Date: 14:00:40 23-Apr-12
Map Moderator: -Kobas-
Map Status: Approved 2/5
Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Useful Links:
If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here:Map Resource Moderation.
Comment: Not so good as your first one. Please don't haste, this map is far more unbalanced than your first one, and because you created it with same resources originality go down as well. Red Player can easily attack blue expansion mine, but also it's hard for him to expand on his because of creeps. Tavern should be ungarded as well.
Map Moderator: -Kobas-
Map Status: Approved 2/5
Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Useful Links:
If you have any complaints or questions about your map, please make a thread here:Map Resource Moderation.
Comment: Not so good as your first one. Please don't haste, this map is far more unbalanced than your first one, and because you created it with same resources originality go down as well. Red Player can easily attack blue expansion mine, but also it's hard for him to expand on his because of creeps. Tavern should be ungarded as well.