Thanks a lot to Gottfried for his help improving the story!
This is not Finished yet and there's a huge plot to develop yet! Please feel free to expose any suggestion! It will be very appreciated!
Main Plot:
“Crusade of the Light” Campaing: custom campaing from WC3TFT with multiple paths to development of the main character, Calia Menethil, who can become Queen in attempt to recover her land, Lordaeron, from the scorge.
Node 1) Calia escape from the Capital City
She meet's Meldic, a young fightress who help her to scape from the Castle and secure her. She can choose two ways to scape: 1) Undercity path or 2) Main gate path.
Undercity path: she has a side quest here visit her ancestors tomb or reach the end faster she can.
a. If she complete the sidequest recibe the amulet/artifact “
Lory's Proud Light” what has “Abolish magic” spell charge each 60 seg. Could be helpfull to damage skeletons and other summoned creatures from the campaing.
Main gate path: she must run with a lot of people atempting not be discovered in the riot meanwhile soldiers of Lordaeron fight against the scorge forces. The lordaeron Forces will join to you. You can leave them fight till die or made a small armie to scape with you. She as a side quest here: reach the end with almost 8 soldiers from Lordaeron. This map has doors who will be sealed one you reach the next chamber, so you can't recover soldiers you left behind. If she reach exit with an armie of 8 soldiers, She will start the next path with a small force of
2 Knighs, 4 footman and 2 priest, otherwise she start with only 2 footman and 1 priest.
When she scape from Capital City she travel to Tirisfal Glades where she has two path again: 3) Travel throught Alterac to reach the next kingdom: Stromgarde in Arathi Highlands to request help, or 4) Travel to Dalaran to get explanation about the origin of the dark magic.
3) Travel throught Brill’s town to Alterac ruins: she meets Garithos forces. She must fight with his help triying prevent that the scorge continue throught Alterac and invade Arathi Highlands, meanwhile she go looking for help to Stromgarde kingdom. This mission set her skill powers into
Shadow spell magics
. This mission have this side quest:
Supply from the troops: in form to get more supplies for the army and help Garithos, farms become part of the player so they can train more units.
Secure a path of supply: she recibe 500 of gold and 200 of lumber each minute.
Defeat the Bandits Lord: Calia meet Perenolde’s son, Aliden, who fight with his bandit meanwhile she try to secure the supply rout. If Calia defeat Aliden, she have two options:
Have Mercy: Aliden and his men offers his help fight the scorge.
Slain Aiden: Aliden drops “
Legacy of Perenolde”, an ítem that allow cast “Windwalk” each 60 seg.
She can’t control Garithos army, but can provide support with a few troops. Scorge stop coming eventually, because Arthas travel with their forces to Quel'thalas, so Garithos stay possitions meanwhile Calia decice travel trought Strahnbrad to Stromgarde with few mens.
4) Calia Reach Daladan: and meets
Rhonin who sense her magic alignment. Rhonin explain her the origin of necromancy as fordbidden school of magic, however is counterpart of Holly light, a kind o magic based in the faith and true in this energies. Calia accept to take the Schools of Magic test of Dalaran, so she discover the nature of her powers:
Light or Shadow (Player choose). After end the test of Dalaran, Rhonin sugest she travels to Stromgarde. The King of Stromgarde,
Trollbane, will support her cause, however she must travel to Strahnbrad with a few soldiers provided from Violet City in order to reach Stromgarde first.
Strahnbrad become Node 2: at this point player have taken almost four choices and can have access of the items: "Arathor's Gift" items set. Perenolde from Alterac or Menethil from Lordaeron. However they are side quest.
Node 2: Travel to Stromgarde.
