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A New Generation of Maps

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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Ok... If we do stick with an AoS style then i think we may have a problem... AI? How will the creeps know to avoid areas or push enemies to certian areas? The creeps would rush head on and activate only certian traps, and heros would run around alone in the middle of no where? Also wasnt the whole idea to create a new style of map? Not just and altered AoS? I hope i dont sound too negaitive...
Level 1
Mar 25, 2007
Hello guys...

Maybe i have an idea but if it is possible i dont know....

At first sorry for my sometimes wrong english I'm german ;)

Maybe some of you remember the game "Starcraft" I like it and still play it.
There are maps witch you get very fast ressurces so you can mass build your creatures.
So lets make a map where you get mass gold to mass build creatures. Nothing like footman war or something like that.
Just mass build different and more or less usefull monsters. You have to think can you use bow's against meeles? And so on

Another great map in starcraft is the racewar. Mostly you play it in 2on2 or 3on3
You have from each race 1 peon ect and you share your base with your teammates because everyone can play / use all units. So you can share your work. 1 player just build, the other fight and the last takes a peon of another race and build a new home. So you can fight with 4 races witch means 4x200 units.

It is very difficult to explain what i mean ^^ if someone have starcraft go into the battle.net and try it by yourself. Maybe then you will understand and maybe another user will explain it better then me.

Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Ok... If we do stick with an AoS style then i think we may have a problem... AI? How will the creeps know to avoid areas or push enemies to certian areas? The creeps would rush head on and activate only certian traps, and heros would run around alone in the middle of no where? Also wasnt the whole idea to create a new style of map? Not just and altered AoS? I hope i dont sound too negaitive...

AI on AoS is easy, i've done it b4, just have them attack-though a target reigon, then when they enter that reigon tigger them to target another one, it is a bit tedius but not to hard. We will have multiple waves in multiple directions, so more guys in the middle (cauz many will get killed by traps [traps in middle are harder]) and less on the fringes. They will NOT avoid the traps, or else whats the point of em? The battle will be ALL over the map, so not like the lanes of Dota, its really like a huge clash spereated by the walls of the maze.

In the idea of controling the enemy (heres a basic defensive strategy), use multiple heroes to hold off 2-4 waves of enemy creeps, while you have tower builders in the backround build defensive fortresses or structures (no time to normaly complete in-between waves) then when you release th eplug they are presented with a wall of towers.

Different mods sound good (ex. allrandom, accelerated, easy mode, super creeps...)

Finished the floorplan, it's attached (really easy to modify so just say if anything looks wrong).

Floorplan key-
Blue = warp-accesable areas (for defensive team)
Teal squares = used to designate defensive team base
Red squares = used to designate offensivee team bases
Green circles = suggested spots to build defensive towers
Grey fuzz = Traps (may add more smaller ones)
Arrows = Indicate ramps (elevation change), tip of the arrow is the high end

Hope this lets you picture it easier!:infl_thumbs_up:


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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Ok now that makes more sense.... And its not realy an AoS because there arnt set creep lanes. The one thing we need is a fail safe for the defensive creeps. We cant have the pileing outside the assult base? We could go with the old cliche and put some imba tower at the base?
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Ok now that makes more sense.... And its not realy an AoS because there arnt set creep lanes. The one thing we need is a fail safe for the defensive creeps. We cant have the pileing outside the assult base? We could go with the old cliche and put some imba tower at the base?

That should not be a problem, the attacking side has significantly more units, but even so, uber towers at the offensive bases is a good failsafe.

Kixer I need you to draw up plans for traps (thats your section) and maybe some hero ideas.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
hmmmmm, what type of traps do you want? Lyk mines or terrain traps ( lyk elevators that drop into spikes ) or both?
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Im going to go for a mixture.On one of the central lanes (maybe we could make like a open battle area), you have to pass it and occasionaly it collapses and you get spiked, unit orientated.
Then on the outskirts we have hero orientated traps. Shock mines (purge and damage), entrapment mines(you cant leave and area for a certian amount of time), proxy explosing mine, more to come. :smile:
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Guys, trigger traps are fine, terrain traps should be oriented to the middle, as the areas there are larger and more units will be effected. I just finished the loadscreen and am starting on terrain in 5min, WHAT TILESET SHOULD WE HAVE??? I was thinking it would be Azjol'nerub mazes or something so maybe glacier, then again it could be sunken ruins or dalaran ruins, any would fit but i want your opinion.


