[Campaign] Alliance Ashes


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014

Think something got messed up at some point Tuwnew, there are priests in the roster for the arcane sanctum and you don't have access to a castle. Also one of the missions there is only the upgrade and not the priest.

There's a bit of a problem with the sorcerer's league in the first chapter this time around, keep locking themselves out of their own keep and their army wants to get to that keep.

There are differences in quest names between in-game and the quest log.

Many of the enemy heroes throughout the missions can level up and it can get a bit crazy even if they don't accept new abilities it's still a big stat boost.

Last thing, with the completion of the base destruction quest automatically at the end of the level combat dialogue gets smashed together with outro dialogue.


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Level 17
Apr 20, 2014
Thanks, I will check that.

  • Priest is not supposed to be playable, yet. I just forgot to disable it in previous chapters.
  • Guess I will have to reterrain Sorcerer's League base
  • Chapter 3 ending is still a big headache...
  • I will disable exp. for enemy heroes aswell.
  • How didn't I notice the quest issue before...

Hope you liked it though


Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
I've always liked your campaign, gameplay is fun and campaigns that are actually rts campaigns are doubly fun for me.
Just gonna edit this post then.

  • While good as a more worldly descriptor it'd be better to just say it increases damage and armor, can't stack it with inner fire it seems.
  • Devotion aura's level one description isn't accurate.
  • Gameplay doesn't actually stop during the in-level cutscenes so you can't actually watch them without fear of being killed such as what the death knight was doing to me.
  • Meeting the scarlets has a repeating dialogue.
  • You have no idea how much I want to murder that paladin for not helping me.
  • Almost ran out of gold, had a bit of tunnel vision with the bulwark after playing so long. Forgot that the ziggurats on the ridges were the only things allowing the remaining small factions the ability to make units.
  • There's combat happening somewhere in the outro cinematic, was a tad funny seeing my peasants running lumber back and forth as this was happening.
  • The in game quest has 75 while the log says 50.
  • One more thing, the paladin guy has the player color in the outro, this might be because of loading on my part.
One thing I forgot for chapter one, for the south-western scourge base, there are creeps along the path to their base that are always dead by the time you get over there. So there are just items always sitting on the road.


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Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Brief time for when the good captain is part of the corrupted forces, not sure if intentional or not.

I... may have gone overboard in some places.

Forked Lightning from a sea witch

Garithos tries to run after he's defeated maybe trying to run to the cinematic outro spot?

Seems to be an issue with the sorcerer's league researching any upgrades and for the silver hand and dwarves they seem to refuse to try and research ranged upgrades.

There seems to be a major issue I'm sorry to say, there is a CTD shortly after my last screenshot. As of now I don't know what causes it or if the map in its current state is currently possible because of said crash.

Restarting the level and choosing a different reinforcement path and there was no CTD a few minutes after the second main quest popped up. Possibly related to the mage reinforcements I don't know.

Seems the dwarves and silver hand actually got to their ranged upgrades eventually this time but the sorcerer league still refuses any, greatly reducing combat effectiveness.

Oh and I'm not sure if the legion agents are actually supposed to have upgrades since they seem to be a demon primary faction and undead seem to be purely defense.

And last thing some nerubians got stuck behind a crypt as they were built.


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Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
I am working on it. What have you done on your side? Did you destroy all the enemy bases?
No, the death knight order and Dalvengyr's bases were both still alive when the hidden timer went off. I went back and recreated the conditions and well found random elves as well.

Edit: Speaking of timers


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Hosted Project: LoA
Level 26
Apr 6, 2014
Alright I'm back again, sorry bout that I needed to play the orc path as well and this took a bit cause of other stuff. Anywayssss

I have nothing to really say about chapter eight besides the fixed force section after reaching the alliance base caused me a bit of annoyance, although this wasn't too bad on my part when I realized the good doctor does not leash back to his spot by the necropolis allowing what pitiful remains of a force I had to kill him. And the giant switcheroo I played with Holden as seen in the first screen, he is likely the most dangerous enemy hero in the campaign so far with mirror images that do damage and can casually destroy armies. Many a saves were made in the fight against this traitor.

I have left spelling and grammatical errors alone but it's in the quest tab and I saw it right away. I'd say to get someone who you can trust, again, to help rewrite dialogue and to review it with so your original intention is not lost.

