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a few issues

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Level 42
Jun 2, 2008
1) i am subscribed to models subforum to receive alerts when a new thread is created and yesterday i noticed that i don't receive them anymore, i turned it on and off again and today there was no alerts either when people uploaded new stuff

2) (i think this one has been reported already and it's also not a big deal) people with banners on their profiles have their usernames written twice in the pop-up window that shows when you hover over their names, i think the black text is supposed to be an outline behind the white one, and black text's position is different depending on where the window opens (see pic)


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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
1) i am subscribed to models subforum to receive alerts when a new thread is created and yesterday i noticed that i don't receive them anymore, i turned it on and off again and today there was no alerts either when people uploaded new stuff
I will watch the forum and see what happens.

2) (i think this one has been reported already and it's also not a big deal) people with banners on their profiles have their usernames written twice in the pop-up window that shows when you hover over their names, i think the black text is supposed to be an outline behind the white one, and black text's position is different depending on where the window opens (see pic)
I haven't seen a report of this. Curious. It shows up right on the actual profile but the inline profile overlay thing has the "shadow name" rendered in the entirely wrong place. Thanks for this!
Level 42
Jun 2, 2008
there's this sort of a deadzone to icons at the top of the site, where the image and text change as if you can click it but actually you can't
usually internet browser takes only half of my screen, that's how i noticed it, i thought that it happens because those icons get shrunk down (with no gaps between them) but the clickable area doesn't shrink down, however with fullscreen window at 1920x1080 resolution there are gaps between icons yet there is still a small deadzone which means they're still somehow not at full scale? (left part of image is halfscreen, right is fullscreen)
i hope what i just wrote made sense

another small thing is that when someone posts a giant link in "latest profile posts" last few lines of it are not clickable


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Level 42
Jun 2, 2008
I am not sure what you are talking about relating to the deadzone unfortunately.
in the image i posted, when you mouse over the yellow areas they act like you can click on them (silver ring becomes gold in the icon, text changes from gold to white) but you can't actually click on them
maybe it's supposed to be like this, i've no idea

Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
Not sure if worth mentioning, but the example of using the "hidden" bb code has been removed from the BB code example page.
Level 42
Jun 2, 2008
there's a bug with the "latest posts" thing on the right side
usually there's five latest posts there, but if you ignore a user who's got a post in there, it removes one (or more) of those five posts entirely, instead of putting another thread there for you
i'm ignoring the guy who's hellbent on ripping all the icons and as a result the "latest posts" thing is absent completely

EDIT: oh no look here it is
not ded.jpg
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