• πŸ† Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. πŸ”—Click here to enter!
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This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

This map is developed with the 1.31 editor.

This is my entry for Hiveworkshop's 16th mini-map contest.
Mini Mapping Contest #16 - Mini RPG


Humanity lost the great war against demons. The world of men has turned to darkness, and no life exists between heaven and hell. The upper heavenly echelons, also known as seraphs, banished all demons to Sheol, and closed the gate. Seraphiel, the leader of the seraphs, is not content with the demons being banished to Sheol. He wants to destroy them all, but he can't venture into Sheol on his own. He summons a spirit, manifested from the anger and hatred of human souls that are trapped in Sheol. He sends the spirit on a quest to vanquish the remaining demons, and bring peace to the souls that are trapped in Sheol.





Credits List

Known Issues

Change Log

You move by holding, and moving the 'RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON'. You attack units by clicking 'A' and then choosing your target. Using the right mouse button to target enemies, does not work.

The map has a map-wide puzzle that revolves around the GEM OF DEATH and the GEM OF LIFE. The two gems attracts shades of life or shades of death, depending on which gem you are holding. The shades drops souls that restores either HP or Mana, depending on what shade you killed. Death soul restores mana, and life soul restores HP. These gems are your only means of HP and Mana management.

The gems will fade after they have stayed in your inventory for more than 2 minutes, and will then be returned to its drop zone. Drop zones are spread out around the map, and they are marked with either a red, or yellow circle. Drop the gems in the drop zones to open gates and activate secrets. When you die the gems will be returned to their last activated drop zones.

Information for noobs!
(click the spoiler only if you're bad and can't beat the map without this information :p)
  • Shades: Normal unit, no spells. Low HP, low DMG. Drops souls on the ground when they die. Souls grants HP or mana when consumed.
  • Skeleton: Normal melee unit with low HP and low DMG.
  • Ghost: Normal ranged unit with low HP and low DMG. Shoots a projectile that deals 100 HP on impact. Dodge the projectile.
  • Gargoyle: Normal flying unit with low HP and moderate DMG.
  • Ethereal Fiend: Special invisible unit with low HP and low base DMG. Initially invisible, with smoke following it while it's invisible. Damage it with spells to break its invisibility. Breaking its invisibility with spells will make it take 200 DMG. If it sneaks up on you it will break stealth and deal 200 spell damage to you.
  • Zombie: Slow unit with low HP. If it dies it will explode, dealing high DMG. It self destructs if you're too close to it.
  • Spider: Normal unit with low HP and low DMG.
  • Spider Lord: Strong unit with high HP and high DMG. Shoots a web projectile. If hit by the web projectile you're ensnared to the ground, and take 20% increased damage from spiders while ensnared.
  • Shadow Fiend: Special caster unit with high HP and dangerous spell. Casts AoE blizzard style spell, but every projectile deals AoE damage. Dodge it at all costs.
  • Lesser Demon: Strong unit with high HP and high base DMG. Casts an impale kind of spell, but the impact is instant and has no stun. Move to the side to avoid it.

Stay close to him at all times. You can take some hits from him as his base DMG is weak. If you go too far he will shoot a hook style skull missile that instantly teleports you to him. If you are hit he will instantly initiate his devastating melee attack. His melee attack is a flurry of many blows that deals heavy damage. The trick is to move behind him when he does this. Keep killing the shades that spawns to keep their numbers low, and to keep getting mana.
The boss fight starts with two wards that makes both the witch and Samuel invulnerable. Samuel regularly charges, and the witch regularly casts a laser beam spell. If hit by the charge you take damage, and you're stunned. Make Samuel charge into the wards to stun him, and to deal heavy damage to the wards.

When the wards are dead you can start killing Samuel and the witch. Kill Samuel first, as the witch will start draining Samuel's HP when she gets lower HP. If you're too close to the witch for an extended period of time she will teleport away and instantly fire a projectile that deals heavy damage if it hits you.

After the wards are dead you can interrupt the witch's laser by making Samuel charge into her. This will stun both of them, and Samuel takes heavy damage.

