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[Campaign] AU Alliance Campaign G2

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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Update 16 January 2020

With the impending release of Warcraft 3 Reforged, I am pretty interested in re-commencing this project. However, the beta editor isn't sufficiently complete to use and I don't want to use the classic tools at this time so I am pretty much just waiting for the official release.

I think I will try to just take small steps, and I am trying to enlist the help of the interested/skilled to help me along as well. Thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far! :)

Update 09 May 2018

Working title: "The New Alliance" presented by Standhaft Garithos - An Alternate Universe Alliance Campaign.

Here I wish to have a broad discussion about my campaign. I will be discussing mechanics a bunch as I think telling a story within a video game relies on more than just writing, but I mainly want to talk about the narrative aspect of the campaign rather than all of the technical details in this thread.

Technical development and work can be found here:
[Campaign] - AU Alliance Campaign Act 1 (Mission 1+2)

My basic planned structure for my campaign is thus: six missions, the first two of which are edited versions of the official TFT Alliance campaign. The crux of it is that the blood elves don't leave the Alliance and the Alliance wins. The fork in the road where the my timeline diverges from canon is that Kael never accepts help from the naga.

Mission 1: Conceptions (100% complete)
Kael repairs the observatories without the aid of the naga. I considered a number of possible solutions to his problem without the aid of the naga. One solution is Kael making a magic bridge like in the custom campaign linked below (go to 1 min 56 seconds to get to it immediately).

I also considered having him just teleport to the other side.

Both fine ideas as far as I am concerned, but too hard for a novice map maker like me so I opted instead to just give the peasant the ability to make human shipyards. Instead of those other options, Kael just simply devotes some of his resources (it was unnecessary for me to add any to the map as in its original form it already has plenty) and time to building his own shipyard and transport. In fact, you have more than the necessary amount of resources. It also encourages the player to continue exploring the south coast and find the big neutral hostile golem hidden behind the trees while they are waiting for the shipyard to be built. (Or to find any other bonus things they may have missed.)

When Kael speaks to Vashj I originally wanted to use Kael sound files from other places to create a coherent voice acted conversation (by changing only a couple of things), but again my novice skills got in the way. I found a few good things (like when he calls them vile serpents in the preceding night elf missions when he is fighting them) but in the end settled for non-voice acted subtitles in which in his final line he says, "Do you take me for a fool, vile serpent?! Do you really think I will be taken in by your lies so easily? Begone, before I incinerate you!" to Vashj.

I also changed the final cutscene since obviously that would need to occur a little differently as well. Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos (GMOG) says he heard Kael consorted with the naga and Kael says, "No, they offered me aid, but I chased them off." to which GMOG says basically the same line minus the treason part, "Good, they are inhuman and must be crushed like any other beasts." or whatever.

I also added a non-droppable Felo'melorn to Kael. Since he canonically had it I thought it would be cool. It adds a few good bonuses without making Kael OP. If I remember right, I gave it +12 attack, +3 armor, +6 intellect, and a chance to crit.

Mission 2: Hold the Line, you dogs! (Work in progress.)

This mission will be much more different from the original campaign than the official A Dark Covenant mission. Kael will once again refuse Vashj's offer and that will be the last we see of her. "I warned you the last time!" Kael flamestrikes Vashj and the naga retreat.

I have done this mission a ton of times. I roleplay a personal challenge where I play it on hard without using the naga. I have been challenged on that a few times by people calling me a liar so I posted a video of myself doing it which you can see below.

I have also watched other people do this same mission normally on youtube a few times. From my own experiences and from observing others I would say the average length of this mission done on hard (in the normal way with the use of the naga) is about 30-50 minutes depending on the skills of the player. On my challenge, I can do it in ~55 minutes if I do not mess up. (In my video, I messed up a couple of times and it took 1 hr 30 min.)

So, what I want to do mechanically for this mission is create an unseen timer of ~30 minutes. After which point GMOG and the other forces return from the frontline battle and reinforce Kael's position.

I believe we know this is what they would have done as they arrive immediately following the battle in the canon universe. If Kael was still fighting (instead of cheesing it with naga), they would have just joined the fight.

