
Especially a lot to say about this model can not. Just another version of the ballista.

Arcaballista, Siege, Ballista

Arcaballista (Model)

15:07, 4th Jul 2015 MiniMage: Well done, this ballista looks rather realistic. Granted, the wheels could use some love, but it is well deserving for a 4/5. Well done.




15:07, 4th Jul 2015
MiniMage: Well done, this ballista looks rather realistic. Granted, the wheels could use some love, but it is well deserving for a 4/5. Well done.
My one can retire now XD
If you can Bend the Stick that Hold the String, it would look even better, And when you shoot, you an make the Rotating thingy at the back to the reverse direction

This is Way better than mine, but if you can add some fancy thing in your animation, it would look even better
Check out my Ballistia Model's Attack animation and you'll know what i mean, even though mine is little crude :O