldn't resemble our world today...Past plays a big roll on the future and so one....(Now to cover my tracks..)I know parts of the story don't resemble the world well and well I guess thats why we have you guys to yell at me and make sure I'm doing my job:/

So I'm gonna add in Russia, Modify Germany's story(and maybe alliance). The terrorist situation in china..Refine the Biological weapon...Did I miss anything?
Level 6
Mar 10, 2008
Thx for taking our feedback into consideration. It seems you want to do a good job so gratz on that. I mean the story is entertaining and you made a real effort to flesh it out so i respect that. I was just poiting out some stuff that as a student of IR and history just rings funny for me ^^

Well i don't want to be picky but who are the terrorists? Because i don't think you ever mention who they are and what are their motivations. Also it's kinda a generalization that all the terrorists would unite together. I mean a bunch of these groups might train together at some point, but they have radically different goals and ways to achieve it. Because they are terrorists it doesn't mean that they have a global network and they all know each other or even have sympathy for each other.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
PrinceK said:
Did I miss anything?
You also must remember some alliance that have been active many years in real life: NATO and European Union. So I think countries in these groups would not fight each other.

I suggest you to look more closely alliance like this:
- Wester Countries (UK, GERMANY, FRANCE, USA, ITALY, and other more smallereuropean countries such as Spain, Poland, Finland, Estonia, etc.)
- Muslim countries (SAUDI ARABIA, IRAK, IRAN, INDONESIA, etc.)
- Old socialism countries and Russian friendly allys(CHINA, VIETNAM, BURMA, KAZAKHSTAN, BELORUSSIA, TURKMENISTAN, etc.)
- South American countries (Brasilia, Venezuela, Argentina, etc.)

Of course these alliances are little bit boring because it is used in other games. Then I suggest you to make something new. Here is example: somehow something makes wester countries to fight for so wester countries separate to two different groups for getting the goal, whatever it is.

And for terrorist, everyone in everywhere in the world can be terrorist. It can be US citizen, it can be China citizen etc. I think it's very, very stupid to compare terrorist to China or other countries.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2008
As for the Alliances most of those are alright I messed up Germany and didn't put Russia in. and the terrorist...I did not say they were Chinese I said they went along with the Chinese...
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
PrinceK said:
I did not say they were Chinese I said they went along with the Chinese...
Ye, but it's same as USA is ally with terrorist. You think that would be possible? No, I don't think so. So it's same as China and terrorists, they can't be ally. Country and terrorist groups can't be any way ally. They are really different groups.

You must first understand word "terrorist" before you are trying to put it in your story.

But hey, your story is quite good, just keep updating it! +rep
Level 6
Mar 10, 2008
Ye, but it's same as USA is ally with terrorist. You think that would be possible? No, I don't think so. So it's same as China and terrorists, they can't be ally. Country and terrorist groups can't be any way ally. They are really different groups.

I wouldn't say a country can never be an ally with a terrorist organization. It really depends on countires and terrorists groups, and there is such a wide variety of both types.

If a state (most likely a 'rogue' state, or one hardly involved in the international society), and a terrorist group share a common interest (ie: destroy/cripple.. a country) the state can give terrorists a safe haven on its territory, give weapons and training, acces to intel...

Just as an example, look at Afghanistan (pre-war) and the Talibans.

Though in this situation it's really unlikely that China would abandon all its effort to please the world community (joining the WTO in 1995, increasing its presence in international field...), just to give it all up and 'join' terrorists. If it was another country then that could be possible...
Level 2
Jan 18, 2005
Well, if I may add a little clarification as to the "terrorists" part, it's actually more of a "revolutionary movement". The terrorists are, as often in the real world, members of the movement who are simply ready to go to greater lengths to achieve their goals. By "supporting the terrorists", it is mainly implied that China supports the movement from which emerge the terrorists. I hope this made things a bit clearer.
Level 1
Mar 9, 2008
Thanks DaFranker I just want to post that I'm having a homework attack from my teachers this week and I'm on vacation the next week. So don't expect the story to get updated until the week after next if not longer...sorry for the inconvenience I hope to get back to it ASAP
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
I really hope this map will get released soon.
I and a friend of mine made a cool story up just like this. American vs the world after bombing China though we didn't really give an explanation for it... But we didn't include the T-Virus.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Perhaps the mixture of the radioactive stuff could create the T-Virus? They are both gas and very simular. You could atleast name the gas something. :D
Another question: What about those guys in the satellites in space?
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