Ideas on a largely modified melee map

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Level 6
Apr 18, 2009
A week ago i was planning on making a melee based map.This map will include many features like:

1-a train system like in Age of Empires III.
2-Naval battles(teams will be separated by an ocean/river so the player will be forced to build ships in order to reach the enemy)
3-a road system(units travel faster on roads)
4-Largely modified races:the races will rely more on modern technology:tanks,artillery,choppers...(however by using custom models relying on steam tanks/gyrocopters texture and so creating a pre-modern ambiance)than casters (this doesn't mean that heroes will not be included)
5-a unique income system:Build a building on a gold mine/oil source will automatically generate resources(workers will only be needed for lumber and harvesting and of course,to build structures)
6-and(as always) much more...

More ideas are always welcome




What do you mean by "A train system like in Age Of Empires III" ?

In Age of Empires 3, there is a "Trading Post" Building, This building must be built on a Trade Route, This building will generate a resource of choice (Food, Wood, Gold, Lumber or EXP every time a "Rickshaw" comes by on the Trade Route

In Addition, It Allows All Rickshaws on the Trade Route to be upgraded to a Caravan and then a Train, these improvements add to it's speed so that you gain the resources faster.
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
A week ago i was planning on making a melee based map.This map will include many features like:

1-a train system like in Age of Empires III.
2-Naval battles(teams will be separated by an ocean/river so the player will be forced to build ships in order to reach the enemy)
3-a road system(units travel faster on roads)
4-Largely modified races:the races will rely more on modern technology:tanks,artillery,choppers...(however by using custom models relying on steam tanks/gyrocopters texture and so creating a pre-modern ambiance)than casters (this doesn't mean that heroes will not be included)
5-a unique income system:Build a building on a gold mine/oil source will automatically generate resources(workers will only be needed for lumber and harvesting and of course,to build structures)
6-and(as always) much more...

More ideas are always welcome

WoW that would be great in wartcraft universe.




WoW that would be great in wartcraft universe.

It's Really Just a remaking of AOE3 in Warcraft, in all brutal honesty, just buy AOE 3, no matter how good the Modder is, there's no changing that a map made to remake another game is never better then the Original

But, I wish The Modder Luck=)
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