Thus, my idea is as follows. The AI ally arrives through the Dalaran ruins and builds a base in the southeast corner. They start attacking purple and then green with ground forces while sending air attacks (gryphons and gyrocopters) against orange and then green. This will reduce the pressure on the player and swing things into a victory (assuming they held out until this point). I will just give the AI ally enough resources so I don't have to add another gold mine to the map nor worry about stealing one from the player.

I will add a series of hints to help the player complete this challenging mission.

Hint: Your outlying bases cannot withstand the incoming attack. Withdraw your men so they can live to fight another battle. Every life counts!

Hint: Your secondary bases have some time before the enemy attacks reach them. Mine as much gold as you can! Be careful not to evacuate your workers too late to save them however.

Hint: If numbers won battles, then mathematicians would win all the wars. You will need to use cunning tactics to overcome the enemies' advantage in numbers.

Hint: Dragonhawk riders are supreme air superiority fighters - use them to intercept enemy air transports over the water before they can unload ground forces in your base. Liberal use of Aerial Shackles will make short work of most enemy air fighters.

Hint: The enemy will likely use these beachheads from which to assault your base. Fortify these locations against enemy attacks. (I will create triggers to ping those locations when this pops up.)

Hint: Kael hid supplies near the northern and southern gold mines. Even if you run out of gold, taking these supplies will allow you to rebuild mining outposts. Don't be afraid to spend your last coin on dragonhawk riders.

Hint: Use the dragonhawk riders' cloud ability to bypass the scourge defences. Alternatively, use Kael's flamestrike ability to cut through the trees and avoid the scourge defences. This will allow your dragonhawk riders to stay on defence and avoid risking enemy air attacks reaching your main base while you are trying recapture a gold mine.

The final cutscene will probably have zero voice acted lines because I don't think any of it will be salvageable for my new story line. GMOG will backhandedly congratulate Kael on managing to hold back the enemy. As much as I like GMOG, I am not going to rewrite him as flawless so he's still going to be mean to Kael until Kael has proven himself.

Mission 2 - Bonus Mission Idea
A "meanwhile" mission where you play the other half of Mission 2 as Lord Garithos fighting against the main Scourge/Burning Legion attack. It would be an extremely tough survival mission with reinforcements arriving in 20 minutes.

Mission 3: The rescue one (I still haven't thought of a good name for this one)

This one will be my first totally new map. It will be set in Silverpine. It will be a little bit like the opposite of the first undead mission in TFT. Various survivors are trying to escape from Pyrewood Village, Ambermill, and the refugee camp outside the Greymane Wall. The south side of the map will be the Greymane Wall. On the west will be pyrewood village. On the middle east will be Amber Mill. And on the north will be GMOG's base where waves of scourge/burning legion forces will be will be attacking from the north/offscreen. This will be the first example of dark knight units. Model is the bandit lord (basically black colored knights). Basically retribution paladins. Think like how in WC2 knights upgraded into paladins (basically holy paladins but this time they are ret). In future maps that have knights, there will be an upgrade that turns them into Paladins of the Black Hand. Basically, slightly stronger knights with retribution flavored basic abilities (I haven't thought of what yet so open to suggestions!).

The player will control Prince Kael'thas, Archmage Modera, and Captain Ironhill. I haven't finished Archmage Modera or Captain Ironhill as of yet, but my idea for them is for her to be an arcane mage with arcane blast, arcane barrier, polymorph, and mass teleport. Captain Ironhill will not be a mountain king. Instead he will be a rifleman type hero. So far my ideas for him are some kind of grenade or smoke bomb (which causes enemies inside it to miss for awhile, either like cloud or an aoe version of curse), armor piercing bullets (searing arrows), trueshot aura, and I haven't figured out his ultimate yet.

The player quests will be (1) do not let more than 100 refugees die.

For this quest, groups of refugees will be leaving from each of the 3 bases mentioned above to try to flee towards the Hillsbrad area (off map, i.e. they are going to the eastern road where the player starts the mission) which has been secured by the Alliance. They will be relatively weak and scourge attacks will move to intercept them. The player will have to defend them for them to survive.

