• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


  1. Blahblah_Blagar

    Campaign Screen - need help

    Here's the campaign screen I've been working on. I have little to none modeling knowledge and campaign screens are a completely different breed so any help with it would be nice. I'm not really sure what I'm looking for here, but someone pointing out everything that went really wrong and such...
  2. The Legends of Chimlandia - "Rich Life" Cartel

    The Legends of Chimlandia - "Rich Life" Cartel

    Goblin cartels have a privileged position - despite the fact that other indigenous forest races in the human Kingdom of Aldenbard are despised, goblins can not only trade and smuggle freely, but also run shops in the cities! And here is the head of the Rich Life cartel - Baron Ull
  3. The Legends of Chimlandia - Elder Gror

    The Legends of Chimlandia - Elder Gror

    Elder Gror is the leader of the Mountainpaw tribe. This kind and wise gnoll herbalist always cares about the welfare of his tribe and about his beloved grandchildren: Buddy the Blacksmith and Ivar Sharpfang. Now he is waiting for them to return from the battle and cooks something delicious for them!
  4. The Legends of Chimlandia - Before the battle

    The Legends of Chimlandia - Before the battle

    Eternal inhabitants of the forests of the human Kingdom of Aldenbard, gnolls, live in constant danger: in addition to control by the checkpoints of the Great Commonwealth, they're attacked by ogres. One of the ogres beeped in the territory of Bergpfottenstammes tribe, but the gnolls fight back!
  5. cvc21

    Map keep crashing once I tried opening it

    Hello, My map keeps on crashing once I tried opening it. It was working properly then I just need to take a break and shutdown my device. When I tried reopening the map again it keeps on crashing. Please help. Thank you p.s. BTW, I am currently working on Battle for Darkshore warfront. Thanks...
  6. Thanos Armored.PNG

    Thanos Armored.PNG

    Thanos Armored WIP (If anyone has better ideas for textures or is willing to help me find an artist who is willing to make a custom texture, let me know :D)
  7. WIP: "Scarab Small Lair"

    WIP: "Scarab Small Lair"

    Name is still WIP, place is still WIP, but idea next: Scarabs are local roma people, and their lifestyle as wandering or isolating from others. Kingdom have an controverse relations with them, but they can help Xorrax in some deeds...
  8. WIP : Bazzar of Trade District

    WIP : Bazzar of Trade District

    Mostly of Trade District will be eternal markets started near qiraj houses and silithid small clusters, because mainly like that all city live blooms.
  9. WIP: Aggdrassil, Withered Tree

    WIP: Aggdrassil, Withered Tree

    WIP image of withered Great Tree - Aggdrassil. Created to strenght God of Chaos prison, now a shell of former self. But what kind of power lurks under its roots?
  10. WIP: "Al'Andus Bazzar"

    WIP: "Al'Andus Bazzar"

    WIP of small location named "Al'Andus Bazzar", where Xorrax will start his adventures in Act 2.
  11. WIP: Southeast Enterance

    WIP: Southeast Enterance

    Here Xorrax will start his new adventure in city, at first meeting worried caraveenrs and busy borderguards.
  12. Evilhog

    An RPG Campaign inspired by Golden Axe

    I've been musing over this idea for quite some time and, finally, I decided to try my hand at making a single player campaign inspired by one of my favorite games of all time: Sega's Golden Axe. For those, who never spent a coin in the arcade or didn't play the game on the Genesis/PC/any other...
  13. Whole Map: Finished at 80%

    Whole Map: Finished at 80%

    Finished north map part and started terraining satyr & furbolg mini-zone. Also some mountains remained un-terrained, but I'll resolve that!
  14. meatfactory

    [Hero Arena] NHAOS Development

    INTRO Ever had that nostalgia feeling for the dawn of custom Warcraft 3 maps, like the very first time you played War Chasers, DOTA, Angel Arena, Footman Wars and so on? Like many other people (I suppose), sometimes I come back to these old maps and give them a quick replay. This thread is...
  15. bakuma

    (WIP) Warcraft 3 - RoC Expanded and Enhance

    WARCRAFT 3 RoCEX Devblog So you may know i'm working on the completely enhanced and expanded campaign know as Reign of Chaos Expanded and Enhance (or RoCEX for short). The plan is to use the inspiration from both Re-Reforged and The Chronicles of the Second War with retaining some of them...
  16. Wip_4


  17. Wip_3


  18. Wip_2


  19. Wip_1


    Start 08.04.2021
  20. Wip_0


    Start 08.04.2021 1:10
  21. Start.


