• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • No you just put in under you'r lip and you get a good taste and get your nicotine =) No damage done =)
    Haha yeah snuff is good ^^. xD Hahaha well it's not healthy but it's still much much more healtier than ciggaretts xD
    i'll break the silence!
    you posted in my thread here something about an Earth's Fury bonus mod. What were you referring to?
    ohhh... u will find one dun worry
    lol learning vJASS ? gl on it cos i dun know anything about it too ^^
    barcen gan ?? dun understand :confused:
    DeftheLynn said:
    0 Your message was reported. You might not be as lucky next time. Simply report the wrongly placed thread if you spot one. These posts are dispensable.
    I never created desert terrain so I don't know :D
    If you have some pictures to show me that will be nice :xxd:
    How, just tell me and I will :D
    You must work alone, again, again, again and again! :D
    I tried over 500 different wc3 maps, and I am still just advanced because I don't know everything! I mean I opened many maps and still I am learning, some small thing from each one!

    What can I say, find tutorials and learn,work hard there is no other way :D
    I can check you work ofc and give tips if you want...
    Sure can I will get round to it within a day or 2 :p

    Looking forward to reviewing your map,
    Lag_Reviews :D

    PS: Sit tight and wait for my awesome review... It'll come even if it takes a week :)
    dunno if I will continue working on it.
    But if I finish it, I upload it here. So yes, then you can use it.
    ok deft i now know why u are depressed... cos its just too difficult to make one and so damm srry i too is not able to make it ...
    I have a week free. I could give it a shot :) I'm just not sure the quality would be great, but gimme something to make and I'll try.
    I mean, yeah me too. I always work alone and that's why I can't finish anything right :(

    Got skype?
    I'm not used to working with orders... Barely have done that. Are u good with giving ideas? :p

    Well, u wanna be a part of the team ? :)
    10x man :p

    That system will really help me. I like it! I'll implement it right away :)+Rep
    oh yeah, I forgot about those raptors

    Velociprey - blue
    Giaprey - light blue
    Ioprey - red orange
    Genprey - use current color
    Jaggi - use another raptor model, then tint it orange
    Baggi - use the top model, but blueish
    Okay, I just recently started (yeah, been busy), I started with the Felyne.

    Also, here's the list of models I will not make.
    Bullfango - just use ingame spirit pig model
    Kelbi - Tinted Deer
    Popo - Use the current one
    Remobra - use the Nage Flying unit (forgot name)
    Daimyo Hermitaur - I see Amigurumi is making it, after he made it, just ask him to make a hermitaur version. Same with the plum one, ask him to change the texture of the crab.
    Ceanataur - ask him again to change the crab texture.
    Shogun Ceanataur - just scale the model, then for the Terra Shogun, use the Hermitaur model scaled up.
    Kamu Orugaron and Nono Orugaron - use the wolves ._.

    That's all, the rest will be easy, why? Because almost all of them walks in two feet with wings. I'll just make one model, and edit it for everyone :D.

    I'm just helping you decrease the filesize.
    Ok, thank you very much.
    About the autocast problem? Do u know anything? (Or should I just an acid bomb spell with different order ID? )
    U said u are advanced GUI and some jass.
    Are u willing to help me with my goblin ORPG ?
    Wow.... i had 1875 characters in this message, but for some STUPID REASON, they all got deleted when i tried to send it D: Ill send you my review as like a three maybe four part thing later... Time to go be depressed D:
    ok i tried it out
    increase the energy cos i feel its kinda little same thing to the sharpness
    terrain was superb =)
    will try it out more througly 2morrow gotta sleep X_X
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