Quest (2) will be to secure each of the three bases. When Ambermill is secured, purple ally (Archmage Modera's Kirin Tor) will build a base there and refugee groups that spawn from there will have purple ally escorts. When the Greymane Wall Refugee Camp is secured, blue ally (dwarves) will build a base there and refugee groups that spawn from there will have blue ally escorts. When Pyrewood Village is secured, Kael's blood elves will build a base there and refugee groups that spawn from there will have red ally escorts. The layout of the map will encourage the player to take the objectives in this order, but the quest will not complete and the player will only have control of the heroes and a few units they start with until the bases are secured in any order.

Once quest (2) is complete, quest (3) will become active. Quest (3) is to destroy the scourge base that was sending out the attacks on the refugees/survivors. I am thinking that base will be in the southwest corner of the map. I was thinking that at this stage it would be cool to give the player the choice of which base to control (Kael/blood elves, Modera/Kirin Tor, or Ironhill/dwarves) but I am fairly sure such a thing is beyond my skills so I think I will just default to the player gaining control of the red blood elf base. At the same time, Modera will go to the purple ally and Ironhill will go to the blue ally (because they are the commanders of the Kirin Tor and dwarf ally groups respectively).

At the end of the mission, there is a cutscene where GMOG, Kael, Modera, and Ironhill all meet at GMOG's northern base. GMOG says that now they have secured their flanks and rescued the survivors, their next objective is to retake Lordaeron City. I haven't really thought of any interesting dialogue here yet.

When I wrote my ideas earlier I thought to have an interlude at this point, but now I think it might be better to just include this in the above cutscene. But in any case, the Alliance soldiers assemble and GMOG gives a speech. I haven't gotten it down exactly but I have had some ideas swirling in my head. Something (better written) like this.

"Humanity will rise again. We have had dark hours before but we always won in the end. The dawn follows the darkness. The Silver Hand has fallen (mission 1 of the undead campaign), but rise from the ashes stronger than before. Forged by fire: The Black Hand rises from the ashes (reborn paladin order). The Alliance never gives up. In Memory of Terenas! Etc."

Mission 4: the Battle for Lordaeron City

Attack Lordaeron City. GMOG and dwarves are ai allies. Vs Balnazzar, Lich, and Pit Lord. Kael and Modera are controllable by the player. In this mission, the player has access to the full techtree (except where there are blood elf equvilants). Meaning, you get knights, mortar teams, and gryphons but use swordsmen and archers instead of footmen and riflemen. Just a big olde 3v3 battle.

At the end of the mission, GMOG stays in Lordaeron to secure/rebuild, Modera is sent to Dalaran to do the same, Ironhill is sent to construct Dun Garok, and Kael is sent (at his own suggestion) to build a port and an observatory on the north Tirisfal Glades coast to open up lines to Lor'themar/other blood elves and provide intelligence on the area repsectively.

Mission 5: Psychic Domination

Kael returns to find GMOG and his forces mind controlled by Detheroc. The mission is to break him out of it. The first quest is to obtain the Crown of Will (which Kael knows about because it is a Highborne Artifact). The final quest will be to defeat Detheroc and Balnazzar.

I have two different ideas for how the body of the mission could go. Idea 1: Kael could give Garithos the Crown of Will to free him and then the player fights Detheroc and Balnazar with Garithos as an ally. Idea 2: Kael wears the Crown of Will himself to become immune to Detheroc's psychic attacks and the player must defeat Detheroc without killing Garithos or his men.

I am leaning on Idea 2 at the moment as I think this would make it a more unique and interesting mission.

When Kael rescuses GMOG, GMOG will soften ever so slightly and remark something along the lines of, "Thanks, you're made of sterner stuff than I thought."

Mission 6: Final Battle (Again, no good name yet, but kill the Scourge and the Forsaken in Final Battle)

Balnazzar escapes the last mission to Detheroc's old base in Hearthglen, but no sooner did he arrive than did the Forsaken attack them. The Alliance arrives to find the Scourge and Forsaken fighting. The player has one base and controls GMOG and Kael. Quest (1) is destroy the Scourge (Detheroc and Balnazzar) and quest (2) is destroy the Forsaken (Sylvanas and Varimathras). I feel like an optional quest should be included but I can't think of one yet.

