• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • honestly I have no idea how you did that (it should link to my profile)- but thanks and consider me amazed, you just linked it to a post it has not been connected with for 3 years.
    Thanks again, the triggers work. I'll need to fix a small issue I have with the filter but that's going to be when I get back to my OVH project again. If I'll need your help I'll call right away!

    One more thing, because of you I discovered that my jass wasn't working, that's why some codes were giving me errors had to reinstall it again, haven't even noticed this till now.
    Awesome, this really helps. I'll evaluate it more and will talk after I finish my home cleaning.
    Thank you very much, no I know that I'm going to mention you in my project credits.

    I also wanted to learn jazz precisely so that I could use the cinema workshop instead of the leafable native stuff, I mean c'mon! People who know that stuff must be laughing at me for using ancient stuff. Alas I am having no time.
    The problem is I don't understand jass and I don't need all the other stuff, just the simple code for the filter unit to work. Then if you know could you send me a small sample explanation for dumb people if you feel like wasting time.

    Thank for that code earlier I'll try it.
    Indeed. In fact, I'm working on a huge update! 25 major updates and counting, including Death Knight AI and plenty of new and rebuilt custom abilities.
    Wit a dummy filter more efx could be achieved like bloom, depth of field, Dynamic decals whatever you can think of...
    Like this image from my project, It's photoshopped but I can make it look exactly like that.
    Normal fade filters also work but wc3 has a problem which makes them shaded in global illumination "read the script form cinemaworksop", furthermore if you have a moving camera and want a dynamic filter a dummy unit is the way to go. I can't make more complex stuff with the regular wc3 filters.
    Guess I'll have to send you the map example, haven't testes what you said yet cause I've been feeling sick but could work...
    Better yet for reference take a look at the "Cinema Workshop". I would use that filter script instead but I don't know how to make it work without all the other libraries, Only need a filter unit like that!
    I am trying to match the dummy filter model to the camera so I asked about scaling because it's too troublesome to adjust the dummy every time there's a new camera or scene and it doesn't work right. Something like the dummy unit filter from the "cinemaworkshop map".
    Like this image here, It looks fine because I got lucky and got it right but I failed at all other scenes...FRUSTRATING! If it doesn't work I'll depend on you.
    Omg, Omg, Omg! Thank you so much for the wonderful lovely answer, Kiaaa... Ok I exaggerated a little. Dude, you are the first person to give me a straight answer to this question since I started asking around in 2012.
    Now to see if it works...
    Ok since I don't get what kind of answer is that I'll skip to the question-->
    I am trying to make a dummy units scale to match the camera perfectly (almost is good enough).
    It's too troublesome to learn this stuff myself so I'm asking everywhere.
    If I still don't get any answer I might consider joining the jass class. Coding is the thing I suck at most.
    Obviously get scale X Y Z of camera does not work
    function Trig_Setup_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    set udg_u = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', 0.00, 0.00, 0.00)
    call UnitAddAbility(udg_u, 'Amrf')
    call UnitRemoveAbility(udg_u, 'Amrf')
    set udg_Offset = 0.00
    set udg_FlyHeight = 0.00
    set udg_Angle = 0.00
    call SetUnitFlyHeightBJ( udg_u, udg_FlyHeight, 0.00 )

    function InitTrig_Setup takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_Setup = CreateTrigger( )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Setup, function Trig_Setup_Actions )

    function Trig_The_Code_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local real x = GetCameraTargetPositionX()
    local real y = GetCameraTargetPositionY()
    call SetUnitX(udg_u, x + udg_Offset * Cos(bj_DEGTORAD * udg_Angle))
    call SetUnitY(udg_u, y + udg_Offset * Sin(bj_DEGTORAD * udg_Angle))

    function InitTrig_The_Code takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_The_Code = CreateTrigger( )
    call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_The_Code )
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic( gg_trg_The_Code, 0.03 )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_The_Code, function Trig_The_Code_Actions )

    If you don't know then maybe I can apologize to you by showing my manly awesomeness!
    It seems that when I was experimenting with nicknames, I got some location's name from DS2. :D
    congratulations ! update u r map 1.06 !
    hehehe , nothing but can i get unprotect map ver 1.05 ?
    for translate , for study .. and so on

    PS. korean users love banjboall so much XD very funny :>
    ummmm you told me about it before. I am not sure if I watched it. is it the one that has some weird creatures that has hands and is full of blood? and the evil guys do expirements on these creature (that you gave me at september) but I dont remember this red haired girl in there...
    <WaterKnight> ^muss heute wirklich nichts machen
    <WaterKnight> einer sagt seine map lädt nicht, ich sage sie ist korrupt, gibt mir gleich beim ersten reply rep aber versteht es richtig auf der 2ten seite
    <WaterKnight> ein anderer hat fatal error in seiner map, ich bitte ihn upzuloaden
    <WaterKnight> er tuts nicht und gibt mir stattdessen rep "top secret, you get repz"
    <menag> :D
    <WaterKnight> und garfield hat mir noch mitleidsrep gegeben
    <WaterKnight> der gar nichts in erstem thread geschrieben hatte
    <WaterKnight> aber sah, dass ich mühe hatte, dem typ das zu erklären^^
    <WaterKnight> und muzzel gibt mir ab und zu trollrep
    ahh maybe that's not problem. becuz when u r update the map and i'll check patch log and apply to korea banjoball map .
    maybe u can give unprotect map, send to my email address
    but never mind it we can play english banjoball and understand all of the skills , system and so on
    hi garfield1337,
    i'm from korea and i am soccer map editor
    and u r banjoball is very famous map in korea
    but different languages ( korean,english ), many players come hard to play .
    so, i wan't translate u r banjoball and need unprotect map:vw_death:

    thank u for make bajoball and reading this text.
    korean soccer map website = http://cafe.naver.com/wscommunity
    and my Email = [email protected]

    Because lack of language skills Please understand that using a translator. and wait for u r answer : >
    e jedno prosto pitanje.......posto imam problem sa radnikom u mapi....peon model a summon zgrade kao undead umesto da ih gradi.....i onda se desi problem da cak i kad se zgrada summon.....on i dalje udara po zgradi kao da je i dalje summon-uje ("work" animacija ne staje).....Tako da pokusavam da pomocu triggera namestim da kad radnik zavrsi summon zgrade, da trigger pusti njegovu "stand" animaciju...E sad problem je sto stavim ovako:

    Event: unit starting building construction
    Condition: unit type of triggering unit egual to "worker"
    Action: play "triggering" unit stand animation

    E sad ovo triggering unit ne radi, pa sam hteo da te pitam koja klasifikacija se odnosi na onog koji gradi (radnika).......Jel to "ordered unit" (sigurno nije) ili nesto drugo?
    jedan mali savet kako da edit trigger u mojoj mapi. Trigger je prost ali sam ja zapucao....Naime trigger na kraju igre racuna koji od 12 igraca ima najveci skor i proglasava ga pobednikom...E sad treba mi akcije da trigger detektuje ako 2 ili vise igraca imaju isti, tj pobednicki skor...... Eo ga triger ako hoces da pogledas: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=25lbcx
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