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Azeroth Reimagined 1.0.10b

Azeroth Reimagined
Created by Linkin

Map Info

The Grand Strategy Sandbox RPG of this game come from the fact that you spawn into this world with in a randomly selected location with no clue about your surrounding other than the layout.

You are immediately faced with the choice of picking your faction, which in turns gives you a ton of choices later on how you want the faction to play like. On your first play-through you may end up as the Mage-Empire of controlling the North Kingdoms or the you may end up as the Dwarven-Giant Vikings from the Land of the South Seas with different units available for you.
Now while you shit your pants thinking about the amount of failures you can do within the first minute of gameplay you should instead explore your surroundings and build your first base, if your lucky you may find a player nearby who wants you as their ally, or you could be unlucky to find a trio of pros ready to gank your sorry ass.

The game offer a semi-advance introduction, the will ask you if you need help and if you accept it will tell you over the time of the game the tips for the faction you picked. It will check what faction you took and only give advice on that faction.

The lands you will explore in this game is not the regular static zones you find in other games, the land actually affects your units in positive or negative ways. You enter a zone which is snowy and cold, this could mean that your soldiers freezes and have a lower movement speed than normal or you may enter a desert which due to lower amount of food and water makes your units regenerate health slower.
Not only that but you can capture Artifacts around the world that will positively effect you in some way, everything from the Water Temple which grants you sight of the island it is built upon, the surrounding waters and a movement speed buff to all units including naval ones if they are close enough. Or you may find the White Tower which grants your units with a strong mana regeneration aura which cowers 25% of the map. Some of these Wonders are tied together with events like the Iron Throne which requires you to capture certain objectives to open up its power, everything to summon a demi-Hero to your side to change the flow of the map by alternating the zones themselves.

Heroes are also a very important part of this map, they are the leaders of your custom faction and can make or break your strategy. All Heroes are carefully made with combos and fun in mind, if they aren't fluid they are to be removed or changed for the positive. In the future there will be videos to showcase the power of well used Heroes.


This game refer itself as a "Grand Strategy Sandbox RPG"
Custom and changeable factions, meaning you can play the same faction as your ally but have totally different units.
The game offers intrigue in the ways of open alliances.
Zones may affect the overall health of your units.
There are great artifacts that you can capture to help you dominate the other players.
Heroes are important, I have made effort to make them fun.
Custom Naval Warfare, it is very different from other warcraft maps.

Screenshots and Videos




Video Description:
Azothan plays through a older version of the map, one day he will surely give it another go!

Change Log

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates

I like any other are prone to make errors and you may have not been properly credited for the resource you have created that I use or you may have aided me in another way which you think you should be credited for.
Use the private message function on either Hiveworkshop.com or Diplo to contact me.

Models, Icons and Textures

AndrewOverload519 - Guardian of the Crescent Moon
Anvil - Gate model
assasin_lord - HeroGlow model
BlackDoom - Thorium Armor icon
13lackDeath - Ebon Blade icon
Bigapple90 - Holy Aura, Witchhunt & Blood Thrall icons
Blood Raven - Snow Pile model
Bloody_Turds - Thunder Spear icon
Buster - Palm Trees model
cotd333 - Myocardial Infarcation model
Crazyrussian - Command Bottoms, Myocardial Infraction, Reincarnation, Sacred Water icons
Darkfang - Maelstrom Icon
Deolrin - Trireme Model & Icon.
Devine - Blood Missile Model
Eubz - Bamboo model
Fingofin - Dalaran Wall model. New Road & Thick Grass texture.
hellblazer-14 - Nice Brush model
HerrDave - Berry Bush model,
Horn - Defender model, Defender icon
JesusHipster - Keg Missile
JetfangInferno - Grounding Aura model
Kellym0 - Aurora Model
Kel'Thuzad - Cursader Aura model. Medium Weapon & Horse icon.
Kimbo - Predator icon
Kitabatake - Farm model
Kola - Arcanelight icon
Kugneghetz - BrownBalverine icon
Lender - Web model
Levigeorge1617 - Stormlash Aura model
L_Lawliet - Searing Flames icon
[Unknown Hive-User] - Holy Aura icon
Mainy [War Golum] - Magical Weapon icon
Marcos DAB - Conductivity & Unleashed Flame icons
Mc ! - Whirlpool model, Cursed Armor icon
Mephestrial - Blacksmith model
MortAr - New Interface icons
Mr.Goblin - Tempest icon
Mystic - Aura icons
Nasrudin - Scrub & Grass model
NFWar - Heavy Weapon, Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Magical Armor, Flank Speed icons
nGy - Fusion Slash model
Norinrad - Phalanx model
NightSkyAurora - Stormlash Aura model
Palaslayer - Glaive of the Soul Huntress icon
Sin'dorei300 - Onslaught, Excessive Drinking, Magecutter icons. Dragon Priest model
Paladon - Searing Chain icon
Peekay - Soulstone icon
PrinceOfFame - Holy Sword icon
Pyritie - Flameshot Aura model
Sellenisko - Housecarl & Magecutter model,
<STRYDERZERO> - Mountain texture
The Panda - Holy Restoration icon
Tranquil - Phalanx, Dwarven Catapult models
UgoUgo - Ebon Knight icon. Pyroblast model
Uncle Fester - Mandrake model
WhiteDeath - Ebon Knight, Blue Projectile & Favoured One models
xDeathknightx - Enchanted Armor icon
zbc - Wrath of the Juggernaut icon
Zwiebelchen - Ice Models
4eNNightmare - Lethal Arrow, Fiery-Spirit Aura icons
67chrome - Shadowsoul Mistress skin, Skeleton models.
-Berz- - Fire Torrent icon


