Accessing memory from the script - it's time of the revolution

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Level 9
Jul 30, 2012

Reading memory from the script - direct access to any data in game

Last year I have discovered a critical exploit in WC3, as I described here. The vulnerability allowed for unlimited memory access from within a map's script, which is obviously a critical security issue. Anyone with this knowledge could create and distribute a modified map and gain complete control over a user's machine.

However the possibility of memory access also brings a whole new potential for map making in Warcraft. It allows to finally achieve the always dreamed things that were never possible before. Basically there are no limits to what we can do with this power.

After patch 1.27b the exploit has been fixed, and it's no longer possible to write to memory. But I requested Blizzard to keep the read-only access, and they did it, so read-only memory access is still possible in the latest patches!

In the last year DracoL1ch, karaulov and I have been researching about the game memory. They have achieved a lot of amazing things, and released it in the Memory hack thread. Although that exploit doesn't work anymore (because it tries to unlock read-write access), some parts of that API can be ported to work this library, as long as they don't modify things in memory.

The following code provides the ability to read from any place in WC3 memory, but NOT write. It is split into 2 parts: the first library provides typecasting, and the second uses it to get memory access.

1 - Typecasting in the latest patch

As I already explained, the basis of the exploit is the ability to typecast values, which is still possible in the latest patches. Then, by using C2I and I2C we can manipulate the Jass VM by skipping lines of execution, and ultimately running bytecode directly. The following library provides the typecasting functionality:

library Typecast

    //These are not used, they are here just to fool Jasshelper.
    code Code
    integer Int
    string Str
    boolean Bool
    //These are the actual ones used for typecasting.
    code l__Code
    integer l__Int
    string l__Str
    boolean l__Bool

//The "return" line prevents Jasshelper from inlining these functions
function setCode takes code c returns nothing
    set l__Code = c

function setInt takes integer i returns nothing
    set l__Int = i

function setStr takes string s returns nothing
    set l__Str = s

function setBool takes boolean b returns nothing
    set l__Bool = b

//Jasshelper will append an "l__" prefix to all Typecast locals
private function Typecast1 takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer Str   //l__Str
    local string Int    //l__Int

//# +nosemanticerror
function SH2I takes string s returns integer
    call setStr(s)
    return l__Str

//# +nosemanticerror
function I2SH takes integer i returns string
    call setInt(i)
    return l__Int

private function Typecast2 takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer Bool  //l_Bool
    local boolean Int   //l_Int

//# +nosemanticerror
function B2I takes boolean b returns integer
    call setBool(b)
    return l__Bool

//# +nosemanticerror
function I2B takes integer i returns boolean
    call setInt(i)
    return l__Int

private function Typecast3 takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer Code   //l__Code
    local code Int       //l_Int

//# +nosemanticerror
function C2I takes code c returns integer
    call setCode(c)
    return l__Code

//# +nosemanticerror
function I2C takes integer i returns code
    call setInt(i)
    return l__Int

//# +nosemanticerror
function realToIndex takes real r returns integer
    return r

function cleanInt takes integer i returns integer
    return i

//# +nosemanticerror
function indexToReal takes integer i returns real
    return i

function cleanReal takes real r returns real
    return r


This snippet requires that you use the experimental version of pjass, that can disable syntax checking on specific functions. After all, the code makes pretty much no sense. But it works!

This is because of a bug that occurs during the parsing of the script: if you declare a local variable with the same name as a global, it will cause the type of the global variable to be transformed, and become the type of the local! This means that all code that comes after the Typecast3 function will treat variable l__Code as an integer, and variable l__Int as code.

But the code that comes before Typecast will still treat those variables as their original types. That's why the setCode and setInt functions are used. Since they come before Typecast, they are not affected by the bug. So they can be used to assign a value to those variables, and then that value can be read as a different type.

2 - Getting access to memory

To unlock access to memory, we need to execute the JASS bytecode directly from an array. However. to obtain the memory address of an array, we need the ability to access memory in first place! This leads to a dead end, forcing us to find other ways to get memory access.

There are some ways to solve this, and I decided to use a variable named "stand" to get around that problem, since this string appears in blizzard.j, it will always have the same id. But keep in mind that map optimizers will usually rename variables, so keep an eye on that if you optimize your map, because this name may change in the final MPQ, and you will need to change it back.

library Memory initializer InitArrays requires Typecast

    integer array Memory
    real array RMemory
    //Arrays for unaligned memory access.
    integer array Memory1
    integer array Memory2
    integer array Memory3

    integer bytecode  // Not used, it's here just to fool Jasshelper
    integer array l__bytecode
    private integer Count = 0
    private trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    private integer GetArrayAddress_Id

function ReadMemory takes integer address returns integer
    return Memory[address/4] //Inline-friendly

function ReadMemory1 takes integer address returns integer
    return Memory1[address/4] //Inline-friendly

function ReadMemory2 takes integer address returns integer
    return Memory2[address/4] //Inline-friendly

function ReadMemory3 takes integer address returns integer
    return Memory3[address/4] //Inline-friendly

function ReadMemoryReal takes integer address returns real
    return RMemory[address/4] //Inline-friendly

private function Structs takes nothing returns integer
    return -0x120
    return 0x220
    return 0x320

function GetArrayAddress takes integer StructAddr returns integer
    return Memory[StructAddr/4+3]

//# +nosemanticerror
private function RegisterBCArray takes integer id, code func returns nothing
    set l__bytecode[Count] = 0x0E000400
    set l__bytecode[Count+1] = id
    call setCode(func)
    set l__bytecode[Count+2] = 0x11000000
    set l__bytecode[Count+3] = Memory[l__Code/4 + 1]
    set l__bytecode[Count+4] = 0x16000000
    set l__bytecode[Count+5] = Memory[l__Code/4 - 1]
    set Count = Count + 6
    set l__bytecode[Count] = 0x27000000

module Bytecode
    integer value
    static integer id
    static integer address

    static if thistype.hasTrigger then
        static trigger trigger = CreateTrigger()

    static method operator[] takes integer i returns integer
        return thistype(i).value

    static method operator[]= takes integer i, integer value returns nothing
        set thistype(i).value = value
    private static method onRegister takes nothing returns nothing
        set address = Memory[address/4 + 3]
        static if thistype.hasTrigger then
            call TriggerClearConditions(trigger)
            call TriggerAddCondition(trigger, Condition(I2C(address)))