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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
The tileset should be dalaran ruins... I'll post my trap ideas 2moz.
Theres somethings i think that we are rushing... I disagree strongly with a non relevant loading screen, i think it looks awsome but its not relevant. I would also like to note how little say myself and hit had in the project name. I like the name but once again i like things to be relevant.
Please give it some thought...
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
The tileset should be dalaran ruins... I'll post my trap ideas 2moz.
Theres somethings i think that we are rushing... I disagree strongly with a non relevant loading screen, i think it looks awsome but its not relevant. I would also like to note how little say myself and hit had in the project name. I like the name but once again i like things to be relevant.
Please give it some thought...
Rushing? Not so much, sorry you got that impression, (just pulled up a random pic for loading screen) If you have any sort of overhead/isometric veiw of a maze/labryinth post it to me.

Dalaran tileset sounds fine ill go get 2 work. =D

--Was wondering what the team name should be, Team TNG? Or Team Ascendency? thats what i'll put for the loading screen--

--Also, the name, Ascendecy is a name i've been holding on standby for a few months, and the definition is "a rise to power through bloodshed or dominace" which I though fit the map very well. Srry if I just sort of dropped it on you guys (I thought that there might have been a discrepency earlier when I 1st posted the project plan), I'm not really trying to be in total conrtol of this project, just really exited, I apoligize if I seem to be sort of dominating over the chat... :::::(--
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Trap Ideas

Some of the traps I have come up with : (Please ignore the names :smile:)

1.Totem Pole: Warstomps, dealing damage and stunning.
Activated by attacking, has a % chance to activate.
2.Lightning Rod: Sends a lightning bolt at every nearby unit, damaging and purging.
Activated by casting a spell, has a % chance to activate.[/color]
3.Mana Stick: Steals % of all units mana and deals total mana stolen divided by units in area. e.g. 100 damage, 2 units = 50 damage per unit.
Activated by casting a spell. Works EVERYTIME.
4.Saviors Banner: Summons several holy warriors to aid the defenders.
Activated by defenders, has a cooldown.
5.Proxy Mine: will periodically create a mine in a random place. Mine explodes when unit enters range.
Mine activated by entering range.
6.Entrapment ward: binds the soul of a unit to the ward. If that unit leaves a certain radius he will be pulled back to the pole. If unit is a certian distance away ( like 3000 or more ) the unit is killed, to avoid teleportation exploits.
Activated by killing a unit.
7.Resurection ward: Resurrects a defender creep on death.
Activated when unit dies, % chance, Cooldown.
8.Conversion Banner: Converts a random creep to the other team
Activated on cast, random chance.
9.Soul Dispersion ward: When a unit dies its soul heals all allies. Amount healed = max health / allied units in range.
Activated on death, random chance.
10.Stop Sign: Slows all units in range of x's movespeed.
Activated constantly.
11.Redemption Ward: When a unit dies its friends are motivated to redeem him. Units gain damage and regen.
Activated on unit death.
12.Burining Totem: Sets unit on fire. nuff said...
Activated when unit enters range.
13.Soul Channeler: Steals a % of a creeps hit points and transferrs it to an allied hero.
Activated on cast.
More to come...
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Level 6
Feb 15, 2006
6.Entrapment ward: binds the soul of a unit to the ward. If that unit leaves a certain radius he will be pulled back to the pole. If unit is a certian distance away ( like 3000 or more ) the unit is killed, to avoid teleportation exploits.
Activated by killing a unit.
I havn't understand :S
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Ok i creates an effect between the unit and the ward (like arial shackels) but the unit can still move. But when he leaves a certian radius he is pulled back to the ward. And to avoid teleportation problems it kills the unit instantly if its too far away, sorry if i didnt explain too well.
@Rath - ok now i like the name :smile:
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
No, if a unit goes just outside the range it pulls it back to the ward. But if it teleports away to like the other side of the map, pulling it would be stupid? So i'll kill the unit for its insolence :smile: or i'll disable the trap.
Btw i'll probly work on a credit system when i get back in 2 weeks, so when a unit dies to traps credit is given to the last person to damage the hero...
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Traps sound great =D! Thinking maybe 20 heroes?