When Samuel is dead, make sure you absorb the grand soul to get full HP and mana. After that the witch should be easy to kill.
Beelzebub has three spells, and it constantly spawns wards around the field that fires projectiles. Projectiles deals 50 damage. Make sure you don't let the wards become too many as you will have trouble dodging all the projectiles.

Beelzebub's most dangerous spell is a simple slam ability. He raises his front hooves, and slams the ground. It deals 600 damage. Make sure to watch his movements closely, and move away as fast as you can when you see/hear him initiating the slam.

Beelzebub's main spell makes him split into four pieces at the North, South, East and West. Three of them are clones, and one of them is the real one. There spawns an orb in the middle that keeps firing a lightning into you that deals damage over time. If you hit the wrong clone, the clone disappears and the orb deals more damage. If all clones are depleted the orb will instantly be fired as a projectile at the hero, then exploding when it's close. It's impossible to dodge the orb. If you hit the right clone the orb and all the clones will disappear. Beelzebub will then immediately initiate his slam ability so be sure to run away asap.

His last spell is a teleport/projectile spells. He will keep teleporting around the field, and fire three projectile that moves in front of him. Simply dodge the projectiles. When he's done teleporting around he will instantly initiate his clone spell.
Abaddon has a lot of different spells, and mostly casts them in random order.

Spell 1: Abaddon summons a ring of fire that moves in circles in the outskirts of the field. This restricts where you are able to move safely. Lasts 13 seconds.

Spell 2: Abaddon stomps his hoove in front of him, and shoots a fire projectile in front of him that deals damage over time if you're too close to it. Move to the side to avoid it.

Spell 3: (explosion ability) - Abaddon stomps his hoove in the ground, and creates an enormous fire explosion that moves to the north, south, east and west. Stand somewhere south-east or south-west to be safe. If hit by the fire you take heavy damage over time.

Spell 4: Abaddon teleports away, and summons 4 wards that moves in a circle. Each ward has a beam of fire that moves with it. Destroy the ward to destroy the fire beam. You can stand safely and grind shades on 4 smaller platforms located on the outskirts of the boss field. If you stay too long however a huge sword will slam the platform and deal heavy damage. When all four wards are destroyed Abaddon will teleport to the middle of the field, and instantly initiate his explosion ability.

Spell 5: Abaddon teleports away and summons one ward in the middle of the field. The wards shoots fire projectiles, and spins around. The longer it lives, the more frequently it fires projectiles, and the faster it spins. Kill it as fast as you can or else it will become devastating. When it dies Abaddon will teleport to the middle of the field, and instantly initiate his explosion ability.

Spell 6: (Armageddon) - Abaddon will start to channel, and meteors will rain from the sky. Their impact location is marked by a marker, so avoid those places. The longer Abaddon is allowed to channel, the more frequently the meteors will fire, until they fire so rapidly that dodging them is an absolute impossibility. Use your charge ability to stop Abaddon from channeling. Make sure you don't miss as there is a cooldown on charge, and in the time it takes to cool down Armageddon will have reached its full potential.

  • This is a total conversion map.
  • Diablo-style movement system.
  • Fully voice acted by hired voice actors.
  • Respawn sytem.
  • Beautiful and unique terrain.
  • 4 boss fights.
  • Overhauled unit AI.
  • Gem puzzle.
  • Only custom items, with 2 different item sets.

(This list is a work in progress and will be constantly updated. Please send me a message if you see your resource in my map without having been credited.)

1 (Issue) - Some doodads are flickering in the Beelzebub cinematic.
1 (Solution) - N/A.

2 (Issue) - Picking up or dropping items can be complicated due to the movement system.
2 (Solution) - Stand close to items to pick them up. Use the drop/pick up abilities to drop and pick up the gems. The abilities are implemented for this very reason.

3 (Issue) - Laser sound can persist after killing witch.
3 (Solution) - Type 'sound'.

3 (Issue) - Sometimes you can get stuck while using the laser beam spell.
3 (Solution) - Use the 'thereisnospoon' cheat and disable the laser beam spell, then disable the cheat by typing 'thereisnospoon' again.