    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        set thistype(8190).value = 0            //Always allocate full size of the array
        set id = Memory[C2I(function thistype.onInit)/4 + 9]
        call RegisterBCArray(id, function thistype.onRegister)

private function RegisterMemArray takes integer id, integer id2 returns nothing
    set l__bytecode[Count] = 0x0E000400
    set l__bytecode[Count+1] = id
    set l__bytecode[Count+2] = 0x13000000
    set l__bytecode[Count+4] = 0x16000000
    set l__bytecode[Count+5] = GetArrayAddress_Id
    set l__bytecode[Count+6] = 0x0B010000
    set l__bytecode[Count+8] = 0x06040000
    set l__bytecode[Count+9] = id2
    set l__bytecode[Count+10] = 0x11000000
    set l__bytecode[Count+11] = id2
    set Count = Count + 12
    set l__bytecode[Count] = 0x27000000

//! textmacro MemArray takes NAME, TYPE
module MemArray$NAME$
    $TYPE$ value
    private integer struct

    static method operator address takes nothing returns integer
        return thistype(3).struct

    static method operator address= takes integer i returns nothing
        set thistype(3).struct = i

    static method operator[] takes integer i returns $TYPE$
        return thistype(i).value

    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        set thistype(2).struct = 0xFFFFFFFF
        set thistype(1).struct = 0xFFFFFFFF
        call RegisterMemArray(Memory[C2I(function thistype.onInit)/4 + 9], Memory[C2I(function thistype.onInit)/4-13])
//! endtextmacro

//! runtextmacro MemArray("","integer")
//! runtextmacro MemArray("Real","real")

private function InitBytecode takes integer i, integer r, integer func returns nothing
    set l__bytecode[8190] = 0
    set l__bytecode[0] = 0x0C000300 //op: 0C(LITERAL), type: 03(code), reg: 00
    set l__bytecode[1] = C2I(function Structs)
    set l__bytecode[2] = 0x06030000 //op: 06(NEWGLOBAL), type: 03(code)
    set l__bytecode[3] = i
    set l__bytecode[4] = 0x11000000 //op: 11(SETVAR), reg: 01, var: "Memory"
    set l__bytecode[5] = i
    set l__bytecode[6] = 0x06030000 //op: 06(NEWGLOBAL), type: 03(code)
    set l__bytecode[7] = r
    set l__bytecode[8] = 0x11000000 //op: 11(SETVAR), reg: 01, var: "RMemory"
    set l__bytecode[9] = r
    set l__bytecode[10] = 0x16000000 //op: 16(JASSCALL), func: "Step2"
    set l__bytecode[11] = func

//# +nosemanticerror
private function Step2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set l__bytecode[12] = 0x0C010300 //op: 0C(LITERAL), type: 03(code), reg: 01
    set l__bytecode[13] = l__Code-7
    set l__bytecode[14] = 0x0C020300 //op: 0C(LITERAL), type: 03(code), reg: 02
    set l__bytecode[15] = l__Code+25
    set l__bytecode[16] = 0x0C030300 //op: 0C(LITERAL), type: 03(code), reg: 03
    set l__bytecode[17] = l__Code+49
    set l__bytecode[18] = 0x06030000 //op: 06(NEWGLOBAL), type: 03(code)
    set l__bytecode[19] = Memory[C2I(function ReadMemory1)/4+13]
    set l__bytecode[20] = 0x11010000 //op: 11(SETVAR), reg: 01, var: "Memory1"
    set l__bytecode[21] = l__bytecode[19]
    set l__bytecode[22] = 0x06030000 //op: 06(NEWGLOBAL), type: 03(code)
    set l__bytecode[23] = Memory[C2I(function ReadMemory2)/4+13]
    set l__bytecode[24] = 0x11020000 //op: 11(SETVAR), reg: 02, var: "Memory2"
    set l__bytecode[25] = l__bytecode[23]
    set l__bytecode[26] = 0x06030000 //op: 06(NEWGLOBAL), type: 03(code)
    set l__bytecode[27] = Memory[C2I(function ReadMemory3)/4+13]
    set l__bytecode[28] = 0x11030000 //op: 11(SETVAR), reg: 03, var: "Memory3"
    set l__bytecode[29] = l__bytecode[27]
    set l__bytecode[30] = 0x27000000
    set GetArrayAddress_Id = Memory[C2I(function GetArrayAddress)/4-1]

private function Typecast takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer bytecode

//# +nosemanticerror
private function Step1 takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer array stand
    call InitBytecode(stand[C2I(function ReadMemory)/4+13], stand[C2I(function ReadMemoryReal)/4+13], stand[C2I(function Step2)/4-1])
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(I2C(stand[l__bytecode/4+3])))

private function Step0 takes nothing returns integer
    local code stand = function Structs
    return -0xC5F0603
    return 0x2700

//Initialize registered bytecode arrays.
//# +nosemanticerror
private function InitArrays takes nothing returns boolean
    call ForForce(bj_FORCE_PLAYER[0], I2C(Memory[l__bytecode/4+3]))
    return false

private module Init
//# +nosemanticerror
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
    call setCode(function Step0)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(I2C(l__Code+26)))
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(I2C(l__Code+8)))
    call setCode(function Step1)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(I2C(l__Code+8)))
    call TriggerEvaluate(t)
    call TriggerClearConditions(t)
    call TriggerRegisterGameEvent(t, EVENT_GAME_LOADED)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function InitArrays))

private struct MemInit extends array
    implement Init

struct CustomMem extends array
    implement MemArray


Here are a few libraries that provide some real functionality, since this is what everyone is expecting after all. This is just the beginning of course, as I said you can read basically any information from the memory, it's just a matter of finding where it is.

EDIT 04/10/2017:: Updated all libraries. Please check the changelog and get the new versions.

