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A New Generation of Maps

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Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
an online campaign using -save codes and ect to get ur character back and you can base the campaign around the warcraft universe such as the fall of the gurubashi empire or amani. or just a little segment about the wars the silithid and the trolls had before the maelstrom opened. i think this would be a able to be duplicated and it would be a total change away from dota td and sorta like an rpg that actually has a very intresting story line. like there would be a series of 5 levels you could load up and after u complete a level it gives you a code that u just punch into the next level and it will load up ur toon and you can continue the game from there. this has so many possibilities... for petes sake you could recreate the campaigns blizzard created but for online. it would show people the story of the game and give them a challenging way to do it so they arnt just versing bots that are easily takin down. thats all ive really come up with atm so if anybody has anything to add comments suggestions ect go ahead and post.

Thunder, we are working on Blood Ice: The Fall of Azjol'Nerub 1st right?
just tell me when you get your e-mail and i'll send you the campaign layout.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Hey guys

Hey Guys,
Sorry i havnt posted in awhile but here are some things id like noted:
The entrapment ward only works for a limited amount of time.
Im glad to see the hero section is moving on but could hero ideas be in text documents?
Im also glad to see some interest in the project :smile:
Could you post pictures of the terrain when finished cuz i cant open war3 maps atm...
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Ok Rath
Tell me what you are doing with this Project Ascendency thing
And I will send you my skin
If I do not get enough background info on how my skin is being used
Then I will not permit it

Hmm alright, i'll give you the character bio for Spellshaper (names not all that great, feel free to give me a new one)

Theme: Control of mana on the battlefeild

Previously one of the Spellbreaker captians under Kael'thas, (no name yet) was trapped in the trans-dimensional rift during the summoning of Archimonde (i'll post storyline in a sec). Left in a cell for the 3 years it took to build the maze/arena, he spent all of his time refining his control over magic. Now that the arena is complete, he has moved past the need for physical weapons, manipulating his own lifeforce as a resource in order to regain mana (he also has an aura that increases the mana cost of enemy spellcasters) he is a master at controlling spellcasting all over the feild of combat, amplifying the power of his allied spells and seriously hampering his enemies.

That is his backround, seem good?

Storyline: The summoning of Archimonde by Kel'Thuzad left a massive distubance in the gate energies. These ripples where caused by the traces of the "anti-undead" sheild that the archmages erected. This divine barrier clashed with the huge demonic energy of Archimonde's homeworld, thus displacing a large section of the city to the demonic plane. The frightened citizen where enslaved immediatly, and many where executed. The dreadlords, however, saw this a a waste of life, why just kill them when you can have fun watching them kill their own allies and commrads? So the dreadlords decided to constuct an arena for their sick game, placing within it a huge number of fatal traps and the deadliest of the native demons. Now a prime source of entertainment for all members of the Burning Legion, the arena has become a place for the greater demons to enjoy themselves. Featuring imported races of every size and level of power, only the strongest (and smartest) survive, and then only to slaughter their freinds and family in order to survive.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Loven the Storyline!

Omw Rath!
The storyline seems perfect! Fits in with Warcraft Lore and allows for interesting hero backgrounds.
I see your putting alot of effort into the map and im feeling realy gulity about not being able to contribute atm, but the second i can i'll code all the traps/my heros and post them as a resource. :smile:
Keep up the good work!
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Aight me hearties, I'm typing up ALL 10 of the Hero designs i've got completed tonight, (when kixer said trigger spells are OK i went a little haywire) some of the abilities are very complex (ex. illusions omnislashing) but if you think you can do it great!

-Heroes done

Devouring One (str)
Tinker of Time (int)
Spellshaper (int)
Imperial Templar (agi)
Raging Lange (agi)
Warmonger (str)
Chaos (int/str) (it's complex look at the hero when I post it)
Techtonic Terror (str)
Geozealot (str)
Dire Convoker (int)
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Trigger Spells a Must!

Three things:
1. Please attach as a .txt file!
2. Use as many trigger spells as possible!
3. Your using the tinker model! Damn :sad: I wanted to use him!
Looking forward to seeing all the hero ideas!
A final point, since we want all spells to be MUI i'll do my best to convert them into JASS once we're done. It makes them faster, leakless and MUI :smile:



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
You guys sure are working fast. Are you sure you don't want to create at least a separate thread for this?