Assassins-Creed - Helping during early Alpha.
Ap0calypse - Helping during early Alpha.
Dayne - Sharing semi-complex triggers, which taught me much.

General Helpful

Krotos - he is behind 20% of all references hidden in the game.
DSgamer - Terrain advisory, has done major terraining projects such as 60% of Pandaria and 90% of Outland.

Images and Videos
Pharaoh_ - Intro Image

Special Thanks To; Kawaliti for the UI!

Azeroth, RTS, 12 players, Sandbox, Strategy, Diplomacy, Diplomunion, Naval Warfare.[/youtube]

Azeroth Reimagined 1.0.10b (Map)

13:36, 3rd Jan 2016 StoPCampinGn00b: Approved, perhaps I'll drop a review later and rating later.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Lovely description. It seems like the map's category, despite it not being Azeroth Wars, should be Strategy / Risk from my understanding of the description.

Cheers Linkin.

I've updated the description and you are absolutely correct about the tags.

Thanks! ^^

I can't play the map. It exits the Warcraft III as soon if finishes loading.

It works for me, anyone else have the same problem?
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
He said that he would play the map last year, but I told him to wait until the map gets good. We haven't contacted each other since, and I haven't planned to contact him atm.

Feels more right if he tries it out of his own curiosity rather than on request.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
So this minor balance patch I wanted to release won't be coming. Instead I found myself with a pretty decent sized patch coming around the same time as the old one was planned. 1.1.01 will feature new improved terrain on Eastern Kingdom, a new naval unit called the Highwind Totem and a few key balance changes that will change of some units play.

I will try to release a image tomorrow on how the new terrain will look like. Zug zug.
Level 2
Dec 19, 2014
Wholly shit this map look gorgeous as fuck,also i fucking like the way you make things "before" they were corrupted or changed,lastly the monument you make like the white tower,azhara ruin,the lost guardian isle are freaking gorgeous,pandaria is 10/10
Level 2
Dec 19, 2014
The Lack of Divercity on Outland/Dranor is kinda disturbing,but the way you make Silithus green and blackrock area cold is REALLY FUCKING GREAT,also fyi the Crystalsong forest in Northern should be filled with crystal or crystal like tree i guess..

Now all you need is to include Broken Isles,Quel-danis isle? (isles near Quel-thalas),Kezan(goblin),Tol-Barad and Alcaz and Maelstrom and it'll be the best Azeroth MAP EVER!!
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
I just played your map a little and gained some impressions:

1) You used the fog doodad excessively, wherefore some regions have quite the fps drop, especially when paired with custom camera distance. It surely looks nice, but playability is more important, if you ask me.

2) The application of many abilities is not made directly clear, talking about heroes for example and have seemingly unnecessary long texts. I admire your effort, but, if i'm not mistaken, such things take away from approachability, which is important, even more for new maps.

Again, very nice terrain and one can easily see the huge effort you put into this project.
Level 8
Nov 27, 2015
Want my personal opinon 5/5.
1. point on the high ress terrain.
2. point on the high ress unit models and icons.
3. point on upgrades and units.
4. point on the places where doodads are placed.
and 5. point for making gameplay awesome with only 3 races(even if ones isnt finished).
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Up to this point items had a non-existant impact on gameplay aside from potions, this is no longer the case. Three things has been requested in the past, useful items, more events and creeps. So why not all at once?

All three now go hand in hand
All Heroes have quests to obtain a certain item. The Cleric of Tyra as an exampel wants to obtain the ''The Macemaul''. This item is guarded by creeps just like all the other. And if the Cleric obtains the item something will happen. This can be that the items change, the items empower the Hero, the Hero becoming a stronger Hero and a lot more. In most cases it empoweres the Heroes innate ability.



So now all Heroes got one quest. But the balancing is hard, either you make all the quest roughly the same and a bit monotone or there is a bit of flavor at the risk of unbalance. This time I went with the flavor path, some items are a bit easier to obtain, some are harder, some grant larger effects. I will try to make it fair for the effort in obtaining the items.

Time to talk about the second part of the updated Azeroth Reimagined- formerly known as Azeroth AWR. In this thread I will explain Vassalization and how being an evil dick gives you a second Hero.


Now you can get players to -vassal you, being a vassal means that they no longer have any control over their diplomacy. So when you kill players now you actually earn on it, make them see sense and letting them becoming your vassals. And if you manage to get someone to vassal you while they have their own vassal, well then you get more than one!