/* Provides automatic detection of GameState object, Jass context, Unit
   and Ability object data tables and GameUI object for Mouse functions.
   This code is expected to work on all versions of WC3, even future ones. */

library Version initializer Init requires Memory, optional DummyCaster

    integer GameState
    integer pJassContext
    integer pGameUI
    integer TagTable
    integer StringHandles
    integer array ObjectTables

    integer IsMac = 0
    integer IsLegacy = 0

struct HandleTable extends array
    implement MemArray

struct GameTypeSupported extends array
    implement MemArray

native DebugBreak takes integer i returns nothing

private function GetDummyUnit takes nothing returns unit
    static if LIBRARY_DummyCaster then
        return DUMMY
        return CreateUnit(Player(0), 'uloc', .0, .0, .0)

private struct BC extends array
    static constant boolean hasTrigger = true
    implement Bytecode

private function FindDataTable takes integer func, boolean inlined returns integer
    set CustomMem.address = func
        exitwhen CustomMem[0]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9    //always search after first CALL (E8)
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
    if IsMac == 1 then  //all code in Mac is position-independent, first CALL returns current EIP
        set func = CustomMem.address
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
            exitwhen CustomMem[1]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9    //begin searching after 2nd call
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
            exitwhen CustomMem[2]*256/16777216 == 0xFFFFFF8E and CustomMem[2]/1073741824 == 0xFFFFFFFF  //LEA r32, [r32+offset]
        return CustomMem[3] + func + 36
    if inlined then  //GetUnitData is inlined in 1.27+, windows only.
            //"CMP r32,-1", followed by JZ SHORT (83F? FF, 74 XX)
            exitwhen CustomMem[2]*16777216 == 0x83000000 and CustomMem[2]/2048 == 0xE9FFF
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        return CustomMem[1] - 8
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        exitwhen CustomMem[1]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFBA     //"MOV ECX, offset" (B9)
    return CustomMem[2] + 28

private function FindTagTable takes integer func returns integer
    set CustomMem.address = func
        exitwhen CustomMem[0]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
    set func = CustomMem.address
    //First call in Mac is GetEIP, in Windows it is DecodeTags.
    //To my surprise, DecodeTags is inlined in Mac but not in Windows.
    if IsMac == 1 then
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
            exitwhen CustomMem[1]*256/16777216 == 0xFFFFFF8C and CustomMem[1]/1073741824 == 0xFFFFFFFF   //MOV r32, [r32+offset]
        return CustomMem[2] + func + 8
    set CustomMem.address = CustomMem[1] + func + 6  //begin searching at DecodeTags function
        exitwhen (CustomMem[0]*32/2097152 == 0xFFFFFD8C and (CustomMem[0]+1073741824)/1073741824 == 1) or CustomMem[0]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFA2  //MOV r32, [address]
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
    return CustomMem[1]

private function FindGameUI takes integer func returns integer
    set CustomMem.address = func
    if IsMac == 1 then
            exitwhen CustomMem[0]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        set func = CustomMem.address
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
            exitwhen CustomMem[1]*256/16777216 == 0xFFFFFF8C and CustomMem[1]/1073741824 == 0xFFFFFFFF  //MOV r32, [r32+offset]
        return CustomMem[2] + func + 8
        exitwhen CustomMem[0]/65536 == 0xFFFFA365 and CustomMem[1] == 0
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
    if IsLegacy == 1 then
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
            exitwhen CustomMem[1]/65536 == 0x3D83   //CMP [address], constant
        return CustomMem[2]
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        exitwhen (CustomMem[1]-0x80000000)/16777216 == 33 or (CustomMem[1]*32/2097152 == 0xFFFFFD8C and (CustomMem[1]+1073741824)/1073741824 == 1)     //MOV r32, [address]
    return CustomMem[2]

private function Step2 takes integer i returns nothing
    local unit u = GetDummyUnit()
    call UnitAddAbility(u, 'AInv')
    set GameState = i
    set HandleTable.address = Memory[Memory[GameState/4+7]/4+103] - 0xBFFFFC
    set GameTypeSupported.address = Memory[GameState/4+12]+48
    set i = HandleTable[GetHandleId(u)*3]/4     //ConvertHandle(u)
    set CustomMem.address = Memory[Memory[i]/4+88+IsMac]-3
        exitwhen (CustomMem[0]-0x80000000)/33554432 == 52  //matches both CALL (0xE8) and JMP (0xE9)
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
    set ObjectTables[0] = FindDataTable(CustomMem[1] + CustomMem.address + 5, (IsLegacy == 0))/4    //GetUnitData is inlined on 1.27+, windows only.
    set CustomMem.address = Memory[Memory[Memory[i+126]/4]/4+16+IsMac]-3
        exitwhen CustomMem[0]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9    //Skip first CALL
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        exitwhen CustomMem[1]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9    //2nd CALL is GetAbilityData
    set ObjectTables[1] = FindDataTable(CustomMem[2] + CustomMem.address + 9, false)/4  //GetAbilityData is never inlined
    set TagTable = FindTagTable(Memory[Memory[HandleTable[GetHandleId(Condition(function GetDummyUnit))*3]/4]/4+30+IsMac])/4
    set CustomMem.address = Memory[Memory[i]/4+101+IsMac]
    if IsMac == 1 then  //First call in Mac is GetEIP, so skip it
            exitwhen CustomMem[0]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9   
            set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        set CustomMem.address = CustomMem.address + 1
        exitwhen CustomMem[1]/16777216 == 0xFFFFFFE9    //2nd CALL is GetAbilityData
    set pGameUI = FindGameUI(CustomMem[2] + CustomMem.address + 9)/4
    static if LIBRARY_Mouse then
        set MouseEnv.address = Memory[Memory[pGameUI]/4 + 239]+784
    static if not LIBRARY_DummyCaster then
        call RemoveUnit(u)
    set u = null

private function Step1 takes integer p, integer i returns nothing
    set i = i/4
        exitwhen Memory[i] == BC.address and Memory[i+3] == 300000
        set i = i+1
    set pJassContext = Memory[i-1]
    if Memory[pJassContext/4+17] == 300000 then
        set IsMac = 1
            set i = i-1
            set pJassContext = Memory[i]
            exitwhen ModuloInteger(pJassContext*65536/65536, 0x28B0) == 0x88 and pJassContext>65536 and Memory[pJassContext/4+17] == 300000
    set StringHandles = Memory[pJassContext/4+2589]/4+2
    if p != GetPlayers() then
        set BC(33).value = 623    //SetPlayers
    set IsLegacy = 1
    if IsMac == 1 then
        set BC(28).value = 0x13000000
        set BC(33).value = 631    //SetStartLocPrio
    set BC[33] = 642        //SetGamePlacement
    call GetGamePlacement()

private function DebugBreak_Id takes nothing returns nothing
    call DebugBreak(0)