I think this mission is interesting because it is a 3-way battle, but I also feel like it's possibly not explosive enough for a finale. Hopefully I will come up with or be given better ideas in time.

That's it for my current campaign ideas. Mission 6 would be the final mission of the campaign.

Also, there is a bit of a continuity "error" in the TFT Alliance Campaign. The dialogue states that the main enemy attack is from the west and that the flanking attack (which Kael fights) approaches from the east. However, in game Kael is attacked from the west. This could be explained by "game mechanics" but it's always bugged me. It also just doesn't suit the map since Lordamere Lake is so obviously WEST of Dalaran.

I am not sure how I am going to fix this yet, but I think I am just going to amend the subtitles and handwave the error in the voice acting. Since Kael was previously in the west (with the NE in the NE campaign) and had not yet met up with Garithos, I think it makes more sense for the main body of the Scourge attack to be coming from EAST of Dalaran and down through Alterac rather than Silverpine. I may end up making a video with maps and arrows and such to explain this in a video as it has always bugged me and I have seen it trip up many a lore nerd.

My mind gets way ahead of me with ideas so I have already been coming up with ideas for the SECOND campaign when I cannot even get the first mission to work properly (lol).

My basic idea for the second Alliance campaign would be a campaign set after a time skip. Following the above events, the Alliance reclaims the plaguelands from the remaining scourge. Meanwhile, Dar'Khan Drathir has taken control of Silvermoon proper and controls most of Quel'thalas. Lor'themar and his forces were defeated and pushed out (Lor'themar isn't dead). In this campaign, the Alliance is retaking Quel'thalas from the Dar'Khan Drathir controlled scourge and Dar'Khan Drathir is trying to use the Sunwell to summon Kil'jaeden into the world. Forest trolls could probably play a part in an early mission (as enemies with an optional mission to destroy them) and another mission could be about trying to secure Anveena Teague before Dar'Khan Drathir can get her. I was thinking maybe to just replace her with an item as the "Heart of the Sunwell". Then maybe Dar'Khan Drathir manages to steal the Heart of the Sunwell anyway and the final mission is at the Sunwell with a timer or something. Final cutcene, various reconstructions are panned over. Prince Kael becomes King Kael. Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos becomes King Othmar Garithos of Lordaeron. Archmage Modera is back in a rebuilt/thriving Dalaran. Ironhill is pumping iron in Dun Garok. That sort of thing.

But I'll get to that once I finished the first one! Which is already a lot of work I have barely done anything about. I only sorta finished the beta version of the first mission! Lol.

I have added a section where I can list everyone I want to credit either because they helped me develop this campaign or because I used one of their models (or for whatever reason, I don't want to lock myself into any boxes). Please let me know if you think I should credit you and I have not done so already.


Mod Author

-Standhaft Garithos

Development Assistance
-Daffa the Mage

Model Creators
-Direfury Dwarven Hero
-Tranquil Mounted Royal Captain
-Stefan.K Royal Knight
-kangyun Modera
-General Frank Dwarven warrior

Map Testers

Voice Acting

Lore Discussions

Morale Support
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Personally, I feel the naga should be more involved (if the first attempt to recruit the Blood Elves didn't take, try and try again. They could very well have destroyed the shipyard themselves...).

For example, put a timer on one mission. If the timer ends, the Naga show up and rescue the Blood Elves from an undefeatable enemy attack... but they also destroy Garithos and any allies' bases, returning him to the racist we all know and love to hate, failing the mission.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Paladins of the Black Hand, wielding holy doomhammers XD

Haha. No relation to Orgrim Doomhammer or Warchief Blackhand. I just wanted to do something with holy light lore that never really got developed into WoW and completely avoid going down the path of neutrality/hippies. This campaign is meant to be unrepentantly hardcore Alliance.

Also, why are the words for doom, hammer, black, and hand all the same in Orcish as they are in Common (i.e. fantasy English)? Shouldn't he be called Orgrim Raghror and Warchief Pagvor or something? Lol.

Thread moved to the Idea Factory section~


Personally, I feel the naga should be more involved (if the first attempt to recruit the Blood Elves didn't take, try and try again. They could very well have destroyed the shipyard themselves...).