This is implemented to make diplomacy matter even more than before. Hopefully make this game more fun than before.

Truly Evil Players - more Heroes?!

Well there is one problem with the vassal system that plagues other games, what do you do if you vassal helps the enemy, is plain bad, is annoying or you just want their Heroes? ...wait Their Hero?

You read right!
You can now be truly evil and -kick (playername) your vassal, this is not only to protect your ass from toxic vassals but as a reward for deceptive diplomacy where you trick a weaker ally into vassalage just to gain control of their Hero. This most of the time isn't that smart since controlling large amount of land is easier when you are more doing the defending, but who cares about that when you can roleplay being an evil dick.

Perhaps you can show that you're not only an evil dick but the biggest dick of all. With your Hero team you crush those pesky mass alliances. Crush them under your Heroes sick combos and wicked gamer skill.



Do you like this change? Like this post!

Do you have ideas or criticism? Post a comment!

Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Stuff decided not to change
1. There has been complaints about the strength of ships, but I decided to leave it as is for now. I want ships to be used in game and be a bigger part of the game play overall. I won't make it like DAoW or AWLR, those games need no more clones.

BUT! If I see Sea Battles taking prominance, where they are too dominant against land unit I may consider a nerf around 15-20%. But I rather see Catapults/Serpent Towers being effective against ships.

2. I have also considered to change on how many School of Fish there are in game, instead of beign around equally apart from each other they perhaps should be grouped together around certain spots so they are easier to defend against enemy players. But I want to see how mid-skilled games play out first, to see if defending your sea boarder is as ludacrisly hard as I predict it may be. (When people get used to actually getting allies and vassals and get actively use ships.)

3. Limiting Hero level to 16
and removing stats bonus as an option, we will see how stronk Heroes get at later levels compare to armies. I don't want to see Heroes decimate armies solo, even if they are supposed to be taugh.

4. Mana regeneration, I'm considering tweaking the mana system where mana regeneration is faster, but I don't want to make potions useless. Perhaps I will make a consumable cheap mana regain potion that economically viable. Same with Health.

Stuff changed - the true Change Log
-Repaired the income info trigger
-Ages revamped, now the innate Resources grows, but then decline after a while.
-Towers can finally attack structures (Thanks for the report Thurr)
-Removed the Isle of Credit, all credited people are placed around the world.
-Added two neutral Heroes to each Altar to reduce chance of a player not getting a Hero. (Chance right there is roughly a 0.00024% chance of a player going without one)
Utility Gear Upgrade is now cheaper to research.
Utility Gear is now stronger, all it gave before is increased.
Utility Gear is now limited to 3.
Damage upgrade is now limited to 6.
Armor upgrade is now limited to 6.
Battlegear upgrade is now limited to 6.
Mage Armor renamed to Mage Gear.
Mage Gear upgrade is now limited to 6.
-It is no longer possible to spawn in Icecrown, Ruins of Isildien, Khaad-dum(Balance)
The Item ''Scroll of Epic Teleportation'' renamed to Scroll of Mass Teleportation.
The Item ''Scroll of Teleporting'' now cost 100 gold down from 125.
The Item ''Scroll of Mass Teleportation'' now cost 150 gold down from 200.
The Item ''Time Warped Shield'' now cost 225 gold down from 300.
The Item ''Crown of the Conqueror'' now cost 400 gold down from 500.

Editors note:
The Ages change has been done to make wars early on not that terrifying Resource wise, but later in game wasting units is no longer viable.

The upgrade change is a test to see how it reflects mid-end game content. Also reduces the stress of catching up on upgrades.

How it should look like now.
Non-upgrade Paladin (One of the tankiest unit in game)
520 health
2.00 attack speed
22 damage
5 armor

Old Limit.
1050 health
1.68 attack speed
52 damage
35 armor
New Limit
858 health
1.78 attack speed
40 damage
23 armor

The Sacred Glade now heals 2hp/s instead of 1hp/s.
Howling Catapult now hits AoE (really small one) and projectiles are faster, and hits air. But attack speed has been reduced from 3 to 8.
The White Tower now grants a global mana regeneration aura, but it is four times weaker.
Wolves from Lair of Lupos now gain more damage from upgrades.
New School of Fish model, should be easier to click.

Buffed Heroes, Quests, Tooltips and Experience Gain
Underplayed and weaker Heroes have received buffs! All Heroes now have Quests. Quests can give upgrades to abilities, unqiue items and a lot more.
A nerf to damage gained per Primary Attribute, from 1.65 to 1.25
Tooltips has been nerfed #kek
Tooltips are now more direct in what they do, so it is faster to read them. At the cost of RP.

Experience Gain has been changed a bit. Now lower level Heroes will give less experience when killed, this is most noticable for higher level Heroes who require a lot of experience. But High level heroes(above level 6) now give more experience as they level up. If a low level Hero manage to slay a high level one they will gain a lot of experience.

Global Distrubtion of experience has been turned off. You need to be within 3000 yards of battles to gain Experience.