And by the way, it's better that you take map but come out with something great, than doing it as fast as you can for the others to see crappy results.

Those abilities I saw in page 6 or whatever it was, they didn't really seem adequate, both for the model they're using and for geral balance.
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
You guys sure are working fast. Are you sure you don't want to create at least a separate thread for this?

And by the way, it's better that you take map but come out with something great, than doing it as fast as you can for the others to see crappy results.

Those abilities I saw in page 6 or whatever it was, they didn't really seem adequate, both for the model they're using and for geral balance.

May seem fast, but were just actulay devoting a lot of time to it, (i am at least) so 1-day progress for me actualy is about 6-7 hours of quality work.

as for those heroes..... I was tired, I completely remade those and the new ones are much better.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
New thread

I think we'll be moving to a new thread as soon as hit finishs with the terrain. (We need some kind of attachment).
The map is moving along pretty fast ( thanks to Rath ), but its alot of the basics. We could build on or edit everything once we got the basics down. We still have alot of work to do.
@Rath - If you think you're up for it then i have faith in you :smile:
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
New Heroes!

Heros, here they are:

Rael: Warmonger (greater dreadlord model)
Ra'zon: Raging Lange (IMPORT: Troll blademaster)
Ratherion (kameo): Tinker of Time (IMPORT: Warlock model)
Ecclesia: Imperial Templar (IMPORT: BE Rouge model)
Iname: Chaos (multiple basic models)
Sa'al: Magma Creeper (IMPORT: Chaos Spider model)

There are a total of 5 imported models (maybe one more) I realize that you guys wanted the map to not be massive, but they are worth the space and a perfect fit for the characters I built. Here are the links to what I plan to import:

Ecclesia: http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=5158&sid=
Ra'zon: http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=2832&sid=
Ratherion: http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=3616&sid=
Sa'al: http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=975&sid=
Holden (yet to type up): http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=4453&sid=
Techtonic Terror: http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=1180&sid=

Yes... I know it's a large amount of imports, but the models all work incredibly well, and I like them... Most of them are interchangeable with normal models, but I kind of feel like this should use some sustom stuff. The only models I realy want to keep are The Warlock, Ecclesia and Sa'al, so other than that if you guys want to remove anything thats fine with me.

Anyway, typing up more heroes tonight. Hero data is attached (I also wrote huge character bios that build on the main storyline)


ohhh damn... the Hive doesent accept rtf format files, i'll convert them...

tis takin a while...

(fyi: Sorry about the kameo, just is a great hero and is essential to the storyline, and I was shot for names at the moment)

ALRIGHT done. (they are attached)


  • Sa'al Hero Information.doc
    24 KB · Views: 163
  • Ra'zon Hero Information.doc
    24 KB · Views: 131
  • Ratherion Hero Information.doc
    24 KB · Views: 150
  • Rael Hero Information.doc
    22.5 KB · Views: 240
  • Iname Hero Information.doc
    25.5 KB · Views: 163
  • Ecclesia Hero Information.doc
    26 KB · Views: 180
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

Ok i have no problem with imports if you think they are nessisary as long as the file size is under 2 megs. :smile:
I was realy looking forward to seeing those heros but i realy need them in .txt format! :sad:
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
GRRRR! They are really good 2, and I spent a long time conecting them all to the storyline.... hmm i'll try and post them in- post

Well here they are (sorry for formatting errors)

Ecclesia: Imperial Templar (imported, re-skinned Bloodelf Rouge model)

