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New Campaign Idea: Barren Alliance

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Level 1
Oct 17, 2008
Hello everyone!

I am just starting to use the World Editor, and I would like to hear some opinions on my idea for a campaign.

I wanted to create my own race for a campaign, and started browsing through models looking for ideas. The only problem with this is that there are very, very few flying models that come with the World Editor. Basically, you have the flying units that come with each race, the Naga Couatl, different dragons, and Harpies.

Well, seeing the Harpies and other Barrens units gave me an idea. My first race, the race that would be used for the campaign, would be an alliance of different races from the Barrens. And so started the Barren Alliance. (A better name will probably be given to it eventually.)

The second problem that came up for me was balancing. I was making a Hero from scratch a few weeks ago, and was having problems balancing him for playing. The problems I had with just a Hero would be multiplied ten-fold with making a whole race from scratch.

This brought me to my next idea. Basically, I am calling it Race Reskinning. The Barren Alliance will be a reskinning of the Orc race. They will have equivalent units, abilities, and possibly Heroes. They will play similarly (or the same) to the Orcs. I may rename abilities, and I may switch around where units are built from, but the race will play a lot like the Orcs.

The race, so far, consists of Harpies, Quillboars, Centaurs, and some of the beasts of the Barrens (Thunder Lizards and Wildkin).

I plan on making a full campaign based on this idea; you will fight not only normal Orc, Night Elf, Human, and Undead enemies, but also other custom races that are just reskins of those races.

What do you think? Do any of you have any thoughts on my idea, or anything to add? I'd love to hear your opinions on this.


PS: Also, any pointers towards campaigns that have successfully done custom races would be appreciated.

PPS: I accidentally posted this in Introductions (I clicked Introduce Yourself instead of Start Thread). Is there any way to delete that post? I feel like such a newbie...
Level 9
Jul 7, 2007
This is creepy, I had the exact same idea about a race of Barrens creatures! (I didn't think much further than that though.) Even creapier, I've thought about your "Race Reskining" idea! I even tried it in a map of mine ( (2) Burning Temple, you'll find it in the maps section) Granted, I turned Orcs/Trolls/Tauren into Fel Orc/Forest Troll/Ogre, but the concept... well you've got my support, great idea!
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
Though it sounds cool, a good storyline is needed that explains why such an alliance would be formed in the first place. Secondly, race "reskinning" sounds like a bad idea, people want new stuff, not orc units that look like centaurs. Be original, that's my tip of the day.
Level 1
Oct 17, 2008
Thanks for the support and ideas, guys!

Linaze, the reskinning idea was specifically to use for a short campaign, to help me learn the basics of the object data involved, basically. Instead of creating (not a big problem for me) and balancing (THAT is the problem for me) a whole race for a five level campaign, I wanted to figure out the system by repainting an already balanced race. Plans are already in effect for creating a brand new race (I think I have to figured out how to make a race with absolutely no flying units without making them weak against other races' flying units).

Of course, as soon as I started out on that course, I started making some changes, and now the Barren Alliance is getting more and more different from the Orcs. I was having problems making the Spirit Walker turn out right, for one thing. Plus, I was looking at the Batrider, and remembered their explosion ability. I couldn't figure out how to, thematically, fit that with a harpy! So, instead, I will be inventing a new second flyer. Also, a plot is in the making, and I am liking it a lot. More info on the plot when I have it hammered out some.

And Lestat, yes, that is what I am going to try and do. I remember from WoW that the Quillboars were big on thorns, so I am going to style their spells according to that. Centaurs will have earth based spells. and Harpies will be based on lightning if they get any spells like that.

Thanks again for the input, guys!
Level 10
Oct 2, 2005
I think this map should have many tribes, with ther own buildings and units, and you need to conquer the land with your tribe. (Harpy tribes, Centaur Tribes, Razormane Tribes, Murloc Tribes [oasis], Sand Troll Tribes, Ogre Tribes, Undead Tribes, Human Tribes, whatever, whatever, whatever..)
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
lol human tribes?

you mean Human castles and big ass guns and shit xD lol j/k

but ya. You should make a campagn, where at first, you control like the harpies, and then from there with like your harpie hero, you meet a centaur tribe and gain their allience, who then have their war with the tauren and thrall, and then at one point, the thunderlizards are competing for the enslavment of the murlocs, but then you come along and slay the thunderlizard king, and take over there tribe, and then you enslave the murlocs.

and near the end, you should do the archimonde arrival thing, where both the humans, orcs, and nightelfs are there fighting against archimonde, and your there helping them out,or something,,.. i dont know :p
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