Experience % gain from Creep has been changed, they now grant more experience early on but less as the Hero level up. From a maximum of 70% gained down to a minumum of 30%.

Quest: Find the Avatar of Athalaxx and take your revenge!
:- All basic skills have become slightly stronger.
:- All basic skills cost a bit less mana to cast.
:- Ultimate now has a lower cooldown.

Shadowsoul Mistress:
Quest: Kill the pirate king Husito and obtain his hat!
:- The innate now has a low manacost.
:- All basic spells now has a lower mana cost.
:- Signet of Midnight now grants less dodge per level invested.
:- Signet of Midnight now have a reduced crit/proc chance.
:- Shadow Stalkers, from Summoning Shadowstalkers, now can stealth for longer.
:- Ultimate now has has a much lower cooldown.

Holy Champion:
Quest: Find the holy Clock of Flames, rumored to be taken by evil fanatics in Northerend.
:- Searing Chain/Templar's Verdict now cost less mana.
:- Righteous Wrath now cost less mana.
:- Righteous Wrath now increase in range per level invested.
:- Ultimate now has a lower cooldown.
:- Ultimate has a larger attack bonus now.
:- Ultimate now cost less mana.

Quest: Find, and replace the Ebonking. Or his signet ring.
:- The innate removed and replaced with Aura of Ebonblight
:- Aura of Ebonblight reduces nearby enemy units health regeneration.
:- Hero now gets damage based on Strength, not intelligence. (trial)
:- All basic skills cost a bit less mana to cast.
:- Twilight Portal has a lower cooldown.
:- Twilight Portal now spawns less minions over the duration.

Lord of Cinder:
Quest: Find the Lord of Sunlight and replace him.

Guardian of the Crescent Moon:
Quest: Find the Moon Ember, rumored to be in South Eastern Kingdoms.

Great Grey Wolf:
Quest: Find the bones of strength, rumored to be in Ashenvale.
:- All basic skills cost a bit less mana to cast.

Cleric of Tyra: red grene yellow blue black
Quest: Find the Macemaul, rumored to be in the north..

Quest: Find the Shadow Lens, rumored to be at Niel's Point.
:- Cooldown of Eye of the Nephasm has been lowered.
:- Range of Chain of Corruption has been increased.
:- Mana cost of Dark Frenzy has been lowered.
:- Mana cost of Condemn has been lowered.
:- Condemn second level now deals more damage.

Favored Soul:
Quest: Find your old master on Pandaria and kill him.
:- All basic skills cost a less mana to cast.
:- All abilities have lower cooldowns.
:- Decreased the damage of Soul Spear.
:- Increased the duration of the summon from Soul Spear.
:- Increased the health of the flawless Grounding Totem.

Dragon Priest:
Quest: Find the other part of this item, rumored to be held by held by the last living black dragon that lives in a cave in Kalimdor.
:- Dragon Priest now starts with the item ''Ancient Fragment''.
:- Pyroblast range has been increased.
:- Searing Flame now deals more damage.
:- Searing Flame now have a casting time.
:- Ultimate costs lower mana to be in.
:- Ultimate interacts with the innate now.
:- Ultimate now scales probably with damage upgrades.
:- Ultimate now deals fire damage instead of arcane.

Hound Master:

Quest: Find the Wolf Flute, perhaps at the Lair of Lupos.
:- Summon Bloodfang hounds now summons three wolves.
:- Shadowbite Spear costs less mana to cast.
:- Shadowbite Spear now deals a lot more damage per level.
:- Shadowbite Spear now slows 20% more, in total 40%.
:- Call of the Hunt now has a mana cost.

Someone in dwarfland once bloodied you in a tavern brawl, return the favor!
:- Shockwave now stuns for 2 seconds, and duration increase by 0.25 for every level.
:- Furor now gives 15% mana back when hit by a spell, but has a longer cooldown.

Quest: Find your evil uncle, where could a panda uncle live?
:- All basic skills cost a bit less mana to cast.
:- Keg Toss now deal a lot more damage.
:- Ultimate now has a lower cooldown.

Blood Weaver:
Quest: Find the Deadman's Heart, rumored to be on a small isle.
Ultimate Myocardial Infraction now has a lower cooldown.
Ultimate Myocardial Infraction summon is now permanent.

Quest: Find your evil uncle, where could a panda uncle live?
:- All basic skills cost a bit less mana to cast.
:- Keg Toss now deal a lot more damage.
:- Ultimate now has a lower cooldown.
:- Rage (One of the summons of the Ultimate) ability Burning Flesh now deals double damage
:- Euphoria (One of the summons of the Ultimate) ability Brew Walk now last longer.
:- Stubborness (One of the summons of the Ultimate) ability Insult now targets more units.

Shadowleaf Huntress:
Quest: Find your bow, perhaps held by your rogue sisters.
:- The innate passive Lethal Arrow armor reduction has been lowered.
:- Cooldown on Kill Arrow has been lowered.
:- Cooldown on Ensnare has been increased, but now decrease per level.
:- Ensnare now gain less duration per level.