Agility Based
Str: 15+1.75
Agi: 8+4.5
Int: 12+1.75

  • (cripple, close range, damage)
  • -Lv.1- -3 armor, 1xAgi dmg <50 mana, 10 sec cool, lasts 20 seconds>
  • -Lv.2- -6 armor, 2xAgi dmg <60 mana, 10 sec cool, lasts 20 seconds>
  • -Lv.3- -12 armor, 3xAgi dmg <50 mana, 10 sec cool, lasts 20 seconds>
  • -Lv.4- -24 armor, 4xAgi dmg <50 mana, 10 sec cool, lasts 20 seconds>
    • Sever (arrow incineration, close range)
  • -Lv.1- 7 dmg stacking <10 mana, no cool>
  • -Lv.2- 14 dmg stacking <10 mana, no cool>
  • -Lv.3- 21 dmg stacking <10 mana, no cool>
  • -Lv.4- 28 dmg stacking <10 mana, no cool>
    • Surgical Precision [trigger] (Critical strike aura, hero has more powerfull version) {passive}
  • -Lv.1- 5% chance for x1.25 dmg (x2 dmg for Ecclesia)
  • -Lv.2- 6% chance for x1.5 dmg (x2.5 dmg for Ecclesia)
  • -Lv.3- 7% chance for x1.75 dmg (x3 dmg for Ecclesia)
  • -Lv.4- 8% chance for x2 dmg (x3.5 dmg for Ecclesia)
    • ULTIMATE= Steelreaver [trigger] (Omnistike with 2 illusions Omnistriking as well)
  • -Lv.1- 3 strikes, copies deal 25% dmg <200 mana, 80 sec cool>
  • -Lv.1- 5 strikes, copies deal 40% dmg <220 mana, 80 sec cool>
  • -Lv.1- 7 strikes, copies deal 55% dmg <240 mana, 80 sec cool>
  • Character Biography
    • Ecclesia was a disgrace, as Jaina's cousin, she was the only child in her family not able to weild magic. Admiral Proudmore, having married into the family, took a secret likeing to his ungifted neice, and saw to it that she had the best weapons training avalible. Raised as an elite blademaster within Dalaran, she became Jaina's oppisite, perfectly developed physicly and a protegee with any sort of blade. Serving as the Captian Commander of the Dalaran Guard when the city was transposed, she and her troops slew hundreds of demons before they where overrun. Now she works to preserve the lives of the soldiers that served under her, who are being held captive in order to "persuade" her to fight in the Dreadlord's wicked sport.
    • Ecclesia's combat style is... unique. Years of experience have allowed her to spot the smallest gaps in the enemy's defense, and she informs her allies exactly how to take an advantage of such a weakness. With the ability to exact great rending blows in the enemy, and the skill to attack multiple times before a foe even has a chance to retaliate, she is a whirlwind of death upon the battlefield, a faultless commander, and quite possibly the deadliest human in the Arena.
  • Iname: Chaos (voidwalker / ghost keeper of the grove models)
  • Intelligence/Strength Based
    • Str: 12+3
    • Agi: 11+2
    • Int: 12+3
  • Life Aspect / Death Aspect (permanent chemical rage with changed spells/attribute in different forms)
  • -Lv.1- LA- 4hp regeneration aura, +200 hp, Intelligence-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
    • DA- 14 dps permanent immolation, +20 dmg, Strength-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- LA- 6hp regeneration aura, +300 hp, Intelligence-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
    • DA- 22 dps permanent immolation, +30 dmg, Strength-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- LA- 8hp regeneration aura, +400 hp, Intelligence-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
    • DA- 30 dps permanent immolation, +40 dmg, Strength-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- LA- 10hp regeneration aura, +500 hp, Intelligence-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
    • DA- 38 dps permanent immolation, +50 dmg, Strength-Based <100 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • Reap / Sow [trigger: if unit dies, deals dmg/heals enemy/allied units nearby based on that units hp] (firebolt, no stun)
  • -Lv.1- LA- 150 dmg, 30% victim's hp healed to Iname's allies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
    • DA- 150 dmg, 30% victim's hp damaged to Iname's enemies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- LA- 210 dmg, 60% victim's hp healed to Iname's allies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
    • DA- 210 dmg, 60% victim's hp damaged to Iname's enemies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- LA- 270 dmg, 90% victim's hp healed to Iname's allies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
    • DA- 270 dmg, 90% victim's hp damaged to Iname's enemies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- LA- 330 dmg, 120% victim's hp healed to Iname's allies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
    • DA- 330dmg, 120% victim's hp damaged to Iname's enemies <150 mana, 15 second cooldown>
  • Growth / Decay (Ancestral spirit: 1 target any classification / finger of death) (no heroes)
  • -Lv.1- LA- ressurect 1 unit, no heroes <125 mana, 120 second cooldown>
    • DA- kill 1 unit <125 mana, 120 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- LA- ressurect 1 unit, no heroes <125 mana, 60 second cooldown>