4 (Issue) - Using the Blizzard save/load function will break the laser spell, and make it possible to use it regardless if your mana drops below 6.
4 (Solution) - Don't use the Blizzard save/load function. Use the respawn system.

If for any reason you get stuck or bugged, simply type 'kill'. This will kill the hero, and respawn it. It should solve most bugs, if any.

  • 29.02.2020 - V 1.0.0 - Initial release.
  • 03.02.2020 - v 1.0.1 - Cleaned some leaks. Changed the movement system to be classic Warcraft III movement system, and leaving the ARPG movement system optional by typing 'movement' in-game. This can be changed at any time.
  • 03.02.2020 - v 1.0.2 - Made Mammon easier. Reduced his HP from 2500 to 2000, and decreased the skull damage from 150 to 75. Also reduced damage of melee spell impacts from 75 to 50.




















Sheol (Map)

For a full review watch the first one. The final boss was good, and I liked the fight. Despite a very weird bug that I was not able to replicate and me not liking the way you fixed the ray bug (but I understand why you did it this way) I can't see any...
Since some of you have voiced concerns that the map is too hard, I post these videos, showing me beating all bosses in the first try. I even make some mistakes here and there, so they are by no means unbeatable, or too hard.

Watch only if you aren't able to beat the bosses without it;


Witch of Endor:



Sorry for not recording the sound. I just bought a new headset and forgot to choose the headset as audio output. If you want to hear the voice acting, awesome music, and awesome immersive boss fight sounds you should play it and check for yourself :p
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Question: my Unnamed at level 1 have to fight with Mammon? I'm not sure if there is other way I can walk. If not, and I ahve to beat him , it's damn difficult for me.
I read tips here (avoid hook-like missle, stay close) but I cannot kill bastard ..
After respawn he is full hp, maybe I don't play enough generally . Any more tips for n00b :)

Learn aprox. how long the cooldown of his melee attack spell is, then you run behind him and attack from behind when he activates that. Kill the occasional shade for mana to deal extra damage with your spell. Stay close to him and avoid the hook at all times.
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
After respawn he is full hp, maybe I don't play enough generally . Any more tips for n00b
Don't expect to win in one go. It's not quite Warcraft III. Study your opponents even if that means dying a couple of times.
I'm telling you, this is one of the easier maps out here.

@FeelsGoodMan spoiler tags man...
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Targeting is really clumsy and already makes the first boss battle a chore.

Well designed but gameplay is lacking severely.
You even put a helmet model on the head of the separate skeleton model. How insane can you be? :D
Hah, I'm actually really surprised that you noticed. Yeah I did :p

UPDATE: I have changed the movement system and reverted to classic Warcraft III movement. You can swap movement systems any time by typing 'movement'.
Got a gamebreaking bug where the laser skill you get from the boss didnt deactivate at zero mana. Couldn't cancel it or do any actions. Luckily I had a gem of life to spawn things that eventually killed me; had I not I would have been stuck forever. Should add a -suicide command for situations like that.

As for the map itself, it's pretty well done but the whole resource system just annoyed the heck out of me to the point where I didn't bother with it at all and went for straight auto attacker build. The damage the shades do to you is not worth the temporary 10 mana, that drains over time(double wtf?).... especially with how hard the shades are to click and how they block me from clicking the boss. I get you're trying to be unique and/or hard but really, the whole resource thing is just annoying and turned me off from using any spells.

Edit: As you get later into the game and get more aoe spells(namely the stomp) the souls get easier to deal with and that makes it decent but at that point it's too late because there's only the final boss left... and you definitely DO NOT WANT to fight the shades there because of all the stuff you have to dodge...Being forced to bring in the gems was annoying, I ended up dropping the gems as soon as I started the fight.
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Got a gamebreaking bug where the laser skill you get from the boss didnt deactivate at zero mana. Couldn't cancel it or do any actions. Luckily I had a gem of life to spawn things that eventually killed me; had I not I would have been stuck forever. Should add a -suicide command for situations like that.
If you check the known issues tab you'll see that this is written down, and that there's already a suicide command (kill). It can also be solved by typing thereisnospoon and then deactivating it. Just remember to also deactivate the cheat.