Frenzied Berserker:
Quest: Conquer the Red World and get the bloodied flag.
:- The innate removed and replaced with Charge!
:- Charge! massively increases movement speed for a short duration.
:- Frenzied Berserkers E passive finally works.

The Lich King:
Quest: Kill your rival Lich that has settled in Pandaria and steal his staff.
:- Boundless Mind cooldown is reduced to 16 seconds.
:- Boundless Mind cooldown increase per level has been reduced.
:- Boundless Mind casting time has been reduced to 1.5 seconds.
:- Boundless Mind casting time increase per level has been reduced.
:- Terror of Undeath armor reduction now only increase every second level.
:- Terror of Undeath every second point invested increase area of effect.
:- Terror of Undeath starting area of effect has been reduced.

Iron Alliance

Telekinetic Blades upgrade now increases the range of Battlemages even further.
Battlemages no longer have the ability Magic Rune. (Was impractical)
Battlemages now have Runic Armor, which reduces magical damage taken and increases their attack speed. (Perhaps a bit too easy to use, but works for now.)
Iron Golems deals a lot less damage early on, they gain less damage when upgraded.
Iron Golems now has slightly more armor early on, and gains more when upgraded.
Iron Golems now has the passive Demolishing Force, bonus damage against buildings.
Iron Catapults range has been increased to 1000, up from 900.
Sorceress base mana pool has been increased.
Sorceress "Slow" now slows movementspeed even more.
Sorceress "Eye of the Storm" now have a larger effect radius.
Priests ability ''Dispel'' now has a longer range, but cost more mana.
Arcanist ability ''Chain Lightning" deals more damage and have more range.
Arcanist ability "Combustion" now destroy more mana, but no longer affect Heroes.
Archeress ability "Arcane Rush" duration is increased.
Archeress Quick Draw upgrade has been renamed to improved bow.
Archeress improved bow now have a second tier "improved arrows".
Riflemen now have a new upgrade, Blasting Powder, increasing their damage dice roll.
Hydromancers Blizzard ability now last a longer, increasing its total damage.
Arcanist ability 'Combustion'' now combust more mana, but do no longer affect Heroes.
All Towers but the most basic towers has been improved upon.
The Arcane Tower now have the new ability ''Eye of the Arcane'' which reveals a large area of the map for decent duration.
Holy Champion upgrade now cost 350 gold instead of 500 gold.
Main Buildings summons now last longer, and increase per upgrade (keep/castle).

Editors note:
Battlemages Magic runic pretty didn't work as intended, too clumpy to use. Battlemages will be looked over again but right now they have a unqiue spot as a semi-ranged melee unit with innate magic resistance.
Sorceress are still underuse, someone please help me find out why, they should be pretty good, when I compare abilities they should even beat priests by a fair margin.
Arcanists were still a worse pyromancer, now they are better anti-mage units. Right now they are intended to hit ranged units and mage units, units with low health from their long range.
Iron Golems are intended to clear mass towers, they are a bit too effective against catapults and normal units so this hopefully fixes that.
Archeress needs just a bit more umph, will perhaps be given a bit more umph if needed.
Defensive Buildings had a bit of a wonky upgrade path in terms of stats, now it follow a straight line where each upgraded tower becomes better than the old one. Overall somewhat stronger when the effort is put in. Humans build few strong bases, undeads builds many medium-strong ones.

Ebonhearth Council
Sticky Web of the Nerubian Webspinner has been improved.
The Lesser Lich summon ability now actually works!
The Lesser Lich ''Deadly Decay" now hits three times harder.
Ghouls attack speed was lowered (Was incorrect).
Ghouls "Infected Wounds" passive was buffed(Same damage but on a lower duration).
Bone Wraiths health was increased from 480 to 520 (equal to Paladins now)
Apothecary Training now gives double the health increase to Apothecaries.
Defiance now also gives the two basic spellcasters spell resistance.
Shadowmancers base mana pool has been increased.
Darkness upgrade now also grant Shadowmancer 100 health.
Nightmares stealth ability has been renamed to Shadowwalk, it now last longer.
Nightmares now have a normal attack speed.
Mesmers limited has been reduced to 6.
Nightmare and Mesmers Mind Wreck ability now destroy more mana.
The Fear upgrade no longer grant bonus damage, but teaches Mind Wreck.
Mind Wreck is no longer a innate ability and has to be reasearched.
Mesmers limited has been reduced to 6.
Mesmers Diversion and Aberration ability has seen large buffs.
Abominable Conceptus damage has been doubled.
Ebonite Statue now have front line formation rank. (Stands in the front)
The Main Building can no longer summon Repears.

