2 hard spell requests.. +rep

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Level 15
Jul 19, 2007
Hey it's me again.. I would like to get some help to make 2 spells. The first one I need is the ultimate of Lord of Avernus in DOTA "Borrowed Time" and second one is a spell called "Tree Form". Tree Form is meant to be the ultimate of an ent hero. It should make the ent to a tree which cannot attack, move or cast any spells but has it's life regeneration rate increased. Enemy units around the ent with Tree Form should be rooted in place and not allowed to move, attack or cast any spells either but take damage per second as long as "Tree Form" is active. The rooted enemies should not be able to be attacked by it's enemies and I want 3 "balanced" levels of this spell. This is maybe a hard request but I'll hope someone will help me make those 2 spells.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2007
Here is the Tree Form:
View attachment 69697
Wow many thanks! But there is alot of leaks in it. For the first! I don't want the ent to become invisible while tree form is active I want it enable for enemy units to attack the ent even if it is in Tree Form and lvl 2 - 3 is bugged. The ent doesn't goes in to a tree form in those, enemies are just entangling rooted but the ent is able to walk and attack other enemies while they are still rooted. Please fix those things and I will give rep..
Level 15
Jul 19, 2007
Actually, I forgot to edit the two values from level 2 and level 3, that's why it didn't work. The invisibility thing is because I forgot to remove Shadowmeld from the Warden original unit. Here: View attachment 69699
There is still some problems. When they ent dies while in tree form, the entangling root effect does not end on the enemies :/ and what about if I want to change the model of the ent when it goes in to tree form? I also would like to increase the life regeneration rate with each lvl..
Level 15
Jul 19, 2007
You are aware and able to blame me for leaks and you don't know how to go in the Object Editor and change the values of the regeneration, in the abilities tab? For the other issue, I can't solve it right now, I'm kinda sleepy and I can't think.
Sry I figured out how to change the model for it now ^^ But pls fix the leak which causes enemies to still be rooted even if the ent dies..
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