//# +nosemanticerror
private function InitBytecode takes nothing returns nothing
    set BC[0] = 0x15000000
    set BC[1] = 652         //GetPlayers
    set BC[2] = 0x13000000
    set BC[4] = 0x15000000
    set BC[5] = 623         //SetPlayers
    set BC[6] = 0x17000000
    set BC[8] = 0x13000000
    set BC[10] = 0x15000000
    set BC[11] = 595        //R2I
    set BC[12] = 0x13000000
    set BC[14] = 0x13000000
    set BC[16] = 0x15000000
    set BC[17] = Memory[C2I(function DebugBreak_Id)/4+5]
    set BC[18] = 0x17000000
    set BC[20] = 0x13000000
    set BC[22] = 0x15000000
    set BC[23] = 595        //R2I
    set BC[24] = 0x13000000
    set BC[26] = 0x16000000
    set BC[27] = Memory[C2I(function Step1)/4-1]
    set BC[30] = 0x13000000
    set BC[32] = 0x15000000
    set BC[34] = 0x0D010000
    set BC[36] = 0x17000000
    set BC[38] = 0x13000000
    set BC[40] = 0x15000000
    set BC[41] = 595        //R2I
    set BC[42] = 0x21010100
    set BC[44] = 0x17010000
    set BC[46] = 0x13010000
    set BC[48] = 0x0D010000
    set BC[50] = 0x15000000
    set BC[51] = 595        //R2I
    set BC[52] = 0x20000100
    set BC[54] = 0x13000000
    set BC[56] = 0x16000000
    set BC[57] = Memory[C2I(function Step2)/4-1]
    set BC[58] = 0x27000000

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    call InitBytecode()
    call TriggerRegisterGameEvent(BC.trigger, EVENT_GAME_LOADED)
    call TriggerEvaluate(BC.trigger)


library Mouse requires Memory, Version

struct MouseEnv extends array  //Library Version will initialize the struct.
    implement MemArrayReal

function GetMouseX takes nothing returns real
    return MouseEnv(0).value

function GetMouseY takes nothing returns real
    return MouseEnv(1).value

function GetMouseZ takes nothing returns real
    return MouseEnv(2).value


/* Provides the binary AND, OR and XOR operations, using natives
   and memory reading. This should be faster than all alternatives
   that use math operations and/or lookup tables */

library Bitwise requires Memory, Version

    constant gametype GAME_TYPE_ALL = ConvertGameType(0xFFFFFFFF)

function GetGameTypeSupported takes nothing returns integer
    return GameTypeSupported[0]

function BitwiseNot takes integer i returns integer
    return 0xFFFFFFFF - i

function BitwiseOr takes integer a, integer b returns integer
    call SetGameTypeSupported(GAME_TYPE_ALL, false)
    call SetGameTypeSupported(ConvertGameType(a), true)
    call SetGameTypeSupported(ConvertGameType(b), true)
    return GetGameTypeSupported()

function BitwiseAnd takes integer a, integer b returns integer
    call SetGameTypeSupported(GAME_TYPE_ALL, false)
    call SetGameTypeSupported(ConvertGameType(a), true)
    call SetGameTypeSupported(ConvertGameType(BitwiseNot(b)), false)
    return GetGameTypeSupported()

function BitwiseXor takes integer a, integer b returns integer
    call SetGameTypeSupported(GAME_TYPE_ALL, false)
    call SetGameTypeSupported(ConvertGameType(a), true)
    call SetGameTypeSupported(ConvertGameType(b), true)
    return GetGameTypeSupported()*2 - a - b


library ObjectData initializer onInit requires Memory, Version, Bitwise, Table

    constant integer UNIT_OBJECT_DATA = 0
    constant integer ABILITY_OBJECT_DATA = 1

    private integer array H
    private Table array tb

function IntegerHash takes integer i returns integer
    local integer a = 0x7FED7FED
    local integer b = 0xEEEEEEEE
    local integer byte
        set byte = i*16777216/16777216
        set a = BitwiseXor(a+b,H[byte])
        set i = i/256
        exitwhen i == 0
        set b = b*32+a+b+byte+3
    return a

/* Searches the provided data table for the object's data structure.
   This function will return 0 if the object has not been loaded yet!
   You can force an object to be loaded by calling GetObjectName. It's
   up to you to decide if you're going to call it or not. */
function FindObjectData takes integer pData, integer rawcode returns integer
    local integer hash = IntegerHash(rawcode)
    local integer list = Memory[pData]/4 + ModuloInteger(hash, Memory[pData+2]+1)*3
    local integer i = Memory[list+2]/4
        exitwhen i <= 0
        if Memory[i] == hash and Memory[i+5] == rawcode then
            return i
        set i = Memory[Memory[list]/4+i+1]/4
    return 0

/*Object data tables are actually... hashtables! The computational work to
  retrieve a object's data is exactly the same done by hashtable natives.
  But doing that work under native code is much faster than doing it in
  JASS. So caching the entries is certainly a good idea.*/
function GetObjectData takes integer objType, integer rawcode returns integer
    /*Should I cache everything into a single Table, or is it better to keep
    separete Tables for each object type? */
    local integer data = tb[objType][rawcode]
    if data == 0 then
        set data = FindObjectData(ObjectTables[objType], rawcode)
        set tb[objType][rawcode] = data
    return data