  1. "Sherman, a local fisherman."
  2. This necromancer went right past my forces, seemingly going after the neutral orc location.
  3. I never picked up the red drake egg in this case so it caused a bit of a funny scene blocking off the good major.
The mission bothered me a lot not anything design wise mind you but because I kept losing one or two units in the first section no matter how hard I tried with reloads.... I don't want to lose my men. Anyway, the sorcerer's league section made me realize how weak the individual factions making up the alliance remnant are. Sure they were powerful in the early chapters but in the here and now with higher tier scourge their units get melted and it's a combination of footmen sacrifice, mage crushing wave, and heroes taking a lot of damage winning the day. In short we stand together or die alone.

  1. "He will accompany the caravan for a while before returning to his home." Also Sherman does not return to his little house before the ambush I think so could it be possible to have him in the cutscene?
  2. Something I just remembered as well during the ambush cutscene if some of the elf swordsman are dead their skeletons will still appear in the cutscene and will turn as well with the defenders.
  3. A very weird inventory situation that I'm sure I caused by somehow loading saves constantly trying to find one that I made before the amulet choice and subsequently restarting the mission. In short I have no idea how I caused his inventory to empty.
  4. Abomination ran off to the side instead of attacking the caravan, was sure I saw it earlier coming to attack because of some runes I left behind.
  5. I have honestly no idea what caused all of them to get on the ramp like that, maybe some peasants becoming priority but it was still odd enough for me to take a screenshot.
The orc path is significantly more difficult with a back and forth situation that was downright worrying at times, with the orcs being the weak link they had to die first and this caused problems because base defenses needed to survive that demon bastard. Course they wouldn't survive the necromancer and his ult so I had to find a good spot of going back and forth to attack and kill the orcs and a bit of running my heroes back to my base in the end. Assaulting the last undead base this time around was a bit of a blunder on my part since I just wanted them dead regardless of how I did it and the acolytes were a pain in the neck constantly repairing towers and the necropolis shooting at me.

In the end 11/10 I await the next part of the campaign.


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Level 17
Apr 20, 2014

Been a while huh? I haven't had much time to work on the incoming Chapters.
In fact, there is something pretty difficult to me and for every chapter, it takes me a way too much time... with results not really impressive:


So I am asking, if there are some people who have time to invest, don't hesitate to contact me!

Otherwise, I worked on several things and even on the final mission. We are quite close to the end of this project!
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
are you going to continue working on this project or its dead. ??

edit:i think your maps use a another language not english

Since I always try to dodge terraining, I did some techtrees. They are really small edits and far from being revolutionary, but it looks cool imo.

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Aint much, but it's honest work
nice job i like them but why is there kultires forces i mean we didn t see them in the campaign until now at least
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
I played your campaign, and I must to say, you/ or you and your team and other creators are did a very good campaign. I must admit the Bulwark in the first andorthal (probably I misspelled it) mission is maked my life hard as any mission can. That chapter is a hard lesson for me, that's for sure! I liked the heroes and battles, fierce ones and light ones, but as other much more experienced players writed here: there is a work need to be done. I look forward for the next version, and I'm eager to hear any news & play. Thank you and for other creators for this campaign. It was a pleasure playing it.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
I played your campaign, and I must to say, you/ or you and your team and other creators are did a very good campaign. I must admit the Bulwark in the first andorthal (probably I misspelled it) mission is maked my life hard as any mission can. That chapter is a hard lesson for me, that's for sure! I liked the heroes and battles, fierce ones and light ones, but as other much more experienced players writed here: there is a work need to be done. I look forward for the next version, and I'm eager to hear any news & play. Thank you and for other creators for this campaign. It was a pleasure playing it.
But the story isn't over. The main character needs its last glorious scene.
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
But the story isn't over. The main character needs its last glorious scene.
I know, the whole campaign is not ready. That's why it's still in WiP, version 0.85. I expect some changes. Let the team decide and do what they want. Still tho' the campaign suprised me several times. Not just the andorthal (misspelling chance is high here) map is shocked me in a good way. I don't want to spoil the details.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
I know, the whole campaign is not ready. That's why it's still in WiP, version 0.85. I expect some changes. Let the team decide and do what they want. Still tho' the campaign suprised me several times. Not just the andorthal (misspelling chance is high here) map is shocked me in a good way. I don't want to spoil the details.
There are a lot of great maps and missions in the story. The action is fairly cannon friendly if you look at it and unlike other campaigns on HIVE it mentions other factions and even comes into contact with cannon characters without impacting the official story in any way. So at a point I actually liked to believe that Draenn's somewhere out there in WoW's world.