It's too bad you didn't like the resource system, I can agree it's maybe not for everyone. I wanted to make an alternative way to handle mana and HP management, where you you have the potential to never run out of mana if you play right. I have played many maps that gives you a lot of potions, but that normally ends up with you having way too many potions in your inventory, or you run out of them rendering you unable to deal with the enemies you're facing. Here you have mana, and you're able to get out of really sticky situations by simply killing a couple of shades. It can take a bit of time getting used to it, and some practice to handle it perfectly, but after a while it goes automatic. With the attack build you will two-shot them anyway, then you get enough mana to use the W spell (melee cleave spell) which is devastating with the attack build.

It is unfortunate that you had issues clicking the boss. Did you try changing movement systems to see if it got better? I personally have found combat the easiest when using Diablo movement and attacking by using the attack hotkey.

and you definitely DO NOT WANT to fight the shades there because of all the stuff you have to dodge
Watch the video in my second post, then you see me fight shades through the whole boss fight :p

Thanks a lot for your feedback! Unfortunately I can't change any of the things you mentioned right now as it's a part of a contest, and I will be penalized quite hard for updating my map at this point.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Okay so. Partial review time. This partial review is needed for a bug happened that requires tackling. Before addresing that however, the review.

I love it. The color hue, the gridiness, the shadows, the fog, it all works so well to establish this limboesc sort of place. Great style, the music works perfectly. It's things like this that make me drop from contests :p it's too good to compete.

There is barely any, it can be resumed as "go kill bad guys in epic battle format". It works for itself and as the map is very self contained, the lack of depth doesn't hurt it.

Can't say I am a fan of having no mana at all. At least that's what it felt like for me, since outside of boss fights, goons didn't drop mana (souls) of any kind. I really liked the skills, which I will adress one at a time.

The shockwave thingy
I don't even remember it's name and that's because it was truly underwhelming. Almost no damage and I saw no use for the shockwave personally.

Momons cleave
Great spell, visually appealing, extremely useful, my go to spell

That guys Dash
I don't remember the demons name okay? in any case this spell is pretty weird, sometimes it would stun, sometimes it would not. Also, each time I used it I recovered 5 mana for a second. Is that intended?

Witch's ray
Okay... this one. Oh boi. What can I say. This spell is broken. Not because it doesn't work or because it deals too much damage, but because it's actually broken:
Now you may be wondering, what's wrong in this image? or may you saw it yourself. Well just in case you did not, the ray isn't stopping, even tho I ran out of mana long ago. Also the button to manually stop the ray is gone, it not only stopped me from being able to move (forcing me to restart the entire map because I tried to save and see if reloading would work... it didn't) but it dealt damage, with no cost at all. That can't be right.

Belsebab's Might
Didn't get to use this spell, but from what I saw from the boss fight it looks decent.

The map is incredible, while the difficulty might be a bit too hard for my liking, it is fun and engaging. Just that bugged spell is a big nono. I also have confidence on you fixing it. I'll get back on track on the map meanwhile.

Set to Awaiting update

Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A credits list is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated.

A changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
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since outside of boss fights, goons didn't drop mana (souls) of any kind.
Hmm that is really weird, can't say I have experienced this.
Almost no damage and I saw no use for the shockwave personally.
It's used best when lining up units and then firing it. Lining up 5-6 shades and then using it will either kill all the shades, or down them to low HP which means easy mana/HP souls.
sometimes it would stun, sometimes it would not.
If you read the spell tooltip you see that it doesn't stun shades.
Also, each time I used it I recovered 5 mana for a second. Is that intended?
Yes, that is also written in the spell tooltip.
Witch's ray
Okay... this one. Oh boi. What can I say. This spell is broken. Not because it doesn't work or because it deals too much damage, but because it's actually broken:
Now you may be wondering, what's wrong in this image? or may you saw it yourself. Well just in case you did not, the ray isn't stopping, even tho I ran out of mana long ago. Also the button to manually stop the ray is gone, it not only stopped me from being able to move (forcing me to restart the entire map because I tried to save and see if reloading would work... it didn't) but it dealt damage, with no cost at all. That can't be right.
This is written down in the "known issues" section in the map thread. The solution is to use 'thereisnospoon' then deactivate the spell.
too hard for my licking
Just lick harder :p
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
I never used that spell on shades because I knew that. But for example the etherial goon was also inmune to it apparently.
huh, don't remember seeing that in the spell tooltip.
Using a command to fix the issue is never perfect and I wish I knew this before... anyway, I guess it's a really hard thing to code...
I never used that spell on shades because I knew that. But for example the etherial goon was also inmune to it apparently.
No unit should be immune to it except the life/death shades, but the hitbox can be slightly wonky if you use it on a unit you're standing right next to. And Beelzebub's hitbox is also a bit weird when it comes to the dash.
huh, don't remember seeing that in the spell tooltip.
It's all the way at the bottom, in purple text.
Using a command to fix the issue is never perfect
I know it's not optimal, but it makes an otherwise game breaking bug very easy to circumvent.
anyway, I guess it's a really hard thing to code...
The thing is that you need a set amount of buffer mana to cast it, and the spell will automatically deactivate when reaching a certain mana value. So let's say you need 5 mana to initiate casting, and the spell also deactivates when you reach 5 mana. That means you are still able to cast the spell while having exactly 5 mana, but since you're already at 5 mana it won't deactivate since you reached 5 mana before the spell was initiated. I can take another look and see if I can find a proper way to fix it, but I feel like this spell shouldn't be a reason for setting the status to awaiting update when there's an easy way to fix it.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
The thing is that you need a set amount of buffer mana to cast it, and the spell will automatically deactivate when reaching a certain mana value. So let's say you need 5 mana to initiate casting, and the spell also deactivates when you reach 5 mana. That means you are still able to cast the spell while having exactly 5 mana, but since you're already at 5 mana it won't deactivate since you reached 5 mana before the spell was initiated. I can take another look and see if I can find a proper way to fix it, but I feel like this spell shouldn't be a reason for setting the status to awaiting update when there's an easy way to fix it.

You are right. Personally I recommend making the miminal treshold not equal to cast cost. I'll set it to approved as soon as I test the final boss.

So... I just permastunned Belsebab in this run... pretty funny. Dash OP.
I loved every second of the final battle btw, even tho the spinning fire totem thingy attack was the bane of my existance and made me loose most of the time (due to to fast rotation after breaking 2 totems), using the life and death gems as healing times was actually fun.
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So... I just permastunned Belsebab in this run... pretty funny. Dash OP.
Actually permastunned him as in him not being un-stunned?
I loved every second of the final battle btw
I'm glad you liked it.
the spinning fire totem thingy attack was the bane of my existance and made me loose most of the time (due to to fast rotation after breaking 2 totems)
The clue is to use your slam ability to take out all of them in one go. Just stand close enough to hit them all, but not so close that you get burned from the fire in the middle.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Actually permastunned him as in him not being un-stunned?

I'm glad you liked it.

The clue is to use your slam ability to take out all of them in one go. Just stand close enough to hit them all, but not so close that you get burned from the fire in the middle.

The thing is that I can never seem to get my mana high enough to use slam.
Also yes, he did not un-stun, which made the rest of the battle trivial.
The thing is that I can never seem to get my mana high enough to use slam.
Shades gives you 15 mana, slam costs 10. One shade is enough to use slam.
Also yes, he did not un-stun, which made the rest of the battle trivial.
That is really weird. Can you explain a little more closely what you did? Simply use the stun ability? What Warcraft version do you use? I have played through the map at least 30 times, and I have never experienced this.
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
Shades gives you 15 mana, slam costs 10. One shade is enough to use slam.

That is really weird. Can you explain a little more closely what you did? Simply use the stun ability? What Warcraft version do you use? I have played through the map at least 30 times, and I have never experienced this.

Yes, now that I remember I did use slam a few times but I didn't though of using it for totems.
As for the stun, yes, I simply used the dash, it was a diagonal-down dash (as in towards the start of the map feom Belzebab arena' pov). This happened only once and in 1.31. It was weird because I did use stun before and after and it worked as intended...
Yes, now that I remember I did use slam a few times but I didn't though of using it for totems.
As for the stun, yes, I simply used the dash, it was a diagonal-down dash (as in towards the start of the map feom Belzebab arena' pov). This happened only once and in 1.31. It was weird because I did use stun before and after and it worked as intended...
I see. Well I haven't been able to replicate the issue, so I'm not entirely sure how to fix it.

