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A game

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This is a communications Thread about something i'm making. And that something is a Fantasy and Sci-fi Computer minifigure game called Horizontal War's.

Its will be like W40k but with a cartoony artstyle.
Il make sure that getting the game is free but to
get units you'll need to pay 50% less money than
the Games Workshop offers. It's not complete il
need to come up with more race's and weapons.
So il discuss it here to gain a little help on coming
up with new things.

I can reveal the race's and weapons here sooner.
Just say what you think and please have a low tone
on me. AND don't destroy this for me even if it
seems impossible.

Move this Thread if it does not belong here. Its
just a conversation thing not a request.

EDIT: Or maybe i should just do a lore series on the web instead.
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