• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Would you be able to show me how to create a unlimited amount bags/inventory systems in gui?
    I will:)
    I finally got the interest in TimerUtiles and I actually saw the thread about TimerHandles and read through that:)
    I think your TimerHandle makes it easier. Or TimedHandles(I don't remember which one it is!!!)
    Why did u delete your Save/Load system??? i liked it :( i wanted to use it but i dont got it and i cant find it anymore... can you send me it or something?
    I believe I can't stop getting banned if I'm permabanned from chat?
    The forums I still can access. I've never been banned from forums.
    im not thinking in getting a review or anything, just wanted to know if i made a mistake in the coding.

    but then nevermind :p

    thanks anyways ^^
    I have a question to ask. You said (when you reviewed my spell in SCII beta key contest) that i didn't recycle. I wonder, was it a mistake from you or i really did miss something? because if i did then would be good to know where i'am making a mistake to improve my programming :)

    Thanks ^^
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Thanks to you for reviewing the contest! I think it's not easy to compare over 20 different spells in 2 weeks.
    good job trigger :)
    you know you said you did about 10-15 spells today, you could've spread it out over a week or so... just 1 or 2 a night :p

    But anyway, procrastination ftw :D
    I hope your brain has not exploded into 1337 pieces :)
    Lolz, that was not my intention. :D
    I was actually aiming for a judgemental look, after telling me shame on you :p
    I am lying?
    I am not begging and I am not lying as well.
    Stop -repping me for things I did not make.
    If you don't finish the review I'll have to delete it and to upload it again.

    You should stop to insult me.
    Dude seriously, finish the review. You told me you will have it finished this week.
    Hey do you know where I can download an update for jasshelper... because I had to reinstall.. and now it bugs on '<something> optional undeclared'

    And its kind of annoying >_<

    btw, when do you hope to start / finish marking the spells ;)
    hey is the TheHelper.net up / down for you ?
    Because I need to download some system for my spell x) ( Don't need to... but its probably more effecient.. )
    From what I gather you're entire theme of the contest with the rules limits many branches of creativity, in a situation like mine I do not actually use the projectiles directly in the spell, I only use it on the ranged units that are setup in the demo. This means that even with the projectiles library in the demo map it is not directly used within the spell in any way, other than enumerating them (as units would be enumerated). I'm out of this stupid contest though, you clearly have a poor understanding of script functionality if you're going to disallow knock-back and group it in the same category as the caster system. I guarantee people will be using xe in one way or another anyways, which defeats the entire purpose because xe is a follow-up to the caster system.
    Okay, well seeing as how you're just ignoring my posts about allowed libraries I'm just going to assume that it's okay that I use my projectiles library for a valid submission because you're allowing people to use AutoIndex, which greatly exceeds anything that my projectiles system does.

    If you're going to invalidate my submission because of this then you clearly do not know enough about scripts to be making such newbie rules. You're telling me I can use 800 lines of code that I did not write while I cannot use 600 lines of code that I did write. That sounds pretty stupid to me, and if being a newbie who uses other people's code is going to be what wins this contest this this contest is for beginners and morons.
    Sorry, sorry... that was kalex3's rejected spells...
    I'll take a look at your coding and spells so I can post real opinion )
    Damn mistakes ^^'
    So you're the coder?
    Lol, I kept your GUI spell just at my notebook xD
    Or the Water pack is not yours?
    I got the lasts questions... some time ago, you post a script of keywords... is just to upload to the host?? and what is the format for that?
    im sorry for not going on Blizzvault.. :)
    So.. hows things? (im making a new map! hoping to finish it this time)
    good, it costs nothing to ask ...
    I and some friends are trying to do a forum based on world editor, but we are not englishs, this is the reason to the forum, for us help us ... the only problem is .. we do not got the bbcodes
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