Zombie Sharks

Behold! the Zombie Sharks! fear the viral seas of ''the swimming dead''. truly the land-locked mur'locs see the horror of their apocalypse this day!

Story in case you care: A while back I uploaded a model which contained 2 textures of sharks. for a while I wondered what the various variations of sharks could be, And I attempted to make something which was the zombie shark and the Twilight Stalker shark both combined.

I challenged people to make a zombie skin, but no body took it up, I tried to make a skin my self but it sucked.

so I contacted Kadzhamit, who ,had some absolutely beautiful skins, so I took the chance on a request and what do you know! he created this wonderful skin for my (and minimages) sharks. he created a texture which is actually 2 sharks that both have different flesh damage, allowing un-symmetrical sharks. the alternate animations swap the damage to the other side allowing you to have 2 different patterns or looks for your zombie sharks, the portraits also change, one has an eye one has an empty eye socket.

comes with the original 20 shark animations, which go as follows:

Stand 1
Walk Fast
Spell First
Spell Second
Spell Third
Stand 1
Walk Alt
Walk Fast Alt
Attack Alt
Death Alt
Decay Alt
Spell First Alt
Spell Second Alt
Spell Third Alt
Portrait Alt

give credits to Kadzhamit for the skin, MiniMage for mesh work

give credits to me in the form of a mur'loc in ur map named ''kellym0 god of the mur'locs''

unlike other projects which I do not care as long as im credited, please do not modify any of these resources without the permission of all 3 of us, please, until further notice.

Beast, Shark, Monster, Undead, Naval, Rotting, Zombie, Nightmare Fuel

Zombie Sharks (Model)

02:30, 9th Apr 2016 Fingolfin: Amazingly unsettling.
Level 12
Apr 9, 2013
Wouldn't it better and also ease up on the model size if you separated the two meshes them? From my knowledge it seems like the alternate mesh is "useless" as many people wouldn't want to have two different shark skins that are just the flipped side of the model.
It would be fitter to have two shark models, the second be inside the file uploaded like a "portrait" (like how Gate models work), so that the user can choose if he wants to have both or just one instead of having been handicapped to have both or nothing?

Either way the model is well made and truly creative, the teeth texture seems to fit this model better than your hydra. I also like the water effects, it's like the shark is decaying as it walks to the target. The nose is a bit "flat" but I guess that's your choice of design and afterall it's undead so who cares about it's disfigured nose.

NOTE:I haven't tested this and have no notion on how it works in game.
Wouldn't it better and also ease up on the model size if you separated the two meshes them? From my knowledge it seems like the alternate mesh is "useless" as many people wouldn't want to have two different shark skins that are just the flipped side of the model.
It would be fitter to have two shark models, the second be inside the file uploaded like a "portrait" (like how Gate models work), so that the user can choose if he wants to have both or just one instead of having been handicapped to have both or nothing?

Either way the model is well made and truly creative, the teeth texture seems to fit this model better than your hydra. The nose is a bit "flat" but I guess that's your choice of design and after all it's undead so who cares about it's poor nose.

NOTE:I haven't tested this and have no notion on how it works in game.

some people maybe, I felt the zombie sharks shouldn't be copy/paste and liked the idea of variants. the idea is to use its head attachment point to add different weapons (spears, arrows, shell blade swords ect) into the eye socket. the eye sockets location can vary from left to right, the portrait also changes a lot. the goal being some sharks have vision on their left and some have vision on their right, altering their attack paths and target vectors. I left the eye sockets un-weapon-ed because I wanted to do that stuff with attachment art, this way no shark would truly look alike.

the other reason is, well, for some reason, my other sharks skin is causing hard code wc3 errors so I abandoned it from this version of the shark, in favor of 2 undead ones, its one texture, one model, just has reversed texture sides. fun! two undead sharks which look different in 1 package! which is smaller then having 2 different undead shark models trust me minimage and I explored it, its why the original was ''combined''

some people may not need all that, they are free to delete what they want.

glad you like it any way SNIper of DARKness
Since it's already using a custom skin, you might as well add some detail to it, you could increase the quality a lot without increasing the file size. But I understand that you aren't experienced with drawing skins; neither am I. Hopefully somebody will help you with this.

As for the model, it's pretty neat, 3/5. But don't get me wrong; I really like it, but I have to judge it objectively.
thank you Arad MNK glad you like it
thank you also FireTiger,
thank you Shar Dundred , its truely the worst thing a mur'loc could ever see isn't it?
thank you Erindeir -- that whales scary
thank you Warseeker

and thank you TLI-Inferno, I realize its just some texture swap/slight uv wrap changing of our original work, but you have to admit, its not even the most original of ideas, its basically a cult item on the internet the ''zombie shark'' you get a thousand variations and artists impressions from the google image search, its nutty.

3/5 ain't that bad at all mate thank ya. glad you like it. the viewer makes it all derpy looking in game its so much smoother.