For example, put a timer on one mission. If the timer ends, the Naga show up and rescue the Blood Elves from an undefeatable enemy attack... but they also destroy Garithos and any allies' bases, returning him to the racist we all know and love to hate, failing the mission.

I think that the naga do not have unlimited time to squander before rendezvousing with Illidan in Outland. Vashj took a detour because she saw an opportunity to recruit more minions for her (then) master, but even on that schedule Illidan was almost captured and secured by Maiev. No, if we saw the naga again in my campaign it would be to hunt them down, but they are not the main priority for the Alliance and Vashj would have just moved on after failing hard twice in a row. Vashj is evil, but not stupid. She isn't going get tunnel visioned onto Kael and his blood elves. She will just sneak into the dalaran depths through the sewers (ew sewer swimming) and use the portal to get to Outland.

I don't think we will be seeing the naga again after mission 2 in my campaign.
Level 5
Sep 13, 2016
I love the ideas you have given until this point, but on mission three I don't think that it's a good idea to have the final quest to destory the undead base. Mostly because the Alliance at that point(without Stormwind and shite) should be weakend, so I suggest making it that you have to survive some time while the undead decided to attack you. For now the ideas seems nice, very nice,
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
I love the ideas you have given until this point, but on mission three I don't think that it's a good idea to have the final quest to destory the undead base. Mostly because the Alliance at that point(without Stormwind and shite) should be weakend, so I suggest making it that you have to survive some time while the undead decided to attack you. For now the ideas seems nice, very nice,


Yeah, you know I was kind of struggling to think of a better conclusion to that mission when I was writing it too. But I don't think it makes sense for the Alliance to be unable to push through Silverpine. First of all, the bulk of the Legion's head hunchos (Archimonde, Tichondrius, Mannoroth, etc.) had gone to Kalimdor shortly following Dalaran's destruction giving the remaining Alliance forces much better odds. And on top of it, I think Stormwind being the powerhouse that it is in WoW is nothing more than rule of cool. Stormwind is great, but it is much smaller nation recovering from complete destruction in the First War. Lordaeron is the size of all the other human kingdoms combined. I think Lordaeron was more in a position like Russia in WW2 after the Nazis initial victories in Russia. Yes, the Russians had taken tremendous losses, but they also had the absolute numbers to tolerate those losses and come back swinging. I see Lordaeron in the same light. They took some big hits, particularly in their leadership which left a vacuum to be filled, but Lordaeron still had the numbers to swing the fight back in its favor. What it needed was the leadership to organise those forces back into an effective and moralized fighting force. Grand Marshal Othmar Garithos & others were able to do this with "the New Alliance" which only got defeated due to mind control a la Detheroc and ultimately betrayal at the hands of Sylvanas. As I see it, in this alternate world, with Kael/blood elf casters in the mix that hole in the armor gets covered.

As to the mission 3, I think an idea I like for the later half of the mission is thus: after securing the bases for ai allies and defending the refugees as they escape, the player must venture into shadowfang keep with Kael, Modera, and Ironhill to defeat Argus (I think Argus was the guy? I'll double check later) and his necromancers/warlocks who are the powerhouse for the undead in the region. Once they are defeated, the undead waves stop spawning and victory is achieved. The whole mission will be one of those RPG style no player base missions.
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Formerly the Archmage of Gilneas, Kirin Tor member, Arugal.

Haha, yeah, thanks. That was who I was thinking of.

Argus, on the other hand, is the dreanei/eredar home planet. You can see how I got those two mixed up! Lol.


Additional thoughts: scourge that are attacking the refugees are feral/leaderless. No necromancers/leaders. Arugal/others are trying to retake control of feral scourge. Objective is to stop him (while protecting refugees). Final objective to defeat him remains the same. Just an added thought of how to keep it all interesting.
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Hi everyone.

I just wanted to let you know that this project is basically on hiatus. I am working 60 hours a week and I just cannot find the energy to put into this during the little time I have. I wanted to say thank you to everyone that helped me and supported me. I won't promise to return. I have had many great ideas that I didn't follow through on, but I want to come back and I may do so if I find time again. I began working on this while I was only working part time and depending on how the future goes, I may find myself in circumstances such that I have that same free time again. I don't know what will follow, but one of my contingency plans is to return to the army and if I do there will be a few breaks between my current work, camp, officer training, and so on. Maybe I will comeback to finish this project then.

