• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • GAH! That's right. No, I'm sorry (I have it saved somewhere, but we had a huge storm & lost power, so my computer downed itself and I may have lost it there), but I do remember. Unfortunately from this point on my weekend pretty much fills itself (family - work-work-work-family-church), but perhaps after this weekend I can take a whack at it. Or if I'm procrastinating something else.

    (Lol... When I'm on, I'm posting here & there, responding super-fast... When I'm not on, everything just takes a light-speed leap forward without me. xD)
    When it comes to religion in general the US is seen as such. Just look at how your presidents (no matter which party) often tend to end their speeches.
    Ehh... I see where you could get that understanding, but in my opinion that 'final epithet' is little more than lip-service at this point. I had my hopes up for Romney in 2012, but... c'est la vie.

    Heh yeah you have a good point in every country beings God's country. I guess if one in particular should be chosen it would be Israel.
    Hehe... There's more to that than you know. We do believe ("we" being members of the LDS faith, rather than just "all Americans") that both that part of the Middle East (Jerusalem) and (a part of) America (the 'New Jerusalem') will be pivotal & important places in these end times. So the whole "America" being important... Yeah, there's a bit of that. : )

    I think I would like to end this conversation now. I have the feeling I am degrading where I shouldn't be.
    I'm up for talking about anything else :p
    Yeah, that's good (though you're not degrading anything, by any means). I don't have anything off the top of my head (need love advice? IMMA DA BOMB! xD), so just hit me up if you have anything to say. Cheers.
    Oh no, not at all. Sorry, I've just been kept bsy.

    That is true, stereotypes are generally the 'extreme' traits of a given race/class/etc that are accentuated & described above all else.

    That's interesting. I asked because I honestly didn't know what "non-USers" thought of the US (I know many Muslim countries appear to hate us (stereotype? or poor news coverage illuminating only the truth they wish us to see? CONSPIRACY!!). I'm surprised and somewhat gratified other countries consider us "religious", though 'fanaticism' isn't always good. : )

    And yeah, we are "God's own country". :p ... Although since He made it all, I'd argue that 'so are many other places'. : )
    Just a question, whats the thing about using gay porn as avatars? lol
    PD: im gay (for real)
    A harbour could also be implemented. A good place for fish merchants or perhaps some fish auction?
    It's a bit late for that. The city terrain is already done. He needs only trigger-wise ideas as I've seen.
    actually I meant the timed lightning system as I've seen it as well (though I have never had any need for it imo).
    I tried to point out that while having dummies is easier to do, creating/managing units is a heavy process - you could see some fps drops if there were e.g. 3 units casting this chain lightning with dummies.

    For example I had spell called apocalypse that works similarly to rain of fire (fiery projectiles fall down from sky), but these just cause some damage in the area around the point of impact and then it all ended with around 20 fires all around the area of the spell.
    I first made this whole thing using timed dummies and I got drops from 60 to 25-30 fps, then I changed it all into timers and special effects instead of dummies and got from 60 to around 55 fps.
    Actually sorry gotta go to sleep. I will check it tomorrow. I have been creating some t-shirt logo for my sister and I was busy.

    See ya!
    This model is so heavy it will fall through the ground.
    xD damn boy:)
    I'm gonna say this: What in hell's name? 0_o I think that the pixies have cursed your PC:)

    Yeah, I think you'd be surprised at how prevalent... and how painfully wrong such stereotypes are. Across the board; I'd be surprised if more than a few gays/lesbians are as they are portrayed in news & media (or rednecks, or asians, or nerds/jocks/goths, or middle management, etc). Stereotypes are useful tools for people to gain a foothold of understanding about a person; a beginning of knowledge from which to build. It's when that foothold becomes the only hold and the entire platform of consciousness, does it become a problem.

    Yes (how is that more startling? Here in America we thrive on cultural differences. And bacon, but that's another story) :p

    Sure thing.
    Yeah, it is better. However, telling him to stop asking questions is basically countering the whole idea of what Computer Tech is for. :p
    Not to sound condescending. But I can better see how my avatar is a thorn in your eye knowing this.
    Actually I'm surprised that you didn't make a bigger fuzz about it. Thank you for that.
    ? I'm not sure how that could be seen as 'condescending'... If one were Satanist, I'd understand how my anti-Satan comments might be cause for alarm, for example. :p

    And yeah, that's the thing; 'making a bigger fuss' wouldn't have gotten me anywhere any faster than I already got myself. I may be a man of faith, and I may be surrounded by the homosexual controversy, but I have friend(s) that are gay; I don't see why we adults can't have rational, polite discussions & disagreements on the matter.