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
I played this campaign a long time ago and enjoyed it a lot. I saw lots of similarities with my Exodus, I don't know if it's coincidence or the author played it, but I don't mind either way. The author did well creating the atmosphere of a desperate fight, I liked that in almost every mission after we completed our goals on the battlefield, it ended up with some twist that made us lose or withdraw. The difficulty level varied a lot, some missions were trivial and some were a real challenge. There was this one mission where I had to survive the undead onslaught, had like 30 minutes to rebuild, expand and even defeat some undead bases, only to be utterly overwhelmed by another, endless wave of undead after a desperate defence, although I still thought the mission goal is to actually survive, so I spent literal hours loading saves and trying to win. On one hand this was terribly user-unfriendly and would surely made some casual players simply rage-quit... but on the other hand I loved it :p. Unfortunately I couldn't finish the campaign, because on one mission (I can't remember the number, it was a retrospective with lots of human and dwarven allies and a huge undead base in the center) the game simply kept crashing after ~15 minutes of gameplay (1.31 of course). So I hope the author will return someday to work on the campaign.
Level 17
Apr 20, 2014
I played this campaign a long time ago and enjoyed it a lot. I saw lots of similarities with my Exodus, I don't know if it's coincidence or the author played it, but I don't mind either way. The author did well creating the atmosphere of a desperate fight, I liked that in almost every mission after we completed our goals on the battlefield, it ended up with some twist that made us lose or withdraw. The difficulty level varied a lot, some missions were trivial and some were a real challenge. There was this one mission where I had to survive the undead onslaught, had like 30 minutes to rebuild, expand and even defeat some undead bases, only to be utterly overwhelmed by another, endless wave of undead after a desperate defence, although I still thought the mission goal is to actually survive, so I spent literal hours loading saves and trying to win. On one hand this was terribly user-unfriendly and would surely made some casual players simply rage-quit... but on the other hand I loved it :p. Unfortunately I couldn't finish the campaign, because on one mission (I can't remember the number, it was a retrospective with lots of human and dwarven allies and a huge undead base in the center) the game simply kept crashing after ~15 minutes of gameplay (1.31 of course). So I hope the author will return someday to work on the campaign.

Yes, actually, Exodus was one of my fav' campaign and I took quite a high inspiration of your work and I am really gald to see your revamped campaign!
I am sorry to hear that. Chapter Three is really BAD designed for players because you're expected to lose but people don't like to lose and try hard... but eh, I felt bad to put a hint: "you have to lose" lol!

I am very sad to see this map crash. It's a cool map to me, with just huge battles between factions, but I don't know why it crashes. I've put a warning in the loading screen for next update.

I will be honest, I have no motivation to work on this project for now as I don't like to terrain maps, nor do cinematics, and well, for a campaign, it's quite necessary..! I have also other things to do, so...

Well, maybe one day!


Hosted Project: W3E
Level 20
Jul 9, 2010
I am sorry to hear that. Chapter Three is really BAD designed for players because you're expected to lose but people don't like to lose and try hard... but eh, I felt bad to put a hint: "you have to lose" lol!
You could just add a timer or a goal to kill at least X enemies like in Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty. Just for the last part of course, when the infinite wave begins.
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
Yes, actually, Exodus was one of my fav' campaign and I took quite a high inspiration of your work and I am really gald to see your revamped campaign!
I am sorry to hear that. Chapter Three is really BAD designed for players because you're expected to lose but people don't like to lose and try hard... but eh, I felt bad to put a hint: "you have to lose" lol!

I am very sad to see this map crash. It's a cool map to me, with just huge battles between factions, but I don't know why it crashes. I've put a warning in the loading screen for next update.

I will be honest, I have no motivation to work on this project for now as I don't like to terrain maps, nor do cinematics, and well, for a campaign, it's quite necessary..! I have also other things to do, so...

Well, maybe one day!
So , are you not going to finish the campaign, or update it? I can understand this stop in development. Also, you added new models for each faction. There is no chance to see them in the close future? No 0.90 version or other?
Andorhal map was still memorable for me... You got me there that's sure! Also with other maps, where the player must lose... :D I laugh now, but in the past that was a pain in the...
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
Is it a year to complete a chapter? If this is the case, the campaign will take three years to complete?
Since the author of the Campaign is a human beign, means that he/she have a personal life, he/she is not 7/24 online in hive , watching the thread of the campaign that was released here. I think rushing out a campaign is not gonna make it better, but worse.

