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The Legends of Chimlandia - Elder Gror

The Legends of Chimlandia - Elder Gror

Elder Gror is the leader of the Mountainpaw tribe. This kind and wise gnoll herbalist always cares about the welfare of his tribe and about his beloved grandchildren: Buddy the Blacksmith and Ivar Sharpfang. Now he is waiting for them to return from the battle and cooks something delicious for them!
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Seems like a rather lovely project. Will it be similar to Tommi Gustafsson's Gnoll Campaign or does it go in some different direction gameplay-wise?
Seems like a rather lovely project. Will it be similar to Tommi Gustafsson's Gnoll Campaign or does it go in some different direction gameplay-wise?
Hello! Thank you so much for your comment! :peasant-thumbs-up:
The campaign, if we talk about the plot, will differ in many ways from the gnoll campaign from Tommy Gustafsson: the location of the action (mainly a northern theme, but players will not be left without the tropics and barrens!), the general situation in the countries of action; There will also probably be some unexpected plot twists in the interactions between the races. As for the actual gameplay features, I plan to add an expanded inventory (up to 12 items) and maybe some other intresting features. The method of constructing of some quests will be similar to Tommy Gustafsson's campaign: there will definitely be puzzles and riddles! But I also plan to make some plot forks that can be achieved by combining a certain number of conditions. RPG levels and levels with city exploration and espionage are also planned. Also, there will be quite a lot of races! :peasant-smile:
The main playable races, of course, will be gnolls, orcs and humans - for now I'll not spoil how the interaction will develop. We'll play with these races throughout the entire campaign, but it's worth emphasizing that both human and orcs are different in this universe, so I think that somewhere in this part there will be one of the not entirely expected plot twists. Of course, our playable races will sometimes cooperate with others: ratmen, lizards, tauren and many others, so from level to level there will be many races and characters to play as! And, of course, various secret cults and orders among the villains, as well as many custom races for NPC enemies: stoneskins, mountain goats, etc.

And as for the chapters... Uhh, in total with the cinematics, there are a lot coming out so far, definitely more than 10 - I still rely on revealing the plot and the main characters, the motivations of the villains, the formation of alliances, etc., and this requires attention to detail and, accordingly, considerable timing. Well, at the same time I will say that there will be some characters about which the player will have to decide for himself: they are the protagonist or the antagonist!
So, in general something like this :peasant-smile:

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