Calia reach Strahnbrad with Meldic and few mens. However, Meldic decides return to Capital City in order to help his father, a Paladin of the Silver Hand. In Strahnbrad Calia meets Tirion Fordring, a old Silver Hand paladin who take arms with his Orc companion, Eitrigg, when they heard problems from Capital City. After discover identity of Calia, Tirion offers his service to scort her to the kingdom of Stromgarde, advicing her that “Stromgarde has lost it’s shiny since the Horde past throught that lands in way to Capital City”. Calia must reach to Thoradin’s Wall in this mission, she pass throught the peacefull land of Southshore and the ruins of Durnholde Keep and some empty orc camps. This map has the following side quest:
1) Blackrock Scout: She must fight with Tirion’s help, orcs here in order to protect the Farmers from the attack of the of orcs who abduct them to perform sacrifices inside the Durnholde keep ruins. If she does, recive cakes from the farmers (ítem that heal 300 Hp) and a few soldiers from farmers who takes arms inspired by Fordring and Calia heroicity. However Tirion advice Orcs are not bloodlust than before and remember Eitrigg can persuade some orcs to join their cause.
If Calia refuse Eitrigg helps a huge contingent of orcs will fight her in the entrance of Toradin’s Wall, comanded by Blackhand’s son, Maim Blackhand, who claim himself part of the “True horde” and explain he’s looking for warchief of the “fake Horde”, Thrall in order to kill him and return the Horde his former glory.
If Calia accept Eitrigg helps: Eitrigg will explain to the orcs following Maim they have no reason to fight for the demons again, their sons has been bron in this planet so they are part of it and must live with balance of other races, “that’s the true way of the honor…” so some orcs turns against Maim allowing Tirion and Calia more easy fight agains Maim who’s slain in the combat.
Maim drops a
“Black Scale Pendant” amulet, item what summon a Small Black Dragon; can be used each 6 minutes of game. This item is part of Calia set and can’t be droped. Will be a important part of story when Lord Daval Prestor try to seduce her again.
Calia reach Arathi Highlands, she can choose beetween reach Stromgarde or go to Aerie Peek.
If she reach Stromgarde she found the city is a riot: a part is controled by
Boulderfist ogres clan, other is full of
Syndicate bandits of Alterac comanded by Perenolde. And the third part is controled by Trollbane forces. She obtain two Main quest here:
Strom is one!: Must defeat Ogre leaders who control the tower of Stromgarde, a sacred place where the first humans learned magic from elves in order to defeat troll empire. The Ogre drop an item with five charges of “Killrog’s eye” spell that summon an invisible eye to explore the map for 60 seconds. If you
show mercy to Aliden, he’ll defend you from an murder attemp when you enter in the city, and will join to your forces in order to defeat the rebels of the Syndicate. If you
Slain Aiden and carry
“Legacy of Perenolde” the syndicate members will have more bandits in their stronghold being harder to defeat. The Trollbane Forces are comanded by the
Prince Galen Trollbane. When you finish the quest he congrats you with
Sword of Zengu, a relic from defeated troll by the Strom forces years ago. The Sword have the power to cast “Hex” each 60 seg and give some stats.
Prince Galen Trollbane uses
Trol’kalar Sword, a custom ítem that turns Trollbane inmune to spells and cut heal regeneration from ten seconds in foes that is attacked by Trollbane. Once you defeat each leader of the foe factions, Galen will thank you in the square of the Stromgarde ruins. He tells will help you to recover again Lordaeron in return for this favor once they reconstruct Stromgarde keep.
If player
Show Mercy to
Aiden, Galen will offers help to recover the land of Alterac too in order to reach Lordaeron by the words “Humans must be together again and reborn in their homeland, The kingdom of Strom!” and Tirion will Advice Calia be careful of the intentions of Galen, because politics “are complicated”.
Calia leave with their army to reach
Aerie Peek, in order to search help from the Drwaf. Starting the new main quest “Aerie help!”. If Calia took the quest “Aerie Help!” before Stromgarde, Falstad will open the quest to Iron Forge, Kul’tiras and his side quest, but you must fullfill Stromgarde quest in order to leave the map and travel to Stormwind.
b. Aerie help!: Calia travel throught Arathi Highlands in order to archive Aerie Peek. When reach it
Falstad Willhammer recived her and explain they are a few men to fight against such huge enemy like the scorge, so she must recruit Kul’tiras Army and Ironforge shock troopers in order to get more balanced forces gainst the undead. Falstad offer carry her, Tirion and a few mens with their Gryphs to Kul’tiras island or Iron Forge whenever she wants. Falstad too display the
Side quest “Hunting, hunters.”: Calia and Tirion must find and display smoke signals from the forest where some blackrock orcs are hiding after attack villagers from the Wildhammers Gryph Riders. Once the signal is displayed a few Wildhammer will nuke with their Enchanted hammers the zone destroying the Blackrock orcs.