I am still definitely a big nerd who plays too much games, but lately when I do have free time I just want to do something low-effort, especially with low mental effort. Making a mod is practically a job which is a wonderful thing to do when you have too much time and are super restless, but, yeah, well, now I'm repeating myself! Anyway, thanks again.

Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Hi guys. I might be back to work on this. A little at a time. VERY SLOWLY.

I am still working a whole ton (as in, at my job) but this has been on my nerdy mind lately.

I know the first thing I have to do is go back and figure out how to rip out the Alliance campaign properly so I can make the first 2 missions work without wrecking people's official campaigns. Not figuring that out definitely demotivated me last time. If anyone would be kind enough to walk me through some of it while talking on discord or something, I would be immensely grateful. Otherwise, I am just going to have to have another crack at it.

After that I'll just take it in baby steps. I remember some some good comments were made so I will re-read the thread and see what I can figure out.

Thanks again.
Level 9
Mar 29, 2015
Hi guys. I might be back to work on this. A little at a time. VERY SLOWLY.

I am still working a whole ton (as in, at my job) but this has been on my nerdy mind lately.

I know the first thing I have to do is go back and figure out how to rip out the Alliance campaign properly so I can make the first 2 missions work without wrecking people's official campaigns. Not figuring that out definitely demotivated me last time. If anyone would be kind enough to walk me through some of it while talking on discord or something, I would be immensely grateful. Otherwise, I am just going to have to have another crack at it.

After that I'll just take it in baby steps. I remember some some good comments were made so I will re-read the thread and see what I can figure out.

Thanks again.

It's been a long time since I've done it, but I just took the mpqs of the official campaigns and worked from there. I think I just googled how to do it
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
So I already took the mpqs or whatever. I did that ages ago and I have the files saved on my computer. The problem is, as I found with my first beta map, that it affects the official campaign. There are triggers or something I need to replace or delete so that it doesn't affect the official campaign but I haven't figured out which ones.
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
I can help address that issue. I also worked on such modifications of campaign and encounters the same issue.

Yeah, I've played (most of) your campaign. I'd really appreciate if you could help me out. Someone did try to help me out in the past but I tried to follow their instructions and it didn't work. That short discussion can be found in this thread: [Campaign] - AU Alliance Campaign Mission 1
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Would you mind send me both maps via pastebin in a conversation?

I don't really know what you are asking here, sorry. I googled pastebin and you want me to post maps?

At this stage there is only one beta map. I think I am going to have to restart completely (it's been awhile since I looked at this project) but from what I can see I originally made the first mission as a standalone map before realizing that I have to create the campaign first then create the maps within it to have the caches and custom models/units and stuff.

I'll PM a perma invite to my discord to you. Are you Australian? I am Australian. In any case, the best time for me to sit down and talk would be on the weekend. I really would appreciate the help. I have a lot to learn and get rather lost with it all.

At this stage, I am looking at mission 1 & 2 as Act 1 of the campaign and would be really very happy if I can just tackle that for the time being.

As a total aside, I just had a really good idea for mission 2 that I don't want to forget. I can get sound files from the night elf missions where Kael is the ally and the undead missions where Sylvanas is attacking Garithos + Detheroc to make some dialogue for mission 2.
I don't really know what you are asking here, sorry. I googled pastebin and you want me to post maps?

At this stage there is only one beta map. I think I am going to have to restart completely (it's been awhile since I looked at this project) but from what I can see I originally made the first mission as a standalone map before realizing that I have to create the campaign first then create the maps within it to have the caches and custom models/units and stuff.

I'll PM a perma invite to my discord to you. Are you Australian? I am Australian. In any case, the best time for me to sit down and talk would be on the weekend. I really would appreciate the help. I have a lot to learn and get rather lost with it all.

At this stage, I am looking at mission 1 & 2 as Act 1 of the campaign and would be really very happy if I can just tackle that for the time being.

