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Age of Fighting Sail (v0.0.9)


Age of Fighting Sail is a napoleonic ship combat game with focus on timing and tactics. Each ship has unique handling capabilities, and players need to rely on wind, acceleration and turn speed to deal the most devastating broadsides on their foes. Killing ships yield bounty, from which you can purchase more and deadlier ships. The first team to reach the kill goal wins.


  • Realistic ship movement with inertia, acceleration, and wind physics.
  • All ships feature 3 degrees of visual damage on 4 different sectors of the hull, depending on where they are hit.
  • All art resoruces are 100% custom made exclusively for this map.
  • Includes a fully functional and intelligent bot AI supporting all three degrees of difficulty - also available in multiplayer!
  • All motion, including the way ships bounce and roll on the waves, is 100% simulated. This allows for really cool features such as ships recoiling to the side when firing or being hit.
  • Ships will develop list according to their damage, and towards the exact spot where the most damage has been taken.
  • Features extremely accurate collision physics where cannonballs will cause planks and debris to shoot out from the hull when they hit.


The Sloop


Weak but nimble, the Sloop is the cheapest and arguably the least powerful ship in the game. Despite its poor firepower, it can dodge the most of an enemy volley due to its small size, and sometimes outmaneuver larger ships by keeping out of their line of fire.

Health: 1500
Cannons: 10
Top Speed: 150
Turn Speed: 125
Acceleration: 1.1

The Brig


The Brig is an incredibly swift ship, perfect for hunting down sloops or traveling the stern of battleships. However, it is large enough to recieve devastating damage, should it be hit by the broadside of a larger ship.

Health: 2200
Cannons: 20
Top Speed: 170
Turn Speed: 115
Acceleration: 1.5

The Frigate


Frigates can achieve the greatest top speeds of any ship in the game, even though their acceleration and handling are worse than that of the Sloop and Brig. The balance of speed, hull strength and firepower make these some of the most formidable ships on the seven seas.

Health: 3600
Cannons: 38
Top Speed: 190
Turn Speed: 90
Acceleration: 0.9

The Steam Paddle Frigate


Equipped with a modern steam engine, Steam Frigates have the ability to sail swiftly even against the wind. However, the space taken up by the paddles require them to sacrifice some firepower.

Health: 3600
Cannons: 32
Top Speed: 200
Turn Speed: 90
Acceleration: 0.9

The Third Rate Battleship


With 74 guns, the Third Rate is a ship fully fit for the line of battle. Like the Frigate, it has a surprisingly good mix of handling and firepower, although its bulk will prevent it from making sharp turns or keeping up with the speed of smaller ships.

Health: 4200
Cannons: 74
Top Speed: 140
Turn Speed: 75
Acceleration: 0.6

The First Rate Battleship


Boasting a remarkable 106 guns, the broadside of a First Rate will make even the most experienced captain quiver in his boots. Yet, this amazing firepower does come with the prize if being painstakingly slow, both in top speed, acceleration and turn speed.

Health: 5000
Cannons: 106
Top Speed: 125
Turn Speed: 54
Acceleration: 0.3








  • All models and textures were made by Fingolfin a.k.a I_Love_Cat.
  • Linked List library was made by grim001.
  • The vector and quaternion libraries which make this game possible were based off the ones by legendary modder Bob666.


- Public release.

- Fixed exception for tied votes.

- Added another voting menu where you vote for fleet size.
- Added introduction text to inform players of the basic game goals and mechanics.
- Decreased the reload time of the sloop by 2 seconds.
- Inlined some code to improve performance.
- Fixed a bug that would turn the broadside into a machinegun of cannonballs.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the dialog text to dissapear in the voting menu.
- Fixed a bug that would cause effects to play their animation twice.
- Wind direction is now re-randomized when the game resets.

- Removed ship formation movement since the SyncSelections native might be whats causing the delay in unit orders.
- Might have fixed the minigun-barrel-roll-bug.

- Team kills will no longer give you bounty or kill points.
- Reduced gold bounty gained from 80% of ship cost to 60%.
- Increased periodic income from 25 to 50 gold.
- Gold pickups will now spawn periodically. Capturing them will give a bonus of 250 gold.
- Limited the amount of ships the AI can spawn.
- There is no longer any difference in ship count depending on the number of players.
- Text tags now only show up for the affected player.
- Added gold sound to bounty and pickup events.

