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Worth getting back into?

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Level 3
Dec 9, 2014
I've been out of the world builders game for a little while I just got a new web developer job and I started working with my own small 2D game but I recently started playing again for the DnD and RP maps my long lost loves, and I got the spark to start building again my old account released a few maps that weren't great but I was getting better and now I can look at the editor and understand it.

So my question is, would it be worth going back and creating some new large maps for the Warcraft 3 community? Or do you think not? It's been a while and war3 is still kicking so it's really what got me interested again.
Level 3
Dec 9, 2014
I mean mainly just another activity to put time into. It's not so much that as It is making a map that I'm really proud just to have Warcraft 3's community fall apart so to speak. I love an active community and seeing all the people still having a good time on here gives me hope so to speak haha
Level 3
May 3, 2011
Well. As a still active player, with some friends occasionally joining me - I'd say yes! :p
(even if it's for a selfish reason xD)

I still love trying out new maps with some friends etc. Even though, the difference between now and a couple of years back is pretty noticable (obviously :(). But there's still plenty of people to try out your maps tbh
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Skelguardian here is right. Someone will look into your map if you upload it here. If you make an effort to make it popular, (Battle.net tips: Use makemehost.com to host on your own, tell about your maps in other forums like diplomunion.com) I think it's well worth it. Even if it doesn't get much attention, it's great to share with a community like this.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Maybe DSG has an answer for something like this :p

Ahem I believe that DSG response would be:
"Why would you go back to the inferior Wc3 engine to make maps when you have perfectly functional Sc2 which is superior in every way."

And then someone would jump and say Sc2 editor is hard to which DSG will state the obvious "No it isn't" and would point out that just object editor alone can do for what Wc3 needed imperfect triggers.


As for me I still like wc3 community and duo to my wooden PC I won't be any time soon move on to stronger games.
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