//Cache becomes invalid after saved game is loaded
private function OnGameLoaded takes nothing returns boolean
    local integer i = 0
        call tb[i].flush()
        set i = i+1
        exitwhen ObjectTables[i] == 0
    return false

private function onInit takes nothing returns nothing
    local integer i = 0
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterGameEvent(t, EVENT_GAME_LOADED)
    call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function OnGameLoaded))
        set tb[i] = Table.create()
        set i = i+1
        exitwhen ObjectTables[i] == 0
    set H[1]=0xA22E726E
    set H[2]=0xD43D94C0
    set H[3]=0x6DE064C7
    set H[4]=0xFE8D4B2F
    set H[5]=0x345A287E
    set H[6]=0x13941BCF
    set H[7]=0xD822114D
    set H[8]=0xA79E1270
    set H[9]=0xFB2D4CF9
    set H[10]=0xCB25DDAE
    set H[11]=0x7B5E64D5
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    set H[253]=0xBDB19F1F
    set H[254]=0x332C8F4E


library Utils requires Memory, Version, ObjectData

function ConvertHandle takes handle h returns integer
    return HandleTable[GetHandleId(h)*3]

function GetStringAddress takes string s returns integer
    return Memory[Memory[Memory[StringHandles]/4+SH2I(s)*4+2]/4+7]

function DecodeTags takes integer a, integer b returns integer
    local integer i = Memory[TagTable]/4
    if a < 0 then
        set i = i+8
        set a = a-0x80000000
    if a < Memory[i+7] then
        set i = Memory[i+3]/4+a*2
        if Memory[i] == 0xFFFFFFFE then
            set i = Memory[i+1]/4
            if Memory[i+6] == b then
                return i
    return 0

function GetAgentFromRef takes integer ref returns integer
    local integer i = Memory[ref+1]
    set ref = Memory[ref]
    if ref !=0xFFFFFFFF and i !=0xFFFFFFFF then
        set i = DecodeTags(ref, i)
        if i != 0 and Memory[i+8] == 0 then
            return Memory[i+21]
    return 0

function GetUnitAbility takes unit u, integer id returns integer
    local integer i = GetAgentFromRef(ConvertHandle(u)/4+119)
        exitwhen i == 0 or Memory[i/4+13] == id
        set i = GetAgentFromRef(i/4+9)
    return i

function GetUnitFlags takes unit u returns integer
    return Memory[ConvertHandle(u)/4+23]

function IsUnitStunned takes unit u returns boolean
    return Memory[ConvertHandle(u)/4+102] > 0

function GetAgentType takes agent a returns integer
    return Memory1[Memory[Memory[ConvertHandle(a)/4]/4+7]/4]

function GetUnitArmor takes unit u returns real
    return RMemory[ConvertHandle(u)/4+56]

function GetHeroPrimaryAttribute takes unit u returns integer
    return Memory[Memory[ConvertHandle(u)/4+124]/4+51]

function GetAbilityMaxLevel takes integer abil returns integer
    return Memory[GetObjectData(ABILITY_OBJECT_DATA, abil)+20]

function GetAbilityManaCost takes integer abil, integer level returns integer
    return Memory[Memory[GetObjectData(ABILITY_OBJECT_DATA, abil)+21]/4-22+level*26]

function GetAbilityCooldown takes integer abil, integer level returns real
    return RMemory[Memory[GetObjectData(ABILITY_OBJECT_DATA, abil)+21]/4-21+level*26]

function GetAbilityCurrentCooldown takes integer address returns real
    local integer pData = Memory[address/4+55]/4
    if pData != 0 then
        return RMemory[pData+1] - RMemory[Memory[pData+3]/4+16]
    return .0


I am making all of this for free, but if you feel like making a donation for my work, it would really please my heart ♥
If you want to make a donation, please send a PM to me.


-Mouse functions are back! Now present in a separate library, tested and working in all versions of WC3 through automatic detection! Also optimized so that getting the mouse coordinates is now a simple array lookup.

-Implemented automatic detection of Ability object table. Now functions such as GetAbilityManaCost and GetAbilityCooldown are working again.

-Introduced function GetUnitAbility which searches and returns an ability object from a unit's current abilities. Notice that this function returns an object address, and currently the only thing you can do with it is call GetAbilityCurrentCooldown. Also you should only use that address as soon as you get it, you are not supposed to save it anywhere as it may become invalid later.

-Fixed a bug where Step2 was not being executed when the map was compiled in Debug Mode or with optimization disabled.


-Introduced new module: MemArray. This module provides a custom array for memory access, you just implement it in your struct and set the address, and then your struct becomes an array-like object where Struct[0] returns the memory at the specified address, and so on. The library Memory also exposes an array named "CustomMem" that implements this module, you can use it as well.

-Module "Bytecode" now exposes an "id" member, that returns the string id of the bytecode array. This makes it easier for you to write self-modifying bytecode, you no longer need to worry about obtaining the variable id, just use the provided id in the GETARRAY and SETARRAY instructions.

-ConvertHandle function from library Utils now uses the new MemArray module. Handle conversion is now a simple array lookup HandleTable[GetHandleId(h)*3] instead of a bunch of memory reads. The same principle was also used in the Bitwise library, to speed up bitwise operations.

-Library Version now detects UnitData table and AgentTags table. Detection of other data tables and Mouse functions shall be implemented soon.

-Reworked library ObjectData to work with new code, also it now caches the found values in a Table object (after all, ObjectTables are hashtables internally, so it's faster to delegate this work to native code instead of doing it in pure JASS)


-Introduced new functionality for bytecode arrays! Now you can have your bytecode array get automatically assigned to a trigger! Just write the line static constant boolean hasTrigger = true before implementing the Bytecode module, and it will automatically create a trigger and assign your bytecode array to it. Then you can use the .trigger member to access that trigger. You can register events to it, or call it directly with TriggerEvaluate

-Implemented support for loading saved games! When saved games are loaded, everything is located in different addresses. Now the Bytecode module will automatically obtain the new addresses of all bytecode arrays, and update the corresponding triggers. Also Version library will redetect game addresses after the game is loaded.

-Minor improvements to the code, Memory library now uses a different method to unlock memory access.


