Anti-Magic Shell

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Level 9
Oct 20, 2010
I've just uncovered Anti-Magic Shell. Some of the Data entries do not click with me immediately or how they affect the aforementioned spell. Magic Damage Reduction (I figure just reduces magic and spell damage), Shield Life, Mana Loss(?), and Summoned Unit Damage (Damages summons that attack them?). If anyone knows, please let me know how each of these affects the base spell! Cheers!


Warcraft Moderator
Level 72
Aug 10, 2018
There's 2 abilities, Anti-magic Shell and Anti-magic Shell (Magic Resistance).

The first one prevents the unit from being hit by spells. The second one prevents 300 (shield life) spell damage.

I don't know for certain but I'm pretty sure that they're the same ability in terms of how they're coded. I assume the act of setting the Shield Life to a value greater than 0 is what removes the "untargetable by spells" aspect from the spell and converts it into a damage absorbing Shield.

Magic Damage Reduction and Mana Loss are unused, probably remnants of a prior design Blizzard had planned for the ability.

Shouldn't be too hard to test them out. I assume Magic Damage Reduction works like Runed Bracer's Spell Damage Reduction ability. Mana Loss could mean a lot of things... might not even work.
Level 2
Jul 12, 2021
I wonder how the anti-magic shell works in castle fight for the Spell breaker kodo (which has 80% reduced magic/spell damage taken), and does not have a shield that breaks away, nor is it untargetable by spells. Perhaps it just has runed bracer's ability onto it, and then put the anti-magic shell buff onto it.

I also wonder how the anti-magic shell works versus summoned units. Can one put the anti-magic shell onto enemy summoned units to deal the set amount of damage put into the object editor? So you have to choose between shielding your own units, or damaging a summoned unit?
Level 28
Sep 26, 2009
I played a bit with the anti-magic shell ability to see what it can do. So far, these are mine findings:
  • Magic Reduction - does absolutely nothing.
    • Tried both values as % fraction (0.0-1.0) and full numbers (0-100).
    • Tried casting the spell on ally, neutral, enemy. In all cases there was no reduction to both Spell damage types and Magic damage types.
    • The only thing I did not try is various damage types when damaging via triggers
  • Mana Loss
    • The target of the ability loses mana to the amount set here
  • Shield Life
    • If 0, then target becomes invulnerable to magic attacks and spells.
      • But if attacking unit's attack type is "Spells", it can still target unit shielded by anti-magic shield and damage it
    • If greater than 0, then the unit can be targeted by magic attacks and spells and will absorb damage up to the amount set here
  • Summoned Unit damage
    • If targeted unit is summoned and is allied or neutral, then it does nothing
    • If targeted unit is summoned and is enemy, it deals damage set in in this field
Now if you use the shift+click trick to allow any value to set here, there is some interesting stuff going on
  • Negative "Mana Loss"
    • replenishes mana to the target
  • Negative "Shield Life"
    • places the shield (buff) on the target
    • the next time the target takes damage, it also takes bonus damage equal to "Shield Life"
    • e.g. "Shield Life" is set to -100 and the shielded unit takes 20 damage - it will actually take 120 damage.
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