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Abilities scale off Stats/Give Kill Credit

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Level 4
Jul 14, 2012
Hi, this question might be really simple but I'm having a hard time figuring it out.

So I don't have a problem with making my target spells deal extra damage on-hit but I'm trying to find an efficient way to make aoe spells deal the scaled damaged to all targets hit? Or ones that don't leave trace of a debuff, ie shockwave.

And even when I manage to make the target abilities deal extra damage, I use the set life of target unit of ability being cast to initial-(statxmultiplier), which means the unit seems to die without giving credit to the casting unit?? I don't get gold for killing creeps when the bonus damage kills them...

How do I get my abilities scaling off attributes to deal bonus damage while still attributing it to the caster?

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Level 12
May 22, 2015
For shockwave, use breath of fire instead. It leaves a buff so you can find it in damage detection and also shockwave lags the hell out of the game if you have like 4+ at a time. I had 8 and the game practically freezes when I casted that spell lol (shot shockwave in all directions).

As others have mentioned, use Unit - Damage target. Setting life would go through armour and magic resistance and everything.
Level 4
Jul 14, 2012
Wow OK I just learned a new action today LOL. Sorry for that, I've never heard of Unit damage target/area before hehe.

But now I have a new problem using Breath of Fire as the dummy buff because another hero that is in the game has the option to cast the abilities based off Pandaren Brewmaster's Drunken Haze/Breath of Fire, but it's called Drench in Poison/Wing Buffet, respectively. When I give all heroes the dummy buff it seems to make her Wing Buffet proc the Drench in Poison effect even if a different buff was on them. How do I fix this?

EDIT: Nevermind, I will probably ask this question in the trigger subforum post I've made regarding the ability. Thanks for the help with this guys!

EDIT2: OK now I have another question regarding the unit ability Feedback that I made into a Hero Ability. I want this ability to scale off the hero's agility, but I'm having trouble even knowing where to begin with this because I don't think the hero "casts" it per se?
Level 12
May 22, 2015
You would need damage detection to do scaled feedback. You basically give the hero a dummy orb effect (I use orb of corruption - but it doesn't show the icon, you would need triggers to give the dummy orb effect to the hero when he learns the ability - check the dummy icon ability for level and use that as the ability on the hero).

When you have that set up, you check for the orb effect in the damage detection system and when you find it, you remove the buff and do the feedback stuff (add special effect, figure out how much mana to burn, burn the mana and HP).
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
@Shadow Flux
Chaos Attack + Universal Damage = 100% (default)

That cannot be done by normal ability.
And indeed the hero doesnt cast it.
What you need is a DDS and catch the event when a unit has landed a basic attack.
At that moment, you then check if the attacker has that ability and you can deal damage using that trigger action.
Level 4
Jul 14, 2012
Awesome, thanks for the tips guys! I was able to get the Feedback to scale off the hero's Agility.
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