[Escape / Maze] Aloof

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This is a 2-Dimensional platform escape project! I am always looking for testers of the current version, so feel free to try it.

Tried it? Have ideas? Complaints? This is your place to submit them!

Want some screenshots? We've got them too ;)

A few days ago an idea struck me as how to fix the arrow key delay in Warcraft 3 and from that came the desire to create a platform game.

But how exactly do you fix the arrow key delay you might ask? Don't use arrow keys at all!

I present to you my brain child: Aloof, a "2D" platform escape themed map.

So how is all of this possible and will it be smooth in multiplayer?

By intercepting move orders a player is able to effectively control the direction of travel in-game smoothly and efficiently. In theory this type of game should be virtually without delay in multiplayer.

The controls take a while to get used to, but after the small learning curve it becomes second nature.

You have died at an untimely moment in your life, and do not wish to leave the world. You decide to strike a deal with Death and offer to play his "Game of Spirits." This is that game; will you reach the end?












*Added Reapers that you may encounter
*Added a new level
*Made the game darker, wisps emit light


  • Aloof 0.02.w3x
    154.4 KB · Views: 47
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Level 4
May 7, 2011
Nice idea. I can't start it in multiplayer, because it says I need an opponent to start though:( Hard to get used to mouse control on a platform map after playing platform escape.
Tip:add some monsters in the maze and give them to move and attack in the maze then the map will be hardcore and you can add black mask to make it harder or you make a dialog with difficuls then players can choice if they want with monsters and black mask.
P.S. "Black mask". Makes that a shadow is perm. around your units. if you need help with tggers i will send you my map on pm.then you can see some maze tggers its only if you want.
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