-Introduced experimental detection of game addresses. Currently detects the address of Jass Context in all versions of WC3 already released, also expected to work in future versions. Detection of main game class shall be included in the future.

-Introduced new syntax for bytecode execution! Now it's much easier to run bytecode from an array:
All you need to do is declare a struct that extends array, and then implement the Bytecode module:
struct MyBCArray extends array
   implement Bytecode
Now you can use that struct normally as a regular array:
function InitBytecode takes nothing returns nothing
    set MyBCArray[0] = <my>
    set MyBCArray[1] = <bytecode>
    set MyBCArray[2] = <here>
And you can easily use the member MyBCArray.address to obtain the address of that array. Then you just need to pass that address to I2C and execute it.


-Mouse functions added! Credits to DracoL1ch for finding the offsets.
-Typecast library slightly modified to allow functions C2I and I2C to be inlined.
-Memory library updated with better code, memory reading is now a simple array lookup instead of a trigger evaluation
-Added array RMemory to allow reading the memory as a real without the need for typecasting
-Version library updated with offsets for patches 1.27b and 1.28
-Changed implementation of XOR in Bitwise library, XOR(a,b) is now implemented with OR(a,b)*2 - a - b


-Typecast library updated with typecasts of all basic types to and from integer.
-Initial release of libraries Version, Bitwise, ObjectData and Utils


-Initial release of libraries Memory and Typecast
Last edited:
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
This was previously done with the return bug for illegal type casting.
While it's awesome and allows to do many cool things (practically anything), it also allows some nasty people to insert lovely unwanted things into your computer, and therefore Blizzard "fixed" it.
Whether an exploit like this is good or bad, who knows.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
This was previously done with the return bug for illegal type casting.
While it's awesome and allows to do many cool things (practically anything), it also allows some nasty people to insert lovely unwanted things into your computer, and therefore Blizzard "fixed" it.
Whether an exploit like this is good or bad, who knows.

C++ created more viruses than any other language. Im wonder why does stackoverflow still not blacklisted.
blizz could easily give us a whole access to everything inside wc3 with direct code execution, so we won't need this hacks anymore. but they didnt
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Can't wait so see what can you do with that.



for instance
getAbilityHotkey / buttonpos / etc as well
Holy shit, access to object data would be AMAZING!

Here's the catch though: there is no way this makes it past the next 1.27 patch, since it's pretty easy to fix by just updating the compiler.

However, I hope you suggested to blizzard that they give us direct access to object data via a new native in the future, since we now know that (and how) it's possible.
I have so many ideas and uses for this it's not even funny.

function Init takes nothing returns nothing
     set teamScore = C2I(function Nothing)-8
     call TriggerAddCondition(MemReader, Condition(I2C(1648+C2I(function MeleeTournamentFinishNowRuleA))))
What the actual fuck is happening here...?!

Anyway... you wanted requests, so here is mine: is it possible to directly manipulate individual unit stats in the memory without crashes? I'm not talking about editing the values in the object editor, but stats of individual unit instances directly at runtime?
For example, if I wanted to change the displayed level of a unit for Neutral Hostile (not a hero!) or alter the white armor value of a unit at runtime?
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Anyway... you wanted requests, so here is mine: is it possible to directly manipulate individual unit stats in the memory without crashes? I'm not talking about editing the values in the object editor, but stats of individual unit instances directly at runtime?
For example, if I wanted to change the displayed level of a unit for Neutral Hostile (not a hero!) or alter the white armor value of a unit at runtime?

here's only READable hack. you can't write with it.
and who needs any patch when you can create WC3.5 right now? I have no idea what you could trade this for. Nobody needs official bnet today.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
You'll need a graphic update to call it wc 3.5, code features is not enough.
When this gets released (the functions mentioned) it's better than any patch Blizz could come up with.

With the exception of HD models which I honestly want more.

Regardless, I do indeed this will get fixed by blizz in the next patch, whenever it comes out.
here's only READable hack. you can't write with it.
and who needs any patch when you can create WC3.5 right now? I have no idea what you could trade this for. Nobody needs official bnet today.
I certainly don't want to play a game in which mapmakers have the possibility to compromise my system.
So a fix is necessary, no matter what your oppinion on bnet is.

If you can help with that by finding out how it works, all power to you. If you can show blizzard how to read and manipulate game data in the process (so that we can get a safe alternative); even better.
But don't suggest we won't ever need patches anymore because this is so powerful that we can possibly do almost everything with that. That is absolutely the wrong message to send.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
I certainly don't want to play a game in which mapmakers have the possibility to compromise my system.
So a fix is necessary, no matter what your oppinion on bnet is.

If you can help with that by finding out how it works, all power to you. If you can show blizzard how to read and manipulate game data in the process; even better.
But don't suggest we won't ever need patches anymore because this is so powerful that we can possibly do almost everything with that. That is absolutely the wrong message to send.

will see next time. I'd call to stay on 26 and watch your downloads instead of being restricted with nonsense limits. time will show who would win here.
Reading Object Data should be enough, that fulfills and solves almost everything that needs to be written e.g. writing an Attack Indexer, where you will need to index the attack either via dealing 0 damage to unit then deal the base damage the unit has OR detecting if the unit has finished launching the attack after the attack animations.
Reading object data is great. But without the possibility to write them, we still can't do stuff like changing the base armor or attack of a unit.

will see next time. I'd call to stay on 26 and watch your downloads instead of being restricted with nonsense limits. time will show who would win here.
The classic games team seems to be very concerned about breaking backwards compatibility. And I honestly wouldn't care about a fix to something nobody ever used so far (except for those who discovered it). We (as in the mapping community) didn't get the lollipop yet, so there is no harm in taking it away.

Instead of being super conservative about patches, how about you invest your time and energy into suggesting a way for blizzard to fix the bad without removing the goods it can do? Worked for the preload fix too; at least the thing they suggested as a possible fix does not break all the good things that come with it.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Instead of being super conservative about patches, how about you invest your time and energy into suggesting a way for blizzard to fix the bad without removing the goods it can do? Worked for the preload fix too; at least the thing they suggested as a possible fix does not break all the good things that come with it.

