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Zombie Maps - Who's In?

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Level 2
Jan 30, 2009
Dont know if any of you played elimnation tournament but if you could import the different kind of controlled firing weapons into a SC2 zombie map type theme it would be the best game ever.

Sitting there and autocasting fire was always boring until i saw ET was soooo pro =)
Level 9
May 9, 2009
wow.... that was long.... still elimination tournament has its *OWN* private weapon system. the God Of Map Moderating And Copyright Master Of Doom Rule Number 666.7, "Though shall not jack another person's mapping system, but Copying is allowed"
Jim Raynor has pistol. he is no longer wimpy marine, he is nao wimpy civilian marine

manly people use pistols, such as every main character of every series, pretty much, except when the occasion calls for the big guns to come out!

Anyway, personally i'd like to see ua3 on sc2, there probably will be MASSES of them, but ua2 was a pretty good one on wc3, so i have faith.
Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
Jim Raynor has pistol. he is no longer wimpy marine, he is nao wimpy civilian marine

That's pretty sweet.

What would be even better, is to have a civilian-esque unit, with a plethora of animations, that can have different weapons attached to it (obviously no weapon by default).

I know I'm thinking ahead here, but when that happens, we'll have some good zombie/survival maps with switchable weapons.
Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
I plan on my zombie map being the #1 zombie map in SC2, been working on it alot behind the scenes, expect a new thread with alot of new info soon.
Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
bane... im in your team -_-...... btw wheres the new website?

if your confused, im jadegolem and this is my new account

I know you're on the team. but ive been doing alot of work behind the scenes alone, just working on new ideas and i rewrote the entire design of the game. A new website will be up during next month some time and expect a sexy new post in the map dev forum within a week.
Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
You know, if someone works on making a couple zombie models and a civilian with a pistol or something, we could see some very good-looking zombie survival maps.

You guys realize if people release stuff like this to the public we're going to have a shitload of horrible ass zombie maps, hence i am not releasing any models/icons/textures from my project lol.

Expect a post in the Map Dev forum over the next few days, been working my butt off on a spectacular looking thread thatll be posted soon.
Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
You guys realize if people release stuff like this to the public we're going to have a shitload of horrible ass zombie maps, hence i am not releasing any models/icons/textures from my project lol.

Expect a post in the Map Dev forum over the next few days, been working my butt off on a spectacular looking thread thatll be posted soon.

You know, we're going to have a bunch of horrible ass maps anyway, so I see no harm in releasing models. It's all for fun anyway.
Level 9
Sep 6, 2008
Our new thread is posted! Please check it out guys, click on my signature for the link.
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