@hit - ok change of plans, due to time issues i can't work on terrain. Just that terraining takes long bunches of time (at least for me), and I only have bits and peices. So would you mind doin the floor? I can build heroes in my time slots however, so i'll get started on those, want me to post hero ideas 1st?

@kixer - Great job on traps, keep going an dmaybe throw in some hero ideas
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
@1)ark - first of all.. Where did that come from?!? And secondly i agree with you RotG is just a realy good hero arena.
@Rath - ok i'll work on more traps and hero ideas when i have time,though i might not be able to post them for quite a while...
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Alright kixer, just one thing, are you actualy going to create the traps and triggers in a mini-map and import them, or just planning them out?

@hit - are you avalible to do terrain? sorry if i'm flip/flopping but my schedual is very tight.

-Do you want me to post hero ideas of just make them in a mini-map and import them?

-and here is a new version of the loadscreen (attached past the hero stuff). (I added a dreary ruins backround, I kind of like Ecclesia there in the pick (shes a character from my book) and was wondering if we can tie her into the game (maybe Jaina's SISTER??? She could be the Captian of the Dalaran Guard and leader of the surviving humans. Agil-based damage dealer hero?)

-If the screen still is "unrelated" (no venom there kixer) what should I make the backround be? like a faded map of a labyrinth?

EDIT:-I figure I will be typing up my hero designs and posting them, I don't want to have a 5-page post so I will edit this post and attach it (as a word doc) later.

EDIT:- Ok here are 3 heroes (sorry i'm at the library so I can't attach the word doc, try to skip the rest if your not part of the team): A battlecaster, Tank and Summoner. Feedback plz!

All Heroes begin with a 35 stat total and advance 8 points total
Heroes’ max level is 20, with 5 levels of Attribute Bonus
Geozealot {Battle caster} <Str Based> Tauren Shaman Model
Stats – Str: 14+3.25 Agi: 8+1.5 Int: 13+3.25

Hunger (bloodlust) {lasts 20 seconds} [autocast]
Lv.1- 15% attack speed, 10% movement speed *3 second cooldown / 50 mana*
Lv.2- 30% attack speed, 20% movement speed *3 second cooldown / 50 mana*
Lv.3- 45% attack speed, 30% movement speed *3 second cooldown / 50 mana*
Lv.4- 60% attack speed, 40% movement speed *3 second cooldown / 50 mana*

Bleeding Totem (healing ward) {lasts 40 seconds)
Lv.1- 2% hp regeneration per second *60 second cooldown / 140 mana*
Lv.2- 3% hp regeneration per second *60 second cooldown / 150 mana*
Lv.3- 4% hp regeneration per second *60 second cooldown / 160 mana*
Lv.4- 5% hp regeneration per second *60 second cooldown / 170 mana*

Dread Lantern (poison: non-stacking) {lasts 10 seconds} [passive]
Add a black trailing missile to lantern
Lv.1- 5 dps, 15% attack and movement speed slow *passive*
Lv.2- 10 dps, 35% attack and movement speed slow *passive*
Lv.3- 15 dps, 55% attack and movement speed slow *passive*
Lv.4- 20 dps, 75% attack and movement speed slow *passive*

Primal Strength (roar [can be only him or nearby allies as well with less of a bonus]) {lasts 25 seconds}]
Lv.1- 45% attack bonus *40 second cooldown / 200 mana*
Lv.2- 60% attack bonus *40 second cooldown / 200 mana*
Lv.3- 75% attack bonus *40 second cooldown / 200 mana*


Tectonic Terror {Tank} <Str Based> Bronze Infernal Model (I have)
Stats – Str: 20+4 Agi: 7.5+2 Int: 7.5+2

