First Person Shooter! Haha! Just lower the camera's Field of View, so it can see things that are very close to it
Use keys to navigate camera (the camera is behind your shooter and a bit above the ground):
Up Arrow Key/Down Arrow Key - change camera's Angle of Attack
Left Arrow Key/Right Arrow Key - change camera's facing angle (and the artillery's facing too)
Get an empty picture with a cross in middle and save the picture as BLP, so you can import it to your map.
Use "Camera - Fade In" action and "Time - Elapsed game time becomes equal to 0.00 secinds" event.
To use ESC key in your triggers, use "Player - Player skips a cinematic" event.
But you can add some abilities to your artillery instead: |cffffcc00S|rhoot, |cffffcc00R|reload, |cffffcc00U|rnpack (Fades the cross picture out, changes all cameras properties to default, and changes the artillery model, allowing it to change it's position for example to move on a hill), |cffffcc00Z|room In/Out (Allows to take a better shot, but camera scrolling with keys is slightly slowed)... and some abilities to load different types of missiles to launch
Missile is launched from an artillery using ability. Missile is a unit with changed model, no attack, no movement speed - just an object. Keeping in mind, that there can be up to "GetNumberOfPlayersInYourMap" missiles simultaneously in the game, you'll need the following variables:
-variables to store missiles' height (Integer)
-variables to store missiles themselves (Unit)
-variables to store missiles' maximum height they can reach during flight (Integer)
-variables FOR REGIONS to store the height of obstacles in the region, because you can check when a missile enters region and match the missile's height with the region's height.
-variables to store how much time it takes for missile to reach maximum height.
God! You are a student by the way. I'm sure you can count well, so you'll make the missile's flight very comfortable.
And don't forget to make the diagonal camera scrolling with keys. I recommend to store the current players' pressed keys in a variable (keep in mind that a player cannot have more than 2 keys pressed) that is string. Like this: "forwardright" or "forwardleft" or "forwardback" (forwardback / backforward: see the text below)
The trigger would be like that: (list of trigger names)
Press Up Key
Release Up Key
Press Down Key
Release Down Key
Press Left Key
Release Left Key
Press Right Key
Release Right Key
Moving Camera
In triggers with word "Key" you check the string (see above) with the keys pressed, and modify the string.
In trigger "Moving Camera" you use "Event - (Periodic event) - each 0.01 second", check the string and modify the camera's properties.
Tip: to make em empty image with a cross, you can use white image and cross in middle (in PAINT). Then you enter Photoshop, take the lasso tool and remove everything white. Then you save the image, download WARCRAFT III IMAGE EXTRACTOR (from Hive's Tools section) to generate your image into BLP and import it.
Fitting models:
Artillery Packed,
An Artillery;
Ideas for gameplay: area is infested with troops - 2 teams. Troops shot each other, but you can get them from a far distance.
Good luck!
~Don't salvage the map! ) Show its versatility!