As a total aside, I just had a really good idea for mission 2 that I don't want to forget. I can get sound files from the night elf missions where Kael is the ally and the undead missions where Sylvanas is attacking Garithos + Detheroc to make some dialogue for mission 2.
No, I was talking about https://www.hiveworkshop.com/pastebin/create
Anyway, if you're restarting, inform me once it has been done.

I am active at Discord, and as a note, I am Indonesian, so pretty much around the same zone.

I understand.

I recommend keep a note of such things :)
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
I believe I have resolved the issue with the ripped campaign still being embedded in the official campaign now. Bloodsoul helped me with that in this thread: [General] - Campaign: "unknown map files"?

So, huzzah for that. Next thing I want to do is upload the campaign somewhere so that people can test it. Right now, I haven't edited the actual gameplay of the maps yet and all I have done is try to keep the campaign separate from the official one but I will be making lots of changes soon.

I am not really sure what pastebin is/how it works. Maybe that is where I should put it up? It doesn't seem to be the right thing because I want to save it somewhere that I can override it every time I update it more. I wish I could attach it to the OP of the thread or something.

Edit: someone pointed out how I can upload files here. Pretty dumb of me for not noticing, lol. I've attached the current version of the campaign I am working on to this thread: [Campaign] - AU Alliance Campaign Act 1 (Mission 1+2)

That is where I am asking people to test it and stuff. Since this is the idea factory I won't attach it here. It's probably for the best that I just add it in one spot so that I never get confused and I'm always just adding the most updated version in one spot.
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Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
I had a great idea for a bonus mission today. A "meanwhile" mission where you play the other half of Mission 2 as Lord Garithos fighting against the main Scourge/Burning Legion attack.

Also, there is a bit of a continuity "error" in the Alliance Campaign. The dialogue states that the main enemy attack is from the west and that the flanking attack (which Kael fights) approaches from the east. However, in game Kael is attacked from the west. This could be explained by "game mechanics" but it's always bugged me. It also just doesn't suit the map since Lordamere Lake is so obviously WEST of Dalaran.

I am not sure how I am going to fix this yet, but I think I am just going to amend the subtitles and handwave the error in the voice acting. Since Kael was previously in the west (with the NE in the NE campaign) and had not yet met up with Garithos, I think it makes more sense for the main body of the Scourge attack to be coming from EAST of Dalaran and down through Alterac rather than Silverpine. I may end up making a video with maps and arrows and such to explain this in a video as it has always bugged me and I have seen it trip up many a lore nerd.

Additionally, I have thought of a new hero to add. A human Captain type hero.

This project is continuing at a slow pace and I am still rather bad at map making. Thanks again, everyone, for your support.
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Omg i didn't notice that i was credit by as a beta tester
*Salamat po* means thank you po and yes i'm am a pilipino from the Philippines

Anyway i try to play your map again but in a version 1.28.5 and lets just say
the chapter 2 has the same cinematic
(Your outlying base destroy and the naga assist you, you accept the naga and boom you control the naga)
Level 9
Mar 29, 2015
Omg i didn't notice that i was credit by as a beta tester
*Salamat po* means thank you po and yes i'm am a pilipino from the Philippines

Anyway i try to play your map again but in a version 1.28.5 and lets just say
the chapter 2 has the same cinematic
(Your outlying base destroy and the naga assist you, you accept the naga and boom you control the naga)

Unless it was already changed, chapter 1 is the only one that's different, chapter 2 is still the same
Level 8
Dec 2, 2015
Omg i didn't notice that i was credit by as a beta tester
*Salamat po* means thank you po and yes i'm am a pilipino from the Philippines

Thank you. I try to credit everyone that has helped me with this project, in whatever way. Testing is a big help as it helps me to discover errors I have made and to get impressions from other people. It's also just motivating to have people trying it.

Anyway i try to play your map again but in a version 1.28.5 and lets just say
the chapter 2 has the same cinematic
(Your outlying base destroy and the naga assist you, you accept the naga and boom you control the naga)

I replied to this in the other thread.

Unless it was already changed, chapter 1 is the only one that's different, chapter 2 is still the same

You are correct. Mission 2 is still 99% incomplete.
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