Chasm Rush (Blinkstrike with area damage/ impale effects (no stun))
Lv.1- 150 dmg, 100 area, 500 range *10 second cooldown / 120 mana*
Lv.2- 210 dmg, 150 area, 575 range *10 second cooldown / 120 mana*
Lv.3- 270 dmg, 200 area, 650 range *10 second cooldown / 120 mana*
Lv.4- 330 dmg, 250 area, 725 range *10 second cooldown / 120 mana*

Bladeform (Chemical Rage with changed values) Add glaives at heed and hands + bigger
Lv.1- 75% health restriction, 30% attack bonus *35 second cooldown / 50 mana*
Lv.2- 60% health restriction, 60% attack bonus *35 second cooldown / 50 mana*
Lv.3- 45% health restriction, 90% attack bonus *35 second cooldown / 50 mana*
Lv.4- 30% health restriction, 120% attack bonus *35 second cooldown / 50 mana*

Tempered Husk (Hardened Skin) [passive]
Lv.1- 2 armor bonus, 2 damage reduction, cannot be reduced under 15 *passive*
Lv.2- 3 armor bonus, 6 damage reduction, cannot be reduced under 12 *passive*
Lv.3- 4 armor bonus, 10 damage reduction, cannot be reduced under 9 *passive*
Lv.4- 5 armor bonus, 14 damage reduction, cannot be reduced under 6 *passive*

Personal Meteor (Teleport with damage and stun)
Lv.1- 250 dmg, 2 second stun *80 second cooldown / 180 mana*
Lv.2- 400 dmg, 3 second stun *60 second cooldown / 200 mana*
Lv.3- 550 dmg, 4 second stun *40 second cooldown / 220 mana*


Dire Convoker {Summoner} <Int Based> Necrolich Model (I have)
Stats – Str: 8+2 Agi: 10+2.5 Int: 17+3.5

Condemnation (Raise Dead)
Lv.1- Minor Skeleton (325 hp, 12-15 attack) *14 second cooldown / 60 mana*
Lv.2- Lesser Skeleton (450 hp, 22-25 attack) *11 second cooldown / 80 mana*
Lv.3- Dread Skeleton (575 hp, 32-35 attack) *8 second cooldown / 100 mana*
Lv.4- Greater Skeleton (700 hp, 42-45 attack) *5 second cooldown / 120 mana*

Corrupt (Rain of fire without effects, only dmg over time, dummy “locusted” unit in middle for auras
Add blight to area of spell
Lv.1- 6 dps, 5 hp regen per second, 20% attack and move speed bonus for summons owned by the caster, 250 area *50 second cooldown / 150 mana*
Lv.2- 12 dps, 8 hp regen per second, 35% attack and move speed bonus for summons owned by the caster, 250 area *50 second cooldown / 150 mana*
Lv.3- 18 dps, 11 hp regen per second, 50% attack and move speed bonus for summons owned by the caster, 250 area *50 second cooldown / 150 mana*
Lv.4- 24 dps, 14 hp regen per second, 65% attack and move speed bonus for summons owned by the caster, 250 area *50 second cooldown / 150 mana*

Defiling Touch (Chance per attack to convert) [passive]
Lv.1- 3% chance per attack to convert target into a skeleton (same skeleton as summoned by Condemnation, so the stronger Condemnation is the stronger the converted is, if no levels exist for Condemnation then it is the weakest (Minor) type)) under the Heroes control *passive*
Lv.2- 4% chance per attack to convert target into a skeleton under the Heroes control *passive*
Lv.3- 5% chance per attack to convert target into a skeleton under the Heroes control *passive*
Lv.4- 6% chance per attack to convert target into a skeleton under the Heroes control *passive*

Death Knell (When activated, all dieing enemy units within range reanimate under the Heroes control)
Does not affect buildings
Lv.1- Lasts 20 seconds, animates die at end of spell *140 second cooldown / 250 mana*
Lv.2- Lasts 35 seconds, animates die at end of spell *140 second cooldown / 275 mana*
Lv.3- Lasts 50 seconds, animates die at end of spell and are invincible *140 second cooldown / 300 mana*

-srry bout all the text, but feedback plz! And feedback about the loadscreen 2 (if you forgot when reading the hero stuff, I talk about that just above the hero section)


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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Ok, I will actually make the traps and import them into the terrain as soon as I get back on the 13th...
I like most of the hero ideas but:
I don’t agree with the max level. (30?)
I think the 1st hero should have at LEAST two triggered abilities.
Actually all heros should have at least 2 triggered abilities in this map...
Other than that some good ideas :smile: and you should post them here.