    • DA- kill 1 unit <125 mana, 60 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- LA- ressurect 1 unit, no heroes <125 mana, 30 second cooldown>
    • DA- kill 1 unit <125 mana, 30 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- LA- ressurect 1 unit, no heroes <125 mana, 15 second cooldown>
    • DA- kill 1 unit <125 mana, 15 second cooldown>
    • ULTIMATE= Primordial Chaos [trigger] (Mass charm)
  • -Lv.1- All enemies with less than 500hp max health (no heroes) <200 mana, 110 sec cool, lasts 40 seconds>
  • -Lv.2- All enemies with less than 800hp max health (no heroes) <250 mana, 110 sec cool, lasts 40 seconds>
  • -Lv.3- All enemies with less than 1100hp max health (no heroes) <300 mana, 110 sec cool, lasts 40 seconds>
  • Character Biography
    • Iname is the product of Dalaran's attempt at creating a creature of pure power, and with his control over life and death, he is certaintly that and more. As life always ends in death and death always spawns life, Iname has the ability to change between to very specialized aspects of life and choas. The Dalaran Archmagi's feared this incredible power, and tried to destroy him, but like life itself, Iname persevered, unkillable and always living, becoming more and more powerfull with each ressurection. Finaly the Magi decided to lock him away deep beneath Dalaran, and there he has lain for decades. The summoning of Archimonde, however, dissipated the sheilds holding Iname in place, allowing him to slip between the twisting nether that composed the demonic gateway into the corrupted plane. At first the greater demons attempted to ally themselves with such a powerfull being, but soon discovered that the very primordial chaos that Iname was built on did not allow such a treaty, and he was again locked away. Iname soon found his outlet in the Arena, where he can satisfy the destructive urges of his Death Aspect while nurturing his allies to appease his Life Aspect. Valued as an ally, feared as an enemy, Iname is respected by all parties. He fights for only one reason: to speed the cycle of life and death.
    • Iname is mercurial, he can devastate huge amounts of enemies with massive, obliterating spells and blows, or shift to Life Aspect form, and become a becon of life and tranquility. In either form he is formidible, and enemies will soon find themselves failing to overcome his natural regeneration, or at the other end of his colossal attack. Iname manipulates his form in a perfect symphony with the units around him, giving aid and support where it is needed, and supplying the occasional mass-destruction that often wins the round. His most fearsome skill is his ability to let the primordial essence that composes him to leak into the minds of others, temporarily gaining control over their minds for short periods of time. No matter what side he choses, no profit will be lost in supporting his immense capabilities.
  • Rael: Warmonger (greater dreadlord model)
  • Strength Based
    • Str: 14+3.5
    • Agi: 11+2.5
    • Int: 10+2
  • Sanctioned Bloodlust [trigger] (gives target extra dmg and lifesteal) {autocast}
  • -Lv.1- 14% extra dmg, 8% lifesteal <65 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 21% extra dmg, 12% lifesteal <80 mana, 8 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 28% extra dmg, 16% lifesteal <95 mana, 6 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 35% extra dmg, 20% lifesteal <110 mana, 4 second cooldown>
  • Corrupted Chivalry [trigger] (when activated gives cleave)
  • -Lv.1- 10% cleave, lasts 10 seconds <100 mana, 40 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- 25% cleave, lasts 15 seconds <100 mana, 40 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- 40% cleave, lasts 20 seconds <100 mana, 40 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- 55% cleave, lasts 25 seconds <100 mana, 40 second cooldown>
  • Fallen Favors [trigger] ( XX% that when an ally dies it ressurects instanly, no heroes) {passive}
  • -Lv.1- 2% chance to ressurect
  • -Lv.2- 4% chance to ressurect
  • -Lv.3- 6% chance to ressurect
  • -Lv.4- 8% chance to ressurect
    • ULTIMATE= Bastard's Blessing (chemical rage w/ extra armor, extra health and dmg)
  • -Lv.1- 5 extra armor, 300 bonus hp and +15 to attack <no mana, 140 sec cool>
  • -Lv.2- 10 extra armor, 500 bonus hp and +30 to attack <no mana, 140 sec cool>
  • -Lv.3- 15 extra armor, 700 bonus hp and +45 to attack <no mana, 140 sec cool>
  • Character Biography
