• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Hmm.. I think you gave me wrong award icon. It's Cokeymonkey11's hero, not mine. This is my hero's icon:

    Um, who makes that? I always assumed it was the rep-giver... I don't really know how to do that?
    Okay figured it out, can you please open that thread? Sorry again about that, thank you as well.
    In the future, don't ask people to use the pastebin or PMs.
    Basically, yes.
    ...I just don't want people to assume that that's how it works,...
    No, you're absolutely right; I'm a pretty firm believer in the idea that "everything pertinent to the Contest should be in the Contest (rules, threads, etc)". I will poke around to find where we talked about it, but rest assured I'll put it in every Contest (thread) I try to submit/Host from now on. : )
    It's been alright, not much in the way of video games though.. I think I might be getting bored of them.
    Oh hey, I'm really sorry; apparently I totally posted it... On my own profile page (how is that even an option? "visitor message conversation with myself"? lol)

    Anyway, I know you have it, but I'd feel remiss not having posted it (FOR POSTERITY):

    Kyrbi0 - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2636956-post27.html
    Footman16 - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2637154-post29.html
    Dalvengyr - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2637228-post31.html
    Cokemonkey11 - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2637307-post34.html
    Shadow Fury - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2645332-post39.html
    Cosmicat - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2645345-post40.html
    Mythic - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2645588-post42.html
    AngkySaputra - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2645491-post41.html

    Kam - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2602906-post26.html
    Bannar - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2629818-post6.html
    Softmints - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2628723-post105.html
    The rest of it (i.e. the amount of rep per, though you've basically already done it all) is in a previous VM, down the page.

    About Hero Contest #7. I have decided that +5 for finished entry is only for those not in the top 3.
    That sounds reasonable. I don't care either way, and that makes sense. We can make that the standard for future Contests if you'd like.

    Also, +10 for judging. Where does it say that in the contest?
    Aw, dang. Good question. I don't quite recall, but I remember talking about it (either in the Contest itself or during the planning stages), and it was generally agreed upon as a nice little 'token' to all the hard work the Judges do. I'll have to get people searching for that.

    What, don't you want to reward Judges?? Don't you want to adopt needy orphans!? :D
    It's no worse than posting a VM saying: GET YOUR LAZY FUCKING ASS OVER TO SKYPE.
    - And I'll scurry straight to it when I see it :)
    I don't know about rewards for judges, but I found the list in your conversation with Kyrbi0: LINK

    About +5 bonus, I'm not sure. You need to ask Kyrbi0 as the host.

    All of the finished entries are available here: DOWNLOAD LINK
    The problem is just Direfury refused to re-upload his entry dunno why. And seems like some contestants were gone inactive. Perhaps you can attach the file to their posts somewhere?
    Does Facebook count? :p

    No, really, if you have to know, I'm really mostly not online on such services out of two
    reasons, and they are both related to what I normally do when I'm on my computer.

    Either I'm playing some sort of video game, in which case I find it bothersome to go
    back and forth between the game and the chatting client. Or I'm writing. And when
    I'm writing, I can't have any disturbances, at all.
    I was unaware that you were the Countess!
    How does life treat you Ralle? Having a nice 2015?
    Because I rarely "hang" on Skype, it meddles with my processing speed.
    If that is the proper technical term for it, basically it makes my PC slow.

    I usually work on a "contact me if you want to talk to me" Skype basis.
    I just wanted to apologize for my actions.I was going through a hard time and couldn't think straight.
    Greetings good sir.I dropped by to thank you for creating this site so I have many great custom maps to play
    Okay sorry about that, seems I am just tired and mistaken single player for multi player. I'd rather now keep the thread closed if you don't mind. If only there was a take back PM's button. . . My apologies for wasting time, hope you read this before the 2 PM's.
    Hmm... Okay then, I will tell Kyrbi0 about this. I don't mind to make the list if he is busy tho. Hehe

    Check his profile, he has posted the list but on his own profile.

    This is the list of reward.

    Score Rep Entry Name
    85.24 50+5 Blessed Ranger Cokemonkey11
    84.55 35+5 Banshee Queen Dalvengyr
    74.09 25+5 Arch Druid Kyrbi0
    68.87 5 Artificer Cosmicat
    68.48 5 Dark Sorceror Mythic
    67.76 5 Nathrezim Agent Wa666r
    60.57 5 Pirate Captain DED1
    57.01 5 Grand Marshal Footman16
    51.97 5 Fire Knight Shadow Fury
    51.52 5 Marksman Rufus
    51.35 5 Arcanist Direfury
    40.32 5 Elven Shadow AngkySaputra
    20.38 5 Goblin Sappers A Void
    And 10pts for every judges below.

    And this is the links to their posts.

    Kyrbi0 - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2636956-post27.html
    Footman16 - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2637154-post29.html
    Dalvengyr - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2637228-post31.html
    Cokemonkey11 - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2637307-post34.html
    Shadow Fury - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2645332-post39.html
    Cosmicat - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2645345-post40.html
    Mythic - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2645588-post42.html

    Kam - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2602906-post26.html
    Bannar - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2629818-post6.html
    Softmints - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2628723-post105.html
    He missed AngkySaputra - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/arena-226/results-hero-contest-7-classic-260606/index3.html#post2645491
    Which part you don't understand?

    For which contest?
    The answer is on my first VM.

    To which post links? How much rep?
    That's why I asked you. Have you got the list of them? You wanted everyone to make a post containing their entries, now everyone except Direfury have posted their entries. Then Kyrbi0 (the contest host) said he will send the list to you. And then I ask you, have you received the list from him?
    I was just asking, gz..

    Have you recieved the complete entry list of this contest result?
    Hello again, Ralle sir. Have you recieved the complete entry list of this contest result? I think everyone has posted their entries except Direfury. Seems like he has lost his entry, so what we're gonna do?

    I deleted the map after I submitted it for testing. Not that it matters, I've long since stopped caring about the contest.

    Consider me out or something, I don't care.
    I found this: LINK (all entries)
    But Direfury refused to re-upload his entry.

    [15-59-50] :user: Direfury: I've already said, I don't care about the contest anymore
    Something simple, yet descriptive like:
    Congratulations on winning 1st/2nd/3rd place in 2015's Christmas Terraining Contest in Kaelicious!
    Yeah, the group was created by Vengeancekael some years ago. For his contests, he simply repped winners through random latest posts :)
    Howdy, Ralle? You seem busy. :)

    Btw, can you hand over SecondHand's resources in to this (Dalvengyr) account. I kinda wanted to fix some of them.

    Hey, I'm sorry I forgot... But apparently everyone has posted their entries on the main Results thread, and is awaiting their Rep (and at this point, if anyone's missing, they can get it later :p).

    So yeah. Sorry about that. :<
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