Editors note:

Nerubian Webspinner did not stand out enough, hopefully this will inspire the ''All-in" together with the Ghouls.
Ghouls just a bug fix, hopefully they will remain at the same power level.
Bone Wraiths / Mage buff combo was given a lot more umhp to stand together as a viable choice, a anti-mage choice.
Apothecary training buff is there to encourage more use of this unit.
Shadowmancers + Darkness is there to buff the Lesser Lich path and make Shadowmancers a tier above the other two magic casters.
Stealth Units - Nightmares stealth ability duration was so short that it was harder than it should have been to preform it. Stats has been changed and abilities buffed so their role is more defined.
Abominable Conceptus role as a support ''tower'' did not warrant a 9 in base damage.
Main Building, overall the undeads defence is really strong as it is. Just a minor nerf.

Magecutter (Ship) has been buffed!
Range of "Dragonfire" has been increased
Damage of "Dragonfire" has been increased
Posidon's Wall health has been increased.
Duration of Posidon's Wall has been increased.
Mothership is now affected by undead building upgrades.
Serpent Tower is now affected by human and undead upgrades.
Serpent tower health has been reduced to 1600, down from 2400.
Serpent Tower range has been reduced to 750, down from 1100.
School of Fish now gain health and armor from building upgrades like CPs do.
School of Fish now have more health and a lot more armor.
School of Fish can now research "Spy Fishes" increasing their sight!
Galleys ''Explosive Rounds'' deals more damage and costs less.
Galleys ''Land Raiders'' now cost 50 mana instead of 15.
Galley have now 100 mana, but only regen at 0.25.
Galley now cost 2 food.
Galley range is now increased to 525 from 425.
Galley now has 5 starting armor, up from 3.
Trireme ''Land Scouts'' only spawn 3 units now.
Trireme now has 100 mana, and only regen mana at 0.25.
Trireme now costs 2 food.
Both versions of Trireme now has 200 less health.
Turtle Triremes infinite summons bug has been fixed.
Battleship now has a updated tooltip.
Editors note:
Buffs to Galley to increase the use together with Triremes.
School of Fish now takes longer to capture, to reduce the stress of capturing School of Fish early game.

- Amount of Control Points (total: old 151 + new 26)

North Eastern Kingdom
Currently 28 CPs + 2 New
+ Hinterlands (Hinterlands)
+ Northgate Village (Gilneas)
South Eastern Kingdom
Currently 28 CPs + 2 New
+Valley of the Ice Giants(Loch Modan)
+The Tainted Shore (Blasted Lands)
North Kalimdor
Currently 24 CPs + 1 New
+Nijel's Point (Desolace)
South Kalimdor (South Barrens and below)
Currently 23 CPs + 3 New
+Guardians Path (Between Silithus and Un'goro Crater)
+Valley of Triumph (South Barrens)
+Ravenwind Shore (Feralas)
Currently 16 CPs +4 New
+The Forgotten Shore (Dragonblight)
+Emberstone Fort (Troll Area)
+Storm Valley (Storm Peaks)
+The Geyser Field (Borean Thundra)
Currently 8 CPs + 7 - 1
+Thunderfoot Road
+Temple of the Great Wall
+Eastern Kun-Lai
+Western Kun-Lai
+Krasarang Monastery
+The Dreadfort
+The Jade Temple
-Kun-Lai Summit
Currently 17 Cps +3 New
+Netherstorm Plains
+Telhamats Road
+Telhamats Scar
Currently 4 Cps +4 New
+Sen'jin Village
+Theramore Port
+Zun'jin Market
+Zun Shrine
Currently 3 Cps +1 New
+Starbreeze Beach
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Okay, you REALLY should add an indicator of where your Heroes's Quest appears on the map, or just add hints. Seriously, I have a hard time finding them.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
I take it that some hints were too vague. Specify please.

For example, the Lich King spell doesn't give anything, it just saids that "upgrade at level 62", while there's obiviously a boss right below the map that give him the item he needs. I know some quests are meant to be a surprise, but this is some next level stuff here.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Some Quests rewards items, some rewards items that aren't dropped upon death, some quests empowers items taken up, some empoweres Heroes innate power, some make Heroes become new Heroes.

Thanks man, but seriously, can you make the quest highlight the destination where I need to go? I was playing Houndmaster and took me several minutes just to find the Lair of Lupos.
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Thanks man, but seriously, can you make the quest highlight the destination where I need to go?

I will keep some of the quest exploration for new players in the game but make it easier.

Example new Quest text for the Houndmaster is "Find the Wolf Flute, which is found in the Southern parts of Eastern Kingdoms. At the Lair of Lupos."

This is a nice map. I'm gonna download it now.

I hope you'll enjoy it! It is at its best when played with twelve players( or at least 10 players with slot Red and Blue closed).
Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
The Blood Weaver had a cool core concept, but was lacking in both strength and overall fun, his new toolkit will at the very least change how you use this evil little guy.

(D) Blood Servitude (Health Cost: 10%)
Bends the target into servitude, can only be used on normal units.
Levels up at 6 - can now be used on elite targets.
Range: 700 yards.
Cooldown: 20 seconds

(F) Sacrifice
The targeted unit that has been affected by Blood Servitude is sacrificed to restore health to the blood weaver. Levels up when Quest is completed.
Range: 600 yards.

Cooldown: Instant.