    I will from now on direct my Christianity questions your way.
    Sure thing. I await with anticipation. : )
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) I was going to post a comment qouting yours and saying "This." but it would take so much more effort. So, I decided to give you rep with this really long comment. :)
    i was just saying that you're probably making lesbianese race (that gay pic of yours) and you've got two fellows in making it, Magtheridon and Wazzz

    it's just a joke though xD
    The lack of communication on a possible deadline extension, and the fact that I am going to have a busy next week, makes me exit the contest.
    So a Mormon? (My knowledge is very limited on the different branches of Christianity)
    Ah yes. Indeed, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon). Good guess. If you have/had any questions on us or other branches of Christianity, let me know.

    Yeah such experiences can lead to, shall we call it low self esteem? Because I guess that's the root of the matter.
    Which, if we go really into it, probably stems from something in your pre adolescent life.
    That could be a long conversation ;)
    Perhaps. I would not be surprised.
    That's a personal "issue" if I may use that term. I myself couldn't care less. Well that's not entirely true. I do have an upper limit. Lol anyway.
    The example is exactly what I was talking about. Would it have been better if you never got to know her age?
    As impossible as that would be (to not know your spouse's age), yeah, it would've been better I suppose.
    However, it's definitely just me and definitely a personal issue; I feel that I have a mild case of 'inferiority complex'. I discovered (on my LDS mission, where we spend 2 years 'fused at the hip' with some other dude(s, anywhere from 5 to 15 but only 1 or 2 at a time) as you wander around the world teaching the gospel) that I tended to take a lower, subservient position in my relationships with others (esp. guys (to whom hierarchy is important) especially). This "self-deprecation" made me *even lower* when I was paired with some dude who was older/out longer than me... But somehow, made myself feel as 'equals' or 'peers' to the dudes who were younger/out less than me.
    Thus I determined that my wife would need to be younger than me for me to feel 'equal' to her.

    PSYCHE. ^_^ But it's working out. Oh the follies of youth.


    On the topic of "upper limit", I kinda agree. Sorta. See, the older you get, the less (I feel) it matters. Ultimately you're just all adults, and a 30ish-yr-old dating a nearly 50ish-yr-old? Not so weird, except when you consider the ~20yr difference. :<

    Take my parents for example; now, in their late 40's/50's, the 7.5yr difference isn't a big deal... But it *was* when you think about how my dad was in college (technically, at 17) while my mom was in elementary school. At *that* age, that's a criminal offense, lol. :p

    Done. To spare you the "embarrassment" I left the author's name out ;)
    Nonsense! I've been quoted for dumber. Let my awexomeness spread through the site. : )
    Yeah well. Usually I assume people are my age when first encountering them or mentioning them.
    After a while you will get a better idea of what their real age is, without mentioning it, I should add.
    That's true, and I agree that (for better or for worse) that's something I tend to do as well (assume people are my peers until 'proven guilty' :p). The consistency of a users' posts can sometimes lead me astray, I'll admit.

    I never ever ask for a person's age. For some reason, you can have a perfect friendship with another user until you realize they are 10 years younger or older than you. I don't know why, but for me at least, most of the time it just gets weird.
    That's humorous, because I was totally going to give you my age & ask for yours in my previous VM, but simply forgot. I guess I'm glad I did. :<

    And if it's any consolation, I have had to go through that in a RL sort of way; My wife is about 4.5yrs older than me (and me, of all people; I always said I'd marry someone younger than me), and we have had to communicate deeply about the pre-/mis-conceptions that arise based on our age differential. But it can be worked through (is my point).

    Can I... uhm, can I use that quote "older peeps are usually older" as my signature? :p
    Heh, sure why not. :p
    There are a lot of ifs and buts when comparing join date and post count to a user's age. That's why I find it presumptuous to bring that on the table. I bet I'm in the higher age range of the users here even though I only "recently" joined.
    Bringing age into anything when it comes to internet communication is a quick and easy way to start a war on words. Often including the phrases; "shut up kid", "isn't it past your bedtime?" and "your mama".
    Anyway. That's the reason why I try to avoid bringing up age in any event, jolly or grave. It always ends bad at some point.
    Excellent point; and another reason I'm glad I never do stuff like that. : )

    That being said, your point is taken & also indicates that I did a poor job of research; going off of just the Join Date is, you're right, dumb. I try and go off of join date, reputation, posts, threads, all that stuff... But I didn't take the time to do so for this whole shebang, unfortunately. Definitely my bad.

    By the way. This; "older peeps are usually older", taken out of context, is pretty lol ^^
    Lawl, can't believe I typed that... Way-to-proofread, self. xD

    I think you chose the right answer here. Whether or not it's actually true I can, and will probably, never find out. But I'll accept it as true.
    My concern is based on the fact (relative to the eyes reading of course), that you brought some form of intelligence undermining into the discussion.
    Let's leave it. It doesn't matter anymore.
    Fair enough.

    You did a great job fencing that off however.
    Lol, I appreciate that.
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