- GREATELY reduced lag during broadsides. FPS drops should now be nonexistent on high-end computers, and very minor on low-end ones. I was able to fire both broadsides on three 106-gun ships simultaneously on my laptop while still maintaining playable fps!!

- You can now order your ship to follow another by right-clicking on it. This can also be used to form battle lines by ordering ships to follow eachother in a chain.
- Added a feedback arrow model for when you order your ship to move to a point.
- Wind factor and ships speeds have now been tweaked for more fun gameplay.
- Increased the cost of Steam Frigates from 750 to 800.
- Made the autofire mode more accurate.

- It is now possible to play up to six players, rather than just four.
- Added a repair ability, which stops your ship from moving or engaging and slowly regenerates hit points. The ability is channeled and will cancel when issued another order. Taking damage will significantly reduce its effectiveness.
- Mana now represents sails, also added three different levels of graphical damage to the sails of all ships. Sail damage will reduce the maximum speed of your ship.
- Added the option to swap between ball shots and chain shots. Chain shots have a higher firing arc and deal significantly more damage to sails, but less to hull.
- The hit boxes of the ship are now more accurate, although this means that cannonballs may sometimes fly above smaller ships rather than hitting them.
- Further reduced the lag during broadsides.

- Added boarding!
- Added four different crew types!
- Added canister shots! These have a chance of killing enemy crew depending on how intact the enemy hull is at the point of impact, and how crowded the ship is.
- AI ships will now repair and board enemies if the situation is opportune.
- Added a rudimentary crew store, for manning your ships. This is as far as i will go with the Arena version of the map, later when i start working on the AoS version, there will be proper stores.
- You now get to select your fleet ensign at the start of each round. Available ensigns are: Britain, French, Pirate.
- Added 500hp to the First Rate battleships.
- Fixed a bug which caused Steam Frigates to be unproportionally affected by sail damage.
- It is now slightly easier to sail against the wind.

Broadside, tall ships, napoleonic, master and commander, pirates, sail, cannon

Age of Fighting Sail (v0.0.9) (Map)

16:36, 21st Mar 2014 Hell_Master: Map approved with a rating of 4/5 (Recommended). See moderator's review regarding the map:
It would basically work the same as in "Bloody Pirates" (a map which i totally recommend you to try), where boarding will take place on a separate part of the map which is modeled after your ship deck, and the units in your crew are spawned as units which fight against the enemy crew. Crew are essentially items which you purchase, with varying quality and cost. During boarding actions, both ships are invulnerable and cannot fire.
Well, I hoped for something less complicated, like transported unit being used as crew is semi-randomized combat (think of quick combat age of wonders), then the loser ship is owned by enemy. I had some thought to implement this in godfall for To the Great sea or even Islands in the sky, but abandoned, because it looked too much of hassle.



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
And yes, i did plan to add more stuff, including boarding! Initially, i wanted to make an AoS stype map where each team control two or three three star forts, and the enemy team would buy troops to try and capture them through boarding/invading. You'd make gold by purchasing trade items in your port and selling them at ports on the enemy's side of the map.

I tried this map, it has amazing projectile system and its very realistic. Though its quite dull to only fight ships on ships on the sea at the current stage, its quite impressive. Similar with Uncharted Waters at current stage, but more realistic made. This map systems is really mindblowing.

That concept of also making it a AoS type map I would really like to try.
Well, I hoped for something less complicated, like transported unit being used as crew is semi-randomized combat (think of quick combat age of wonders), then the loser ship is owned by enemy. I had some thought to implement this in godfall for To the Great sea or even Islands in the sky, but abandoned, because it looked too much of hassle.

Yeah, i could probably do this, and it's probably a good idea simply to allow you to keep an eye on the battlefield rather than moving the camera to a whole new scene while the battle rages on. It depends though on whether you want each player to have one ship, or multiple ships - with multiple ships, your way is the obvious one since you need to be able to control the rest of your fleet. With one ship per player, you can go either way - although personally i feel that just sitting around watching while random number generation occurs is kinda dull.

I tried this map, it has amazing projectile system and its very realistic. Though its quite dull to only fight ships on ships on the sea at the current stage, its quite impressive. Similar with Uncharted Waters at current stage, but more realistic made. This map systems is really mindblowing.

That concept of also making it a AoS type map I would really like to try.

