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Advanced Weather System

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Level 8
Apr 21, 2012
Hello Hive, I was wondering if one of you who know your triggers could design a weather system for me that when it rains, for example, it puts a movement speed debuff for the duration of the rain. It doesn't have to have a lot of weather, just the basics, rain, heavy rain, light snow.

My idea for Rain would be a movement speed debuff that reduces movement by 20%, and for Heavy Rain, it would be 40%. Not sure about snow though.

Thanks for the help in advance :ogre_haosis:
Level 7
May 15, 2009
Well the system would depend on which kind of map you're making, RPG, AOS or melee WCIII map and so on.

But off the top of my head you could have something like:

  • Shits
    • Events
      • Time - Weather Countdown1 Expires
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Environment - Remove LastWeather
      • Environment - Create at (Playable map area) the weather effect Ashenvale Rain (Heavy)
      • Set LastWeather = (Last created weather effect)
      • Unit - Create 1 Dummy for Neutral Hostile at (Entire Map) facing Default building facing degrees
      • Unit - Add MegaAoeSLowAura to (Last created unit)
      • Unit - Add a 180.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
And now you need a bunch of Cooldown Timers which roll in loops, so this trigger should start the countdown for maby light rain, and the light rain trigger would start a cooldown timer for sunshine and so on... Just make sure that the last bit of weather starts a cooldown timer for the first, so that they run in a circle.

This is ofcourse not the perfect trigger, but I hope you get the picture. Every 3 minutes it removes the last weather effect, and createds a new one. Then it creates a unit which is given an aura for slowing movement speed. Depending on the size of the map, you might need to create more of these units, so that you can get the auras to cover the whole map.
The expiration timer also ensures that the aura units are removed when the weather changes.
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