    • Rael is the bastard son of a succubus and an angel. Tossed aside by his father as a "tainted spawn", Rael found shelter under the wings of his mother, who raised him to be a big, strong, flesh-tearing demon. Wielding both his father's blessed might and his mother's corrupted power equaly and with unmatch will, Rael serves a bounty hunter of sorts between the planes. Willing to kill Pitlords and Celestials alike, he is under the protection of both good and evil in the case that they may require him. Eventualy Rael was presented with a task that not even he could overcome, he was hired by Ratherion, the Tinker of Time, to kill a rouge Titan. During the battle the Titan inquired as to why he hunted the creators, and what land he had come from. After a short disscusion with Rael, the titan realized that Sargaras had tainted the world with his corruption, creating the sorts of demons that had given birth to Rael. The Titan gave Rael a slight sliver of his power, freeing him from the dominating sides of his bi-polar mind, and asked him to carry out his will upon Rael's homeworld. Rael agreed, and came to Dalaran to try and stop Kel'thuzad from summoning Archimonde, and almost succeded, managing to snatch the spellbook of Mediv before he was swept into the rift. Now working under the covert orders from the rouge Titan, Rael fights in the arena, unknown that Ratherion has stolen the book of Mediv.
    • Rael pwns.... yea lifesteal+extra dmg rocks.... yea i'm getting realyy tired its 3am here, i'm going to stop now ;} zzzz.
  • Ratherion: Tinker of Time (imported Warlock model)
  • Intelligence Based
    • Str: 8+1.5
    • Agi: 8+1.55
    • Int: 20+5
  • Slowing Sigil (frost armor) {autocast}
  • -Lv.1- 3 bonus armor, 25% slow, lasts 35 seconds <35 mana, 4 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- 5 bonus armor, 40% slow, lasts 35 seconds <35 mana, 4 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- 9 bonus armor, 55% slow, lasts 35 seconds <35 mana, 4 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- 10 bonus armor, 70% slow, lasts 35 seconds <35 mana, 4 second cooldown>
  • Time Skip [trigger] (waits XX seconds, then transports the unit to where it was when the spell was cast)
  • (can be used on allies and self)
  • -Lv.1- 2 second skip <120 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- 5 second skip <120 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- 8 second skip <120 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- 11 second skip <120 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • Reverse-Acceleration Aura [trigger] (endurance aura, use trigger to add tornado slow aura) {passive}
  • -Lv.1- 10% attack and movement speed bonus to allies 10% reduction for enemies
  • -Lv.2- 20% attack and movement speed bonus to allies 20% reduction for enemies
  • -Lv.3- 30% attack and movement speed bonus to allies 30% reduction for enemies
  • -Lv.4- 40% attack and movement speed bonus to allies 40% reduction for enemies
    • ULTIMATE= Chronologic Decay [trigger] (freeze units in area, death and decay area)
  • -Lv.1- 2% of max hp decay per second, lasts 8 seconds, medium area <300 mana, 120 sec cool>
  • -Lv.2- 3% of max hp decay per second, lasts 10 seconds, large area <300 mana, 120 sec cool>
  • -Lv.3- 4% of max hp decay per second, lasts 12 seconds, huge area <300 mana, 120 sec cool>
  • Character Biography
    • Ratherion was unruly as a child, always seeing ghosts and "playing pranks", but when people started to realize he was seeing things that where about to happen and trying to warn them, they panicked. When the villagers came to burn the "wicked fortune-teller" from his home, his parents were on the front porch crying, with a letter from him telling them that he had run away to stop the bloodshed that would have prevailed if he had stayed. Wandering the world untill he matured, Ratherion learned to enhance and control his ability, seeing things from the past, different places in the peresent, and even the far future. With the knowledge of the future and the flow of time also came the control of it, soon Ratherion was able to manipulate time itself, slowing his own aging process, but speeding the rate at which his mind thought and worked. Using an alias he infiltrated Dalaran, and was able to perfect his skills with the studies he undertook. Seeing the coming of Archimonde and the Burning Legion, Ratherion decided to stay, and seclued himslef inside of the soon-to-be-transposed part of the city. When the gate finaly opened, he was spared execution from the dreadlords because he planted the idea of the Arena and the bloody games it sported. While Ratherion caused the bloodshed of thousands by this act, he was able to uncover an artifact from the digging and construction of the Arena that would eventualy save all of the innocent on that plane from certain death. Now participating in the games as a cover to his underground operations, he is secretly working to undermine the Legion's heiarchy from underneath.