    Start 08.02.2021 0:58 P.S You can help your advice me in the comments.
  22. Geekio

    [Campaign] The Heart of Zoraan

    Caught in the midst of a bloody civil war, the noble heroes Goffrey and Fidela undertake a perilous adventure to unknown shores in order to restore peace to their home and thwart a nefarious plot of world domination.... STORY The Heart of Zoraan takes place loosely within the WarCraft universe...
  23. Mr.Goblin

    Warcraft3 Reforge Reforged - Retextures by Mr.Goblin

    WARCRAFT3 REFORGE'S TEXTURES - REFORGED Like many of you, I'm not ...quite... pleased by the graphics of Reforge. It's a damn shame because most models are actually ABSOLUTLY gorgeous upclose, it's just their weird Shader and their color palette choices that made most model look souless and...
  24. FTFD Release Screenshot

    FTFD Release Screenshot

    Test map available here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/fallout-tactics-feral-despair-ftfd-test-version-release.321841/#post-3397642
  25. Groovy


    Testing chainsaws.
  26. Teitan

    [Hero Arena] Tryndamere in Warcraft III (WIP)

    I'll be resuming this project soon, and i rather have this post deleted.
  27. SentryTurret Terrain WIP

    SentryTurret Terrain WIP

    Really can't seem to make fog behave the way I want it to. But hey, that's what Photoshop's for. Even though I'm calling this a wip, the final image is actually sorta done : p
  28. SentryTurret Preview

    SentryTurret Preview

    Dropped all other wips to remaster another one of my old models lol I'm about 70% done with this model now -- only need to add Death, Decay, and Portrait animations then I'll get ready to upload it
  29. PortraitSelection WIP, learning Frames and Jass

    PortraitSelection WIP, learning Frames and Jass

    A screenshot for a thread. Using Frame tutorials to insert RPG-elements. Icon by https://www.hiveworkshop.com/members/murlocologist.251451/
  30. HiveTerrainPrtScShare


  31. catlover47

    LF Help Making a Fantasy RPG

    I already have a good portion of the map made, but I'm running out of steam. Looking for creative people to exchange ideas or help build landscapes for the map. I'm looking to create a new Fantasy RPG like Fantasy Life, so if you like that game but want new features or wish something were...
  32. Bain_Rebirth

    RPG Campaign - Inspired by The Chosen Ones - Looking for Coder/Mentor

    I have begun working on a project which most closely resembles, and is inspired by, the Chosen Ones by Aeroblyctos. It is an Eastern-Themed story loosely pulling inspiration from Japanese Folklore. The goal of the Campaign is to create a replayable RPG campaign with new features, customizability...
  33. Footman Kul_Tiras WIP

    Footman Kul_Tiras WIP

  34. Footman_NEW


  35. Warcraft 3 mod: 'Fallout Tactics: Feral Despair', work in progress - YouTube

    Warcraft 3 mod: 'Fallout Tactics: Feral Despair', work in progress - YouTube

    A total conversion Fallout mod, featuring some problematic patterns in AI behaviour (AI units are scared of player's firepower.
  36. "Base" for the model.

    "Base" for the model.

  37. BloodKnight.mdx (Wip_4)

    BloodKnight.mdx (Wip_4)

  38. Imperial Guard (Wip_3)

    Imperial Guard (Wip_3)

    This media for the album will be seen only by those who are members of the site.
  39. Imperial Guard (Wip_3)

    Imperial Guard (Wip_3)

  40. HeroGuardForest.mdx (Wip_2.1)

    HeroGuardForest.mdx (Wip_2.1)

  41. HeroHammerRedMaster.mdx (WIP_1)

    HeroHammerRedMaster.mdx (WIP_1)

  42. New Shakral foot_WIP #3 - Final?

    New Shakral foot_WIP #3 - Final?

  43. New Shakral foot_WIP #2.1

    New Shakral foot_WIP #2.1

    What I did last time, I did not like... I decided to completely redo her!
  44. New Shakral foot_WIP #2

    New Shakral foot_WIP #2

  45. New Shakral foot_WIP #1

    New Shakral foot_WIP #1

  46. New Shakral foot_WIP #0

    New Shakral foot_WIP #0

  47. New Shakral head_WIP #6 - Final!!!

    New Shakral head_WIP #6 - Final!!!

  48. New Shakral head_WIP #5 - Final!

    New Shakral head_WIP #5 - Final!

  49. New Shakral head_WIP #4 - Final?

    New Shakral head_WIP #4 - Final?

  50. New Shakral head_WIP #3

    New Shakral head_WIP #3