(Q) Hearthbreaker (Health Cost: 6%)
Instantly kills the targeted unit that is at or below level 2.
Range: 700 yards.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Level 2 - Decrease cooldown by 6 seconds.
Level 3 - Decrease health cost by 2%.
Level 4 - can now target elite units(level 3).
Level 5 - Decrease cooldown by 6 seconds.

(W) Hemorrhage (Health Cost: 15%)
Damages all units in the targeted area for 10% of their health maximum.
Range: 700 yards.
Area of Effect: 180 yards.
Duration: 10 seconds.
Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Level 2 - Decrease cooldown by 10 seconds, and increase the duration by 2.5 seconds.
Level 3 - Increase the area of effect by 40 yards.
Level 4 - Decrease health cost by 5%, and increase the duration by 2.5 seconds.
Level 5 - Decrease the duration by 5 seconds, but doubles the effectiveness of the damage.

(E) Conjure Brain Fog (Health Cost: 12%)
The Blood Weaver conjure a miasma of his own blood in the targeted location that causes Brain Fog for enemy units, reducing their mana regeneration by 20%.
Range: 700 yards.
Area of Effect: 300 yards.
Duration: 8 seconds.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.

Level 2 - Increase the duration to 12 seconds.
Level 3 - Increase the mana reduction to 30%
Level 4 - Decrease the cooldown to 8 seconds.
Level 5 - Increase the mana reduction to 35% and area of effect to 350 yards.

(R) Blood Dance (Cost 30% health)
The Blood Weaver channels his blood into the nearby dead corpses, and bends them into attacking nearby enemy units. What is dead may never die.
Area of Effect: 700 yards.
Duration: 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 80 seconds.

Level 1 - Raise 8 dead unit.
Level 2 - Raise 12 dead units.

Map changes for version 1.0.10

Skärmbild (49).png

Three major changes has accured, all of them are like forced mass beta test since everything is up for change. Starting with the least important to the most important change.

Black boundaries has been added to the map along the edges to make it a harder to hide on the map. I also think it reflects the future of the map if development continues. As more indoor zones are planned.

Naval Points are now mostly alongside coasts, but just out of range for normal units to get to. I believe this will solve the difficulty in finding the Fish after someone has taken them from you. Since almost all CPs are near the coast. It also makes it easier to develop defence around the sea since everything is more clumped togther.

Creeps defending control points! Before creeps was only 22 bosses and their guards, now roughly 1000 creeps defend the total of 182 land control points on the map. This changes the early game massively. Now splitting your army up early on is very difficult to pull of in a effective fashion. I must say I do fear the time played in this map, since it is already regularly pulling 2-4 hour play times, this will make it even longer.

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Level 7
Jul 1, 2012
Took me eleven days but here it is! Click HERE to download!

Here is the full detailed changelog!

:- Made School of Fish easier to defend and spawn differently.
:- Dark Green now spawns in Gilneas.
:- Heroes level cap reduced to 15, down from 22.
:- Heroes can no longer gain bonus stats instead of abilities.
:- Gates now cost a bit less resources to build, and have more health.
:- When you receive resources and currency they are properly named now.
:- Melee range overhaul, all melee units have a range of 35 yards instead of 100.

Editors Notes:
Added bounderies to the parts of the map to make it harder to hide larger navies.
Melee overhaul is designed to nerf melees damage output by disabling their ability to hit from a second row, this is made to empower certain units who can learn to hit further.

:- Low level creeps now defends most CPs in the world.
:- Added black bounderies to some parts of the map, this is a test.
:- Make school of Fish easier to defend and spawn differently.

Editors Notes:
All three are done by request, I hope it won't disapoint.

Hero Rebalance:
:- Agility Heroes now have a base attack speed of 1.75(ranged 1.85), down from 1.5(1.70).
:- Holy Champions Righteous Wrath now increase like stated on the tooltip.
Righteous Wrath tooltip has been cleaned up.
:- Shadowsoul Mistress Signet of Midnight now grants less dodge.
Armor upgrade now gives 1 armor, down from 2 armor.
:- The Lich King innate Eternal Shadow now deals less damage.
:- Quest text for the Houndmaster, Lich King, GotCM, Shadowleaf Huntress, Ebonknight has been updated and are more informative. RIP adventure time.
:- Heroes that does not use mana gain a Mythical Healing Potion when aquired instead of a Potion of Concentration.
:- Heroes that doesn't use mana don't get intelligence when picking up Fragment of Power.

Editors Note:
The Shadowsoul Mistress is still too strong in terms of survivablity, so cutting down her dodge by 6% and her armor by 4-6(depending on upgrade) reduces her effective health pool by 6/12/18/24/30/36%+6%. This should be most noticeble in the late game, which is were she dominates in the hand of a decent player.

:- Lunar Ember armor bonus has been reduced to 1, down from 3.
:- Soul Lockets bonus mana has been reduced to 100, down from 250.
:- Pirate King's Hat bonus mana has been reduced to 100, down from 150.

Editors Note:
Mana items were simply much stronger than most other items, this tone back in their power should bring them in line.