    • Ratherion is impossible, both as an ally and as an enemy, his ability to avoid death may seem like luck on the field of battle, but when he escapes the cluches of the opposing team in a slipstream of accelerated time, the slowed expression on their faces never seem to be anything but utter frustration. While many of his skills are beneficial to his allies, the control he exerts over their very life and existance often leads to personality conflicts. Nevertheless, it is always appreciated when he lays down a barrier of frozen time to protect his teammates. The most infuriating thing that enemies can face in the arena is charging down on Rath, and being sent back 8 seconds in time, half the ring away, again, and again, and again. But when Ratherion simply stops time itself, all hell breaks loose, champions become trapped, unable to react or counter, while their flesh begins to decay away, sped by the time stolen from their minds.
  • Ra'zon: Raging Lange (imported troll blademaster model)
  • Agility Based
    • Str: 11+2.5
    • Agi: 14+3.5
    • Int: 10+2
  • Pin [trigger] (close range dmg spell, traps unit in place for XX seconds)
  • -Lv.1- traps for 2 seconds, 70 extra dmg <65 mana, 10 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- traps for 3 seconds, 100 extra dmg <80 mana, 8 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- traps for 4 seconds, 130 extra dmg <95 mana, 6 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- traps for 5 seconds, 160 extra dmg <110 mana, 4 second cooldown>
  • Blinding Fury [trigger] (loses control of hero, hero attacks nearest hero, then nearest unit, based off roar to give dmg bonus)
  • -Lv.1- 60% attack speed bonus, 17.5% dmg bonus, lasts 5 seconds <100 mana, 25 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- 100% attack speed bonus, 30% dmg bonus, lasts 5 seconds <100 mana, 25 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- 140% attack speed bonus, 42.5% dmg bonus, lasts 5 seconds <100 mana, 25 second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- 180% attack speed bonus, 55% dmg bonus, lasts 5 seconds <100 mana, 25 second cooldown>
  • Puncture Wounds (poison w/ blood effects) {passive}
  • -Lv.1- 8 dps, 15% slow to attack and dmg
  • -Lv.2- 16 dps, 30% slow to attack and dmg
  • -Lv.3- 24 dps, 45% slow to attack and dmg
  • -Lv.4- 32 dps, 60% slow to attack and dmg
    • ULTIMATE= Lance of Longinus [trigger] (dash forward to target point, dealing XX dmg to all units in the way)
  • -Lv.1- 350 dmg, short range <300 mana, 20 sec cool>
  • -Lv.2- 500 dmg, medium range <400 mana, 20 sec cool>
  • -Lv.3- 650 dmg, long range <500 mana, 20 sec cool>
  • Character Biography
    • A close relative of Vol'jin, Ra'zon was exiled for exessive agression and bloodshed within the tribe, some of the older trolls belive Ra'zon caught a permanent case of bloodlust from an unpractised shaman, and with the speed and anger of his attacks, it seems to be true. Ra'zon worships conflict, saying that a battle is "no fun yet, ya man?" untill he is coated in his own blood and that of his foes. Truely a berserker on the battlefield, he endlessly chases any form of war. Found just before the summoning of Archimonde, Ra'zon was dying in a cornfield, surrounded by the corpses of thirty paladains. The noble paladains did not begrudge Ra'zon for this act, they were both soldiers in a war. They in fact respected him for his ferocity on the plane of battle, and many a young paladain dreamed of "learning from a true blademaster like the Raging One". When the Darkspear Tribe left for Kalimdor, Ra'zon had no purpose, no sponser for his bloody sport, and so joined the nearest army, coincidentaly taking orders from the Silver Hand. Tensions ran high for months untill a few of the more extreme paladains demanded that they be allowed to destroy the "spawn of evil". So Uther agreed, and let them run into the meat grinder of Ra'zon's blades. This formidable feat raised Ra'zon even higher in the eyes of many a noble knight, and he was eventualy forced to abandon the military due to the fact that "paper only good for burning, an words no good for fight". Ra'zon then became a personal bodyguard for many important (if shady) political figures, some of which lived in Dalaran. During one of these assignments Ra'zon was caught in the gateway between worlds, thrown into the demonic plane. He then gleefully found that the demons where of like mind to his bloody desires, and helped them to constuct the Arena on the promise that he be allowed to participate untill he died, then ressurected to fight agian.
    • When Ra'zon enters the most fatal of his bloodlusts, he losses the ability to distinguish between friend and foe, slashing mercilessly at the nearest target. The tips of his dual-pointed spear lead to vicous puncture wounds that cause the his victim to bleed relentlessly, and cripple them from the loss of blood. Ra'zon's favorite opening tactic is a horizontal slash with enough momentum and anger to cleave through multiple ranks of foes. The technique that every participant of the Arena recognizes Ra'zon for is his skill in impaling his enemies with his lance, leaving them pinned to the ground, building, or any other penetrable surface (like other people). No matter what team you may support or fight for, it is fatal to stand too close to Ra'zon, as everyone within range is seen as a target for more bloodsport.