OMW the loading screen is looking good :smile: and I like the idea of tieing Ecclesia into the map, I think maybe as a cousin though.... A sister would have been mentioned in WC3...

But I think we're going to have to re-write the fractions in the loading screen... I’m thinking we could make this into some kind of sick game being run by the dreadlords or something? Then we should use dalaran ruins as the terrain....

On the subject of map protection, I am against any form of map protection , and I will not be a part of a protected map as it disagrees with my theory of modding... I’m not in any way against optimization though...

I'm going to post my first hero idea ASAP...
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Level 6
Feb 15, 2006
@Ratherion - Team TNG ?
@Kixer - Why 2 trigger spell at least ?, for protection i m agree ...
And, if i can do something tell me ...
("are you avalible to do terrain? sorry if i'm flip/flopping but my schedual is very tight." -ouch i don't understand, i can make terrain with you or you want to do it ?)
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Trigger Spells FTW!

@Kixer - Why 2 trigger spell at least ?, for protection i m agree ...
And, if i can do something tell me ...

We need alot of trigger spells for origionality and i mean come on ? who wants those old melee abilities anyway?

And, if i can do something tell me ...
("are you avalible to do terrain? sorry if i'm flip/flopping but my schedual is very tight." -ouch i don't understand, i can make terrain with you or you want to do it ?)

He want you to do it because he doesnt have enough time to...

@Ratherion - Team TNG ?

i'm betting this stands for something cool... Rath care to enlighten us?

Traps Updated:

1.Totem Pole: Warstomps, dealing damage and stunning.
Activated by attacking, has a % chance to activate.
2.Lightning Rod: Sends a lightning bolt at every nearby unit, damaging and purging.
Activated by casting a spell, has a % chance to activate.[/color]
3.Mana Stick: Steals % of all units mana and deals total mana stolen divided by units in area. e.g. 100 damage, 2 units = 50 damage per unit.
Activated by casting a spell. Works EVERYTIME.
4.Saviors Banner: Summons several holy warriors to aid the defenders.
Activated by defenders, has a cooldown.
5.Proxy Mine: will periodically create a mine in a random place. Mine explodes when unit enters range.
Mine activated by entering range.
6.Entrapment ward: binds the soul of a unit to the ward. If that unit leaves a certain radius he will be pulled back to the pole. If unit is a certian distance away ( like 3000 or more ) the unit is killed, to avoid teleportation exploits.
Activated by killing a unit.
7.Resurection ward: Resurrects a defender creep on death.
Activated when unit dies, % chance, Cooldown.
8.Conversion Banner: Converts a random creep to the other team
Activated on cast, random chance.
9.Soul Dispersion ward: When a unit dies its soul heals all allies. Amount healed = max health / allied units in range.
Activated on death, random chance.
10.Stop Sign: Slows all units in range of x's movespeed.
Activated constantly.
11.Redemption Ward: When a unit dies its friends are motivated to redeem him. Units gain damage and regen.
Activated on unit death.
12.Burining Totem: Sets unit on fire. nuff said...
Activated when unit enters range.
13.Soul Channeler: Steals a % of a creeps hit points and transferrs it to an allied hero.
Activated on cast.
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Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Hmmm im on a South African server... And i think we'll have a few icons or skins but nothing too extreem... Make it bnet friendly...
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Ok, TNG is nothing special -The Next Generation
Hit, I have'nt done any terrain due to restrictions so you have to start from scratch (sorry)
traps look good
max lvl is 20
STAT total in begining is 35 and advancement total is 8
I have 4 models i would like to import (warmage, bronze infernal, ecclesia and something else i forget)
West coast USA here

mom is going crackdown on games, so I am only going to be able to post ever once and a while, look for e-mails instead if you dont see a post for 2-3 days.

hope that clears things
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
You start, base off floorplan with dalaran ruins tileset.
I'm taking a computer game design class next year and have convinced the teacher to add a wc3 tft element. I will be teaching that part of the class and the teachers gona get 35 copies of tft by May. So by then I will be much more active, till then I'll work on heroes and Items.

