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Maps for Bnet

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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
On battle.net, it seems like few new maps make it to the custom game filter. Maybe, if there are new ideas, we'll be able to see new fun games everyday! No doubt, there is a.let of creativity on hive, but I usually see: Melee, altered melee, rpg, strategy, melee, aos/defence. Sure others pop up, but they aren't that special.

I'm interested, what kind of new type of maps do you wanna see?

Some ideas:

A map rts based on Banshees and Possessions.

A hunger games map that has different arenas

Better racing maps

A teleporting map (lol)

And some other creative stuff. I try my best to host my own games with unknown or unpopular maps. You may discuss anything related to this :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
I've thought of having a reversed vampirism map.
Basically the map is separated into areas, where you can't always walk to or it takes too long.
"Vamps" can teleport around and so can human builders.
However, human heroes or normal units can not.
So unlike original vampirism maps it's the evil side that gets to teleport a lot.
In turn the vamps lose their far sight ability and thus, are forced to explore by themselves.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Hmm thats cool, it can make the game more exiting. Because sometimes people stay in their base the whole game. But how do you make it so vamps dont tele in the base? Anyways thats creative and it got me thinking.

And this is the hard part. I don't even know.
There's a variety of ways that I can imagine:
1. Free teleport(blink)
Potentially too good, especially if base slots are known.
2. Gateways
Not possible to teleport in base unless it's built stupidly.
3. Summoned portals
Basically the vampire first needs to create a portal. The portal takes space to place and time to stabilize. If the portal is too close to any base, then it will be shot down by towers or heck, even units.
It would also give players an incentive to make a web of towers in order to make their real base take longer to reach(cos the vamp has to teleport further than towers)
4. Teleport interruption towers.
Those simply prevent the vamp from teleporting within a range of the tower. That again forces the vamp to teleport further.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Oh everybody, starting on Friday, you may request a map for me to host. Usually around late day and night Pacific time.

Not sure, but I might be starting a group for Strategy/Conquest maps like Azeroth Wars (Especially), Servant War, and other one here on Hive. I prefer hosting maps like these, but I play all map types. Strategy maps may also be sent to my good friend on youtube TheAzothan. He's here on Hive also.

@Abgm, lol I know you love melee but strategy is where it's at! :)
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