• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • jj84
    Hi my friend what's up?
    Hey! I am glad to see you! How are you?
    Oh, I am fine, thanks, busy with the work, but I managed time to organize my thread anyway.
    • Like
    Reactions: jj84
    Me too, I'm working on mod these days, I hope I release final version soon.
    Also I had two exams in summer that I could handle them with high score.
    However everything is good for now, thanks for asking my friend, I hope everything is good for you too.
    Please use the Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.
    Please use the Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.
    • Like
    Reactions: jj84
    For now no, but in summer I have some time to spend on modeling.
    How about are you doing well?
    Dont give up, I like your style, nice models you made. I remember you made more models, now they are just few under you resources.
    Oh well, I am decent, thanks for asking. Currently modelling a bit, if you saw my thread I released few packs meanwhile, more monsters :cgrin:
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    Reactions: jj84
    What happened about with your other models?:huh:
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    Reactions: Saelendious
    Actually i finished my mod for wc3 so i deleted fixed ones because you can download all of them with game at once or i can send files as a zip to you.
    I would like to see the peon spear thrower model again. Could you send it to me, please?
    I'm so sorry my friend, actually i lost it maybe i make it again.
    Please don't post stuff in different posts if the posts are within minutes or seconds of each other.
    Thank you for your model, since I never did like on how the Orcs used the Undead model.
    Now with your model they don't have too anymore...

    Please use the yellow Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.
    Hey there! Where can I find your Skeleton Archer icon? I remember that I've seen it yesterday, but now I can't see it at all...
    Soon again I'll start to make a mod for wc3 like before but this time I'll finish it wait out any bug, in my own style.
    For now I finished all icons for mod, if you want I can share all of them with you, but it's better to wait for final release.
    Okay-okay, thanks a lot!
    Please don't spam profiles with the same messages unless it's really necessary. You should use private messages instead if the users are not being annoyed.
    If they remove that world tree from the models section due to some dumb rule. Please send the model to me of the world tree in PM. I require it for world tree reasons. Thank you!

    P.S: Not home, atm. That’s why am Writing you here xDd
    General Frank
    General Frank
    Yeah, I don't believe you :p Please don't lie and make it worse.
    'Numb rule' does not make much sense.
    You're just rowing back now, because you messed up :D

    Anyway, stick to the rules and please don't incite any conflicts.
    Just because you have some freedoms does not mean you have rules to adhere to. Just FYI.
    The word numb can be used in several meanings, me thinks. But also, I says, I am not a 100% first nation's speaking English sort of person. I am not rowing back. I am telling you the truth, whether you like it or not. I didn't mess up, whether you like it or not. I have a auto-corrector and it happens to all of us that it changes our words. I was on the phone, as the P.S. message above said I wasn't home although not mentioning the phone. I didn't keep a screenshot. So, oh well... No, I didn't re-read. Now I am at PC and I did.

    I don't wish to incite any conflicts, I assure you. I've been around and never had a problem with anyone. I'd like to keep it that way. Thank you, General Frank. I've received your warning. So I'll just say "You are right." and move on. Simple. Thanks!
    General Frank
    General Frank
    Have a wonderful day then.
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