Oh, by the way, before anyone is going to ask : If the author is gonna release the campaign for the glorious god made 1.35 version of ReFridged, please consider that , the author probably not want to waste another infinite amount of time to rewrite, reconfig, remade the whole campaign just for your one wish (Hopefully). Thank you very much for reading my comment, have a good day/morning/afternoon/night.
Level 17
Apr 20, 2014
Oh, I thought I gave you a reply, but actually nope... Oops!!
Well to be frank, it's always the same stuff: terraining. I don't like this, and working on incomplete maps does not help me to get motivation!

About 1.35, I tried it. While on some chapters it works fine, some are definitely crashing! It might be difficult to convert it properly.
I can still release the current changes I made, but I would really like to add a map with it... So we will see.

Playing maporino got me back on the world editor, so perhaps!
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
Oh, I thought I gave you a reply, but actually nope... Oops!!
Well to be frank, it's always the same stuff: terraining. I don't like this, and working on incomplete maps does not help me to get motivation!

About 1.35, I tried it. While on some chapters it works fine, some are definitely crashing! It might be difficult to convert it properly.
I can still release the current changes I made, but I would really like to add a map with it... So we will see.

Playing maporino got me back on the world editor, so perhaps!
So from now on, you are making the project for Reforged only?
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019
Nope, I tried to launch it on Reforged, and it had quite a lot of crashes.
I think it's Chapter Seven, crashing a lot already. (No idea why).
i think it will be better if you continue working on version1.31 then and also your campaign might work with reforged even if you continue make it on 1.31 in the end the campaigns made with lower version than reforged should work perfectly with it i think
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
After you decided to edit Alliance Ashes, I decided to give it one more walkthrough.

I know, it's possible to win on this map - means, conquering all of the map, and destroying all undead base -. I was in a similar situation, but after I lost the momentum, the undead won, and I had the same ending as before: Arrad + Diana in the end teleported by their now undead ex friends, but the dialogs now are messed up. During the ending cinematic, Arrad said about the demons head, and some of the dialoges what he said, was the same ones before the ending cinematic happened, but he said them during the cinematic again. So for me the ending cinematic of this chapter was messed up somehow, in the dialoge perpective.

Also, there is anyway to have custom hotkeyes in this campaign via .txt file, or it's more complicated than to have that in a "simple" .txt file? I really miss the QWER system, especially on the Andorhal Map - Through the enemy lines chapter.

+ I want to mention, that this campaign has the most awesome, most iconic Campaign Chapter selection menu. I don't know who made it, but I definetly want to say, that guy did a very great job, because every time when I open the chapter selection menu: The hair on my back stands up (or how to say that in english). It's epic!
Level 17
Apr 20, 2014
After you decided to edit Alliance Ashes, I decided to give it one more walkthrough.

I know, it's possible to win on this map - means, conquering all of the map, and destroying all undead base -. I was in a similar situation, but after I lost the momentum, the undead won, and I had the same ending as before: Arrad + Diana in the end teleported by their now undead ex friends, but the dialogs now are messed up. During the ending cinematic, Arrad said about the demons head, and some of the dialoges what he said, was the same ones before the ending cinematic happened, but he said them during the cinematic again. So for me the ending cinematic of this chapter was messed up somehow, in the dialoge perpective.

Also, there is anyway to have custom hotkeyes in this campaign via .txt file, or it's more complicated than to have that in a "simple" .txt file? I really miss the QWER system, especially on the Andorhal Map - Through the enemy lines chapter.

+ I want to mention, that this campaign has the most awesome, most iconic Campaign Chapter selection menu. I don't know who made it, but I definetly want to say, that guy did a very great job, because every time when I open the chapter selection menu: The hair on my back stands up (or how to say that in english). It's epic!
Thanks for the review. Will try to check it.

Yeah Custom hotkeys should be made... For later maybe!

It's actually WC3 Beta main menu background with Shadowfang Theme as background music!
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
Chapter 6 - Mind Blinded

In the South-West of the map, there is a barracks within walls, where the Patrol Guards are coming out. I destroyed it, without any alarm, but Patrol Guards spawned there, and they alarmed the Garrison on the map. Is this OK, or it's a bug? Reloading save, relocating my troops, and this time only one Patrol Guard is spawning, instead of 3. This one is respawning each time when I kill it or Mind Controlling the one that already spawned, and it's moving all the time to the same position.

Kristoff: Healing Wave & Resurrection has the same icon.

Archer has mana, but has no ability to use (yet?).

Chapter 7

During the chapter: It's crashing , and I don't even know why. It just happens. So I cheated, and I completed the map - without a single crash after the codes activated. I'm not proud of it, but literally every 5 minutes a crash happened, and tiny bit of the progress was made, without experiencing any results. -

Chapter 8


Unkillable Crypt Fiend Champion here. No soldiers to save sadly.