Any news on the map status?
Level 19
Jan 22, 2011
For a full review watch the first one.
The final boss was good, and I liked the fight.
Despite a very weird bug that I was not able to replicate and me not liking the way you fixed the ray bug (but I understand why you did it this way) I can't see any reason to keep this awaiting update, the bugs are very small and self contained and don't break the experience.

Set to Approved

Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A credits list is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated.

A changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

If you want more reviews, come here:
The Grand Review Exchange!
Can be too hard and too easy. There're still some problem but is great enough for a minimap
Here I have some tips for first time players.
  • Other
-Gather creeps near revive point may save some time.
-Right click "smart" may not attack the target, so use hotkey "A" instead.
-Hotkey "Ctrl+C" unlocks camera and reseted when revived.
-Get some mana before
  • Item/Ability
-Don't move or drop items in battle, it causes hero to move randomly.
-Gem sometimes can't be placed, or placed but nothing happened.

-Don't use any ability to drop the gem. Hero can be attracted by shade and walk away.
-Q ability need to cast just face to the target to deal max dmg, but useless during boss fighting because it pauses the hero.
-W ability is great, especially after charge.
-Don't cast E ability, it's buggy.
-D charge's actual area is smaller than you think.
  • Mammon
-Without abilities and items make him harder than the next two bosses.
-Bloodlust flurry has a long cooldown, and his attack dmg is lower than hero.
-Shade drops soul, but unit and doodad have collision size and likely to block you, so ignore them at first until they gathered too many.

-Keeping a short distance so he won't cast meak hook.
-When he was about to cast bloodlust flurry, walk away. Then back behind and attack him or clear shades. Melee attack is way more useful than Q ability in this fight.
-Attack at hero's max range, don't get to close or else hero can't run away from bloodlust flurry.

  • Witch and Beelzebub
-Follow "Information for noobs"
-Attack wards and witch behind them. Samuel's charge is strange, he'll stun them first.
-When witch blinks away, just simply walk behind her.
-Could be the easest.

  • Abaddon
-Hero always just charges through Abaddon or simply stop but cause no stun. D**n! I have no idea how to deal with this.
-Carry angel set item to keep survive, demonic set is weak against him. Gems are important to restore.
-Main dmg is caused by R ability. Melee attack is not useful in this battle.
-You may drop items inside the battlefield if you want to chage items.

-When it's Spell 4 time, the 4 wards circle, clear wards with R ability at once. Before this, D charge to get mana and Q to kill some creeps, then walk circly. Restore as much health and mana as you can.
Also, death of some wards make other wards circles faster, don't take long when started to clean the wards.

And what's critical rate and dmg, what parts deal "25% more dmg", melee or all kind? Though I have all demoic set.
Moving sword provides 2 food.
Abaddon cenima time is too long.
Shades look good in camera.

I play on 1.30 single player.
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Level 3
Aug 19, 2015
Before the 2nd boss there is a gate which has 2 circles, on the left is the red one solved by Gem. What should I put on the right one (green)?
Before the 2nd boss there is a gate which has 2 circles, on the left is the red one solved by Gem. What should I put on the right one (green)?
If you continue playing you will eventually get to second boss, which drops the yellow gem. The yellow gem goes in the yellow circle.
Level 3
Aug 19, 2015
If you continue playing you will eventually get to second boss, which drops the yellow gem. The yellow gem goes in the yellow circle.
Ah, I found out. There is a three-way crossroad at the spawn point I didnt notice. The gate I'm talking about lead to 3rd boss.
Sorry for the double post, but I load the game and this happen. Location is the gate lead to 3rd boss.
Hmm, you should avoid using Blizzard's save/load function as it breaks some stuff in the map.

Also your screenshot contains some personal information, you should probably delete that.
Level 1
May 23, 2021
I really enjoyed playing this map. Will there be next map for the lore? At the end of game, i suppose there was an open door for it.