
  1. D

    [Campaign] Campaign Idea Workshop by BatDominion1996

    Initially, I simply wanted to make a brief list for my campaign ideas and concepts on my profile page, but due to character limit I was not able to publish it, so I decided to make a thread in the Idea Factory forum section. Might update it from time to time if I have a desire to, but no...
  2. Thrall HD Concept V4 WIP

    Thrall HD Concept V4 WIP

    Ello again! Worked a bit more on him, gauntlets, started with a bit of tribal decor(teeth) and basic colouring done again. It would be great if you tell me what do You think of it!
  3. Jaina smiling, from Crossroads cinematic, lovely&blonde too~ <3

    Jaina smiling, from Crossroads cinematic, lovely&blonde too~ <3

    I toyed around with idea of editing BFA jaina to being her up to "colour" her hair, lips and over all. Her BFA model in cutscenes(ingame one is simplier based on generic human female) is close to perfection of capturing her original look in higher fidelity from Wc3.... I love whoever redesigned her~
  4. Jaina smiling, from Crossroads cinematic, lovely&blonde~

    Jaina smiling, from Crossroads cinematic, lovely&blonde~

    I toyed around with idea of editing BFA jaina to being her up to "colour" her hair, lips and over all. Her BFA model in cutscenes(ingame one is simplier based on generic human female) is close to perfection of capturing her original look in higher fidelity from Wc3.... I love whoever redesigned her~
  5. prizraknadache

    There was a model of Warlock on wheelchair?

    Hello. I saw that there was a Warlock on wheelchair on the models page, but seems like it was currently deleted or hidden from everyone's view. So, maybe anyone have that model or know the author (so that i can contact with him for that model). As i aware, that model for the some Models Concept...
  6. Mr.Goblin

    Concept Art Contest #11 - Results

    Image is courtesy of Tu Ngoc do The Youngest or Oldest Warrior Download the PDF below or click here to read my reviews. ParticipantEntryJudge Score(100)Poll(%)MalusFinal Score (%) 1. Exarch Entry 6823,1%056,76% 2. Flyphor Entry 7238,5%-3,1512560,44% 3. Wildfire Entry 570%042,75% 4...
  7. 8512590215848

    I am back

    And here is my new piece of messy sht
  8. SgtWinter

    Orc & Human Subfaction Ideas?

    So I found my abandoned 4 years old map based on the idea of combining aspects of Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 into an ultimate hybrid with some of my own neat concepts such as Captureable Structures, Dynamic Naval Combat, and Bleeding in a WC2-esque themed era. It had the idea of adding sub-factions...
  9. apsyll

    Interconecting Maps with save load system

    I had this idea a time ago thinking about not just to use the save load system for saving just the progress of one map but to conect two or many maps of different types and alternate the content. As an example we have a dungeon crawler map (MapA) and a boss fighting map (MapB), now when you...
  10. SgtWinter

    [Altered Melee] Hybrid RTS [Idea & Concept]

    I've been taking a break from continuing my original project - Age of Chaos - and was working on a little idea that popped in my head a while back. After playing a few melee matches in Starcraft 2 and CnC3 Tiberium Wars, I wondered what would happen if the GDI and the Protoss fought? Or what if...
  11. Sapprine

    [Role Playing Game] Warcraft lll - A turn-based RPG?

    Remember the classic internet game 'Murloc RPG'? I've been dreaming of a Turn-based RPG in Warcraft 3 for awhile now, but I'm not a programmer myself... Basic concept: - A 2D prespective with by locking a low area of attack camera to the main character - Arrowkey movement of main character...
  12. Mr.Goblin

    Concept-Art Contest #11 - The youngest or oldest warrior

    Image is courtesy of Tu Ngoc do THE YOUNGEST (or) OLDEST WARRIOR Create a unique warrior, very young or very old, NOT based on a narrative universe that already exists (Warcraft, Harry Potter, LoTR, etc.). The concept-art must portray one of the two different possibilities: Perhaps a cunning...
  13. Mr.Goblin

    Concept Art Contest #10 - Results

    Image is courtesy of Rudy Swisswanto Bounty Hunter Contestants are to create a Bounty Hunter. A Cunning dangerous and prowling killer that is only in the game of killing for the huge bounty involved. Can be anything!: an alien chasing massive beast, an elf ranger hunting down gnolls, to a...
  14. N'zoth

    Texturing Contest #? - Renovating Doodad Textures

    TEXTURING CONTEST #? - RENOVATING DOODAD TEXTURES We have seen same doodads1.blp, doodads0.blp, barrendoodads.blp, and etc... with the same looks all over again. The time has come, by your hands and mind of creativity, you mold a new look of it! That all we usually see and use for decorations...
  15. N'zoth


    MODELS IN MY NIGHTMARISH IMAGINATION Welcome to my mind, do not be horrified or enraptured. Fear of the unknown is the primal weakness of many, do not be one of the many. These are some ideas to model crafters and artisans might want to create. You may want to make one of these things that...
  16. Grimhollow

    Contest Ideas Pack

    Achtung! This thread updates frequently. Disclaimer: Terms and Conditions Okay, I do not know how to start this but I have many ideas to share to add up the contests we have here. Criticism and responses are allowed. The concepts will be listed below. :) IDEA 01: Mounted Modeling...
  17. Grimhollow

    LIST of UNCREATED models

    Hello I have bunch of thoughts and concepts of simple or semi-complex units that modellers can make and I managed to list them out here. So if ideas are needed, they can check this list out to base their models here. GNOLLS - Gnoll with Club - Armored Gnoll - Gnoll Pikeman - Gnoll with Big...
  18. Mr.Goblin

    Concept Art Contest #9 - Poll

    Image is courtesy of Clint Langley. Overwhelming Odds Contestants are to create a group of people or a single character faced with insurmountable odds or overwhelming numbers of enemies. For example, a knight vs a demon, a squad of marines vs a swarm. Despite their/his oncoming death...
  19. Sxar

    Calia Menethil - Campagin Main plot and Side quests

    About the story until now (I'm not native english so excuse me if I made some gramm mistakes): - Calia Menethil, daughter of King Terenas. She is few years old more than Arthas. - The story beguins when Arthas returns from Northrend expedition. She's in a makeover to recive Arthas when he enters...