-I have an item chart drawn up for 3 shops (feel free 2 mod) but i'm leaving item combos 2 kixer (unless you want help). i'll type up the item chart and edit/attach it to this post later.

edit: Hey mini-me, can we move this 2 the development section now??
Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
edit: Hey mini-me, can we move this 2 the development section now??

Nope. And it wouldnt be in your advantage anyway. This thread is already 6 pages long with a lot of "offtopic" you could say (before you got to this idea what you are working on now).
Summarize what you have now into a new thread at the map development, but please read the forum rules first.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Ok i'll get to work on the combination items as soon as i get back home, i'v already started an item combination system.
I think we should create a new topic in map development as soon as hit finishs the terrain....
Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
sorry for bein a bit late on this discussion, but i have become fairly inactive at this site bc i got tired of gettin yelled at for stupid things. i got a few suggestions that may or may not help.

"6.Entrapment ward: binds the soul of a unit to the ward. If that unit leaves a certain radius he will be pulled back to the pole. If unit is a certian distance away ( like 3000 or more ) the unit is killed, to avoid teleportation exploits"
ok i liked the idea of this but i got a minor idea to add to it bc how fun can it be were u cant leave an area? so what if the hero could go so far, but if there was another hero nearby, it would attatch to them if hero 1 went so far? if that is possible.

As for heroes:
1. I always had a spot for transformations, whether command or like hero 1 gains lvl 10, they turn into a new hero
2. If you guys need hero idea helps I would be glad to help what should be the next generation, for i am interested in what this project will turn out to be like. i got a small list compiled onto my computer of heroes, from games, movies, or my own custom ideas that i wouldn't mind contributin.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Thnx Agent, I just about got most of the heroes done, there are 20 in al (7 str, 7 agi, 6 int) and I need agility hero ideas and 2 intel hero ideas. If you could help me out here that would be of a great help.

EDIT: just finished re-coloring ecclesia (base custom model and skin are by Tenebis, full credit 2 him) just a re-color mostly, with a few custom wraps and filters on the armor. Don't have a picture of it wrapped yet so here it is without the re-color http://wc3sear.ch/files/minimap.php....jpg&t=Screenshot&sizeX=800&sizeY=600&x=0&y=0 and here is the new WIP:

Also, I may change the particle emmiters into grey or completely remove them later if they are still green, so dont worry when you see grey blades and eyes with a green glow.


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Level 4
Nov 17, 2005
ok if u want more detailed explanation on hero/moves i can give them or you can just use the names, bc i got the war3 moves in parentheses (these things) in my document.
Agi hero 1:
Shadow God:
Shadow Walk
Shadow Strike
Shadow Boom
Shadow Tricks

il post more later not enough time right now
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Re:EDIT great modele
I will finish the terrain before the week-end

O yes great model indeed, be sure to attach the finished terrain to your post :thumbs_up: !

And Maverick, If your posting Hero ideas, try to set them in a word doc so it does not dominate the entire forum board plz :)!
Level 3
Mar 30, 2007
an online campaign using -save codes and ect to get ur character back and you can base the campaign around the warcraft universe such as the fall of the gurubashi empire or amani. or just a little segment about the wars the silithid and the trolls had before the maelstrom opened. i think this would be a able to be duplicated and it would be a total change away from dota td and sorta like an rpg that actually has a very intresting story line. like there would be a series of 5 levels you could load up and after u complete a level it gives you a code that u just punch into the next level and it will load up ur toon and you can continue the game from there. this has so many possibilities... for petes sake you could recreate the campaigns blizzard created but for online. it would show people the story of the game and give them a challenging way to do it so they arnt just versing bots that are easily takin down. thats all ive really come up with atm so if anybody has anything to add comments suggestions ect go ahead and post.
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