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[General] Auto-Cast and Acquire Target

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Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
During some tests, I make something like this:

- I placed a unit in the editor and set its life to 1% (custom made Huntress) and placed a priest (Auto-Cast is turned on)
- I added some triggers that will fire when a unit acquires a target and another one when a spell casting ends. The purpose of the trigger is to show when those two events fire (i.e. "A unit acquires target" & "A spell casting has ended")

In the game I did the following:

I ordered the priest to move near an enemy (Zombie that can't move) so the enemy become in the priests acquisition range and the priest as normal acquires that unit and started attacking.

Now, I ordered the 1%-life-remaining unit ( Huntress ) to move near the priest and the priest stopped attacking the Zombie and started healing the wounded unit then I moved the Huntress away step-by-step away from the priest so that I lure the priest away from the Zombie making the priest out of range so he don't acquire the Zombie again after he finish healing.

But here is the messages I got:

A spell casting has ended (Casting Unit: Priest)
A unit acquires target (Acquiring Unit: Priest, Acquired Target: Zombie)
A spell casting has ended (Casting Unit: Priest)
A unit acquires target (Acquiring Unit: Priest, Acquired Target: Zombie)
A spell casting has ended (Casting Unit: Priest)
A unit acquires target (Acquiring Unit: Priest, Acquired Target: Zombie)

And again and again every time the priest use the heal ability.

I don't know and don't care if this is a bug or not, but can I get rid of it so when the unit use heal he won't re-acquire the target again.


Ok, found out what was happening. All that I mention above happens only as long as there is a target in the acquiring unit (Priest) acquisition range. So there is no problem or bug, sorry for wasting your time.
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