If you fullfill the mission you will get the
Tamed Gryph, that allow Calia summon a Gryph with two slot to travel from air. Gryph is just like Goblin Zepelin with less carry space. Can only be summoned at same time, if you cast a second one the first is banished and it’s carry is droped in the nearest ground. The ítem can’t be droped and will be dissable in some areas like caves.
1) Iron Forge
Main quest: The King of the Forge: Calia is recived in Iron Forge and conducted to the
King Magni Bronzebeard, who explain their have their own problems in Iron Forge right now just because Gnomes destroyed
Gnomeregan with some radioactive stuff and their are now refugees in Iron Forge. If you could explain what happend to Gnomeregan and help them to recover and return to their own city he’ll help your cause.
Main quest: Problems in the Forge: Calia must talk with
Gebblin Mekkatorque, King and leader of gnomes located refugees in Iron Forge who explain the situation: they must clean all the radioactive mess in order to return Gnomeregan, otherwise they will be irradiated and become hostile serving
Mekgineer Thermaplugg. He don’t expect you clean Gnomeran, however needs some items to fight the Mekgineer and recover the city: this items are “
Mainboard of Mk-bot”, the most advanced mech they had already created in order to develop a new army to fight and clean the city. The other ítem is the “
Thunder Wrench”, a magical tool he left when ran out of the city, with this Wrench he will develop amazing inventions in attempt to stop Mekgineer madness once for all.
The player can explorate a small part of Gnomeregan in order to reach the Wrench and the Mainboard of Mk-Bot who’s droped for a Mekazod Agent (a Mech) inside Gnomeregan who will fight till dead (can a robot die?) for the Mainboard of Mk-Bot. The wrench is Located in Gebblin’s room who only Tirion can enter to recover with his Divine Shield spell. If Calia or anyonelse attempt to enter dies due radioactivity. Gnomeregan is full irradiated so the player untis will lose 5 hp per second when they enter in this area.
After fullfill this quest, Gebblin will speak with Magni in order to explain what she did with the help of Tirion, explain even her situation and offers his help in the next war with “amazing inventions” to recover Lordaeron. Magni understand the situation and why the Gnomes will stay for some more time he could expect. However Magni will help the girl with some tought dwarfs to recover her land as he offered. Calia Return then to Aerie Peek and then travel to Kul’tiras.
1) Kul’Tiras: Calia arrive to Kul’tiras, expecting help from the admiral Proudmoore however she found a First officer and explains that Proudmoore feels really bad because he lost his son in a naval battle a few years ago chasing orcs (Gul’dan and Stormreaver clan) and now her little daughther left the security of the Island few days ago in order to travel to the forget land of the light of Kalimdor. Jaina told him she will follow some orcs who stolen ships days ago (Gromm and Thrall). With her traveled a lot of people who ran away from Lordaeron talking about the “dead incarnated took their land” and a few sailors of Kul’tiras too, tired of bein “traped” in the island. Admiral Proudmoore left few days ago to the sea to chase pirates and haven’t return, so he expect “still alive and return to recover the goverment".
a. Main quest: Set sail!: Calia must buy her own army in order to track Proudmoore on the great Sea. Calia start this map with a few resources: 200 g and 50 w. You can buy a small ship for travel and no fire with this resources and advance in the next main quest looking for Proudmoore, however, if you do this, the other ships in will be HARD to fight. The other ships able to buy are Fragate 300 g and 100 w and Galleon 500 g and 200 w. You can buy any number of ships.
b. Side quest: Map of the Treasure: Tirion talks with a bloodsail pirate in the island of Kul’tiras who offer to sell a treassure map for 100 G. If you follow the map instructions arround the area will arrive to the “great X” where you can reach 5000 g and 3000 w from it (enough to pass the map), however a guardians skeletons will emerge in order to defende the treasure for burgals, no match for Tirion and Calia but really funny.
