Hi there,
I am using the Magic Shell ability, the version which absorbs a set about of damage not the standard version which gives magic immunity. Unfortunately this version of the spell doesn't seem to protect the unit from spells like Possession, it only seems to absorb a set amount of spell damage.
Is there a way I can make so units with Anti Magic spell are immune to spells like possession until the shield is depleted?
Here is a trigger I have tried but it dosnt even seem to be firing?
I am using the Magic Shell ability, the version which absorbs a set about of damage not the standard version which gives magic immunity. Unfortunately this version of the spell doesn't seem to protect the unit from spells like Possession, it only seems to absorb a set amount of spell damage.
Is there a way I can make so units with Anti Magic spell are immune to spells like possession until the shield is depleted?
Here is a trigger I have tried but it dosnt even seem to be firing?
Possesion no Shield
- Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
- (Ability being cast) Equal to (==) Possession (Banshee)
- ((Target unit of ability being cast) has buff Anti-magic Shell) Equal to (==) True
- Game - Display to (All players) the text: Trigger Activated
- Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Stop
- Unit - Pause (Triggering unit)