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[2015+] Group Info and Rules

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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013


The Map Reviewers
group is a place for map reviewers to discuss and learn things related to map reviewing and the map pending section.

Q - How do I become a member?
A - As the group is no longer invite only, non members can click the join button in the top right of the main page of the group. This will send a notification to the group maintainer, which at the moment would be me, StoPCampinGn00b. The requirements are not too high to get accepted. Linking a minimal amount of decent reviews to me would usually do it. Post count and reputation aren't a big factor in deciding who is allowed in or not.

Q - What can I do here?
A - Post around! Start some discussions! Share your ideas! Users are encouraged to engage in the discussions as long as it's in the boundary of our rules. It would be appreciated if members also wear our map reviewer signatures, but it isn't mandatory.

Q - Are the old 'systems' in use?
A - Old systems such as -Kobas-'s reputation system are no longer in use. They have since died out months before I have been lent the keys to the group.

Q - What is the history of the group?
A - Well, this will be a WIP. Gotta do some research.

Q - What are the demographics of the group?
A - Members of the group greatly vary in reviewing skill, cultural background, and personality. We have a few veterans in the group and for the past three months, we've recruited over five members.

Q - May I post on this discussion / thread?
A - Yes. Especially if you feel a rule should be changed, added, or deleted.

The Site Rules apply. There are no other rules that apply in this group besides the site rules.

Breakage of these rules will result in simple warnings via vms or pms depending on the severity. If a member becomes very problematic and/or constantly breaks rules, the member will be temporarily (or permanently) kicked. Hive Workshop guidelines for what is ban worthy also apply.


1.00c - Sunday March 15, 2015
  • Added bannar up top
  • Added signature details under the "What do I do here?" question
1.00b - Wednesday March 11, 2015
  • Changed FAQ demographics answer slightly.
    "We have a few veterans in the group and for the past three months, we've had more than ten new members." -> "We have a few veterans in the group and for the past three months, we've recruited over five reviewers."
1.00a - Monday March 9, 2015
  • Posted
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I think that the standard for being accepted should be higher. We're already numerous in here so it would be wiser to choose reviewers of a higher level. Sending a few good reviews shouldn't be enough. I can show to you 3 great reviews then enter the group and do nothing, for instance. We must accept "active" members and avoid being caught in the trap of "I am good but inactive".
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Okay. We need the right balance of quality and quantity.
Quality as in amount of skill level in a reviewer and quantity as in the amount of reviewers in the group.

Personally, I think I've already struck the right balance. I was accepted only showing three reviews, and honestly, I wouldn't have accepted myself back then if I was the maintainer at the time. So I believe I've raised the bar a little higher already.

I don't want to raise it more or else we'll have less members. Usually when there are less members there will be less active members.

What do you guys think?
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
We should elicit well the new members. We should accept members that are both active and professional. We don't surely want only one of these virtues in the new members so in my opinion, we should put potential reviewers under trial which should last at least one week to be sure that they really show interest in entering the group and in map reviewing.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
I wouldn't know whether or not a reviewer will be active in the future. Looking at past activity levels does not ensure future activity levels. It's easy for me to evaluate their skill level in reviewing, and as I've said earlier, I've raised the requirements already when I became leader.

If others feel like the bar should be raised even more, sure, I will. (Trying not to sound 'dictatorish')
I could pinpoint a part of history based on this discussion launching date. Around the time there was a resurrection of the group with the new rep system.

Also, from what I have dig up in the past, this group was created to purge Map Section when it was at it's peak (was it 2008-2009? Can't be certain) which the moderators at the said time really needs extra hands due to the overload of maps to moderate at the said time.
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