Thanks! I agree that the combat is a bit dull at the moment, i am still trying to iron out how the AoS-based gameplay should be. The main problem is ground pathing, since i haven't added support for beaching your ships yet and i'm not sure how to make the AI properly avoid land. The way i had it figured so far would simply be to save the old position of the ship, and once i update it, check if the new position is pathable - and if not, move back to the old position. This would cause ships to kinda drift and not lose speed when beaching, but i guess it's good enough.

Gameplay-wise, i guess the easiest thing would be a classic AoS-style map - each team has three forts, and your mission is to destroy the enemy forts simply by firing cannonballs at them until dead (while they fire back). Once they are dead, you can engage the enemy port. I still think a trading mechanic could be in good place though, and other items could include ship timber (used for hull repair), crewmen (for boarding), and maybe special ammunition (such as chain and canister shot) if that doesn't make things too complicated/clutter the inventory. Ship upgrades (hp, armor, speed, etc) would be static and purchased at the port.

This map is truly well made, it even allows you to play with bots if you lack friends and you're just really, Really lonely..
But great map yes.. Can't wait to play it with all those friends of mine.. hope bots still work... no reason..

I can play with you tonight if you are up for it!! Just gonna play some BFG:Armada then i'll jump on Skype :grin:
Yeah, i could probably do this, and it's probably a good idea simply to allow you to keep an eye on the battlefield rather than moving the camera to a whole new scene while the battle rages on. It depends though on whether you want each player to have one ship, or multiple ships - with multiple ships, your way is the obvious one since you need to be able to control the rest of your fleet. With one ship per player, you can go either way - although personally i feel that just sitting around watching while random number generation occurs is kinda dull.

Well godfall definitely contains multiple ship, allowing also building of them, which demands rather simple system. I see you have multiple ships too, although limited in number.
New update!

It is now possible to board other ships! When boarding, your ship launches a rope which will attempt to pull the ships together. The mass of the ships is a factor in this, so a sloop trying to board a battleship is more likely to be pulled behind it like a tiny dog on a leash - generally it requires some timing to succeed. Once the ship are in contact, the boarding procedure will start, and the crews will roll against each other every second based on combat rating, killing up to 3 crewmen on either side. The boarding ends when one of the ship runs out of crew or the boarding ship disengages. If you kill off the enemy crew, you will capture their ship and put a portion of your own remaining crew on it. If you only have one poor crewman left, the enemy ship will be scuttled for bounty.

There are four different crew types so far - Sailors, Carpenters, Privateers and Marines. Sailors are the cheapest and most basic crew type with the lowest combat rating. Carpenters will increase your repair speed by 0.5hp/s per unit. Privateers have medium combat rating, while Marines have high, at a higher price. You can purchase crew for your ship in a rudimentary ship store at your spawn (once i start working on the AoS version there will be proper stores). All ships come with a standard crew of Sailors - the larger ships also have some Marines.

Your ships can now also fire canister shots, which are good for killing off crew at short range. They are most effective when fired at a point where the hull is damaged, and the amount of casualties is also proportional to how crowded the ship is (if there is one last crewman left on a huge battleship, you are unlikely to hit him). Canisters are practically ineffective at killing crew if the hull is intact, though they still deal some damage (only 30% that of cannonballs, though). They can be good for killing smaller ships that have snuck up close to you, thinking they could get below your broadside.

Another cool feature is that you can now select your fleet ensign (flag) at the start of each round - you can choose between Britain, France, or Pirates. Finally, the AI now has support for repairing and boarding enemy ships when the situation is opportune.

A small fleet flying french colors


  • Ensigns.jpg
    242.6 KB · Views: 204
Level 1
Apr 21, 2020
i dont know why but i cant open this map with world editor
and not even by playing it in warcraft's custom game or lan.

but still it is a really good and awesome map!
Last edited:
Level 1
Apr 21, 2020
yeah its like when i select it in custom game or any match in wc3 players dont appear.

and when i select start it just doesnt work, maybe its because my wc3 is not that updated... idk.
Level 1
Apr 21, 2020
i know this is rediculous but i have the 1.21 version... yeah so i can't download the new patch because the battlenet server has a really slow download rate.:cry:
Level 1
Apr 21, 2020
any way i dont want to bother you right now with these stupid problems i have in my "wooden pc"

so yeah have a good day great master of modeling and knowledge of the hive!!!