I told my point. They could give us ability to write and read any memory within WC3 itself. Restrict it with current game's memory, i don't care. Add ability to connect with http (since it cannot be done from sandbox). Aaaand guess who cares about those suggestions? Even if some programmer would like to help us, there's deadlines, outdated code and top-managers with different KPI measures
I told my point. They could give us ability to write and read any memory within WC3 itself. Restrict it with current game's memory, i don't care. Add ability to connect with http (since it cannot be done from sandbox). Aaaand guess who cares about those suggestions? Even if some programmer would like to help us, there's deadlines, outdated code and top-managers with different KPI measures
You are the guy with the power and the required information, atm. I highly doubt anyone else knows how this works.
What we know for sure, however, is that blizzard will release new patches soon AND that blizzard is in contact with the Hive staff.

So, there are basicly two options for you:

1) Be open to the community, accept that blizzard will want to fix that and suggest ways to do that in a way that benefits everyone (including safe alternatives)

2) Keep it a secret and share it with only a selected circle that you know will cause no harm.

... and you basicly opted out of 2) already by posting it in a public forum.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
You are the guy with the power and the required information, atm. I highly doubt anyone else knows how this works.
What we know for sure, however, is that blizzard will release new patches soon AND that blizzard is in contact with the Hive staff.

So, there are basicly two options for you:

1) Be open to the community, accept that blizzard will want to fix that and suggest ways to do that in a way that benefits everyone (including safe alternatives)

2) Keep it a secret and share it with only a selected circle that you know will cause no harm.

... and you basicly opted out of 2) already by posting it in a public forum.

you can't hide anything which is basically wide open within simple mpq. even to hide it, you have to make sure WC3 will read it first. and therefore anyone else can do the same.

Leandro tried to contact Blizz. They didn't look like they gonna take a journey. Last time I asked they didn't even bother to reply Leandro on the message containing info about reading exploit.

Surely I have little hope for something like GetHandleId for 1.24. But guess what, here we have literally everything. I won't believe Blizz could give us as much as we currently have. Basically we need hooks for everything, everything is what WC3 built on. Thats kinda overkill even if they wanna be friendly enough, and we didn't really felt it yet.



Level 13
Feb 13, 2008
Atleast for objectdata there were always ways to get the values using extra tools. The real value would be ofcourse writing object data at runtime (but i bet there are many other cute values to read :).
But we all know what that would imply, sooo:

@zwiebel you seem to be in contact with blizz so why don't you create some communication bridges.
you can't hide anything which is basically wide open within simple mpq. even to hide it, you have to make sure WC3 will read it first. and therefore anyone else can do the same.

Leandro tried to contact Blizz. They didn't look like they gonna take a journey. Last time I asked they didn't even bother to reply Leandro on the message containing info about reading exploit.

Surely I have little hope for something like GetHandleId for 1.24. But guess what, here we have literally everything. I won't believe Blizz could give us as much as we currently have. Basically we need hooks for everything, everything is what WC3 built on. Thats kinda overkill even if they wanna be friendly enough, and we didn't really felt it yet.
You don't quite understood my point.

My point is very similar to yours: maybe we don't need this fixed entirely. Maybe we can find a way that prevents users from doing harm with it without removing the opportunity to do good in the process.
And this is where my point is different from yours:
You don't want Blizz to touch that. I do want Blizz to touch that; but in a way that won't remove the good it can do.

You are the one with the details here. You have the knowledge to suggest a way to restrict access to memory outside of a WC3 game session without restricting access to memory inside a running game.

That's all I'm asking for.
Level 17
Apr 27, 2008
Awesome find.
I know you could mess with local/global variables to typecast before, without any functions calls.
Good to know, that there is still a way with functions and variables.

Sadly (or not), as said, it will probably fixed in a new patch.
I hope Blizzard will not fuck off all the features.

There is a map on another site which allows write access and even opens the command prompt (which proves anything is possible). I have tested it myself.

Of course it was for a previous version but I think it can be ported.

As always, don't play random maps, or at the very least scan the war3map.j


scope Test initializer Init
        private force F=CreateForce()

    private function Func1 takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Func1")
    private function Func2 takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Func2")
    private function Func3 takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Func3")

    private function OnGameStart takes nothing returns nothing
        local CodeArray funcs = CodeArray.create()

        set funcs[0] = function Func1
        set funcs[1] = function Func2
        set funcs[2] = function Func3

        call ForForce(F, funcs[1])

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        call ForceAddPlayer(f, Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE))
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0, false, function OnGameStart)


library CodeArrayLib requires Typecast
        private hashtable Table

    struct CodeArray

        method operator[]= takes integer index, code func returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(Table, this, index, C2I(func))

        method operator[] takes integer index returns code
            return I2C(LoadInteger(Table, this, index))

        static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set Table=InitHashtable()


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Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
C++ created more viruses than any other language. Im wonder why does stackoverflow still not blacklisted.
blizz could easily give us a whole access to everything inside wc3 with direct code execution, so we won't need this hacks anymore. but they didnt

You download a compiled program at your own risk. I don't think Blizzard intended each custom map to be a security risk. :)
I am not saying this is bad, I actually really like these sort of hacks, but it will definitely get patched.
There is a map on another site which allows write access and even opens the command prompt (which proves anything is possible). I have tested it myself.

Of course it was for a previous version but I think it can be ported.

As always, don't play random maps, or at the very least scan the war3map.j


scope Test initializer Init
        private force F=CreateForce()

    private function Func1 takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Func1")
    private function Func2 takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Func2")
    private function Func3 takes nothing returns nothing
        call BJDebugMsg("Func3")

    private function OnGameStart takes nothing returns nothing
        local CodeArray funcs = CodeArray.create()

        set funcs[0] = function Func1
        set funcs[1] = function Func2
        set funcs[2] = function Func3

        call ForForce(F, funcs[1])

    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        call ForceAddPlayer(f, Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE))
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0, false, function OnGameStart)


library CodeArrayLib requires Typecast
        private hashtable Table

    struct CodeArray

        method operator[]= takes integer index, code func returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(Table, this, index, C2I(func))

        method operator[] takes integer index returns code
            return I2C(LoadInteger(Table, this, index))

        static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            set Table=InitHashtable()


Damn, that's beautiful. So basicly what TriggerExecute does, but a lot faster.
Level 5
Sep 6, 2010
I do not know why many users think that this will probably be patched. Remember that we just have the "Get" but not the "Set", so there would be no problems of virus or hacks in maps. :hohum:
Greetings...(leandrotp thanks for bringing back the "C2I, I2C" in a way that no one can use this to cause damage to maps the community of warcraft 3. :smile: )
I emailed the bug directly to Blizz over a month ago with leandropt's help. They received it and handed it off to QA. I imagine it will be patched, but hopefully we'll get something in exchange (part of the email was suggesting for an alternative, native way to do the same).

