
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007

The Zealot is a fanatical orator, intent on spreading the glory of the Undead throughout the land and serving the will of Zorba the Cursed. Draped with ritual vestments and tools of sacrifice, the Zealot can imbue his spells with the primordial power of unholy energy. These spells become potent magical conduits through which he can mend wounds, enhance his allies, and plague his enemies with unholy scourges.

The Ruinous Powers have many gifts to offer their followers and enemies alike - some of them quite terrible, but some of them powerful indeed. Zealots are among the most devout of the followers of the gods of Death, and as such it is they who are called upon to convey the will of the powers to their minions. It is Zealots who mark the followers of their patron deity, and who are charged with spreading their faith to the vulnerable and needy masses. They are not the subtle cultist, but the zealous preachers, and they offer open obedience to their dark masters.


Credits: AnemicRoyalty for the model.

Unholy Power
Zealots use Unholy Power. Their witchcraft makes them able to generate Unholy Power by sacrificing undead minions. This Unholy Power is needed to cast healing magic upon nearby undead allies. Unholy Power can only be generated by sacrificing your own undead minions meaning a healing Zealot should play offensive as well to summon minions. Because of this system a Zealot has to be aware that he is meant to play offensive and defensive at the same time.

Playing as a Zealot:
As a Zealot, your task is a complex one. You must prepare your allies for battle, and see that their buffs are set or re-set according to their shifting needs. You must also think offensively, for it is through your use of draining curses which you are able to both effectively support and magnify the power of your allies, and crush the strength of your enemy. As a spell caster, you must be cautious, but because of your interlinked abilities, you must not be too conservative. If you hold back too much, or try to focus on only one aspect of your powers, all your abilities will be less effective than they could be.

Playing against a Zealot:
The best way to deal with a zealot is by disrupting the complex network of interconnected effects and abilities which can make him so powerful. There are several ways to do this, the most obvious way might be to focus on defeating the summoned minions. However doing so might give the Zealot too much opportunity to bring you down. Alternatively, you might wish to attack the Zealot as a priority, but he is hardly the soft target that he might appear to be. You must weigh this option against the possibility that his allies will gain a critical edge while you attempt to eliminate the Zealot himself.

<Comming Soon>


Death Shock

Cooldown: 5.00 seconds
Cast: Instant (autocast)
Range: 700 Range
Cost: 25 Energy
Description: Reduces the target's armor by 15% for 4 seconds and summons a Bone Minion for 12 seconds. Bone Minions always try to attack targets afflicted by Death Shock before attacking anything else. Bone Minions have health equal to Int*2.2 and deal Int*0.6 damage per hit with an attackspeed of 2.0.
Veil of Souls

Cooldown: 1.00 second
Cast: Instant (autocast)
Range: 800 Range
Cost: 10 Energy and 5 Unholy Power
Description: Heals the target for Int*0.6 health. Targets healed by Veil of Souls will gain a stacking buff that heals them for Int*2.0 whenever it reaches 5 stacks and marks those players 'Undead' for 30 seconds after that.
Fear Well

Cooldown: 60.00 seconds
Cast: 0.50 seconds
Range: 300 Range
Cost: 45 Energy and 20 Unholy Power
Description: Summons a Fear Well beneath the caster for 30 seconds with 5 charges. Every time an allied unit hits the Fear Well he will become marked 'Undead' for 30 seconds while also draining Int*1.6 health from nearby enemies; healing the unit that hit the Well for that amount. Every time an enemy unit hits the Fear Well nothing will happen.
Soul Grip

Cooldown: 25.00 seconds
Cast: Instant
Range: 700 Range
Cost: 35 Energy
Description: The Zealot places a debuff on the target. Every time the target casts a spell it will take Int*2.0 shadow damage and get stunned for 1.5 seconds. Lasts 5 seconds. (1 Charge)
The abilities above are just a part of the hero's abilities and might change as well.
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Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
I see you evolved the idea of a battle healer you mentioned and I can say you did it pretty nice ^^
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Excuse me aren't zealots fanatical warriors of a religion, not undeads? :p


A best description of a zealot would be a battle priest :p

As far as I know it means something like fanatic. And they are sort of battlepriests, but for the evil side. Unholy magic is what they use alot and they use their scythe in melee combat:D
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Well make sure you make a good background story about that class(something like battle priests of a cult....)

Nice project you got here =)

If your triggerers or you need help with something code related feel free to ask and i will see if i can help :)

I am actualy looking forward on seeing this going beta and then released.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Zealots are described as fanatics. But who is to say that the Zealot mentioned in this thread is not a fanatical soldier of the undead who is determined to end all life in Oakwood? The names run deeper than the common affiliations. Zealots don't always have to be outrageous crusaders of the light who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Try to think outside the box like Teuncreemers has for most of his heroes.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Well make sure you make a good background story about that class(something like battle priests of a cult....)

Nice project you got here =)

If your triggerers or you need help with something code related feel free to ask and i will see if i can help :)

I am actualy looking forward on seeing this going beta and then released.

Thanks for the offer but RaiN is our coder and he's doing an excellent job atm! While OrcScythe is helping me with english grammar/quest descriptions we got a quite nice team so far. Only thing we need is a modeler for minor model changes to doodads.

And we got a nice background story ready, just cba to post that yet because it takes so much time i'd prefer to spend that time on posting it in quests in the map itself:)
Level 11
May 26, 2009
An additional idea would be to be able to take debuffs on themselves. Either letting them have full or reduced effect somehow.

Would be rather epic to help a friend with low hp which has a dot debuff on him and just take it upon myself; savior of the day. Or take the silence debuff from a spell heavy team member.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
An additional idea would be to be able to take debuffs on themselves. Either letting them have full or reduced effect somehow.

Would be rather epic to help a friend with low hp which has a dot debuff on him and just take it upon myself; savior of the day. Or take the silence debuff from a spell heavy team member.

Nice idea indeed! But maybe better for a tank class.
But I'll remember it!
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Slightly changed the Zealot. It will now focus on debuffs and minions.
Sacrificing minions will give them the required Unholy Power to cast healing spells.