I would suggest renaming this map so something more unique. Currently there is another project made by KelThuzad named Assasins as well.
Maybe make the name original....Original names tend to be remembered while Chaos, footman, Defense, Random 4 letter word tends to be forgotten....maybe name it to like Dawn of the Assassins (crap name)....or something...be original.
that is a good point. I was considering renaming the map because two more maps have been named Assassins on epicwar since I released v3.1
You should state somewhere that you can only pick two skills of a certain type
good idea, I'm thinking about adding a map description into the loading screen so people can figure out how to play before the game starts
also the special skills is impossible to get
25 of the blue stuff ...i mean really
true, ability points are awarded based on intelligence, so if you used an AGI or STR hero, it was probably hard to reach 25.
The camera gets annoying sometimes but I guess thats okay and part of the whole assasins theme ....Maybe let it turn faster
Also sentry wards are useless since your camera is locked to your hero
you can disable that camera mode by typing -fpoff
also wards reveal invisible units so they aren't completely useless in -fpon mode
i blindly bought items and then realized that my item can be upgraded by buying gloves
....also you need to say what the upgrade does.....Also the upgraded agility sword says buy another....so to my disappointment you not only need to buy another sword but also upgrade that sword to get the upgrade. So make the upgrade requirements clear. Also state what can be upgraded how many times.
yeah, the weapon upgrades are kind of hard to follow the first time you play, but they are pretty easy to remember.
Also state what effect your race will have when picking a hero.
the race really has no bearing on how your hero performs. I just needed a way to break up the different heroes once I went past 12 heroes.
Add AI else people can't test it without hosting. AI will also be super easy to create.
Add potions like healing salves
AI already exists as do potions.
Idea: Add shadow meld to your heroes.
maybe, I had an item that did that in one of the first versions. I didn't really like it.
Also the gem of true sight is rather cheep for rendering all invis abilities useless.
gem drops on death. I don't really think the price is low considering this.