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Aliens :D

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Level 15
Oct 29, 2012
Hi, Another odd thread about aliens well I wish it's interesting people.

Do you think there are Aliens? Please give a fucking reason.

I don't think there are Aliens because we haven't seen any UFO/Signals ..*In this big universe..Nothing proves that an alien is there outsider !
And use a fuqing

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Level 9
Feb 12, 2010
I'm pretty sure extraterrestrial life exists, as the universe is (seemingly) infinite which only increases the already high probability of life out there.
Level 3
Oct 4, 2013
Yes there is definatly life out there in the universe given the size of the universe it would be impossible that we are the only ones. Also saying that that would make us aliens lmao
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011

Law of Averages. Laws of Probability. Laws of Evolution. Chance...

Lol, I found this funny. You said the same thing 3 times.

No, because after creating humans, God just gave it up.

What does that statement mean? It sounds a bit cynical...

And yeah, I believe there are aliens out there. It's alrady proven there is life on distant planets, such as Mars. It is believe humans evolved from cells. I'm sure one planet is old enough to have undergone such evolution. Or maybe, the aliens came into existence through other means. Whatever the case, the odds of aliens existing is near certain given the size of the universe.
Level 20
Aug 13, 2013
well there's already called a "Red Rain or Blood Rain" happens in southern India-Kerala in 2001 September. They said that it comes from Meteors Burst the blood of the aliens that landed on the planets, some others said that it is come from airborne spores from terrestrial algae. Scientists examine from microscope the cell of blood rain is living or extraterrestial life ( a life that not originates from the earth or does not come from ). So I think there's really a alien from the universe and we're not the only human from this galaxy ( there are BIG MEGA SUPPA DUPER Planets and Galaxies from the world.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Let's wait patiently, maybe they're stuck in galactic traffic. The wormholes must be congested and there isn't any warp gates (that we know of) leading to Earth.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
If you ask me, yeah, there are aliens. Some bacteria have just been found on Mars, lots of chances that they are aliens.
Level 1
Jun 5, 2010
lol :) Universe is endless since it never stops expanding. Aliens exist since as post above me say's bacteria are aliens. But i think everyone wants to know if there are aliens as in equal or more advanced civillisiation then us. I'm sure there are but first ask this why would an advanced alien race would want to make contact with warring monkeys who destroy there own race destroy there planet. We don't have anything worthy of Alien race to see, conquer or just fly by.(This is us humans).
There are aliens out there because we exist and it is highly improbable that Earth is the only planet of the other trillions of trillions of trillions of planets that harbors life.

What's less likely is the presence of aliens with superior intelligence.

There's also the problem of timing. For all we know, we might be one of the few civilizations alive at this time in the age of the cosmos.
There are civilizations waiting to happen, life forms waiting to arise out of (possibly) organic matter and civilizations probably dying as we speak.

The cosmos could be polluted with planets similar to ours with the remnants of what were once civilizations; Civilizations that failed to sustain themselves.
Aliens are fallen angels, as stated in the bible.

UFOs do exist, that's why the Project Blue Book exists. But unlike wikipedia states, it's still active, just under a different name.

America paid $$$ to all companies who claim that those who believe in Aliens and UFOs are insane. (I forgot the source)

Also, check this url. 50.000 Sightings alone in the USA. Don't think 50.000 people are insane and believe they saw something that doesn't exist.

If you need further information, don't hesistate to ask.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
In conclusion, aliens DO exist. But they are not going to invade Earth.
Simple reason: WHY THE H*LL THEY TRAVEL THOUSANDS OF LIGHTYEARS to conquer Earth? Yes, you might think they need us as slaves, but I think they are evole and modern enough to have slaves.
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