Unit Rebalance - Iron Alliance

:- Cataphracts, increase base health by 200
Warhorse Armor damage reduction increased to 6 from 5.
Training time has been increased to 12 seconds, up from 7 seconds.
:- Lancers, new ability - Charge: Increase temporary movement speed.
Nerf movement speed bonus to 14%
Training time has been increased to 12 seconds, up from 7 seconds.
:- Paladins elite upgrade now grants 200 health down from 300 health.
:- Phalanx upgrade rename to Phalanx Formation, it now enables Phalanx to hit enemy units from larger distance, being able to hit from a second row of units.
:- Resource cost of Priest, Sorceress, Pyromancer, Hydromancer and Arcanist reduced to 2, down from 3.
:- Research to unlock mages has been reduced to 225 gold, down from 275 gold.
:- Mages Guild and Towers now requires the Blueprints Upgrade instead.
:- Building Tiers Upgrade removed.

Editors Notes:
Together with the new melee range the Phalanx is now in a unique position were you always want a few rows of them since they can all attack at once.

Iron Alliance Elite units should now be a lot stronger, being more of a force to be reconed with. The Cataphract buff was really needed.

Mages are now easier to research due to the removal of the Building Tier removal, and the cost of unlocking them. Making them less of a hazzle obtain by reducing time and cost. They now are also cheaper, the old cost was reflected upon them having more spells.

Unit Rebalance - Ebonhearth Council
:- Geist damage gained from damage upgrades increased by 1.
:- Darkling Hound training time has been decreased to 3 seconds, down from 5 seconds.
Elite Predator ability now increases attack speed by 20%
Base health pool has increased 380, up from 350 health.
Damage gained from damage upgrade increased by 1.
:- Acolyte now gains 3 bonus damage from Acolyte Training instead of 2.
:- Regular Apothecaries now have the correct version of the passive Defiance.
:- Mesmers now cost 3 resources instead of 5.
:- Lesser Lich Animated Dead increased mana cost to 75 from 40.
Animated Dead no longer gain power from basic evolution upgrades.
Innate mana has been reduced to 375, down from 475 mana.
Immortality cooldown increased to 30 seconds, up from 20 seconds.
:- Ghouls Infected Wounds passive now deals less damage.
Insanity upgrade now increases the damage of Infected Wounds.
Insanity do no longer increase damage of Insane Ghouls.
:- Domination upgrade has been removed.
:- Halls of Darkness now requires a Ebonite Temple and Basic Evolution upgrade.

Editors Notes:
Darkling Hound buff hopefully makes them a bit stronger, even if their use will remain niece.

Lesser Lich nerf, omfg this unit was so damn op when Animated Dead actually worked.

Domination upgrade removed to make the game flow easier during the early-mid game. It is more intuative to upgrade your HQ than to find a upgrade in your blacksmith.

Unit Rebalance - Naval
:- Galleys attack speed increased to 4 seconds, up from 5 seconds.
:- Galley health has been decreased by 15%
:- Galley is now level 4 unit, giving more experience upon death. Up from level 2.
:- Triremes Boarding Party passive now slows ships by 25%, up from 15%.
:- Triremes Boarding Party passive now last for 5 seconds, up from 4 seconds.
:- Trireme attack damage upgrade decreased to 20, down from 30 damage.
:- Trireme ability Land Scout now summons 3 melee units, down from 4.
:- Trireme health has been decreased by 25%
:- Trireme is now level 4 unit, giving more experience upon death. Up from level 2.
:- Battleship health has been decreased by 15%
:- Battleship is now level 6 unit, giving more experience upon death. Up from level 3.
:- Magecutter is now level 6 unit, giving more experience upon death. Up from level 2.
:- Sea Mine Boom! ability deals 2000 damage, down from 2500 damage.
:- Hex-tech Sea Mine Boom! ability deals 3000 damage, down from 5000 damage.

Editors Notes:
A mix of Galleys and Triremes should be prefered over a mass of one type of ship and hopefully these changes makes that possible.

The lowered health of ship should make it a bit easier to fight of ships from land. But I still want it to be rather difficult. People who invest in navies should have their own advantage as well.

:- Archeress Q should be x0 y2, not x1 y2 icon placement.
:- Priest final upgrade icon now got a BTN icon instead of PAS icon.
:- Pyromancer first and final upgrade icon now uses a BTN icon instead of PAS icon.
:- Fixed the tooltip on the item Boots of Speed & Crown of the Conqueror.
:- Wooden Gates in Northern Barrens now start open.

Bug Fixes:
:- The exploit that enabled players to build shipyards in Outland and bug ships out to Azeroth.
:- Stormwinds pathing has been altered and hopefully fixed.
:- The Hell Gates pathing has been altered and hopefully fixed.
:- Church of the Abyss pathing has been altered and hopefully fixed.
:- Great Gate pathing has been altered and hopefully fixed.
:- Emberstone Castle pathing has been altered and hopefully fixed.
:- Stormwatch Defence System now requires Lair of Lupos for the corresponding aura.
:- When you receive resources and currency from allies they use the proper name.

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