  • Sa'al Seartep: Magma Creeper (red nerubian sorccerer model / upgrades to flaming chaos spider model)
  • Intelligence Based
    • Str: 10+2
    • Agi: 10+2
    • Int: 15+4
  • (Abilities have an upgrade, look at ultimate for overveiw and it will make sense, upgraded values are expressed in brackets next to original values)
  • Cremation (acid bomb) [Incineration]
  • -Lv.1- -1[-2] armor, 6 dps, lasts 10 [15] seconds [larger area] <150 mana, 20 [10] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.2- -4[-8] armor, 14 dps, lasts 10 [15] seconds [larger area] <160 mana, 20 [10] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.3- -7[-14] armor, 22 dps, lasts 10 [15] seconds [larger area] <170 mana, 20 [10] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.4- -10[-20] armor, 30 dps, lasts 10 [15] seconds [larger area] <180 mana, 20 [10] second cooldown>
  • Erupt [trigger] (blink with area damage and flame strike effects) [Burning Eruption]
  • -Lv.1- 150 [200] dmg, 200 area [300, 3 gysers of flame, larger explosion] <150 mana, 16 [8] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 250 [300] dmg, 230 area [330, 3 gysers of flame, larger explosion] <150 mana, 16 [8] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 350 [400] dmg, 260 area [360, 3 gysers of flame, larger explosion] <150 mana, 16 [8] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 450 [500] dmg, 290 area [490, 3 gysers of flame, larger explosion] <150 mana, 16 [8] second cooldown>
  • Magma Armor [trigger] (Inner Fire w/ attached immolation) [Volcanic Armor] {autocast}
  • -Lv.1- 4 [6] bonus armor, 10 [15] dps immolation, lasts 30 seconds <65 mana, 10 [5] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 5 [7] bonus armor, 15 [20] dps immolation, lasts 30 seconds <70 mana, 10 [5] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 6 [8] bonus armor, 20 [25] dps immolation, lasts 30 seconds <75 mana, 10 [5] second cooldown>
  • -Lv.1- 7 [9] bonus armor, 25 [30] dps immolation, lasts 30 seconds <80 mana, 10 [5] second cooldown>
  • ULTIMATE= Fireform (chemical rage with changed values, spells, model and effects)
  • -Lv.1- Upgrade spells, 1/2 spell cooldown, +200 hp, +20 dmg, lasts 60 seconds <400 mana, 140 sec cool>
  • -Lv.2- Upgrade spells, 1/2 spell cooldown, +300 hp, +30 dmg, lasts 60 seconds <480 mana, 140 sec cool>
  • -Lv.3- Upgrade spells, 1/2 spell cooldown, +400 hp, +40 dmg, lasts 60 seconds <560 mana, 140 sec cool>
  • Character Biography
    • Sa'al is from a strand of very specialized spellcasters who composed the elite of Azjol'Nerub, with their pyretic abilities they where able to dominate every form of life in the forzen north, and proved to be the most effective means of defense against the undead, as seared flesh does not regenerate, and fire proves to be very useful against liches. Sadly, the nerubian empire fell, and the Magma Creepers where scoured from Northrend. The leader of all Creepers, Sa'al, was approched by Ratherion, the Tinker of Time, and agreed to assist Ratherion with his work in protecting the balance of time and existance. In return Ratherion brought Sa'al to the place where he could inflict the most damage upon the enemies of order, the Legion. Though their name suggests otherwise, almost all of the demonic army is incredibly weak to Sa'al's covert attacks, and they suffered grevious losses in his wake. Sadly, Sa'al was captured by a group of powerfull infernals immune to his immense magic. Now fighting in the Arena for the portection of his own life, he aids Ratherion in the underground plot to destroy the Burning Legion from the inside out.
    • Burn, burn, burn. A fight with Sa'al always leaves a group of charred footmen here, maybe an incerated building there, but always a path of flaming foilage and blood in his wake. Cloaking himself and his allies in armor constucted of fire, any force he accompanies is sure to have a firey advantage, and single waves of his searing energies have the ability to soften the armor of enemies, leaving them open to another scorching blast. By far one of the most imposing things in the Arena is when he metamorphs, simply becoming a walking inferno of destruction. While in this phase he can cast the most powerfull of his spells much faster than normal, with much greater potency. Erupting underneath his enemy's feet in a volcanic fury, pillars of flame spiraling from his claws, Sa'al dominates the battlefield, and any that stand in his way will face his scorching power.
  • Well there it is. FEEDBACK PLZ!! =D
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Dota my a...