@fenix: They have implemented "set". leandropt only showcased the reading version in his post.

'Get' is mostly just syntactical sugar/convenience. 'Set' is where the power comes from.
Level 5
Sep 6, 2010
@fenix: They have implemented "set". leandropt only showcased the reading version in his post.

'Get' is mostly just syntactical sugar/convenience. 'Set' is where the power comes from.

I know that "set" is the forte of this process but also is the cause of many problems in previous patches and the reason that decided "Blizzard" take the option to remove this method since version 1.24 .. on.

I hope that "Blizzard" consider this, as an opportunity to improve your game and ultimately as Nestharus commented "Would Have Been very nice if this HAD still worked on latest patch ^_-" this could now be real and not otherwise.
Greetings... (For my part, I appreciate the work you're doing, and I hope that most users can give their opinions on this topic :cool:)
Level 9
Jul 30, 2012
My point is very similar to yours: maybe we don't need this fixed entirely. Maybe we can find a way that prevents users from doing harm with it without removing the opportunity to do good in the process.

Short story: I have already given Blizzard detailed instructions on how to fix the vulnerability in the VM itself (which is actually the easiest and most correct thing to do), without touching the parser. This would prevent us from tampering array variables (which is the real problem), while not removing the ability to typecast (which, by itself, gives read-only access)

Long story: They didn't do it before. Will they do it now?

Actually Blizzard should have done that years ago, at the time of patch 1.23. They should have opened the old exploit and figured how it works (like I did), and then patched the real vulnerability exploited by that code. But no, they simply deemed that "typecasting is unsafe" and decided to remove it completely.

And as we all know, since typecasting was used everywhere by that time, they had to give us something we could use in place, which is the Hashtable. But the truth is that Hashtables should never have existed at all, they could have simply modified a couple of lines to fix the vulnerability while still allowing us to use typecasting and gamecache.

But instead, they spent probably a lot of time and resources to develop this complex API, and this didn't solve the real problem, as I'm demonstrating here.

function Init takes nothing returns nothing
     set teamScore = C2I(function Nothing)-8
     call TriggerAddCondition(MemReader, Condition(I2C(1648+C2I(function MeleeTournamentFinishNowRuleA))))
What the actual fuck is happening here...?!

By skipping 1648 bytes from function MeleeTournamentFinishNowRuleA the execution will jump directly to this line:

set bestScore = teamScore[index]

A controlled array read is all that we need to read from memory. By pointing the variable teamScore to a hacked struct (which is produced from the bytecode of function Nothing) we obtain access to the entire address space of the process with that array. Then I just need to put the address in variable index, and the result will be in variable bestScore.

Then the execution of that function will proceed until this line:

exitwhen index == teamCount

There it will try to read variable teamCount, which is uninitialized, and this causes the VM to crash, thus returning the execution to our code.

However this method can't be used to write memory because all write operations in the JASS VM are type-safe! (Good job Blizzard!) This means that you can't write to the array teamScore, because it's not an array at all (it has been declared as a global integer)

However, through the use of bytecode, it's possible to tamper with a TRUE array variable, therefore unlocking the write access!

Dear Blizzard, if you are reading this, please don't remove the typecasting! All you need to do is to patch a single instruction in the VM, and we won't be able to tamper with arrays anymore! The typecasting itself is harmless, and provides many benefits to the community! Just look at all the power it provides to map makers! If you keep it as it is currently, and fix only the true vulnerability, everyone will be benefited!

@topic: I have posted some new snippets, check in the first post. And there's much more to come. (Blizzard, take a look what we can do with this power! Do you really want to remove it from the game completely?)
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Damn, just took a look on the utilities API and got my pants wet (figuratively).

How would a function look that only gets the "white" armor not including green or red bonuses?

I didn't researched this question yet (it wasn't needed). Curently we have access only to the global value. It's unit's total armor, changing it alters unit's armor to fit new value. Set 8 armor for unit with 0+10 armor will turn his base armor to -2.

//armor types:
// 0 - Light; 1 - Medium; 2 - Heavy; 3 - Fortified; 4 - Normal; 5 - Hero; 6 - Divine; 7 - unarmored; 
//rest seems to have Light properties
function GetUnitArmorType takes unit u returns integer
	return Memory[(ConvertHandle(u) + 0xE4)/4]

getting unit's params kinda hard, since they are stored in different memory location than unit's handle. tricky enough for non-pro (like me)
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Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
Didn't look too long on it yet, so don't bash me if it's obvious.

Memory returns the contents of memory at the address (i*4).

What's the use of this? Seems to make things complicated to me. Why not make the calculation directly in the Memory library?
Level 9
Jul 30, 2012
What's the use of this? Seems to make things complicated to me. Why not make the calculation directly in the Memory library?

Because in the near future I'm going to replace the Memory struct with a simple array called "Memory". So there won't be a "method operator" anymore, and the memory read operation will be a simple array lookup, which is many times faster.

But the index passed to an array must always be divided by 4, and that's why I am keeping this convention in the first release, so when I change the library, people won't have to modify their code.
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
Because WC3 memory contains 32 bit values. When you read integer you get 4 bytes. And array index is byte offset. I don't think you will ever wont to read parts of 2 values so you have to use index pointing to start of value.
1 value = 4 bytes
10 values = 40 bytes
So 0 value starts from 0 and 11th starts from 40. So I variable starts from i*4.
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