Ui, dear author, I'm not from France, I don't learned the language. One ticket to the island of Corsica, please.
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Level 17
Apr 20, 2014

I am still alive lol

I have not made big work on the project to be honest. Yet, I have made some changes.
I went back to debug the unknown crash on chapter Seven. Made a thread about it: [Crash] - Unknown crash of my Campaign Map (1.31.1)
If anyone wants to help.

I was a bit "bored" by this project so I worked on side stuff instead. I will try to implement in a way inside this project but I don't know how yet!
I don't want to tell more since it needs still a lot of work before release, but here a screenshot to give you some ideas.

That's all c:
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022

I am still alive lol

I have not made big work on the project to be honest. Yet, I have made some changes.
I went back to debug the unknown crash on chapter Seven. Made a thread about it: [Crash] - Unknown crash of my Campaign Map (1.31.1)
If anyone wants to help.

I was a bit "bored" by this project so I worked on side stuff instead. I will try to implement in a way inside this project but I don't know how yet!
I don't want to tell more since it needs still a lot of work before release, but here a screenshot to give you some ideas.

That's all c:
If you can lend me please the latest version, I would like to test, if it's gonna crash on my side too or not. I read the thread that you written about the problem, but I decided to reply here.
Level 11
Aug 1, 2019

I am still alive lol

I have not made big work on the project to be honest. Yet, I have made some changes.
I went back to debug the unknown crash on chapter Seven. Made a thread about it: [Crash] - Unknown crash of my Campaign Map (1.31.1)
If anyone wants to help.

I was a bit "bored" by this project so I worked on side stuff instead. I will try to implement in a way inside this project but I don't know how yet!
I don't want to tell more since it needs still a lot of work before release, but here a screenshot to give you some ideas.

That's all c:
best thing is you still using version 1.31.1 and didn t go to reforged since i have no plans to use reforged version
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017

I am still alive lol

I have not made big work on the project to be honest. Yet, I have made some changes.
I went back to debug the unknown crash on chapter Seven. Made a thread about it: [Crash] - Unknown crash of my Campaign Map (1.31.1)
If anyone wants to help.

I was a bit "bored" by this project so I worked on side stuff instead. I will try to implement in a way inside this project but I don't know how yet!
I don't want to tell more since it needs still a lot of work before release, but here a screenshot to give you some ideas.

That's all c:
Aww. What about the ending to Ashes?
Level 17
Apr 20, 2014
Aww. What about the ending to Ashes?
I still want to finish it, don't worry! I am just taking a (quite long) break from it to focus on other fun stuff, like the "Alliance Side Stories Camp" we talked :)

I just added a new unit yesterday to Dusk Sentinels. It felt lacking a spellcaster for the next map where they are using they sole techtree without classic Alliance Techtree.

sorry for the blurry quality
Level 9
Aug 26, 2017
I still want to finish it, don't worry! I am just taking a (quite long) break from it to focus on other fun stuff, like the "Alliance Side Stories Camp" we talked :)

I just added a new unit yesterday to Dusk Sentinels. It felt lacking a spellcaster for the next map where they are using they sole techtree without classic Alliance Techtree.
View attachment 450751
sorry for the blurry quality

It's ok, I can wait. I'm patient and I am certain that Draenn will have a fight worthy of his story's end.
Level 8
Mar 11, 2020

I am still alive lol

I have not made big work on the project to be honest. Yet, I have made some changes.
I went back to debug the unknown crash on chapter Seven. Made a thread about it: [Crash] - Unknown crash of my Campaign Map (1.31.1)
If anyone wants to help.

I was a bit "bored" by this project so I worked on side stuff instead. I will try to implement in a way inside this project but I don't know how yet!
I don't want to tell more since it needs still a lot of work before release, but here a screenshot to give you some ideas.

That's all c:
holy sheit im loving the skins tell me we are going to be playing that beffy guy :D side project or not u best know im ready for it gl
Level 25
Dec 3, 2020
@Tuwnew , may I begin editing your campaign and then share my changes with you? I will NOT upload it! Just for balance changes and perhaps (over)write AI scripts.
Since I played this a bit and it seemed to have functioning AI, but I want to improve the AI!
Also make a lot of balance changes etc

PS: pls keep it on 1.31 since there are a lot of people like me who refuse to upgrade to Reforged!
I'm pretty confident that people on a Reforged patch can play this!