Have you even read the whole thread ( its alot i know )?
We are not makeing another Dota or even another AoS? Sure the map we're makeing has heros, items and creeps but its not like any map before ( from what iv seen).
And if im ever apart of a Dota style map i'll stop editing :smile:
@Rath - Nice heros :smile:
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
No more Dota...

I dont think anyone wants another Dota! *shudder*
Looking forward to seeing the terrain. :smile:



Level 6
Feb 15, 2006
Lol, i finish the map (I do quickly, only one part of the map are presentable ...-then change what you want ^^)
I m not very proud of that ...
(juste I do screenshot and I post them)
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Looking forward to terrain, on the subject of map protecting... i'm all for moderations and creativity, but I don't want someone Copy-pasting our heroes, abilites and triggers. I have a program that makes the map "read only" so that you can open the map and see all of the information, just not directly change anything. So the editor can use the map as a base and recreate it if he wishes, but not directly change or copy any values. I think this will be alright with you both but i'm fine if you want it totaly unprotected.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

I have absolutely NO problem with people copy (&Pasting) anything iv done.
But i do NOT like it when people edit good maps into lame pathetic little ripoffs!
So im up for watermarking (i think thats what its called?)...
Im looking forward to the terrain too...
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
I can screenshot yea, and the programe will be attached to the next post

@kixer- i just got terrain in email, hit will b gone 4 a week, so i'll just build heroes while you guys are gone and maybe do some doodads on the terrain. Don't worry about your imput, i will be gone on some instances to so i dont feel like im the only one working. GJ guys =D
Last edited:
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Map Development

Ok Rath and hit,
Its really time to move to Map Development.
We've got the basic terrain, we've got hero/trap/item ideas, we've got Lore, so its really time to move :smile:.
Rath i'll leave it up to you to create the thread, just make sure you follow the rules! :smile:
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007

ok. AWSOME job on the terrain hit, you did a great considering the amount of time you had. I did notice some undetailed parts so i added some tilework and texture :witch_doc_sad: s. Also added healing fountains, waygates and lots of doodads. Screenshots are attached to the map development thread when i make it.

Also, it occured to me that you you english is not perfect hit, and when I opened up the map I wondered: "Tu est francais?". And kixer is from south africa and I belive they speak french over there. Just wondering.

Yea i'm going to create the map development thread now and attach a link later.

Great job guys we are making nice progress! :infl_thumbs_up:


  • Terrain.w3x
    119.7 KB · Views: 65
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Go SA!

Well French is taught at a few of the more European schools but not at mine :sad:... I had to learn Zulu!
P.S remember to attach all our current resources (compile the heros into one document) and maybe quote the trap ideas?
Level 8
Mar 6, 2007
Well French is taught at a few of the more European schools but not at mine :sad:... I had to learn Zulu!
P.S remember to attach all our current resources (compile the heros into one document) and maybe quote the trap ideas?

Hmm well.. the screenshots are being funny and not wanting to move off of my 98 laptop (with vista)(amazing, i know)(it crashes every 30m) and i can't seem to email it to myself, so the development thread will be up asap. right after that I can work on attaching resources.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
Pretty ness

Ok take your time just make it look pretty :smile:

Omw how long is this thread! I must have like 55 posts on it!
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006

Omw >.< you realize that means you only have like 19 posts out of this thread atm?
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