c. Side quest: Wanted! “Scurvy dog”: Tiryon and Calia must chase and defeat this Pirate who own the “most powerful” stolen Galleon from Kul’tiras. If you defeat the ship with your army then you get 3000 g and 2000 w as reward from the “first officer”.
d. Side quest: Tiki soul: Calia and Tirion found a small island habitated for Shaman Troll who after explain he is not enemy, expose he’s looking for a tiki soul of a loa stolen by a Sea Giant. The tiki soul is an artifact to protect his tribu from the storms fury. Calia and Tirion can defeat a Sea Giant in order to recover the tiki soul of the loa. If you bring this to the old man he will provide you with a few books of strenge +2 (for Tirion) and wisdom +2 (Calia), therefore will improve your ships with the “Storm Shield”, allowing cross deep water without damage (otherwise the ships take 20 damage per second if they are in this zones).
e. Main quest: Finding the Admiral: Calia and Tirion travel across deep sea and arrive to a naufrage. In this island Proudmoore is awaiting.
f. Main quest: Naval Riot: After rescue him, the First Admiral Army will be expecting you and will fight your army under the excuse you're a pirate. If you touch land with Proudmoore then the battle is over. Proudmoore slain the first officer. Proudmoore too explaing the man set a trap with pirates aboard his ship, and after a battle their naufragated against the rocks of the island where you rescued him. He survived a week there since Jaina left. For rescue his life and recover the Kul'tiras, he’ll help Calia anyway on the sea or the ground with his men to recover Lordaeron. Proudmoore gives the item
"Tides Fury" what allow you cast a wave in a corner like he does in Rexxars Campaing each 30 seg. The item is an artifact, gives you some stats and can be droped.
Calia and Tirion can return now to Aerie Peek and fullfill the quest of Iron Forge or continue in the story if they had finished that quest.
1) Main quest in Iron Forge: It won’t explode!: Once you reach Aerie Peek fullfiling both missions a emissary from Ironforge will arrive, explaing that the
Deeprun Tram is ready to used. Is the fasted way to travel to the rebuilded Stormwind city. Calia will remind Varian and Lothar arriving to Capital City as refugees of the first war and expect to recive the favor in return or even help to recover her land. So she travel once again to Iron Forge and take the Deeprun Tram to Stormwind.
End of Node 2.
Node 3.
Once she arrived to Stormwind City, is drived into palace. Wrynn recive her, who expose the situation. Varian horrorized and very upset about what happend to the kingdom who hosted, decide help Calia. When Calia expose his brother, first regent is “dead” too, Wrynn start to think about her more like a Queen. Wrynn suggest Calia remaind in Stormwind planing the way to recover Lordaeron with the new Alliance she has wrought.
A year pass since Calia arrived and start training herself in the deeps of Holly Light Church of Stormwind. She’s now a more powerfull priest (Shadow or Holly, all abilitys +1 and gets “Revive”).
She meets Wrynn call to palace, where he expose “the time has arrived”: the IV:7 spy informed that there’s a new “Banshee Queen” in Lordaeron who usurped the throne, Dalaran has been destroyed and the Kirin Tor disbanded. Therefore Garithos is dead, Tirion left a few months ago to take his place in the first line and now command the survivors of lordaeron with the Argent Crusade, but there’s too another faction, the Scarlet Crusade, who wants recover the power by themself. Therefore the elves from Quel’thalas had send a emisary to expose they left the Alliance, being neutrals now to the conflict.
Calia evaluate her forces: Small armies of Kul'tiras, the huge part and the admiral himself left in a expedition to found her missing daughter and havn't return. Small air force from Aerie Peek, not enough to disband a sky full of gargoyles. The shocktroopers from Ironforge, maybe a strong card to play, otherwise not enough. Stromgarde forces: few fierce warriors, and mechs from Gnomes, usefull or trash... "almost not explode like goblins stuffs" she tought. Stromwind’s Knights, who havn't see a true battle in years and the Argent Crusade commanded by Tirion under her orders.
She had forces, but not to fight the root of the evil: magic. If she expect win the war she needs find survival mages of Kirin Tor, and her best card is travel to Kalimdor to find Jaina who left with a huge forces or a “magic” solution for this mess.